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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
thankfully the die hard trumpers seem to be seriously bad at planning...and having actual evidence...
i bet the whole hunter's laptop thing will net some tax fraud charges and that's about it...but it will drag out for two years and cost twice as much as mueller...
meanwhile,back on topic,he's losing court cases left and right...i wonder who will flip on him first? or which "lawyer" of his will quit first?...

comfy markoth

Well-known member
A fitting ending to MAGA would be if a group of his followers hunted him down and, well.... whatever they see fit i guess....

Just living a miserable existence in legal trouble etc. would be good enough entertainment for me, but those MAGA folks, y' know.... maybe they prefer something different.


Well-known member
maybe they prefer something different.
images (7).jpg


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I enjoyed reading that..

As I posted "REPUBLICANS" always try to take everyone's SSI benefits. That's been going on for decades. I don't like either party but at least the dims don't try to take my SSI and always have increased it with a COLA%. I don't think anything more need be said. Whoever tries to help the public the most has my vote. That only changes when the worst douchebag assclown ever gets elected " TRUMPTURD" .. He is a clear and present danger to the USA..
Especially after his latest statement where he says that because Elon claims there is evidence that the Social Media giants threw the election in Biden's favor (evidence that just like all other stolen election evidence has only been claimed but never shown or proven) means that all laws and Articles, including the Constitution should be done away with so he can regain power. Now mind you all you MAGAts before you go agreeing with that, it means he is saying every Constitutional right you enjoy, including the right to keep and bear arms should be done away with too.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You can't draw SSI until you retire. Are you thinking of SSDI? which is for the disabled.. I was on SSDI until I was switched over at 65. SSI can't be accessed until retirement age. When I applied for SSDI I had to go to court to prove I was disabled. Fraud and the GOV go hand in hand lol. Remember the Paycheck Protection Program.. Lots of people cheated on that.
You probably shouldn't be calling what you get, SSI. I'm guessing you take that to mean Social Security Income but that's not what it means. What you are getting is Social Security Benefits or just Social Security. SSI is Supplemental Security Income or more commonly known as Welfare. It's a benefit that is administered by the Social Security Administration but the money does not come from Social Security it is basically a benefit for the disabled and elderly who have not paid enough into the system to qualify for regular Social Security or SSDI.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Speaking of Social Security -

Once I met a Kurdish guy who was a Computer geek in Iraq.

He helped the American CIA in Iraq, posing as Film-makers. This resulted in him being flown out of the country very quickly.

I was introduced to him by a woman who worked at the type of agency that sends European high-schoolers to live in American foster families for a year.

They were trying to introduce him to other geeks in the San Diego area.

He was definitely not disabled.

He applied under who knows what status for Social Security disability.

He was partially blind, so he wasn't able to drive a car, but very able to see a computer screen.

As a non-citizen, he was given Social Security disability within a month.

So basically the CIA used the Social Security administration to help re-settle a Kurdish guy that Saddam was going to kill because he helped the Americans to undermine Iraqi interests.

And the American people who paid into Social Security paid for Burhan's welfare assistance.

And I got suckered into the whole soap opera.

It was in 1996, so about 5 years after Gulf War Drive By #1.
That should be reported to and investigated by the Social Security Administration, SSI, SSDI and Social Security are only for eligible US Citizens and to be eligible for SSDI or Social Security you have to have worked as a US citizen and paid into the system for a long enough period to build up the necessary credits. SSI on the other hand only requires you to be a US Citizen and is essentially for the disabled and elderly who need help but did not work long enough to pay into the system so their benefits come from the general tax fund rather then the Social Security trust fund. Anyone who is not a US Citizen who draws any of those benefits is doing so illegally and most likely applied for it fraudulently. The only people who can qualify for SSI that aren't full fledged US citizens are children of US Military living overseas and they still have to meet the poverty, and disability requirements or the elderly requirement. Nobody can legally qualify for any of those benefits who aren't US citizens simply because they helped the CIA. The CIA might help them to commit the necessary fraud to qualify to get those benefits but it's still illegal.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah like I'm going to just take the reported claim that alleges the President of Nigeria says west supplied weapons to Ukraine are filtering into Africa. Assuming though that the claim is true that's still just further evidence that the US is in fact actually suppling Ukraine with weapons rather then just promising them weapons that won't be delivered for months or years. If they're not being shipped to Ukraine then they can't be diverted to filter into Africa.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm going to be interested in our resident Trump fans opinions on this one
do you agree with Donald? how would you end the constitution?
don't worry about giving anything away, we'll keep it an IC secret
Yeah I'm also interested in seeing their reaction, especially when they realize it means they would lose their 2nd Amendment rights if the Constitution was thrown out just so Trump could be President again. It'll be interesting to see which they are more willing to give up, having Trump as President or the right to keep and bear arms?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
thankfully the die hard trumpers seem to be seriously bad at planning...and having actual evidence...
i bet the whole hunter's laptop thing will net some tax fraud charges and that's about it...but it will drag out for two years and cost twice as much as mueller...
meanwhile,back on topic,he's losing court cases left and right...i wonder who will flip on him first? or which "lawyer" of his will quit first?...
It will amount to no charges what so ever due to chain of custody issues. There is no way of telling who has had "the laptop" or if it even belongs to Hunter. It was given to the FBI by Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani ffs.
What is this?! A meme for ants?
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I'm going to be interested in our resident Trump fans opinions on this one
do you agree with Donald? how would you end the constitution?
don't worry about giving anything away, we'll keep it an IC secret
They do not care one wit.

Trump could walk into their own home, shit on their carpet, fuck their grandma, and stab their dog. Every single one of them would be "Fuck yes! Libs owned!"

There is no depth to their psychoses. That's the extent of it.

Three Berries

Active member
Yeah like I'm going to just take the reported claim that alleges the President of Nigeria says west supplied weapons to Ukraine are filtering into Africa. Assuming though that the claim is true that's still just further evidence that the US is in fact actually suppling Ukraine with weapons rather then just promising them weapons that won't be delivered for months or years. If they're not being shipped to Ukraine then they can't be diverted to filter into Africa.
Why not? You swallow what ever the MSM pukes out.....
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