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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The terrifying thing : people like yourself sit in on juries

Holy shit, GI Joe
Ah I see, you have no counter argument so you resort to ridicule and you claim you're not part of the MAGA crowd yet your replies are straight from their playbook.

Oh and no, I've never sat in on a jury, it's about the only benefit of having a felony on your record.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And now any politician can have their tax returns examined. They won't find anything on Trump the IRS doesn't already know about. Just more witch hunting as they got nothing else..
Any politician could have had their tax returns examined since well before Trump took office, it's written into Federal Law.

"Under federal law, the Secretary of the Treasury shall, “Upon written request,” furnish the Committee on Ways and Means with “any [tax] return or [tax] return information.”

Also you act like it's something new, this is the end result of the original request made back in 2019 after Trump failed to turn over his tax returns like he claimed he would. Instead he engaged in setting up legal roadblocks that ultimately had no merit but successfully kept congress from getting his tax returns these past several years. If there was nothing new, nothing to find then why on earth go to all that trouble to hide things. Funny thing about human nature if you bend over backwards to hide things that are supposedly not incriminating it tends to make people think you are guilty of something. If there is nothing of worth to find in his taxes then this is another example of why Trump was a terrible President. Good, effective Presidents don't do things that invite people to engage in "Witch Hunts".
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
A lot of the military aid we give won't even be realized for a few years as the weapons have not even be produced yet. Just another case of government Welfare for the Warfare state.

All wars are banker wars.
Wrong, we've been supplying them the weapons we promised out of our own reserves. It may take a few years for it to be replace but it's no big deal since the weapons we've been giving Ukraine is far from what we would use right off the bat in the event someone was foolish enough to attack us.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You mean it’s not about fighting for freedom? Coming to the rescue of the persecuted?

When a president is elected whose first objective is not to raise the military budget….i might…well…never mind…it’s never happening. War is great for business. Business is booming.
First objective is not to raise the military budget? Well gee I wish someone had told that to Trump, his first 2 years in office he gave the military 1.5 Trillion combined, more then the military asked for.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not from my perspective.. Rarely does a homeless person know where their next meal comes from. Rarely does any get mental health care when needed.. Rarely does a vet get the benefits needed and ends up waiting months for treatments. Us old people can't afford the cost of medications we take daily.. Many resorts to cutting their meds in half to last longer and to reduce costs. SSI needs to get a big $$$ boost instead of Rep trying to take it away. The US gov needs to focus a hell of a lot more on its citizens.
Actually SSI is getting a pretty big boost, some say it will be the largest COLA (cost of living adjustment) ever this next year and what's even bigger news is that unlike years past the Medicare premiums will not only not be increased but will actually go down. Add to that some of the latest improvements to the cost of healthcare in recent legislation from the Biden administration such as capping out of pocket expenses for seniors for medicine at $2000 and lowering the cost of insulin to a capped maximum of $35 per script as opposed to it being more like $300 per script previously. Also allowing Medicare to negotiate prices for high-cost prescription drugs for the first time ever.

Of course Republicans have made it known that one of their top priorities will be to repeal the legislation providing those saving but fortunately those promises were made when they were certain they were going to take control of the Senate as well as the house.

Three Berries

Active member
Wrong, we've been supplying them the weapons we promised out of our own reserves. It may take a few years for it to be replace but it's no big deal since the weapons we've been giving Ukraine is far from what we would use right off the bat in the event someone was foolish enough to attack us.
Wrong. You better check things out a little closer. Arms being promised are a couple years in the future for delivery. And how much of the arms are actually arriving and being used? A lot get sold to other countries. Just another money laundering apparatus.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Actually SSI is getting a pretty big boost, some say it will be the largest COLA (cost of living adjustment) ever this next year and what's even bigger news is that unlike years past the Medicare premiums will not only not be increased but will actually go down. Add to that some of the latest improvements to the cost of healthcare in recent legislation from the Biden administration such as capping out of pocket expenses for seniors for medicine at $2000 and lowering the cost of insulin to a capped maximum of $35 per script as opposed to it being more like $300 per script previously. Also allowing Medicare to negotiate prices for high-cost prescription drugs for the first time ever.

Of course Republicans have made it known that one of their top priorities will be to repeal the legislation providing those saving but fortunately those promises were made when they were certain they were going to take control of the Senate as well as the house.

Its not. 2022 was the highest COLA at 9.1% .. 2023 is 8.7%.. These are not much help they only offset a fraction of the price increases.. SSI needs a 30% increase to have any real impact. Doesn't matter whos in the WH. its just political speak. Nothing ever gets done enough to make a difference.,
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Three Berries

Active member
Its not. 2022 was the highest COLA at 9.1% .. 2023 is 8.7%.. These are not much help they only offset a fraction of the price increases.. SSI needs a 30% increase to have any real impact. Doesn't matter whos in the WH. its just political speak. Nothing ever gets done enough to make a difference.,
If they keep increasing the payouts because of inflation then where does it stop? A silver quarter will still buy a gallon of gasoline today at silver spot price.


See the world through a puff of smoke


Well-known member
Not from my perspective.. Rarely does a homeless person know where their next meal comes from. Rarely does any get mental health care when needed.. Rarely does a vet get the benefits needed and ends up waiting months for treatments. Us old people can't afford the cost of medications we take daily.. Many resorts to cutting their meds in half to last longer and to reduce costs. SSI needs to get a big $$$ boost instead of Rep trying to take it away. The US gov needs to focus a hell of a lot more on its citizens.
not everyone shares your "perspective", believe me. i know a few homeless. several are homeless BY CHOICE, having an apparently miserable existence at home. my local govt has restricted food banks and churches from feeding the homeless daily, holding them to 2 days a week. local VA hospital stays busy. if "us old people" are coming up short on meds, maybe there are other things they can cut out, like wasting internet band width/time/electricity complaining? SSI just got its largest increase in quite a while. try to find a Democrat that has tried to cut vets benefits. then, try to find a REPUBLICAN who has NOT. "we have to get our fiscal house in order, no matter HOW many veterans, homeless, elderly, and poor we have to kill off in the attempt... how do you expect us to keep giving ourse...the rich the tax breaks they demand?"


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
not everyone shares your "perspective", believe me. i know a few homeless. several are homeless BY CHOICE, having an apparently miserable existence at home. my local govt has restricted food banks and churches from feeding the homeless daily, holding them to 2 days a week. local VA hospital stays busy. if "us old people" are coming up short on meds, maybe there are other things they can cut out, like wasting internet band width/time/electricity complaining? SSI just got its largest increase in quite a while. try to find a Democrat that has tried to cut vets benefits. then, try to find a REPUBLICAN who has NOT. "we have to get our fiscal house in order, no matter HOW many veterans, homeless, elderly, and poor we have to kill off in the attempt... how do you expect us to keep giving ourse...the rich the tax breaks they demand?"

I never said they/you did. It's why I posted "Not from my perspective" I'm elderly and living on SSI so my perspective has more merit than those that are not. Of course, our perspectives will be different due to where we live and our life experiences. Everything I post is my perspective/opinion. Cherry picking the worst of any situation is completely different than what most are experiencing where I live. Most did not become homeless by choice. If you think you should cut things you don't need that's your choice. The cost to live is expensive. Many elderly are living in poverty. All I know aren't living with things they could cut or reduce. Anyone using VA services says they're happy with it I call BS. I already posted what SSI is getting you must have missed it. 2021 was the highest COLA @ 9.1%.. 2023 is only 8.7%. That doesn't cover anything due to the price increases across the board, so it's moot. Having a different perspective/opinion is normal. It doesn't need to turn into a debate every time.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Wrong. You better check things out a little closer. Arms being promised are a couple years in the future for delivery. And how much of the arms are actually arriving and being used? A lot get sold to other countries. Just another money laundering apparatus.
Oh yeah sure, I guess Ukraine has been driving the Russians back with slingshots and shit. You need to check again, there was just a report the other day about how some of the top brass at the pentagon are getting concerned because the reserves we set aside for ourselves are running low. Thing is we're beyond fighting ground wars really. We learned one lesson real well from WWII, those that control the air win the wars. That's why the biggest military airpower in the world is the US Air Force, do you know who is number two.... the US Navy. We haven't been giving that stuff to Ukraine, just the stuff we don't really use anymore.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Its not. 2022 was the highest COLA at 9.1% .. 2023 is 8.7%.. These are not much help they only offset a fraction of the price increases.. SSI needs a 30% increase to have any real impact. Doesn't matter whos in the WH. its just political speak. Nothing ever gets done enough to make a difference.,
CNBC would disagree with you they claim last year it was just 5.9% which matches the increase I saw to my SSDI check.

I do agree it needs to be more though people surviving on just SSI or SSDI or even straight up Social Security have always struggled to make ends meet and that's not likely to change any time soon.

Three Berries

Active member
Oh yeah sure, I guess Ukraine has been driving the Russians back with slingshots and shit. You need to check again, there was just a report the other day about how some of the top brass at the pentagon are getting concerned because the reserves we set aside for ourselves are running low. Thing is we're beyond fighting ground wars really. We learned one lesson real well from WWII, those that control the air win the wars. That's why the biggest military airpower in the world is the US Air Force, do you know who is number two.... the US Navy. We haven't been giving that stuff to Ukraine, just the stuff we don't really use anymore.
How many billions? The US has sent way more than what their annual defense budget is. It's money laundering on a massive scale.
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