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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You probably shouldn't be calling what you get, SSI. I'm guessing you take that to mean Social Security Income but that's not what it means. What you are getting is Social Security Benefits or just Social Security. SSI is Supplemental Security Income or more commonly known as Welfare. It's a benefit that is administered by the Social Security Administration but the money does not come from Social Security it is basically a benefit for the disabled and elderly who have not paid enough into the system to qualify for regular Social Security or SSDI.

Tomatoes... tamatoes. It's called SSI or SS.. Most GOV assisted programs are listed as welfare. A welfare program provides basic benefits to low/no-income citizens. SSI/SS is an entitlement program IMO. I paid 55 years of my life into that account. Anyone on SSDI gets automatically switched to SSI/SS at age 65. FICA payroll taxes, fund the program from workers' wages. Welfare is a completely different program that provides financial or other aid to individuals or groups who cannot support themselves with food stamps or EBT/SNAP cards.

Both the same
Supplemental Security Income is a means-tested program that provides cash payments to disabled children, disabled adults, and individuals aged 65 or older who are citizens or nationals of the United States. The Social Security tax pays for the retirement, disability, and survivorship benefits that millions of Americans receive each year under the official name (OASDI) for Social Security.

Social Security benefits are payments made to qualified retired adults and people with disabilities, and to their spouses, children, and survivors. Social Security—officially the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program in the U.S.—is a comprehensive federal benefits program designed to provide partial replacement income for retired adults and their spouses, those whose spouse or qualifying ex-spouse has died, and people with disabilities. Under specified conditions, it also supports the children of beneficiaries
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Three Berries

Active member
ha I'm still waiting for them indictments.

BTW it's a good test of Q for what it's worth as they have stated back in the day that Trump was safe from Indictments.


Well-known member
and I'm still waiting for the plan
dammit Donald has laid out the grand strategy, get rid of the constitution
is it too much to ask how that's going down?
smells like supporter failure just like in January


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why not? You swallow what ever the MSM pukes out.....
Wrong as usual, you keep thinking that all I go by is whatever is on the news and I've told you countless times that's not the case but hey I get it, you have to rationalize things whatever way you can to justify the things you believe and how easily they are countered by anyone using even just a little bit of critical thinking.

I also find it laughable that you accuse anyone of just accepting whatever the MSM tells them when you consistently post stuff from Right Wing MSM sources and try to hold it up as proof.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Tomatoes... tamatoes. It's called SSI or SS.. Most GOV assisted programs are listed as welfare. A welfare program provides basic benefits to low/no-income citizens. SSI/SS is an entitlement program IMO. I paid 55 years of my life into that account. Anyone on SSDI gets automatically switched to SSI/SS at age 65. FICA payroll taxes, fund the program from workers' wages. Welfare is a completely different program that provides financial or other aid to individuals or groups who cannot support themselves with food stamps or EBT/SNAP cards.

Both the same
Supplemental Security Income is a means-tested program that provides cash payments to disabled children, disabled adults, and individuals aged 65 or older who are citizens or nationals of the United States. The Social Security tax pays for the retirement, disability, and survivorship benefits that millions of Americans receive each year under the official name (OASDI) for Social Security.

Social Security benefits are payments made to qualified retired adults and people with disabilities, and to their spouses, children, and survivors. Social Security—officially the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program in the U.S.—is a comprehensive federal benefits program designed to provide partial replacement income for retired adults and their spouses, those whose spouse or qualifying ex-spouse has died, and people with disabilities. Under specified conditions, it also supports the children of beneficiaries
They're actually two very different things though, they have similarities and it's administer by the same agency but that's pretty much where the similarity ends. SSI is for people who are citizens but unable to work due to disability and/or old age, that never paid into the system or who didn't pay in enough to qualify for Social Security it is fair to call it Welfare but it's not really an entitlement not in the way Social Security is anyhow. Social Security is fair to call an entitlement because to get it you had to paid a minimum amount to qualify and therefore you are entitled to the benefits you paid for once you reach the age to begin receiving those benefits which is pretty straightforward you paid in advance for something promised once you reach a certain age, so of course you are entitled to them or have a right to claim them.

Now I kind of agree with Armedoldhippy about the wealth who don't really need the extra money shouldn't be able to claim it, primarily because there is an arbitrary point where once your salary is high enough the payroll deduction remains the same rather then increasing along with your salary. If there were no upper cap on how much you had taken from your pay and it kept increasing as your salary increased then yeah it would be fair for them to feel just as entitled as everyone else.

I'm not sure why you keep wanting to split hairs on this we're pretty much in agreement on all aspects of Social Security and SSDI all I did was point out that SSI is a very different animal. Which I mainly did because too many people get confused enough as it is when talking about SSI vs SSDI vs Social Security such that I feel there is a need to be clear about the differences. For Social Security and SSDI the only way you are legally able to claim it is if you are a citizen and have worked enough to have enough money deducted from your salary to qualify. If you never worked or didn't work enough there is only one path to claiming Social Security which is if you go back to work long enough to pay in to qualify or in the case of self employed you keep doing whatever your self employment is and pay in the necessary amount to bring you up to qualifying levels.

SSI on the other hand doesn't require that pay in to qualify. You could be born and raised and lived in a different country all your life but once you come to the US and apply for and granted citizenship you become eligible for SSI even if you never worked a day in your entire life. Just so long as you meet the other requirements.


Well-known member
What did your Lord Q say about impeachment?
that it was an abomination before God to impeach a lying POS GOP grifter president, but quite okay to use it as a weapon against a Democrat POTUS that insists on fair elections and counting all votes instead of only those cast on election day by white people...


Well-known member
Again all who make it to retirement deserve every penny plus more
i agree. what do you think of single payer medical coverage like every other civilized country (and some that aren't) on the planet has? also, Universal Basic Income ? yea or nay? good points and drawbacks of some sort with each, but...might just start a separate thread on these lines. getting PDF afield from "the Chump in a jumpsuit"...:tiphat:


Well-known member
Could be Biden is just an actor in a movie.....

The PedoWood story is coming out on Twitter that has been denied for so long. Good luck keeping a lid on anything after that.


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
They don't realize that Q isn't making the rules and running the show.

It took me a while to believe it myself.

They buy it and they have no idea where it comes from.

It's kind of like the "I want to believe" poster in Mulder's office.
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