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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The article didn't say what he said.

Dude pay attention to what you post.. You just posted this LOL.

“It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance,” Patel said in a Breitbart interview on May 5.

Then you follow up with The article didn't say what he said. Its clear you don't even understand what you are posting ..If you don't know the difference between Breitbart and the DOJ I cant fix that
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Dude pay attention to what you post.. You just posted this LOL.

“It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance,” Patel said in a Breitbart interview on May 5.

Then you follow up with The article didn't say what he said. Its clear you don't even understand what you are posting ..
It didn't say what he said to DOJ Prosecutors (is what I said/meant to say). And, the article I was referring to is the WaPo article.

moose eater

Well-known member
"Within days of Trump and his lawyers learning the FBI had begun a criminal investigation this spring, Patel offered right-wing media outlets what amounted to a public explanation for why Trump would still have so many sensitive government secrets.
“It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance,” Patel said in a Breitbart interview on May 5.
“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves,” he said."
You're comparing his PR spin moment to being under oath with immunity.

That's not even apples versus oranges. It's more like baby carriages versus molten lava.

Other than they're both items containing carbon, they're not even on the same list of categories sharing concepts or ideas.

Oh, they both involved speaking... By a known tRump sycophant & PR whore.

moose eater

Well-known member
You still haven't figured out they live in inside out backwards land?

You can tell everything they are guilty of because they accuse everyone else months in advance.
Jimmy Swaggert preached almost every Sunday about the 'Sins of the flesh...", then he got popped in the flea-bag motel room in rural redneck God-Knows-Where, with the 40-something busty hooker, who looked like she got picked up at a bowling alley on league night, in backwoods Arkansas.

They have consistently been the Party of Projection.... for decades.

Listen to George Wallace's bullshit, if you want to hear up-side-down nonsense, come to life..

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You're comparing his PR spin moment to being under oath with immunity.

That's not even apples versus oranges. It's more like baby carriages versus molten lava.

Other than they're both items containing carbon, they're not even on the same list of categories sharing concepts or ideas.

Oh, they both involved speaking... By a known tRump sycophant & PR whore.
I wasn't comparing anything. I was simply highlighting what has already been said.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If the DNC is the party of pedofiles, why is it Republicans always getting busted being pedofiles?

Well I'm starting to think they're all like Trump and just can't help but to project. Whatever they accuse their enemy of you can almost count on it as also being an indictment of their own true nature.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Burden of proof is on DOJ. POTUS can declass at will. Procedures are not laws (particularly upon the president). The Deep State would like people to think that a POTUS can't declass at will, in part, because it shows that past administrations could have been transparent about things but, instead chose to keep the truth hidden from We the People. And when it all comes out, you will see what has been hidden and it is goiing to bring down the corrupt insurgency that has plagued our nation and world for so long.
I never said that a President can't declassify at will. What I am saying however is that until the protocol is followed and the paper trail created it's not official. I know that Trump is aware of this as well because on a post you made a while back showing previously classified documents regarding the whole Russian Gate thing towards Trump's campaign, the photos shown in the link you posted, clearly indicated that the files had been declassified by Trump and when it happened. You see when something is declassified it's not every detail that gets declassified. It's just whatever intelligence was revealed that is declassified. The methods and sources used to discover that intelligence is still considered top secret. When I was doing a bit of research for that post I came across a story (by the Washington Times I think) That talked about a number of times Trump wanted to tweet out photographs from Top Secret files but his in house council talked him out of it by pointing out he needed to let the sources of the files and pictures remove elements that would reveal their sources and methods so that those sources and methods would remain viable ways of gathering intel. Of course Trump being the impulsive person he is, he just decided to give up on tweeting the picture rather then waiting for it to be cleaned up. If things were the way you fantasize them to be Trump would have said something like "Screw that, I want to tweet this photo and since I have the power to declassify it right here on the spot, that's what I'm going to do because I'm the President and I have that authority."
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
This is incredibly and profoundly incorrect and illogical and shows a poor understanding of how things work in the US. The 5th is not supposed to be viewed as an admition of guilt and a person is innocent until proven guilty and convicted of a crime. The burden of proof that a crime was committed by a person falls on the government. Perhaps you are confused because of the six-year persecution of Donald Trump, in which prosecutors try to get him by searching out any potential wrongdoing. It is not legal or constitutional to target somebody for political prosecution or any prosecution. A crime must be committed (observed or reported) and then, only after, an investigation may take place.
It is you who have a profoundly incorrect understanding. The whole purpose of the 5th is to avoid incriminating yourself, if you've committed no crime that it would be impossible to incriminate yourself. You are correct only in that in a criminal case just pleading the 5th can't be the only evidence of guilt. In a civil court case it's different however and pleading the 5th can be taken as an admission of guilt and therefore held against you. Perhaps rather then just accepting what people on the sites you frequent, tell you is the truth, maybe you should try researching it yourself. I can tell you for a fact you will not find any valid legal reference that says the 5th can be used to hide something you know of someone else's guilt. Nor should anyone ever need to use the 5th in that way since if they're not guilty, they can just say they don't know the answer. Or just answer in the negative. The reason people choose the 5th over saying they don't know or answering in the negative is because there is the chance the prosecution might have or uncover evidence they did know and if the answered in anything other then the 5th they would be guilty of perjury. To which the judge could and likely would hold them accountable on the spot.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol @mcnoodle thinks he knows more about the laws or how things work in the USA better then the DOJ does. You can't make this shit up. Maybe you should contact Turd for brains you would fit right in with those derps.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I never said that a President can't declassify at will. What I am saying however is that until the protocol is followed and the paper trail created it's not official. I know that Trump is aware of this as well because on a post you made a while back showing previously classified documents regarding the whole Russian Gate thing towards Trump's campaign, the photos shown in the link you posted, clearly indicated that the files had been declassified by Trump and when it happened. You see when something is declassified it's not every detail that gets declassified. It's just whatever intelligence was revealed that is declassified. The methods and sources used to discover that intelligence is still considered top secret. When I was doing a bit of research for that post I came across a story (by the Washington Times I think) That talked about a number of times Trump wanted to tweet out photographs from Top Secret files but his in house council talked him out of it by pointing out he needed to let the sources of the files and pictures remove elements that would reveal their sources and methods so that those sources and methods would remain viable ways of gathering intel. Of course Trump being the impulsive person he is, he just decided to give up on tweeting the picture rather then waiting for it to be cleaned up. If things were the way you fantasize them to be Trump would have said something like "Screw that, I want to tweet this photo and since I have the power to declassify it right here on the spot, that's what I'm going to do because I'm the President and I have that authority."
He can. He can even reveal sources and methods. But, there could be consequences. He would face having to justify his actions and potential penalties. So, many times it would not be a viable option. What you are talking about is an irrelevant beurocracy. The plan is surely, to bring this to the supreme court (timing is important). Trump is going to basically, lay to waist the federal government. Restoring constitutional law and order to this nation. Also, what will come of this will be that Trump followed the law and appropriate procedures under his authority, but previous administrations did not. Because they hid things which were classified for illegal reasons. Then they tried to hide declassified materials from the public (knowingly and intentionally) which would hurt them legally and politically.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It is you who have a profoundly incorrect understanding. The whole purpose of the 5th is to avoid incriminating yourself,...
... if you've committed no crime that it would be impossible to incriminate yourself.
Wrong. Why are you even waisting time arguing this. Obviously, a person who claims innocence can accidentally incriminate themselves and thus can rely on the 5th.
You are correct only in that in a criminal case just pleading the 5th can't be the only evidence of guilt.
Can't be used at all against them. That is it's pupose. Otherwise, there is no need for it because the obvious thing people will say is "they wouldn't answer, so they must be guilty!" lol. That's why they created The 5th Amendment.
In a civil court case it's different however and pleading the 5th can be taken as an admission of guilt and therefore held against you.
This is not a civil court case. And, so I am completely correct.

Perhaps rather then just accepting what people on the sites you frequent, tell you is the truth, maybe you should try researching it yourself. I can tell you for a fact you will not find any valid legal reference that says the 5th can be used to hide something you know of someone else's guilt. Nor should anyone ever need to use the 5th in that way since if they're not guilty, they can just say they don't know the answer.
(See above)
Or just answer in the negative. The reason people choose the 5th over saying they don't know or answering in the negative is because there is the chance the prosecution might have or uncover evidence they did know and if the answered in anything other then the 5th they would be guilty of perjury. To which the judge could and likely would hold them accountable on the spot.
Ding Ding
Congratulations! You've just undermined everything you've written above.
Are you one of those AI robots?
^ Serious Question.
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