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Leetdood's growing struggles


I did take these pictures from last run... but I'm not really proud of them as I was laid up and I can tell hp13 could've done so much better.

Still got an eighth or so left. Very tasty... I cannot say enough that the flavor, while umami and garlic and all that, is incredibly complex and multi dimensional. It's not like gmo at all in that sense. Gmo is more straight chem d garlic body odor funk. This is like, a French onion soup by a Michelin starred chef.





Pink kush (legacy cut? Sourced by Danny T) needs cleaning up, cloning, and sending snips down south to a good buddy who my scammer ex-friend took advantage of. Long story but gonna hook it up, he's a good friend. Gonna flower out after the above.


Crushers #1, it's a lady. Gave her a thorough cleaning and foliage/shoot removal. As I mentioned pests like crowded, lower, or less lit foliage. No need to make it easy for them. I like this plant but not high hopes for the line as I haven't heard of any positive feedback coming out of this f1. It's gushers x sour samurai where sour samurai is (headbanger x sour d ibl) x sour power og. Got a few ladies to clone, take good care of, and flower out. Sexed them all along with sour apple jaxx as I didn't want the dudes. Kept the dudes of stuff like stardawg bx etc. So only some batches are sexed fully.

Gonna keep an open mind and see if this was slept on though. Flushed this and the pink kush to around 3.0 ec as runoff was pretty high. Takes a lot of time and feed but it's worth it as I'm putting in the time now to make sure my plants are gonna be healthy for cloning and flower.



Cleaned up my El chapo og mother.

I used a bucket of feed so filled it up with water and mixed feed into the bucket of water I filled yesterday. Back at 3 buckets feed and 1 bucket water. I'm gonna need it. I've been using the same inputs over and over but verified ec and pH to make sure all was good.


Watered these mini moms/dads. In back is HiRo#2 and Aliendog #1. In front is a Kiyomi (mimosa x meringue kush) male and Dawgsbreath.




Some older pics from sept 8 of the kiyomi male I sent to DannyTerpentine. Current working plan is to try and pollinate limed orange with the kiyomi male at some point. The limed orange is pretty medicinal (we both have back problems, him much much more so) and I've enjoyed the lime twist on the orange so far. Kiyomi is a mimosa cross and supposed to be pretty frosty and hard hitting also. My beef with most orange strains is that I either don't enjoy the orange terp, it sets off my allergies, or the whole high is mids like that sack of Cali O I had like maybe a dozen years ago. So a medicinal hard hitting orange strain with a lime twist, that mimosa variety and hybridization quality, let's see how that goes. I always come up with random ideas, sometimes I follow through and sometimes I don't. The motorbreath 15 x (motorbreath x wedding crasher) male and test seed run was definitely one where I followed through.



A quick picture and in between update while I continue watering, upkeep, and cloning. Sour apple jaxx #1 and 3, both revegging short stout ladies, runoff ec really really high so I flushed both to 3.0 EC. Plan to veg out and clone and flower.




Another HiRo4 and Dragon Hammer. HiRo4 had good runoff, dragon hammer had to be flushed to 3.0. Both at 3.0 for now. Cleaned HiRo4 up, will do dragon hammer training and cleanup tomorrow.


Made 3 more buckets of feed while watering these dozen plants to runoff as I emptied the buckets and so forth, about a gallon each, and then almost finished off the 4th. I use my shop vac to vac up excess runoff, I learned my lesson with that.

Need cloning, upkeep, etc for most. But good news is I'm topped off on feed after I use the last of that bucket and make a 4th bucket of feed. Less than half a dozen plants to water probably. Gonna check the 40x40" in 10 minutes or so and water that. So I'm almost done for the day just a little bit of work left to eke out.



Pic of bubbas roots I took to show my mom. I guess she found it creepy, lol.


Gmo on left, sherb on right. Day 19 flower. Sherb needed flushed under 4.0, gmo was already at around 3.9.


Strawberry Gary, zepilot cut, day 19 flower. Like sherb she needed a good flush to go under 4.0.



Day 19 flower run from top and under, in the 40x40". I raised the led light.


Double burnout 3 that i just cloned. Flushed hard, went down faster than I thought, hit 3.0 ec. Gotta clean up for veg til flower starts. Beside it is one of my mb bx males and the onycd 3.0 in the 4 inch.


Highway Robbery #3! Excited to run her again after what I saw last run. Flushed to 4.0 ec for now. Needs cloning and cleaning up.



Topped up Apples & Bananas. Love this lady. Flushed to about 3.75 ec or so after topping up the medium. Removed some lower branches that won't be good for cloning or flower.

All that used a ton more feed so I made another 2 buckets so I've got 4 ready for tomorrow. Gonna call it a night with the plants, go take a decent walk or exercise and take a shower. Have a good one, guys.


Taking it a bit slow today, slept 15 hours.

Pringles finally *starting* to dry back. Last I checked the feed at the tub rose to almost 2.5 ec. Since bottom feed is almost like force feeding, I really want to keep a close eye on that. Gonna clean the tub out again when she fully dries back. It's not surprising she's drinking a bit slowly considering how hard I'm topping and training her. I had just topped 8 tops when I cleaned up and fed, not sure if i mentioned that. She's a modern cross of modern robust cultivars so I'm gonna try and keep training her to fill as big of a space I can, to really really push that root mass. It's why I chose bottom feeding, because hand watering this plant in flower would be nigh impossible, and reinforced the can so much. I posted pictures on Overgrow but it's basically a whole can of clear coat, thick cardboard wrap, masking tape, electrical tape, aluminum can wraps, wire rim and wrap (partly decorative, partly to prevent dents and deformation from flexing or incidental bumps/hits, especially the rim), and rust protecting car paint. With all that clear coat sealant between layers, it holds up pretty well. The nail polish seems to be holding up so far but we will see how it goes when I clean with the scrubby pad and if anything needs more of that to seal it properly in place.

I don't expect the can to last forever but I put a lot of work into it and want to see how far it can go.

Edit: also, space in can is filled up to the drainage holes with just perlite. To allow roots to really mass in the 1-2 inch area there. They have to stay in the can itself. They haven't started growing out of the holes yet, but at some point I will have to trim that or add something like landscaping fabric. The rules on the contest that I'm very very late on entering are very simple. No automating of watering etc (light timer is obviously fine, but no drip feeders or automated flood tray) and the roots have to stay in the can itself.



Gonna give an update on the 40x40" flower tent shortly. But here's a cool quick picture. These plants, hp13 in this case, spent so long in the 4 inch pots with proper lighting, feed, and runoff that you can see how well rooted even the surface got. I buried these plants pretty shallowly in the 1 gallon pots before flip because the GG (anti thrip soil predators) live pretty shallowly and I didn't want to wipe them out. So you can see the effect here, lol.

Picture doesn't make it clear but that corner edge at the bottom of the square is sticking a bit in the air. Day 20 flower i believe.



Day 20 wedding cake. Supposed to be the cut dookie holds. People say she's a beast but she always was more on the needy/slow side to me for a modern plant. She's slow to dry back and quick to lock out in my experience... I haven't flowered it yet out fully so I am kinda suspicious of the cut, especially who it came from (former friend)

Not really excited about it... just want to verify it if it's not fake and see what people like about it. Thought cake was more vigorous than this to be honest. So far I've been disappointed...



HP13 aka "P" unverified, day 20 flower. Included an ugly leaf picture, she's a big un though.

Took hp13 and wc out to water. After a good hard feeding hp13 was fine at 3.9 to 4.0 ec but wedding cake was at like, 4.2? As I mentioned she is quick to be needy and lock out so I flushed that to 4.0 for now. She's very slow to dry back so far so let's see what happens there.


As she was slow to dryback she also got cleaned up late. Here you can see how much I took off. The tent is very nice and tight and reflective for the 240W but LED penetration is not as strong as HID and the tent is pretty crowded. I expect good results but I am tired of trimming larf. So I will continue to remove whatever growth seems unnecessary and wasteful especially with how much work I already have on my plate. The energy should be focused on quality medicine long term not just rote flowering out of plants to keep up.

HiRo4 and the other GMO, not the one I just watered, almost ready for a good feeding. Trying to not over correct to either under watering or over watering, it's a fine balance depending on each plant and it's growth/container conditions. So I shall feed them tomorrow. That will make at least 7 of 10 plants watered in 3 days, so it seems to me like good steady progress. Drying back the plants too hard can be a waste of time and growth, but overwatering them also slows them down and delays root growth. Like i said its a fine line and I am still learning the best way / results per plant. Each plant really, and I cannot emphasize this enough, really likes to be fed differently. It can seem really similar with the end results but AnB, loompas, irene, bubba, tahoe for example are all kush or a kush dominant hybrid (AnB) but they all like to be fed *so* differently. Like if I had a quadrant for how often you water and the nutrient level, they would be all in different areas of that quadrant. Loompas likes to be fed often for example because it grows shallow roots, but is also really needy and gets mad so easily so it's best to keep her on a regular or diet feed and let her get a little rootbound. More frequent feeds, but not strong feed, unless in flower (it likes to go fast in flower, lol, like sonic.) AnB on the other hand loves humidity but in the way where she likes up potting and high frequent feed. She's a modern cultivar selected to grow in drip feed in rockwool most likely, high frequent feed with large explosive results. Less needy, more hungry and robust. Still need to run both again but thats what I've observed. Underdog is really an underdog, lol.


Obligatory day 20 flower pic. Gonna order pot risers on Monday and hopefully get a trellis going.


Tahoe OG I just cloned on right, needs cleaning up for flower. It's in decent shape though. Stardawg bx bonsai in back, Crushers 4 runt i just topped up on far left, that's a lady but a runt so I'm keeping it but not flowering it out this run, motorbreath bx in middle. I've got a few those in varying states of health and plan to keep them around and alive until I know it's a yea or nay on good progeny.

Watered em thoroughly. When I say I am re using hot media, I do mean hot!! You might be like, well what's that like?

First red bowl of runoff from Tahoe OG, 5.8 EC

2 bowls later, it was between 3 and 4 ec. It's slipped my mind. Good runoff though now. I've got another Tahoe, but it's in a 3 gallon and all huge and fucked up. I gotta contort, train, and prune it enough to somehow look like it won't hit the light in flower. My XXXL Magnum (original shape?) reflectors are zip tied to the top frame bars of the 8x4 and I've grown plenty of plants close, but they generally just don't like it and I'm aiming for an even canopy by taking the time to clean up and train all these plants. It might be over 50 plants in a 8x4 but as I'm recovering pretty well I am gonna try my best and stay top on this and make it my best run ever. Like I said, quality buds not rote flowering.


I forgot to mention I hope to take gmo to 13 weeks and wash it. I am likely putting the dawgsbreath f2 in the 40x40" after its just the two gmo in there and before they finish, but I don't want pollen to contaminate the hash either so I might shoot for day 80. HiRo4 from the same tent is gonna get washed too, it's just the first time I will ever flower anything that long. I've tried 11 to 12 before ish but it's a long haul and you definitely need to feed the plants properly.

I've only washed one time before but I plan to do 3 batches. 13 week gmo, 11 week ish highway robbery #4 (i95 x chimera 3 by trichome orchards), and Dragon Hammer by doc d, nobody's nurserys selection. For the last one I really found it really loud and with that sandy sticky texture of hashplants that wash. It has a nice body buzz but i felt like it's the sort of thing that I'd want to ice extract or dry sift to get the full power of those terp and afghan/Pakistan hashplant effects. If you haven't seen some dry sift these landrace dudes get up to, oh my God, check it out. It's like ridiculous manual labour and specialized knowledge but by God, they get the amazing results and successfully separate out the plant material and fiber without specialized products like full mesh bubble bags and ice.
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I made charas one time, from a plant I really really liked but didn't do great outdoors, and guys made fun of how it looked (😺💩) but oh my God, smoking pinheads would melt my face off.


I guess I can't delete accidental double posts. Here's a random picture of mystery skunk then, the fake chem 91 x sour samurai I made charas from, and lost. Got 2 packs left to run from titan, thank god he hooked it up.




I post that nug shot a lot, because it's one of my favorite all time pictures.
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