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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Active member
I think maybe Faux News' releases are delayed intentionally, to allow sufficient time to conjure limp-dick, hair-brain excuses that only an over-the-top a sci-fi fan or tRumpian Delusional Fan-Boy Club member might believe.
Very true. It took Fox News 24 hours after many news outlets had already reported Depape was a Qanon nutjob.


Active member

Would you like another 20 credible sources, or will it take a fucking YouTube vid with some talking head no one has ever heard of?

Oh, the jury selection-timed settlement with the protestors:

Again, lots more are available if needed.

Just curious.... What DOES it take to compromise or even put a small dent in a tRumpkin Pumpkin's verifiably delusional views?

There is more than one suit against Trump in new york....without citation
For reference there is no basis for a response
This ruling is in regards to James civil suit ...ok..do you think they were not monitoring his transaction before the ruling? It

moose eater

Well-known member
Very true. It took Fox News 24 hours after many news outlets had already reported Depape was a Qanon nutjob.
I was, admittedly, being somewhat serious.

Spin takes time. Especially if you're going to convince a legion of mental munchkins that your spin is true.

There's a reason for that delay. Seriously.

It also contributes to why, when -real- news is posted here, the tRumpkin Pumpkins immediately ask for verification. Their news sources are a tad ... slow.. in numerous ways. So what ever we read yesterday, is, for them, a "WHOAAAA!!" moment today. Like realizing the Sun sets in the West or something.. "WHOA!!!".

moose eater

Well-known member
There is more than one suit against Trump in new york....without citation
For reference there is no basis for a response
This ruling is in regards to James civil suit ...ok..do you think they were not monitoring his transaction before the ruling? It
Pretty sure the contexts were clear as crystal ... Except for those bending over backward to find reasons their hero has to still be Christ-like.

But for the keyboard-disabled among us...

The monitor was appointed at the request of the NY State AG, to head off any attmept by tRump to hide cash or continue filing bogus statements. That would be the NY AG who is pursuing him for fraudulent business practices in NY State.

The settlement with the protestors involved the 2015 protest at Trump Towers (so into freedom of speech tRump is) that had his goons physically assaulting protestors.

It's all in the plethora of articles available online at the moment; context and all.

But thanks for better defining your disability in this matter. A combination of partisan bullshit, and laziness, motivated by bias that couldn't seek a real objective answer if paid to do so, esp. when it involves Orange Man.

Fucking pitiful.

If you're going to parade your ignorance and bias, I'd do it among a smaller crowd. But that's just me...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
no doubt shit4brains has already been booted off every other site. even if that's not true how pitiful is it to spend time trolling like a dozen people on a pot growing site? very pitiful...even more so when you consider just how bad at trolling he/it is...
maybe we can get elon to send us some trollbots from twitter to liven things up and raise the troll iq up from negative numbers

moose eater

Well-known member
no doubt shit4brains has already been booted off every other site. even if that's not true how pitiful is it to spend time trolling like a dozen people on a pot growing site? very pitiful...even more so when you consider just how bad at trolling he/it is...
maybe we can get elon to send us some trollbots from twitter to liven things up and raise the troll iq up from negative numbers
New England trolls, and as such, engages others in what sometimes might've been genuine discourse, laughing at playing them as though he has no heart or conscience.. A touch of sociopathy, frankly, seriously and really.

These asshats seem to be real true believers, suffering the 'mad as hell and not going to take it anymore' syndrome, but like GW after 9/11, just not sure who to aim at.. so they find direction for their pre-existing prejudices in a self-serving sociopath with a weird spray-on tan.... glomming on to Orange Man as though he can save them from what ever boogiemen, real or imagined, they've feared so long in their impotence as persons.. Failing to realize tRump EMBODIES the very qualities of such a boogieman.

Thus far, there's every indication that these mental midgets are true believers... and right on par with the typical tRumpkin Pumpkins where it concerns anything heavily stitched to reality.

I'm off to pull batteries out of 4-wheelers in a snow storm. Maybe pull the batteries out of the camper van. I'm in a de-electrifying mood...

moose eater

Well-known member
and if you are caught lying, they hammer your ass with perjury charges. :spanky: judges get -ill- when you try to bullshit them...:tiphat:
Exactly. In many cases, it can be a form of check-mate.

Can't plead the 5th when immune, and if conflicting evidence exists that you're lying under oath (despite perjury cases rarely being prosecuted in most cases), this isn't one of those 'most cases. It's one of those moments when jail/a holding cell is the next stop, then a country club fed prison.

And if I've learned anything over the years, watching as we put away 9 corrupt legislators in Alaska in 2006, these white-collar limp-dick punks fear an abrupt change to their quality of life (champagne, martinis, cocaine, arts, women, calls to their brokers, concubines, etc) like no other.

Once looking at a cell door, they have no honor where turning on 'friends' is concerned.

Looking forward to that juncture... BIG TIME..


Active member
I was, admittedly, being somewhat serious.

Spin takes time. Especially if you're going to convince a legion of mental munchkins that your spin is true.

There's a reason for that delay. Seriously.

It also contributes to why, when -real- news is posted here, the tRumpkin Pumpkins immediately ask for verification. Their news sources are a tad ... slow.. in numerous ways. So what ever we read yesterday, is, for them, a "WHOAAAA!!" moment today. Like realizing the Sun sets in the West or something.. "WHOA!!!".

Fact checking especially with multi bullshit media stories must be verified
I would expect no less of anyone to fact check any post I make,
Thats why I include a citation with my post...as you say some people post shit from you tube or other questionable sources
I choose not to chase after where others info comes from

An offer of immunity in exchange for testimony has no bearing on ones fifth
Amendment rights
It is an offer nothing more ..the witness decides to accept or decline any such deal only if the witness accepts immunity
From prosecution does their 5th amendment rights become void and they must testify..again a simple offer does not meet the requirements to force testimony

This citation is from the United states constitution and the bill of rights
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provides that no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." If, by answering, the witness could provide evidence that might aid the government in prosecuting him, then he has the right to refuse

That will be $250...cash or charge


Active member
An offer of immunity in exchange for testimony has no bearing on ones fifth
Amendment rights
It is an offer nothing more ..the witness decides to accept or decline any such deal only if the witness accepts immunity
From prosecution does their 5th amendment rights become void and they must testify..again a simple offer does not meet the requirements to force testimony

That will be $250...cash or charge
Late To The Party and absolutely clueless. I'll help you out champ. You seem to struggle with basic law. Your pocket constitution is failing you.

Kastigar v. United States - 406 U.S. 441, 92 S. Ct. 1653 (1972)​


The explicit proscription in 18 U.S.C.S. § 6002 of the use in any criminal case of testimony or other information compelled under an order to compel testimony (or any information directly or indirectly derived from such testimony or other information) is consonant with Fifth Amendment standards. Such immunity from use and derivative use is coextensive with the scope of the privilege against self-incrimination, and therefore is sufficient to compel testimony over a claim of the privilege.


The petitioners were subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury to answer its questions under a grant of immunity. The petitioners refused to answer questions, asserting their privilege against compulsory self-incrimination, despite a grant of immunity proffered by respondent United States. The district court held that the petitioners could be compelled to testify. The decision was affirmed on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The Supreme Court of the United States held that the respondent could compel testimony by the petitioners despite the fact that they had invoked their privilege against compulsory self-incrimination, by conferring on them immunity from use of compelled testimony. Immunity from use and derivative use was coextensive with the scope of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination, and therefore, despite the lack of a grant of transactional immunity, was sufficient to compel testimony over a claim of the privilege.


Active member
Late To The Party and absolutely clueless. I'll help you out champ. You seem to struggle with basic law. Your pocket constitution is failing you.

Kastigar v. United States - 406 U.S. 441, 92 S. Ct. 1653 (1972)​


The explicit proscription in 18 U.S.C.S. § 6002 of the use in any criminal case of testimony or other information compelled under an order to compel testimony (or any information directly or indirectly derived from such testimony or other information) is consonant with Fifth Amendment standards. Such immunity from use and derivative use is coextensive with the scope of the privilege against self-incrimination, and therefore is sufficient to compel testimony over a claim of the privilege.


The petitioners were subpoenaed to appear before a federal grand jury to answer its questions under a grant of immunity. The petitioners refused to answer questions, asserting their privilege against compulsory self-incrimination, despite a grant of immunity proffered by respondent United States. The district court held that the petitioners could be compelled to testify. The decision was affirmed on appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The Supreme Court of the United States held that the respondent could compel testimony by the petitioners despite the fact that they had invoked their privilege against compulsory self-incrimination, by conferring on them immunity from use of compelled testimony. Immunity from use and derivative use was coextensive with the scope of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination, and therefore, despite the lack of a grant of transactional immunity, was sufficient to compel testimony over a claim of the privilege.

Read your first paragraph under facts heading....under a grant of immunity
They made a deal for immunity in exchange for their testimony ....it was granted.....that means they relinquish their 5th amend rights and had to tesify

If you cant understand those words
You should go sit in a corner
Cuz now your just boo boo the fool


Active member
Read your first paragraph under facts heading....under a grant of immunity
They made a deal for immunity in exchange for their testimony ....it was granted.....that means they relinquish their 5th amend rights and had to tesify

If you cant understand those words
You should go sit in a corner
Cuz now your just boo boo the fool
I'll explain it very simply for you.

When given immunity you relinquish your fifth amendment rights.

I figured you wouldn't be able to make it past the first paragraph.

Read the whole thing. Then read again and again. Might sink in.


Active member


". . . whether testimony may be compelled by granting immunity from the use of compelled testimony and evidence derived therefrom ('use and derivative use' immunity), or whether it is necessary to grant immunity from prosecution for offenses to which compelled testimony relates ('transactional' immunity')" (443).


Affirmed. The lower courts' decisions were correct: the proper form of immunity in such cases is "use and derivative use" immunity.


  • "The statute's explicit proscription of the use in any criminal case of 'testimony or other information compelled under the order (or any information directly or indirectly derived from such testimony or other information)' is consonant with Fifth Amendment standards. We hold that such immunity from use and derivative use is coextensive with the scope of the privilege against self-incrimination, and therefore is sufficient to compel testimony over a claim of the privilege" (453).

moose eater

Well-known member
Fact checking especially with multi bullshit media stories must be verified
I would expect no less of anyone to fact check any post I make,
Thats why I include a citation with my post...as you say some people post shit from you tube or other questionable sources
I choose not to chase after where others info comes from

An offer of immunity in exchange for testimony has no bearing on ones fifth
Amendment rights
It is an offer nothing more ..the witness decides to accept or decline any such deal only if the witness accepts immunity
From prosecution does their 5th amendment rights become void and they must testify..again a simple offer does not meet the requirements to force testimony

This citation is from the United states constitution and the bill of rights
Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provides that no person "shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." If, by answering, the witness could provide evidence that might aid the government in prosecuting him, then he has the right to refuse

That will be $250...cash or charge
Once the court grant's a prosecution's request for a witness to be immune, it's game over.

Thanks for playing, you disingenuous asshat.


Active member
Once the court grant's a prosecution's request for a witness to be immune, it's game over.

Thanks for playing, you disingenuous asshat.
You are a stumbling fool...and would have your sphincter blown out in court
Read the fifth amendment never ever compelled to bear witness against yourself
Think...what are they going to do to kash Patel if he doesn't accept immunity and keeps invoking his 5th amendment rights?

moose eater

Well-known member
You are a stumbling fool...and would have your sphincter blown out in court
Read the fifth amendment never ever compelled to bear witness against yourself
Think...what are they going to do to kash Patel if he doesn't accept immunity and keeps invoking his 5th amendment rights?
If you're immune, there's no risk in bearing witness. You're not technically testifying against yourself.

You folks really could use a better dictionary. (And maybe a copy of Black's Law Dictionary, and access to Westlaw).

Case precedent is a bit more clear than your clinging to a generalized statement in the Constitution, and the precedents seem to state that you're ... wrong.
Spent plenty of time reading and following cases, btw, hanging with a few attorneys, and doing my own defense work as a youngster. as well as interacting with Hempy's uber-mysterious JAG when I worked as a contract civilian with Uncle Sam.

So yeah, I'll take the numerous precedents over your generic and somewhat hollow contentions.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
These are the people that got Evangelicals to elect turd man.

Jerry Falwell Jr. and Wife. The Christian power couple that got taken down by the pool boy :D. These scumbags are the #1 reason evangelicals backed such a horrid person for POTUS and helped get him elected.. Farwell Jr was the President of an all catholic school. After he got outed he had to resign from the college who in turn sued him for millions lol. Don't forget how much of a racist father he had.

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