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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
You mean invested financially, or invested in terms of Spoken Pronouncements ?

Trump only mentioned hydroxychloroquine once or twice. I watched almost all of Trump's Covid19 press conferences, and he never said a word about Ivermectin.

You sure about that?

You watched almost all of them, huh?

Here's just a small sample

All The Times Trump Has Promoted Hydroxychloroquine​


March 19--Trump announced that the FDA would fast-track approval of unproven coronavirus treatments, including hydroxychloroquine, which he said has “been around for a long time so we know if things don't go as planned it's not going to kill anybody.”

March 20--Despite NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci saying “the answer is no” when asked if the drug is an effective coronavirus treatment, Trump said “we ought to give it a try,” adding, “I feel good about it. That’s all it is, just a feeling, you know.”

March 21--Citing a paper that was later ripped apart by experts, Trump tweeted “HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine,” and said that the drugs should be “put in use IMMEDIATELY. PEOPLE ARE DYING, MOVE FAST, and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!”

March 29--At Trump’s urging, the FDA approved emergency use of hydroxychloroquine despite little evidence that it was effective in treating coronavirus.

March 30--Pointing to a trial of hydroxychloroquine on patients in New York, which ended up finding the drug to be useless in treating the virus, Trump said the country would have a “good idea” if the drug was effective in “the next three days.”

April 3--"Hydroxychloroquine, I don't know," Trump said. "It's looking like it's having some good results. I hope. That would be a phenomenal thing."

April 5--Trump said, “I’m not acting as a doctor, but there are some good signs,” and declared “We don’t have time to take a couple years and test it out, we have people dying today as we speak,” asserting “it doesn’t kill people.”

April 7--Reporting revealed that Trump had small and distant financial links to Sanofi, a company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine, and that dark money groups were pushing Trump to back the drug.

April 14--While meeting with recovered coronavirus patients, some of whom had taken hydroxychloroquine, Trump praised the drug as “an unbelievable malaria pill. Unbelievable lupus pill,” and asserted if a different president was promoting the drug, “people would say, 'Gee, isn’t that smart?'"

May 5--Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Director Rick Bright alleged he was demoted due to his resistance to Trump’s promotion of the unproven drug.

May 18--After a period of silence following studies showing the drug is ineffective and an FDA warning against wide use of the drug, Trump announced he had been taking hydroxychloroquine for “about a week and a half” with “zero symptoms,” reiterating “what do you have to lose?” and slamming an VA report that said the drug is ineffective as “very unscientific.”

May 19--Trump defended his promotion of the drug, saying he “worked with doctors,” referring to the VA study as a “Trump enemy statement” and a “false study” and incorrectly denying the existence of an FDA warning against use of the drug to treat coronavirus.

May 20--Trump said he would be finishing his hydroxychloroquine regimen in “a day or two."


Well-known member
By and large, more Republicans died from Covid than Democrats. And by a large margin. What's Trump's endgame in killing off all of his marks supporters?

As for Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin, where's the profit in touting two drugs that have been around long after the patent had expired and were generic? That's what I can't wrap my brain around. Where's the grift? What they've got going now is much more profitable - get the governemnt to pay a ridiculous amount of money to fund the vaccine. Then after an initial "gift" (First dose is always free!), charging over $1,000 per dose for something that now costs $3 to produce thanks solely to the very generous initial donation from We The People.

From my post above
April 7--Reporting revealed that Trump had small and distant financial links to Sanofi, a company that manufactures hydroxychloroquine, and that dark money groups were pushing Trump to back the drug.

Dark money.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Although I've been guilty of it myself, why are otherwise intelligent people engaging with a mentally ill troll, and his made up (and movable feast) Q fantasies?
I'd almost prefer Jericos "look at me" plant, hair, and nipple posts.

Because he says some seriously entertaining stuff.

Trump's covfefe fuckup is now proof that he's the second coming of Christ....??!!

Come on, you can't beat that with mushrooms and X Files.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Trump was def pushing Hydroxychloroquin for Covid-19 to his advantage. He has Stock in that company. Trump doesn't do anything that doesn't benefit himself however small that might be.
Again, it's a generic drug. There was zero money to be made. Literally any pharmacutical company can produce it for pennies a dose.

I have to believe it's because it what his followers were pushing. And they got it from some whackadoodle on some obscure website and took it as gospel. A case of "They seem to like this thing. So I'm going to talk about it and promote it and they'll love me even more for it." And it just took on a life of it's own after that.


Well-known member
Although I've been guilty of it myself, why are otherwise intelligent people engaging with a mentally ill troll, and his made up (and movable feast) Q fantasies?
I'd almost prefer Jericos "look at me" plant, hair, and nipple posts.

Because he says some seriously entertaining stuff.

Trump's covfefe fuckup is now proof that he's the second coming of Christ....??!!

Come on, you can't beat that with mushrooms and X Files.

I'm doing research.

We can't let @Hempy McNoodle go by himself. We all are gotta go.


Jericho Mile

LMAO from the dude posting pics of himself trying to get a reaction.

Maybe a few more titty scissor pics?

You spend more time posing for your photos then the people on here posting political stuff. Yet you mock them for anything over 2 paragraphs.
I post the titty pictures for you, Love. That’s all you ever seem to remember. I give you what you need. I know you don’t fuck….but you still attempt jerk offs.

I’ll mock you clowns for being the wanks that you are. I find you embarrassing in the world order. If you read back…you’ll actually see that…I’ve detailed this already. Serve a better cause. Stop embarrassing my homelands.



Ok then….harvest is in on time. Fuck off and wank on….and don’t forget to vote!!!!! I’ll drop back in next time I have a garden….and you can jerk me some more


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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Again, it's a generic drug. There was zero money to be made. Literally any pharmacutical company can produce it for pennies a dose.

I have to believe it's because it what his followers were pushing. And they got it from some whackadoodle on some obscure website and took it as gospel. A case of "They seem to like this thing. So I'm going to talk about it and promote it and they'll love me even more for it." And it just took on a life of it's own after that.
Some real evidence of efficacy


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The funny thing is that HCQ is really just a 'driver.' Zinc is the real heavy lifter. HCQ is used to drive the zinc into cells. It is an 'entry vehicle.' So, the HCQ is not the cure, but the cure (zinc) cannot be used effectively without it.

That^ is Hempy's understanding.

St. Phatty

Active member
Some real evidence of efficacy

The only reason that HCQ is effective against some Viruses, including Covid19, is because it facilitates the passage of Zinc past cell walls.

Normally the cell walls block Zinc, a defense mechanism against Too Much Zinc, which can be neurotoxic.

You can get the same effect - it's called an Ionophore, a "Smuggler" molecule { something us Potheads should be able to appreciate :) }
with a few other chemicals.

IN NATURE, the way it happens is with Quercetin, a very common molecule that humans often throw away, because it is located in fruit rinds.

If you want Quercetin - and Zinc in very tiny amounts, to help your cells Nuke Covid19 and other bacteria - all you have to do is eat the peel of the next Orange or Banana that you eat.

Not the whole peel, just part of it.

NOTE: If you are depleted, giving yourself a sudden dose of Bioflavonoids, including Quercetin, can be Extremely Mentally Stimulating. Not bad, it just means you were depleted in one nutritional category.

Why take a medication like HCQ or Ivermectin, if you can get the same effect from eating a few bites from a banana peel ?

Trump missed his chance, as has Biden. Either of them could have seized the moment, and invited 2 or more molecular biologists to explain in detail why I mentioned above.

Dr. Roger Seheult would be a good candidate. He has some great webcasts explaining the role of Vitamin D in affecting Blood Chemistry, specifically relative to Covid19.

The immune system response to Viruses like Herpes & Covid19, is all about Blood Chemistry.

Some people have such crappy diets and get so little exercise that their blood is a Sitting Duck for a virus like Covid19.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The only reason that HCQ is effective against some Viruses, including Covid19, is because it facilitates the passage of Zinc past cell walls.

Normally the cell walls block Zinc, a defense mechanism against Too Much Zinc, which can be neurotoxic.

You can get the same effect - it's called an Ionophore, a "Smuggler" molecule { something us Potheads should be able to appreciate :) }
with a few other chemicals.

IN NATURE, the way it happens is with Quercetin, a very common molecule that humans often throw away, because it is located in fruit rinds.

If you want Quercetin - and Zinc in very tiny amounts, to help your cells Nuke Covid19 and other bacteria - all you have to do is eat the peel of the next Orange or Banana that you eat.

Not the whole peel, just part of it.

NOTE: If you are depleted, giving yourself a sudden dose of Bioflavonoids, including Quercetin, can be Extremely Mentally Stimulating. Not bad, it just means you were depleted in one nutritional category.

Why take a medication like HCQ or Ivermectin, if you can get the same effect from eating a few bites from a banana peel ?

Trump missed his chance, as has Biden. Either of them could have seized the moment, and invited 2 or more molecular biologists to explain in detail why I mentioned above.

Dr. Roger Seheult would be a good candidate. He has some great webcasts explaining the role of Vitamin D in affecting Blood Chemistry, specifically relative to Covid19.

The immune system response to Viruses like Herpes & Covid19, is all about Blood Chemistry.

Some people have such crappy diets and get so little exercise that their blood is a Sitting Duck for a virus like Covid19.
There are recipes online for making quinine teas from citrus peels. Interesting stuff!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Why take a medication like HCQ or Ivermectin, if you can get the same effect from eating a few bites from a banana peel ?

Trump missed his chance, as has Biden. Either of them could have seized the moment, and invited 2 or more molecular biologists to explain in detail why I mentioned above.

Dr. Roger Seheult would be a good candidate. He has some great webcasts explaining the role of Vitamin D in affecting Blood Chemistry, specifically relative to Covid19.

The immune system response to Viruses like Herpes & Covid19, is all about Blood Chemistry.
There is a reason why Trump was called 'OrangeMan.' Was he orange before he entered politics? No. Tanning beds can be very benificial if you are a war fighting president in a 'Biological' battlefield.
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