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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
That's because you aren't conveying your question or demand (as in this case).

So, "justify the sentence?" I thought I did.

"Justify" means to do justice to the statement. So not egg-zaktlee sure what you are asking. But, I explained that what Trump accomplished with that strategic communication was to show that the media is more interested in attacks than it is interested in learning and sharing information, the news and media are propaganda weapons, Trump had foreknowledge of the pandemic and the military is highly sophisticated, there is a plan, and most importantly, the future proves the past (as in, 'we are at war and Q is an important part of that war'). So, does that "justify" the statement?
loser - pretender It is a sentence which if someone typed here, you would ask for an interpretation; it is clumsy and without meaning. You tried to prop it up but in its context as stated it is utterly meaningless. You likely realize this.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No problem at all, actually. Yes. The military was well aware years and even decades (possibly) of COVID-19 (well before it was released and named '19'). The fact that Trump tweeted it in 2017 suggests the whole plan was well known and understood in advance (Q made a post confirming this, saying, "the plan to bring down the economy in march is well understood" also "March Madness" was posted several times leading up to the shutdown). The fact that Trump deleted the tweet shows that he manipulated the media into covering the subject extensively. The military had (we can be certain) infiltrated the operations at the Wuhan lab.

So, Hempy is not ignoring anything and these facts do not exclude Hempy's premise. Also, I will add that I believe Russia actually came up with the Cov FeFe vaccine and shared it with Trump (Commander In Chief) during the famous 'soccer ball' handoff. The Cov FeFe vaccine was said to be similar in structure to a 21-sided soccer ball.

Toward the end of your paragraph you seem to be mistakenly calling the vax a 'cure.' I think Trump produced the cures for COVID-19 to the public and those cures were dismissed and made unavailable by the Deep State. This will be key in their downfall.
Well you did get at least one thing right, you are correct I did make a mistake and referred to the vaccine as a cure. No vaccine is ever a cure since cures only happen once the person is already infected by whatever the vaccine fights. Yet we all know vaccines are intended to block a disease or virus, not cure it. I didn't mean to call it a cure, I'm not sure why I called it a cure, I guess I subconsciously picked that up from someone else's post. As for the rest I'll applaud you for your mental gymnastics in trying to convince yourself that what some unknown anonymous figure who just as easily could be some dude named "Chuck" sitting in his mother's basement, is actually gospel truth. One detail that makes this all so hard for me to think of as anything other then the rantings of a lunatic though is this. If this is something the military knew of and had a vaccine for back in 2017 2.5 years before the virus actually went live and that Trump knew about it back then to use it as a cryptic piece of misdirection then why on earth did Trump allow himself to contract the virus? Why didn't he use the vaccine to protect himself. At the time he was actively trying to send the message that it was no big deal and that people didn't need to follow mask mandates or CDC guidelines. Him getting sick with Covid-19 undercut the message he was trying to send in a big way. It would have been better for his message if he had remained healthy. Then he could say, "See, I don't where masks, I shake peoples hands, I gather in large crowds in confined spaces and I didn't get sick." Also if the military had an effective treatment so far in advance why on earth did Trump fund all those companies with billions of taxpayer money to make vaccines and treatments and produce medical equipment and gear to combat the virus if he already had a cure in the wings? Why not take advantage of that situation to bring forth the military's solution and demonstrate he was so on top of things that he had the military already working on vaccines to combat a pandemic before it even hit? It would have made him seem like the stable genius he claims to be and spared him from all the criticism of a slow response.

As for your theory on Russia given the vaccine to the US military, that doesn't really hold water, their vaccine wasn't ready for release until late 2020, more then 3 years after Trump's covfefe tweet. You're getting greedy, trying to tie too many lose ends together. I'm sure you think this makes your theories seem that much more believable when in fact it has the exact opposite effect.

Finally what cure was made unavailable? The ones Joe Rogan and other celebrities' touted as what they used to cure themselves of Covid-19 in late 2021? Both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are still very much available because they are effective for other health issues. They're just not recognized by any medical authority for the treatment of Covid-19 which as we all know didn't stop the likes of Joe Rogan or Aaron Rodgers from getting ahold of to use on themselves to fight Covid-19. Which by the way both those drugs were created well before Covid and were not "cures" Trump produced. At that time the only cure that could be said to be made available because of Trump was Monoclonal Antibodies which incidentally was used by Trump, Rogan and Rodgers along with everything else to cure their cases of Covid-19. Ironically though it usually gets glossed over in favor of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which nobody has proven does anything to treat Covid-19, while virtually everyone who has studied it says Monoclonal Antibodies is a very effective treatment. Which by the way Monoclonal Antibodies are also still available it's just to expensive for anyone but the elite to afford. If Trump is such a stable genius and such a great businessman then why on earth would he downplay a highly effective "cure" that he helped bring to market, in favor of two drugs that nobody has proven to be effective and Trump had nothing to do with their creation or bring them to market?
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
loser - pretender It is a sentence which if someone typed here, you would ask for an interpretation; it is clumsy and without meaning. You tried to prop it up but in its context as stated it is utterly meaningless. You likely realize this.
Winners aren't losers (Hah!). Seriously, I've explained it thoroughly. Is there anything that you don't understand about what I've said? Ask more questions. Don't just accuse me of dodging when I did not dodge anything at all. Ask for clarification (particularly on 'specifics').

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
One detail that makes this all so hard for me to think of as anything other then the rantings of a lunatic though is this. If this is something the military knew of and had a vaccine for back in 2017 2.5 years before the virus actually went live and that Trump knew about it back then to use it as a cryptic piece of misdirection then why on earth did Trump allow himself to contract the virus?
Why would you believe that Trump really actually caught COVID? Isn't he the worlds greatest liar and con-artist? I have no reason to believe he actually had it. I consider it unknown (whether he had it or not).
Why didn't he use the vaccine to protect himself.
The word 'vaccine' was manipulated at the time by the CDC. So, not sure which definition Trump was using (funny how no one asked him). I believe he was referring to prophylactic drugs such as monoclonals, regeneron, and HCQ+Azithromycin & zinc. All of these could be defined as vaccines (particularly under the CDC's "updated" definition. Also, the Cov FeFe vaccine was not publicly disclosed yet. That would be announced much later (late 2021).

At the time he was actively trying to send the message that it was no big deal and that people didn't need to follow mask mandates or CDC guidelines. Him getting sick with Covid-19 undercut the message he was trying to send in a big way. It would have been better for his message if he had remained healthy. Then he could say, "See, I don't where masks, I shake peoples hands, I gather in large crowds in confined spaces and I didn't get sick."
I disagree. It showed that he easily got over it and it was basically no different than a mild cold or flu.
Also if the military had an effective treatment so far in advance why on earth did Trump fund all those companies with billions of taxpayer money to make vaccines and treatments and produce medical equipment and gear to combat the virus if he already had a cure in the wings? Why not take advantage of that situation to bring forth the military's solution and demonstrate he was so on top of things that he had the military already working on vaccines to combat a pandemic before it even hit? It would have made him seem like the stable genius he claims to be and spared him from all the criticism of a slow response.
Because this is bigger than COVID. This is the means by which the Global NWO will be destroyed. He gave them enough rope to hang themselves with. It allows the military to track everything and show the world what happened. What if the mRNA jabs were already developed (as a weapon) long before COVID-19 came into existence (as Hempy believes)? 'COVID-19' was unleashed on the world as a pretext to force the people to take the jab (a weapon / control mechanism). In the end, 'Conspiracy to defraud the People of the United States' will be a big problem for the Deep State/NWO.
As for your theory on Russia given the vaccine to the US military, that doesn't really hold water, their vaccine wasn't ready for release until late 2020, more then 3 years after Trump's covfefe tweet.
How do you know. Are you the Russian that created it? Otherwise, you wouldn't know. Would you? You can certainly repeat what you've read in mainstream media outlets (known liars and disinformation outlets), but that doesn't change the fact that you don't really know who had what and when. You rely on blind trust of the mainstream. Also, there is no indication that Russia's jab was the same as the Cov FeFe vaccine. In fact, I'm not aware of the Army's Cov FeFe having even been released to the consumer market. It was announced as having been developed, but I've never heard of it being implemented. Have you? This is why I think that the "Omicron variant" was actually the Cov FeFe vaccine.

Finally what cure was made unavailable?
Governors Banned HCQ in some states and the medical establishment disapproved of HCQ and Ivermectin. The Monoclonals were seemingly deliberately made unavailable (due to supply) and there was a push to only make them available to non-white people.
The ones Joe Rogan and other celebrities' touted as what they used to cure themselves of Covid-19 in late 2021? Both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are still very much available because they are effective for other health issues. They're just not recognized by any medical authority for the treatment of Covid-19 which as we all know didn't stop the likes of Joe Rogan or Aaron Rodgers from getting ahold of to use on themselves to fight Covid-19.
Incorrect. There are some countries and provinces that did utilize these medications and had spectacular results.
Which by the way both those drugs were created well before Covid and were not "cures" Trump produced.
Trump did not produce them (that is correct), but he did introduce them (knowing fully well that he would be attacked heavily by the enemy).
At that time the only cure that could be said to be made available because of Trump was Monoclonal Antibodies which incidentally was used by Trump, Rogan and Rodgers along with everything else to cure their cases of Covid-19. Ironically though it usually gets glossed over in favor of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which nobody has proven does anything to treat Covid-19, while virtually everyone who has studied it says Monoclonal Antibodies is a very effective treatment. Which by the way Monoclonal Antibodies are also still available it's just to expensive for anyone but the elite to afford. If Trump is such a stable genius and such a great businessman then why on earth would he downplay a highly effective "cure" that he helped bring to market, in favor of two drugs that nobody has proven to be effective and Trump had nothing to do with their creation or bring them to market?
Regeneron is the thing that received the least attention. Yet, seemed the most promising. I believe Regeneron may end up being a drug which will change the world.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Well you did get at least one thing right, you are correct I did make a mistake and referred to the vaccine as a cure. No vaccine is ever a cure since cures only happen once the person is already infected by whatever the vaccine fights. Yet we all know vaccines are intended to block a disease or virus, not cure it. I didn't mean to call it a cure, I'm not sure why I called it a cure, I guess I subconsciously picked that up from someone else's post. As for the rest I'll applaud you for your mental gymnastics in trying to convince yourself that what some unknown anonymous figure who just as easily could be some dude named "Chuck" sitting in his mother's basement, is actually gospel truth. One detail that makes this all so hard for me to think of as anything other then the rantings of a lunatic though is this. If this is something the military knew of and had a vaccine for back in 2017 2.5 years before the virus actually went live and that Trump knew about it back then to use it as a cryptic piece of misdirection then why on earth did Trump allow himself to contract the virus? Why didn't he use the vaccine to protect himself. At the time he was actively trying to send the message that it was no big deal and that people didn't need to follow mask mandates or CDC guidelines. Him getting sick with Covid-19 undercut the message he was trying to send in a big way. It would have been better for his message if he had remained healthy. Then he could say, "See, I don't where masks, I shake peoples hands, I gather in large crowds in confined spaces and I didn't get sick." Also if the military had an effective treatment so far in advance why on earth did Trump fund all those companies with billions of taxpayer money to make vaccines and treatments and produce medical equipment and gear to combat the virus if he already had a cure in the wings? Why not take advantage of that situation to bring forth the military's solution and demonstrate he was so on top of things that he had the military already working on vaccines to combat a pandemic before it even hit? It would have made him seem like the stable genius he claims to be and spared him from all the criticism of a slow response.

As for your theory on Russia given the vaccine to the US military, that doesn't really hold water, their vaccine wasn't ready for release until late 2020, more then 3 years after Trump's covfefe tweet. You're getting greedy, trying to tie too many lose ends together. I'm sure you think this makes your theories seem that much more believable when in fact it has the exact opposite effect.

Finally what cure was made unavailable? The ones Joe Rogan and other celebrities' touted as what they used to cure themselves of Covid-19 in late 2021? Both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are still very much available because they are effective for other health issues. They're just not recognized by any medical authority for the treatment of Covid-19 which as we all know didn't stop the likes of Joe Rogan or Aaron Rodgers from getting ahold of to use on themselves to fight Covid-19. Which by the way both those drugs were created well before Covid and were not "cures" Trump produced. At that time the only cure that could be said to be made available because of Trump was Monoclonal Antibodies which incidentally was used by Trump, Rogan and Rodgers along with everything else to cure their cases of Covid-19. Ironically though it usually gets glossed over in favor of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine which nobody has proven does anything to treat Covid-19, while virtually everyone who has studied it says Monoclonal Antibodies is a very effective treatment. Which by the way Monoclonal Antibodies are also still available it's just to expensive for anyone but the elite to afford. If Trump is such a stable genius and such a great businessman then why on earth would he downplay a highly effective "cure" that he helped bring to market, in favor of two drugs that nobody has proven to be effective and Trump had nothing to do with their creation or bring them to market?
By and large, more Republicans died from Covid than Democrats. And by a large margin. What's Trump's endgame in killing off all of his marks supporters?

As for Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin, where's the profit in touting two drugs that have been around long after the patent had expired and were generic? That's what I can't wrap my brain around. Where's the grift? What they've got going now is much more profitable - get the governemnt to pay a ridiculous amount of money to fund the vaccine. Then after an initial "gift" (First dose is always free!), charging over $1,000 per dose for something that now costs $3 to produce thanks solely to the very generous initial donation from We The People.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
By and large, more Republicans died from Covid than Democrats. And by a large margin. What's Trump's endgame in killing off all of his marks supporters?

As for Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin, where's the profit in touting two drugs that have been around long after the patent had expired and were generic? That's what I can't wrap my brain around. Where's the grift? What they've got going now is much more profitable - get the governemnt to pay a ridiculous amount of money to fund the vaccine. Then after an initial "gift" (First dose is always free!), charging over $1,000 per dose for something that now costs $3 to produce thanks solely to the very generous initial donation from We The People.
I don't know how true it was but right around the time ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were being touted as cures heard that a bunch of people in Trump's inner circle and Trump himself became heavily invested in both of them. I never looked into it though because by the time I heard that the word they were worthless was already widespread. Sure those wanting to refuse the vaccine were still believing in it and were trying to get ahold of it but they didn't represent enough of the potential market to cause such an investment to actually pay off. As for the vaccine becoming that expensive, I don't see that happening not at $1000 anyway. Most of the public can handle a $500 extra expense let alone twice that. If enough don't get the vaccine then that leaves too many chances for it to mutate, potentially into a form that the vaccine can't block and if that happens then the world is screwed.

St. Phatty

Active member
I don't know how true it was but right around the time ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were being touted as cures heard that a bunch of people in Trump's inner circle and Trump himself became heavily invested in both of them.

You mean invested financially, or invested in terms of Spoken Pronouncements ?

Trump only mentioned hydroxychloroquine once or twice. I watched almost all of Trump's Covid19 press conferences, and he never said a word about Ivermectin.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Why would you believe that Trump really actually caught COVID? Isn't he the worlds greatest liar and con-artist? I have no reason to believe he actually had it. I consider it unknown (whether he had it or not).

The word 'vaccine' was manipulated at the time by the CDC. So, not sure which definition Trump was using (funny how no one asked him). I believe he was referring to prophylactic drugs such as monoclonals, regeneron, and HCQ+Azithromycin & zinc. All of these could be defined as vaccines (particularly under the CDC's "updated" definition. Also, the Cov FeFe vaccine was not publicly disclosed yet. That would be announced much later (late 2021).

I disagree. It showed that he easily got over it and it was basically no different than a mild cold or flu.

Because this is bigger than COVID. This is the means by which the Global NWO will be destroyed. He gave them enough rope to hang themselves with. It allows the military to track everything and show the world what happened. What if the mRNA jabs were already developed (as a weapon) long before COVID-19 came into existence (as Hempy believes)? 'COVID-19' was unleashed on the world as a pretext to force the people to take the jab (a weapon / control mechanism). In the end, 'Conspiracy to defraud the People of the United States' will be a big problem for the Deep State/NWO.

How do you know. Are you the Russian that created it? Otherwise, you wouldn't know. Would you? You can certainly repeat what you've read in mainstream media outlets (known liars and disinformation outlets), but that doesn't change the fact that you don't really know who had what and when. You rely on blind trust of the mainstream. Also, there is no indication that Russia's jab was the same as the Cov FeFe vaccine. In fact, I'm not aware of the Army's Cov FeFe having even been released to the consumer market. It was announced as having been developed, but I've never heard of it being implemented. Have you? This is why I think that the "Omicron variant" was actually the Cov FeFe vaccine.

Governors Banned HCQ in some states and the medical establishment disapproved of HCQ and Ivermectin. The Monoclonals were seemingly deliberately made unavailable (due to supply) and there was a push to only make them available to non-white people.

Incorrect. There are some countries and provinces that did utilize these medications and had spectacular results.

Trump did not produce them (that is correct), but he did introduce them (knowing fully well that he would be attacked heavily by the enemy).

Regeneron is the thing that received the least attention. Yet, seemed the most promising. I believe Regeneron may end up being a drug which will change the world.
It's useless to answer any of your questions because you just come up with someway to convince yourself it's not true. See you misunderstood when I talked about the huge problem with your theory. You think it's all good as long as you believe it but being that it's your theory you're not the one who needs to be convinced, it's everyone else. When Sean Spicer said Trump a few other knew what it meant he meant that they all knew he meant coffee and therefore it was no big deal, people make spelling errors all the time, it's no big deal as long as people know what you meant to say. You and your fellow Q Clowns though want to read into that some deep dark hidden meaning and you've concocted an elaborate story that fits your feverish narrative that just defies critical thinking but your delusional mind thinks that if nobody can prove it isn't true that means it is. You have not a shred of irrefutable evidence that supports your narrative other then some unknown person claiming to have inside knowledge told you some amazing story. For all you know Q is just screwing with people to see just how many people he can get to believe him.

You were correct about one thing, (which is pretty amazing, two posts in a row where you were correct about something) I'm not the Russian who invented the Russian vaccine so I can't possibly know for certain when exactly it was invented. What I do know however is that Putin never passes up on a chance to show that Russia is superior to the rest of the world, especially America. To suggest that he kept his amazing vaccine which had a nearly equal level of effectiveness to the American made vaccines, a secret until well after the American vaccine was out and saving millions of lives, is just flat out ludicrous. The only thing more unbelievable is that he gave it to the US Military before anyone else so they could be protected and ultimately release it before him leaving him to just look like a copy cat at best. Yeah maybe he likes Trump (although I doubt it's like but he just see's Trump as a useful idiot) but he doesn't like him that damn much.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You mean invested financially, or invested in terms of Spoken Pronouncements ?

Trump only mentioned hydroxychloroquine once or twice. I watched almost all of Trump's Covid19 press conferences, and he never said a word about Ivermectin.
Like I said, I didn't look into it because at the time it was irrelevant, if it was true it was doomed to fail to turn a profit. I don't care if you not only watched every single Covid19 press conference but transcribed them as well. You know full well that Trump gets out information he wants to get out in many different ways. Press conferences is way down on the list of ways he communicates. Besides if he did in fact invest in it in some way so as to profit from it's use, it would be in his best interest to say next to nothing about it and let other people spread the word like Alex Jones who not only promoted it on air but also sold the stuff.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It's useless to answer any of your questions because you just come up with someway to convince yourself it's not true.
I see. So, I take time to respond to you and your nonsense. But, you find it useless to answer my questions. :biglaugh:
See you misunderstood when I talked about the huge problem with your theory. You think it's all good as long as you believe it but being that it's your theory you're not the one who needs to be convinced, it's everyone else. When Sean Spicer said Trump a few other knew what it meant he meant that they all knew he meant coffee and therefore it was no big deal, people make spelling errors all the time, it's no big deal as long as people know what you meant to say.
That makes no sense (more non-sense). So, you allege that Trump was trying to say, "Despite the negative press; Coffee."(?) Is Donald Trump that big of a coffee drinker? I think I recall that he does not drink coffee.

You and your fellow Q Clowns though want to read into that some deep dark hidden meaning and you've concocted an elaborate story that fits your feverish narrative that just defies critical thinking but your delusional mind thinks that if nobody can prove it isn't true that means it is. You have not a shred of irrefutable evidence that supports your narrative other then some unknown person claiming to have inside knowledge told you some amazing story. For all you know Q is just screwing with people to see just how many people he can get to believe him.
Still better than you sources! Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump meant "coffee?" Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump truly had COVID-19 or that such a virus even truly exists? Do you even know the definition of irrefutable?
You were correct about one thing, (which is pretty amazing, two posts in a row where you were correct about something) I'm not the Russian who invented the Russian vaccine so I can't possibly know for certain when exactly it was invented. What I do know however is that Putin never passes up on a chance to show that Russia is superior to the rest of the world, especially America. To suggest that he kept his amazing vaccine which had a nearly equal level of effectiveness to the American made vaccines, a secret until well after the American vaccine was out and saving millions of lives, is just flat out ludicrous. The only thing more unbelievable is that he gave it to the US Military before anyone else so they could be protected and ultimately release it before him leaving him to just look like a copy cat at best. Yeah maybe he likes Trump (although I doubt it's like but he just see's Trump as a useful idiot) but he doesn't like him that damn much.
You are confusing vaccines (understandable - maybe I didn't make it clear enough). I am not talking about the Russian vaccine that was put onto the russian market. That is different from the Cov FeFe vaccine (which I suggest is actually the 'omicron variant').

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