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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
As a father of a young grade school child....how is this
Not a top priority in yours?
As the genius such as yourself please explain why dragshows should be anywhere on my priority list?

Or why if it was on my priority list on things to do with my kids it would matter?

Seems like a bizarre line of questions?

Are you saying I am somehow harming my kids by not worrying about it?

My older kids are not prejudice against anyone for anything. So I think I have done a good job so far.

Would you prefer I taught them more hate? Or did I not groom them to to fit your paranoid satisfactions?
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
ironic how the tough acting righties have their panties in a wad about basically everything...no doubt those "tactical vest" have a pocket for heavy duty alex jones shilled manwipes for when they crap their kahkis...
isn't getting together with a bunch of masked guys all wearing the same outfit cross dressing? looking your way proud boys...
It's LARPing.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
ironic how the tough acting righties have their panties in a wad about basically everything...no doubt those "tactical vest" have a pocket for heavy duty alex jones shilled manwipes for when they crap their kahkis...
isn't getting together with a bunch of masked guys all wearing the same outfit cross dressing? looking your way proud boys...
Pretty sure they make American flag tampons for these types, “freedom sticks” I think you call them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I see. So, I take time to respond to you and your nonsense. But, you find it useless to answer my questions. :biglaugh:

That makes no sense (more non-sense). So, you allege that Trump was trying to say, "Despite the negative press; Coffee."(?) Is Donald Trump that big of a coffee drinker? I think I recall that he does not drink coffee.

Still better than you sources! Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump meant "coffee?" Do you have irrefutable evidence that Trump truly had COVID-19 or that such a virus even truly exists? Do you even know the definition of irrefutable?

You are confusing vaccines (understandable - maybe I didn't make it clear enough). I am not talking about the Russian vaccine that was put onto the russian market. That is different from the Cov FeFe vaccine (which I suggest is actually the 'omicron variant').

You simply saying you don't agree because you personally don't believe the sources I might use and/or blame everything you can't refute on the Deep State is just propaganda takes no time or effort at all. It only took me about 30 seconds to type that out. So spare me you trying to play the victim card. I never asked you to respond to my posts. Frankly I would prefer you just stfu and take your nonsense back to your Great Still Dreaming thread.

One does not need to drink coffee to use it in a post, I don't drink coffee either but I've used it a couple of times. I know Trump had no problem referring to the guy he hired as his campaign's foreign policy expert, the one who got the Intelligence agencies looking into the whole Russia thing, George Papadopoulos as being just a Coffee Boy. I'll just play your little game on you though and stand by my statement since you can't offer any proof that Trump didn't mean to type Coffee originally.

Irrefutable, impossible to deny or disprove. By those standards my sources are as good as yours, there are medical records and highly trained doctors that have detailed reports of Trump's bout with Covid-19 and what they gave Trump to treat it. What does your guy have? His claim that although he hasn't proven who he is or what he's seen or knows, he knows something different?

Yes you certainly didn't specify that Russia had both a secret vaccine and one they released to the public. Then again you've given no proof of the existence of a "secret vaccine" all you've done is stated that you believe Russia has a secret vaccine that is in reality the Omicron variant, which that is just fantasy and make believe, not irrefutable evidence. If such non sense could qualify as truly irrefutable evidence virtually anything any individual believes would be irrefutable evidence including Santa Claus, Unicorns and the Easter Bunny. Since it's close to Halloween I'll throw in the Great Pumpkin too, Linus believes in him and nobody can disprove he doesn't exist.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You simply saying you don't agree because you personally don't believe the sources I might use and/or blame everything you can't refute on the Deep State is just propaganda takes no time or effort at all. It only took me about 30 seconds to type that out. So spare me you trying to play the victim card. I never asked you to respond to my posts. Frankly I would prefer you just stfu and take your nonsense back to your Great Still Dreaming thread.

One does not need to drink coffee to use it in a post, I don't drink coffee either but I've used it a couple of times. I know Trump had no problem referring to the guy he hired as his campaign's foreign policy expert, the one who got the Intelligence agencies looking into the whole Russia thing, George Papadopoulos as being just a Coffee Boy. I'll just play your little game on you though and stand by my statement since you can't offer any proof that Trump didn't mean to type Coffee originally.

Irrefutable, impossible to deny or disprove. By those standards my sources are as good as yours, there are medical records and highly trained doctors that have detailed reports of Trump's bout with Covid-19 and what they gave Trump to treat it. What does your guy have? His claim that although he hasn't proven who he is or what he's seen or knows, he knows something different?

Yes you certainly didn't specify that Russia had both a secret vaccine and one they released to the public. Then again you've given no proof of the existence of a "secret vaccine" all you've done is stated that you believe Russia has a secret vaccine that is in reality the Omicron variant, which that is just fantasy and make believe, not irrefutable evidence. If such non sense could qualify as truly irrefutable evidence virtually anything any individual believes would be irrefutable evidence including Santa Claus, Unicorns and the Easter Bunny. Since it's close to Halloween I'll throw in the Great Pumpkin too, Linus believes in him and nobody can disprove he doesn't exist.
Let it be shown, that Hempkat uses many words, to say very little.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
I mean his skin color actually changed when he entered politics because he started excessively tanning to protect himself from the enemy's biological arsenal.




Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Let it be shown, that Hempkat uses many words, to say very little.
Let it be shown that when Hempy can't make an argument he falls back on his piss poor reading comprehension and plays dumb. Except he's actually not playing he's just too stupid to realize how dumb he is.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Less than a month until Trump announces his 2024 presidential election run. :groupwave:
Slightly more then a month before GA. indicts Trump.

Oh did you think being two years out from the 2024 Election his running was going to save him from an investigation running for a year before he announced? Yeah, Trump thinks that too, boy is he going to be mad.
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