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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Go argue about this crap in the virus thread. This is the thread for Trump's bullshit.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's interesting, this covfefe thing is probably one of the greatest Q proofs and proof that the entire COVID and vaccination thing is WARFARE and was very well understood and planned for in advance. CovFeFe is the vaccine that the military produced. The militaries vaccine was publicly announced just as the "omicron variant" came out and you may recall that the "omicron variant" was lamented by Bill Gates as a "natural vaccine." I believe that the omicron variant was actually the covFeFe vaccine and was released via the South African military at the behest of the US and our foreign allies.
Nice try but there is a huge problem with this theory. Trump put out the tweet with the misspelled word covfefe on May 31st, 2017. The first recorded cases of Covid-19 didn't pop up until December of 2019. The 19 in Covid-19 refers to when the virus began. It's very unlikely that the military created a vaccine 2.5 years before the virus it was allegedly suppose to treat was in circulation. Even if somehow they had it is even more unlikely that Trump would have known about it to cryptically refer to it in a tweet. Ignoring those two very significant points for the moment, if Trump did have an intentional reason for posting "covfefe" why would he delete it 6 hours later after it had already spread around the world making Trump look bad? Another thing to consider is this, if it was the military's vaccine to protect against Covid-19, the only way the military would have such a vaccine 2.5 years before the virus first popped up would be if the military had also created the virus. Do you really want to promote the idea that it was under the Trump administration that the military he was commander in chief of created and eventually released Covid-19 making the US definitely responsible for the deaths of millions around the world? A million of which were American citizens, some of which who were close associates of Trump? Do you also want to spread the belief that the military remained quiet about a cure they had 2.5 years before the virus spread and just let hundreds of thousands die before the pharmaceutical companies came up with their own vaccine?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nice try but there is a huge problem with this theory. Trump put out the tweet with the misspelled word covfefe on May 31st, 2017. The first recorded cases of Covid-19 didn't pop up until December of 2019. The 19 in Covid-19 refers to when the virus began. It's very unlikely that the military created a vaccine 2.5 years before the virus it was allegedly suppose to treat was in circulation. Even if somehow they had it is even more unlikely that Trump would have known about it to cryptically refer to it in a tweet. Ignoring those two very significant points for the moment, if Trump did have an intentional reason for posting "covfefe" why would he delete it 6 hours later after it had already spread around the world making Trump look bad? Another thing to consider is this, if it was the military's vaccine to protect against Covid-19, the only way the military would have such a vaccine 2.5 years before the virus first popped up would be if the military had also created the virus. Do you really want to promote the idea that it was under the Trump administration that the military he was commander in chief of created and eventually released Covid-19 making the US definitely responsible for the deaths of millions around the world? A million of which were American citizens, some of which who were close associates of Trump? Do you also want to spread the belief that the military remained quiet about a cure they had 2.5 years before the virus spread and just let hundreds of thousands die before the pharmaceutical companies came up with their own vaccine?
No problem at all, actually. Yes. The military was well aware years and even decades (possibly) of COVID-19 (well before it was released and named '19'). The fact that Trump tweeted it in 2017 suggests the whole plan was well known and understood in advance (Q made a post confirming this, saying, "the plan to bring down the economy in march is well understood" also "March Madness" was posted several times leading up to the shutdown). The fact that Trump deleted the tweet shows that he manipulated the media into covering the subject extensively. The military had (we can be certain) infiltrated the operations at the Wuhan lab.

So, Hempy is not ignoring anything and these facts do not exclude Hempy's premise. Also, I will add that I believe Russia actually came up with the Cov FeFe vaccine and shared it with Trump (Commander In Chief) during the famous 'soccer ball' handoff. The Cov FeFe vaccine was said to be similar in structure to a 21-sided soccer ball.

Toward the end of your paragraph you seem to be mistakenly calling the vax a 'cure.' I think Trump produced the cures for COVID-19 to the public and those cures were dismissed and made unavailable by the Deep State. This will be key in their downfall.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Q used a disinfo confusion tactic here by mentioning March 2019, rather than 2020 (strategic communication)
Screenshot (430).png


Well-known member

just wait...

a decade from now something bad may happen.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
i'll be 75 then. these dipshits will go "see! i TOLD you the poison in the jab would kill him..." if i die of ANYTHING between now and then, lol. gunshot, cliff diving with no water at the bottom, anything. :smoke::tongue:


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Seriously. Semi-colon was my honest answer. What more do you want?
Pretty dopey answer for the following and more. [beginning with the context challege]

"You are posting completely silly stuff. Try to make sense of his statement. Forget all the rambling spin. I thought you wanted to converse logically."

"Justify the sentence."

You do the same thing constantly. Evade, then ask what it is about or act confused. Phony....goofy.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Pretty dopey answer for the following and more. [beginning with the context challege]

"You are posting completely silly stuff. Try to make sense of his statement. Forget all the rambling spin. I thought you wanted to converse logically."

"Justify the sentence."

You do the same thing constantly. Evade, then ask what it is about or act confused. Phony....goofy.
That's because you aren't conveying your question or demand (as in this case).

So, "justify the sentence?" I thought I did.

"Justify" means to do justice to the statement. So not egg-zaktlee sure what you are asking. But, I explained that what Trump accomplished with that strategic communication was to show that the media is more interested in attacks than it is interested in learning and sharing information, the news and media are propaganda weapons, Trump had foreknowledge of the pandemic and the military is highly sophisticated, there is a plan, and most importantly, the future proves the past (as in, 'we are at war and Q is an important part of that war'). So, does that "justify" the statement?
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