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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
Why is anyone wanting the choice to take a vaccine or not take a vaccine someone who wanted a world without vaccines? Why is it so extreme and black and white because that's not remotely how it is. When I grew up everyone got the chicken pox. It was almost like a right of passage. Now in certain states you either get the chicken pox vaccine and sign. Up for a lifelong of boosters or get kicked out of public or private school. Fuck your choice of natural immunity.
yeah. I had chicken pox. both kinds of measles
life changes, it got better with more vaccines
for most people that is
regular flu vaxers have lower rates of heart disease
and so some are dragged reluctantly forward
been going on quite a while


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Oh snap we chi13 fact checking via google. Wowy bud you will convince no one. Go get your mrna experimental vaccine and 20% off groceries. No one cares no ones stopping you. Inhale every breath of tainted air double masked and I'll even give you a thumbs up!

The entire narrative is failing. Mandates across the planet are being dropped. The shots barely work for 4 months and don't stop transmission. Like wtf do you still believe in Santa Claus? You get to get the vaccine and you'll likely still contract the man made virus. Do you have a weak immune system or just have zero trust in your immune system?
You are just repeating lies you get from social media, and you are too stupid to realise.

Santa Clause. Oh, the irony.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
It is very difficult to find some things on the internet nowadays such as the press releases which showed the Army's Walter Reed vaccine as containing Cov FeFe.
You are posting completely silly stuff. Try to make sense of his statement. Forget all the rambling spin. I thought you wanted to converse logically.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I can show you plenty of articles about athletes dropping dead before Covid and the vaccines. Fact is that some who seem very fit and healthy do die early. Steroids are also a big issue amongst some athlete groups and can cause early death. There is no evidence that the vaccine causes any of the harms that you imply. People are simply using these examples as a way of pushing their agenda. Someone here tried to blame a vaccine death on a 14 year old athlete who turns out was not even vaccinated. It is appalling.
I agree that the dropping athletes thing has been propagandized, however there we're also many officials like fauci stating the vaccine would stop or slow the spread of the virus. It would be interesting to see data comparing repeat infections among vaccinated and non-vaccinated.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Eff off man. You pick and choose what to comment on. For the fifth time the vaccine only protects you for a very short amount of time hence the reason the "cdc" and vaccine makers are recommending booster after booster after booster. Guess what you still get covid even fully boosted. Most of know people who have gotten all their shots and have gotten covid and the symptoms haven't been light. What your saying is fuck your immune system trust the science . Do you pop pills the second you get a headache? More pills the second you get any stomach pain? Discomfort is part of life period. Your sugar coating a broken narrative. You won't even touch the fact that the true origin of this virus night be manmade! The vaccine's were rushed out of the lab. Its experimental. Their not proven. They have to be continuously administered and the cost may outweigh the benefits.

Your clearly too dimwitted to think outside the box and try to see the actual bigger picture. Orange man is a joke he's not getting indicted and biden is a bigger joke who will just continue the smoke and mirrors. The system is rigged. Do truly believe this mrna vaccine is prolonging your life on this shitty planet?
I chose to comment on your bullshit, and presented evidence when you asked. Vaccines do provide some protection against transmission, hospitalisation, and death. The benefits of getting the vaccine far outweigh the dangers of getting Covid. Clearly.

Where have I ever said "fuck your immune system"? What are you on about? My immune system is fine. I am in pretty good health and take no medication currently. I do believe in prevention though, which is why I am vaccinated.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Saying that "we never said it was effective (at stopping you from catching/spreading COVID)" flies in the face of the mandates and the entire multi-year pressure campaigns which were based on coercing people under the false premise that 'the unvaccinated are spreading COVID' and that is why they should 'get the jab.'

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Saying that "we never said it was effective (at stopping you from catching/spreading COVID)" flies in the face of the mandates and the entire multi-year pressure campaigns which were based on coercing people under the false premise that 'the unvaccinated are spreading COVID' and that is why they should 'get the jab.'
"Anti-vaxers" pointed this out.


Active member
we will never know where the virus came from.....

jfk was killed 60 odd years ago , and the whole report is still being kept under wraps... why?? - if it was castro, he's dead, the mafia...all gone.... the russians, dead dead and dead.... so why is it under wraps... maybe the cia/fbi.... doubt we will ever find out
Other than the 250,000 records that have been made available, you would be correct.
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