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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hempy, I looked into this and 'Fake News" actually means 'don't pay attention to reality'.

So when you hear the term 'Fake News', remind yourself that it's probably true but someone doesn't want you to believe it.
Didn't the Obama admin bring the term into national focus?


Well-known member
damn! a sheriff in TEXAS is looking into the case as well as an investigation from Massachusetts. when you've pissed a Texas LEO into checking you for human trafficking, you need a lawyer like the one Chump just paid $3 million up front to protect him... WOW!:ying:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It will be a very interesting case. Seems like the facts are being deliberately obscured to make it more biased against DeSantis. Not clear enough yet to comment on, other than to say it is extraordinary and interesting to me that the military got involved and brought them to a military base. Also a few days ago it was said that people were coming in from countries all over the world. So who knows who these people are. 🍿


Well-known member
The more facts, the worse he looks 😂
hard to believe once you realize he looked pitiful to start with, huh? the "special master" he hoped would help him has put him (and his lawyers) in a legal bind by asking for clarification on exactly why they think any of those papers ( marked "classified") were declassified...which they are doing their damn best to NOT do. Chumpies boys hoped he would just go along for the ride on his behalf, thinking he might be pissed over how the FBI cut corners on him in a search warrant application earlier on. WRONG!!! :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh: this shit gets better every day...
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comfy markoth

Well-known member
Didn't Trump lie about inventing the term?

Yes, he invented the term 'fake' although others may have used it before, he just never heard it.



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Okay obviously you don't know how to read graphs and charts correctly so no point in discussing them with you any further. As for your point that there is a natural componant to Climate change, yes that is true and no climate scientist anywhere, ever, has tried to say there wasn't. What people like you miss all the time is that what we are experiencing now is happening sooner then expected if it was all just up to the natural cycles of the world. The reason it's happening sooner as well as to a greater extent then ever expected is because of man made contributions accelerating the natural cycle.

As for the coldest September 18th in history, where are you getting that information from? I just did a search and I can't find anyone, posting anywhere on the internet that yesterday was the coldest September 18th ever in history. If that were true there would be climate change deniers posting all over the place in droves about how yesterday was the coldest September 18th on record and therefore climate change is false. I suspect you just misread another graph of chart somewhere. Let's set that aside for the moment though, let's say that yesterday was the coldest September 18th ever anywhere on the planet, that still doesn't disprove climate change because it isn't based on single days, it's base on averages and the trends those averages reveal. A single record cold day in history doesn't prove climate change is getting better, just as a single hot day in history doesn't prove it's getting worse. All a single day proves is that weather and temperatures fluctuate from day to day, week to week, month to month and year to year. A fact that has been known to man since the beginning of mankind's existence.

"The global average and combined land and ocean surface temperature show a warming of 1.09 °C (range: 0.95 to 1.20 °C) from 1850–1900 to 2011–2020, based on multiple independently produced datasets.[28]: 5  The trend is faster since 1970s than in any other 50-year period over at least the last 2000 years.[28]: 8  Within this long-term upward trend, there is short-term variability because of natural internal variability (e.g. ENSO, volcanic eruption), but record highs have been occurring regularly."
September 18, 2022 was the coldest day Sept. 18 ever? Weird. We set a high temp record that day where I live. Odd.
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