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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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See the world through a puff of smoke
I'm still hoping you might someday realize anyone can find the info they want on the net. If you really cared about our planet why not as someone living there what they see. If you want real world data here ya go.

View attachment 18758242
Depends what computer models you follow.


Red line is from 2012, light blue is from this year.As you can see its increasing, not decreasing.



ICMag Donor
I'd like to see Governor DeSanipad charged. Massachusetts is working on it. You can't just stuff people on an airplane, give them a bullshit story, and send them off to Timbuktu.

It would be better if we sent him off to Timbuktu. Only applies to this thread because he might be trumps boy when he's indicted.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Depends what computer models you follow.

View attachment 18758371
Red line is from 2012, light blue is from this year.As you can see its increasing, not decreasing.

Your reply is useless. Your looking at old data. It's 2022. You can't change the data I posted. The data clearly shows that Greenland's ice melt in 2022 is far more. It should make everyone very concerned. Pretending it's not happing is why it's already too late to stop what's coming. Hell all of us will be dead before we see the kind of flooding..At least try to stop it from getting worse. This isn't the thread for this topic. That's all I'll say about it.
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Well-known member
I'd like to see Governor DeSanipad charged. Massachusetts is working on it. You can't just stuff people on an airplane, give them a bullshit story, and send them off to Timbuktu.

It would be better if we sent him off to Timbuktu. Only applies to this thread because he might be trumps boy when he's indicted.
Guantanamo is much closer. besides, what do you have against the people that live in Timbuktu ? they could be very nice for all we know...:shucks:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I read an article saying that the list of oathkeepers members names was published and numbered 38,000. There were many police, police chiefs, and military. When interviewed, the chiefs dropped it like a hot potato. The number is huge but for many it seems that insurrection is not what they signed up for, especially now that their jobs, families and futures are in jeopardy.
Yeah The Oathkeepers have long been known for mainly recruiting active and retired police and former military. The Oath their name refers to about keeping is the ones those two groups (Military, Police) swear to when they join the Military or Police. The thing that always puzzled me is how did groups like that get so big and well organized with that kind of membership? You would thing people on the inside ratting them out to the government would be a constant problem because of the part of the oath that goes "...enemies, both foreign and domestic".


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'd like to see Governor DeSanipad charged. Massachusetts is working on it. You can't just stuff people on an airplane, give them a bullshit story, and send them off to Timbuktu.

It would be better if we sent him off to Timbuktu. Only applies to this thread because he might be trumps boy when he's indicted.
Again it's going to come down to are we truly a nation of laws where no one is above the law or do we make exceptions for the rich and powerful? What him and Abbott did in both cases falls under the description of kidnapping and by crossing state lines that put's it in the Federal jurisdiction. Of course you got to know already that if either of them get charged and/or indicted they will both whine about it being the Evil Dems on a political witch hunt to try to keep them out of office.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Your reply is useless. Your looking at old data. It's 2022. You can't change the data I posted. The data clearly shows that Greenland's ice melt in 2022 is far more. It should make everyone very concerned. Pretending it's not happing is why it's already too late to stop what's coming. Hell all of us will be dead before we see the kind of flooding..At least try to stop it from getting worse. This isn't the thread for this topic. That's all I'll say about it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Depends what computer models you follow.

View attachment 18758371
Red line is from 2012, light blue is from this year.As you can see its increasing, not decreasing.

Deceptive results can be achieved when you cherry pick the data like you did by picking the all time record minimum in 2012 instead of going with the averages over the past several decades. I guess that's why you cropped the picture so that the viewer couldn't see those options existed unless they went to the website?


This is what it looks like when you select the averages:

Orange is 1979 - 1990
Light Green is 1991 - 2000
Black is 2001 - 2010
Light Blue is 2011 - 2020

When you look at the data this way then clearly the trend is it has been getting steadily worse from 1979 until now. All your picture above shows is that some individual years are far worse then others. It's worth noting that the all time record minimum has occurred in the latest decade and not one of the earlier decades.

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Again it's going to come down to are we truly a nation of laws where no one is above the law or do we make exceptions for the rich and powerful? What him and Abbott did in both cases falls under the description of kidnapping and by crossing state lines that put's it in the Federal jurisdiction. Of course you got to know already that if either of them get charged and/or indicted they will both whine about it being the Evil Dems on a political witch hunt to try to keep them out of office.
No. The sanctuary states are acting together to offer sanctuary to invaders. The only interstate cooperation is supposed to be via the Federal Government. Otherwise, states coordinating together is a seditious conspiracy and insurrection. So, Governor's are allowed under their state constitutions to protect their borders and defend against enemy states. Think of it this way. Left leaning northern coastal states inviting half of central America to enter AZ, TX, and FL (where they are encouraged to vote Democrat illegally in elections) constitutes an attack on those states by the seditious conspiratorial governor's in the northern coastal states.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
No. The sanctuary states are acting together to offer sanctuary to invaders. The only interstate cooperation is supposed to be via the Federal Government. Otherwise, states coordinating together is a seditious conspiracy and insurrection. So, Governor's are allowed under their state constitutions to protect their borders and defend against enemy states. Think of it this way. Left leaning northern coastal states inviting half of central America to enter AZ, TX, and FL (where they are encouraged to vote Democrat illegally in elections) constitutes an attack on those states by the seditious conspiratorial governor's in the northern coastal states.
Wrong bonehead, I told you thinking isn't your strong suit. The Sanctuary states aren't the ones that sent immigrants to Florida and Texas. The immigrants came into Florida and Texas the way Political Refugees come into those states either thru the gulf or crossing the southern border because they are the first states you reach when coming from South America. Your brain is more drug addled then I thought if you honestly believe that Democratic leaning Northern Coastal states were calling down to Venezuela and telling people to be sure to come in thru Texas, Arizona and Florida. Once they were in those states was when the Governors of those two states took it upon themselves to ship the immigrants off to "sanctuary cities" thinking they were "owning the libs" in the process, which they didn't. Now had DeSantis and Abbott been honest with the refugees and told them the truth of where they were being sent then they wouldn't be guilty of a crime. However because they tried to be too cute by half and lied about it, that's what opens them up to kidnapping charges. As it turns out in the case of the one's sent to Martha's Vineyard, that was the wrong move if the goal is to prevent Illegals from staying in the US. DeSantis actually made it harder for them to be removed from the US because of that move. So the next time you're bitching about all the illegals in the country, be sure to thank Ron DeSantis for making it worse.


See the world through a puff of smoke
Deceptive results can be achieved when you cherry pick the data like you did by picking the all time record minimum in 2012 instead of going with the averages over the past several decades. I guess that's why you cropped the picture so that the viewer couldn't see those options existed unless they went to the website?

View attachment 18758461
This is what it looks like when you select the averages:

Orange is 1979 - 1990
Light Green is 1991 - 2000
Black is 2001 - 2010
Light Blue is 2011 - 2020

When you look at the data this way then clearly the trend is it has been getting steadily worse from 1979 until now. All your picture above shows is that some individual years are far worse then others. It's worth noting that the all time record minimum has occurred in the latest decade and not one of the earlier decades.

It's not getting worse.2012 was the record minimum.The light blue line (2022) is even above the line of 2012.
The record minimum in 2012 even showed that we hadn't wet feet caused by big floods.Btw yesterday it was the coldest September 18th in history.
Under some melting gletsjers they found tree trunks with beaver bites, so what we experiencing is just natural.


Well-known member
The only interstate cooperation is supposed to be via the Federal Government. Otherwise, states coordinating together is a seditious conspiracy and insurrection. So, Governor's are allowed under their state constitutions to protect their borders and defend against enemy states.
Did Florida coordinate with Texas? My taxes were spent in Texas to send Venezuelan immigrants to Massachusetts. Explain to me about how that protected a state border.


ICMag Donor
Again it's going to come down to are we truly a nation of laws where no one is above the law or do we make exceptions for the rich and powerful? What him and Abbott did in both cases falls under the description of kidnapping and by crossing state lines that put's it in the Federal jurisdiction. Of course you got to know already that if either of them get charged and/or indicted they will both whine about it being the Evil Dems on a political witch hunt to try to keep them out of office.
If I ever get charged with anything I will demand a 'Special Master'.
You're right. Democracy gets chipped away by the rich and powerful leaving the 'regular people' no voice. Now they are working on taking away your vote.

St. Phatty

Active member
If I ever get charged with anything I will demand a 'Special Master'.
You're right. Democracy gets chipped away by the rich and powerful leaving the 'regular people' no voice. Now they are working on taking away your vote.

If I get charged with anything I will say "Let's go Fishing" and ask for a Master Baiter.

Just take a bowl of popcorn & have them put popcorn on the hook, see what happens.

Why doesn't Trump just walk to the end of the dock near Mar a Lago with Melania - and have a Picnic ? And maybe go fishing. Let her put popcorn on the hook.


ICMag Donor
If I get charged with anything I will say "Let's go Fishing" and ask for a Master Baiter.

Just take a bowl of popcorn & have them put popcorn on the hook, see what happens.

Why doesn't Trump just walk to the end of the dock near Mar a Lago with Melania - and have a Picnic ? And maybe go fishing. Let her put popcorn on the hook.
I'll bet she's popcorned allot of hooks.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I can tell ya not to stick your finger into an electrical socket but you would do it anyway lol. The site I posted is clear on icecap loss data. It's you that refuse to accept the facts. No point in any further discussion when you refuse to accept the data posted. All you climate deniers are the reason we are where we are. You also love to argue about everything you can. I'd be happy to prove you wrong in a thread for this topic.

Data from NASA's GRACE and GRACE Follow-On satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica (upper chart) and Greenland (lower chart) have been losing mass since 2002. The GRACE mission ended in June 2017. The GRACE Follow-On mission began collecting data in June 2018 and is continuing to monitor both ice sheets. This record includes new data-processing methods and is continually updated as more numbers come in, with a delay of up to two months. This is important because the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica store about two-thirds of all the fresh water on Earth. They are losing ice due to the ongoing warming of Earth’s surface and ocean. Meltwater coming from these ice sheets is responsible for about one-third of the global average rise in sea level since 1993.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Did Florida coordinate with Texas? My taxes were spent in Texas to send Venezuelan immigrants to Massachusetts. Explain to me about how that protected a state border.
Did Florida coordinate with TX? Good question. I have not seen evidence that they are. If so, maybe through ICE (as it should be). Your taxes? It protects the people in your state and your local economy and your state's elections.
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