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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How many classified cover sheets do you
Think the FBI has? Just cuz they threw some shit on the floor and put a cover on it dont mean shit
The Supreme Court determined in its 1988 decision on Department of the Navy v. Egan that the president’s power over classified information comes from executive authority granted by Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which says, in part, that the “President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.”

“His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine whether an individual is sufficiently trustworthy to occupy a position in the Executive Branch that will give that person access to such information flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant,” the Supreme Court decision reads.

Though there aren’t specific protocols that the president must follow to declassify a document, federal courts have ruled that they will “refuse to recognize what they consider to be an inference of declassification,” McClanahan said.

The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 2020 decision about whether statements made by then-President Trump declassified the existence of a CIA program that “declassification, even by the president, must follow established procedures.”

If a document is declassified, that doesn’t automatically mean it can be shared widely, either. For example, nuclear information – which is generally classified – is also protected by the federal Atomic Energy Act of 1954, McClanahan explained.

The Washington Post reported the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago for “nuclear documents,” among other classified information.

“Because [nuclear information] has this dual protection, even if you declassify a nuclear document, you cannot disseminate it because it’s still what’s called Restricted Data,” McClanahan said.

“So to the extent that he [Trump] had any nuclear information in there, declassification would not help him in the slightest, because he would still be disseminating restricted data or moving Restricted Data,” he added.

There are other federal laws in place that bar a president from taking government records, whether they are classified or declassified. Still, breaking those laws – or most other laws – doesn’t automatically disqualify someone from becoming president, because of the simple presidential qualifications that are outlined in the U.S. Constitution.
I'm not sure why you quoted McClanahan there unless your intent was to remove the argument that some use where they say "well because he's president and has the authority to declassify documents he didn't do anything wrong because he declassified them before he took them" There are in fact specific protocols that must be followed so that a paper trail is establish whereby those who handle such things knows what needs to have their classification levels removed. In other words the idea that Trump could just say, "If I take these classified documents to the residential area of the White House they're automatically declassified" is just a bunch of BS that would only be accepted by someone with no clue as to how classification/declassification actually works. Not that any of that matter since none of the charges stemming from taking the documents in question are based on whether the documents are actually classified. In it's easiest to understand form, when Trump took those documents when he left the White House and was no longer president he was taking government property. He did not own them or have any legal claim to them. Nor did it really matter if they were related to nuclear weapons even though that does add another level of concern. Sometimes the classification isn't based on the information contained within the document but more because of where the information came from and having those documents available to the public might potentially put our intelligence operatives at risk or intelligence operatives of our allies or it might reveal sources, methods and capabilities we don't want our enemies to know of since such knowledge could allow them to come up with ways to defeat those sources of information. As for how many cover sheets the FBI has? Probably a lot but again the point of showing those cover sheets wasn't to say, "oh hey, here are the cover sheets, he's guilty" The point of showing those cover sheets were to demonstrate how clearly things are labelled to defeat the suggestion some made that stuff was just thrown into boxes and nobody knew what was in there. They did the same thing essentially when they were investigating Hillary's email server, some tried to suggest that maybe she would get so many in a day that she might miss that some were classified. They showed examples of what classified information in an email would look like and that the level of classification would be in big bold type specifically to make sure it didn't just somehow get overlooked.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Watching the video, he clearly said, "some of them, not all of them."
So? Some of them is pretty vague and does not clearly define which Democrats he meant. Also he clearly said it as an after thought. When Biden said what he said he didn't say some Republicans, he clearly stated that he was talking specifically about those who identify themselves as part of Trump's MAGA base. Also Biden didn't say they were flat out fascists he referred to them as "semi-fascists" Which was clearly meant to convey that those he was referring to aren't card carrying fascists but rather they behave and think like fascists. I realize such distinctions are lot on low IQ people such as yourself but to people who understand words and their meanings it is a clear and easily identified distinction.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I'm not sure why you quoted McClanahan there unless your intent was to remove the argument that some use where they say "well because he's president and has the authority to declassify documents he didn't do anything wrong because he declassified them before he took them" There are in fact specific protocols that must be followed so that a paper trail is establish whereby those who handle such things knows what needs to have their classification levels removed. In other words the idea that Trump could just say, "If I take these classified documents to the residential area of the White House they're automatically declassified" is just a bunch of BS that would only be accepted by someone with no clue as to how classification/declassification actually works. Not that any of that matter since none of the charges stemming from taking the documents in question are based on whether the documents are actually classified. In it's easiest to understand form, when Trump took those documents when he left the White House and was no longer president he was taking government property. He did not own them or have any legal claim to them. Nor did it really matter if they were related to nuclear weapons even though that does add another level of concern. Sometimes the classification isn't based on the information contained within the document but more because of where the information came from and having those documents available to the public might potentially put our intelligence operatives at risk or intelligence operatives of our allies or it might reveal sources, methods and capabilities we don't want our enemies to know of since such knowledge could allow them to come up with ways to defeat those sources of information. As for how many cover sheets the FBI has? Probably a lot but again the point of showing those cover sheets wasn't to say, "oh hey, here are the cover sheets, he's guilty" The point of showing those cover sheets were to demonstrate how clearly things are labelled to defeat the suggestion some made that stuff was just thrown into boxes and nobody knew what was in there. They did the same thing essentially when they were investigating Hillary's email server, some tried to suggest that maybe she would get so many in a day that she might miss that some were classified. They showed examples of what classified information in an email would look like and that the level of classification would be in big bold type specifically to make sure it didn't just somehow get overlooked.
Trump declassified these long ago. This is what Q was all about. Honestly, it is likely that the FBI raid was part of the plan. Why do you think they staged the photo to correlate to the Q posts?

Counter-Insurgency. Military planning at it's finest.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
So? Some of them is pretty vague and does not clearly define which Democrats he meant. Also he clearly said it as an after thought. When Biden said what he said he didn't say some Republicans, he clearly stated that he was talking specifically about those who identify themselves as part of Trump's MAGA base. Also Biden didn't say they were flat out fascists he referred to them as "semi-fascists" Which was clearly meant to convey that those he was referring to aren't card carrying fascists but rather they behave and think like fascists. I realize such distinctions are lot on low IQ people such as yourself but to people who understand words and their meanings it is a clear and easily identified distinction.
They are openly fascist. So it is fine. It's not slanderizing. People that voted Biden made their choice very clear. They are for the forcible suppression of their opposition.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Trump declassified these long ago. This is what Q was all about. Honestly, it is likely that the FBI raid was part of the plan. Why do you think they staged the photo to correlate to the Q posts?

Counter-Insurgency. Military planning at it's finest.
If a raid was part of the plan then why spend the previous year giving Trump multiple chances to return the documents that were never his property to take or keep. If Trump had just turned over all the documents like his lawyer falsely signed a legal document saying they had then the raid never would have happened and we wouldn't be discussing this now. Also no Trump did not declassify those documents long ago because there is no paper trail demonstrating he had which is all part of the protocol. We know Trump knows this too because if you review the declassified documents Trump released from Crossfire Hurricane you can clearly see what these protocols look like. Again though it matter not a single bit whether he declassified them or not. The statutes that the search warrant was based on do not require the documents to be classified for it to be a crime. As I said, in the most simplest terms even a moron like yourself should be able to understand those documents were government property that Trump had no legal right to take or withhold from returning.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
They are openly fascist. So it is fine. It's not slanderizing. People that voted Biden made their choice very clear. They are for the forcible suppression of their opposition.
And your evidence to back up such and outlandish and unsubstantiated statement is?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The 3 MAGA heads here are delusional. People with this ailment can't be reasoned with. Conversations with them are a waste of time.. No matter what you post there not gonna stop eating their shit sandwitch. The only reason they are here is to spread their MAGA hate.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If a raid was part of the plan then why spend the previous year giving Trump multiple chances to return the documents that were never his property to take or keep. If Trump had just turned over all the documents like his lawyer falsely signed a legal document saying they had then the raid never would have happened and we wouldn't be discussing this now. Also no Trump did not declassify those documents long ago because there is no paper trail demonstrating he had which is all part of the protocol. We know Trump knows this too because if you review the declassified documents Trump released from Crossfire Hurricane you can clearly see what these protocols look like. Again though it matter not a single bit whether he declassified them or not. The statutes that the search warrant was based on do not require the documents to be classified for it to be a crime. As I said, in the most simplest terms even a moron like yourself should be able to understand those documents were government property that Trump had no legal right to take or withhold from returning.
Why would he return the documents? Return to who? There is a huge paper trail of him declassifying the docs and remember that The CIA fought to stop these from being released like two years ago because they said it would be highly embarrising to our allies (which is an illegal reason to keep things classified.

If you are really interested in this subject, just start going through the Q posts. Q posted much of the paper trail that you deny exists. I even posted some of it the other day.

Again, there are several scenarios in which he can lawfully possess them prior to release.

Jericho Mile

You don't have to leave lol.. Just ignore them.. It's sure as hell ain't worth your time.
What fun would that be? I mean you started this thread knowing full well who would appear. It’s not really about ignoring anyone. Without argument and drama this thread is diminished. The thread needs battle lines drawn just to exist.

Basically…this is the divide that is being programmed into the population.

You didn’t vote for Biden. You voted against Trump. They didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. They voted against Clinton.

No parallels there? It’s the exact same rhetoric. Nobody is wrong or right. We’re not enemies. We’re all fodder for the storylines.

Ok…it’s not personal. Peace.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
What fun would that be? I mean you started this thread knowing full well who would appear. It’s not really about ignoring anyone. Without argument and drama this thread is diminished. The thread needs battle lines drawn just to exist.

Basically…this is the divide that is being programmed into the population.

You didn’t vote for Biden. You voted against Trump. They didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. They voted against Clinton.

No parallels there? It’s the exact same rhetoric. Nobody is wrong or right. We’re not enemies. We’re all fodder for the storylines.

Ok…it’s not personal. Peace.

If you enjoy that kind of thing knock yourself out. It's not my thing.. When people threaten to kill me because I think Trump is scum they are my enemies. The 2016 election isn't even close to the same reasons why I voted... Millions who voted for Trump didn't know he was scum and would do what he's done.. Huge differences in Character between them. Millions thought Trump might change things, but he didn't and has done the unthinkable. IMO if anyone deserved to be charged with treason it would be him. All of us that voted for Biden know who Trump is, these men are vastly different in Character. It was 100% about Character for me. Trump has sold out this country, if any can't see that their dumbasses. I don't need to keep repeating it, most should know by now where I stand. Neither of the Clintons nor Biden would ever consider doing what trumps done.

What this country was founded on is gone.. Live with it or change it. Arguing about it on a canna site is lame. Most of the BS posts aren't even about the thread topic.
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Sharon Osbourne added about the move, "It's not Ozzy's health. It's just time. America has changed so drastically. It isn't the United States of America at all — nothing's united about it. It's a very weird place to live right now."

Jericho Mile

If you enjoy that kind of thing knock yourself out. It's not my thing.. When people threaten to kill me because I think Trump is scum they are my enemies. The 2016 election isn't even close to the same reasons why I voted... Millions who voted for Trump didn't know he was scum and would do what he's done.. Huge differences in Character between them. Millions thought Trump might change things, but he didn't and has done the unthinkable. IMO if anyone deserved to be charged with treason it would be him. All of us that voted for Biden know who Trump is, these men are vastly different in Character. It was 100% about Character for me. Trump has sold out this country, if any can't see that their dumbasses... Neither of the Clintons nor Biden would ever consider doing what trumps done.

What this country was founded on is gone.. Live with it or change it. Arguing about it on a canna site is lame. Most of the BS posts are even about the thread topic.
The country has been going down the toilet my entire 56 yrs. Why I say the sky is always falling. It’s part of the human condition to believe we are doomed. The world sucks!

I don’t know where you live…but the world looks just fine here. It’s pretty chill. The pursuit of happiness and all that.

I honestly don’t see much difference in the fanaticism both the political sides are falling for. A little nudge to the left or right sends everyone spinning.

If you can’t see the country for what it really is…and not the fairytale they teach us in school…not sure what to tell you. It was sold out at conception. It’s a corporation now. Corpocracy.

Trump is huge piece of shit. Biden is a huge piece of shit…doing their jobs…playing their roles…kind of like some of the posters in this thread. Playing roles. Caricatures of real life.

…keep the wheel spinning

Goddamn it’s a beautiful land!

…as far as my voice of reason goes. It will fall on deaf ears…but there it is

Back to the drama



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Life experiences are what make us who we are.. Some have def had a rough life. As a species we suck!.
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