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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
If the Dems are stupid enough to run Biden, I will not be surprised to see Trump end up back at 1600 Penn Ave.

Sen. Graham Quoth:

Perhaps American "culture" has reached the point where a Dem admin tarring a Repug like Trump - EARNS HIM POINTS in Repug. culture - and increases voter turn-out.

if Trump is on the ballot in 2024, I think turn-out will be very high.

But not high enough ! Anybody else want to hand out Spliffs at their local voting place ?
if The Chump runs, Biden will as well, and kick his ass even worse the 2nd time around. count on it...:good: "Biden in 2024. We could do worse!" :jump::jump:
the "tar" you see all over Chumply? he put that there himself... he's like a monkey in a zoo; he shits in his hand and throws it around with no regard for the fact it splatters on himself as well.


Well-known member
Maybe with a little luck we can have all the magas certified as a danger to themselves and society and have them put somewhere with a nice room and a view so the sane portion of society can start making everything great again.
well, there is this lovely little "detention center" on a pretty semi-tropical island south of Florida where they wanted Hillary and others sent for pre-trial execution... i'm sure there is room enough for them there. it's warm year round, they should love it! instead of winter, spring, summer and fall, it has "dry" and "rainy"... well, and hurricanes.:tiphat:


Well-known member
Keep this thread going for 26 more months, and it could end up being the Trump re-election thread.

Recycling !
is anyone taking bets on him getting back into the White House except as a tourist? you don't recycle shit... you spread it on the ground before you plow and then plant crops.


Active member
is anyone taking bets on him getting back into the White House except as a tourist? you don't recycle shit... you spread it on the ground before you plow and then plant plant crops.

2024 Presidential Election Odds: Trump Favored To Win In 2024

To give context to the next election odds, we've provided the implied probability along with each candidate's odds to become the next President of the United States.

Sept. 1 update: Was it something he said? The big board stayed almost steady for the second week in a row, but there was one move: Fox News host Tucker Carlson's odds of becoming the 47th President of the United States fell from 1.5% to 1%.

Longest Shot: Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow, is at +25000, which means he has a 0.4% chance of being inaugurated Jan. 15, 2025. He's got pillows ... he can dream.

⭐️ Donald Trump+30025%⭐️ Ron DeSantis+35022.2%⭐️ Joe Biden+60014.3%⭐️ Kamala Harris+12007.7%⭐️ Gavin Newsom+16005.9%⭐️ Mike Pence+20004.8%⭐️ Pete Buttigieg+25003.8%⭐️ Michelle Obama+33002.9%⭐️ Nikki Haley+33002.9%⭐️ Hillary Clinton+40002.4%⭐️ Dw

St. Phatty

Active member
Sharon Osbourne added about the move, "It's not Ozzy's health. It's just time. America has changed so drastically. It isn't the United States of America at all — nothing's united about it. It's a very weird place to live right now."

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the Not so United States of America.

So what would the New Flag look like ?

The old flag ripped into 50 pieces ?

The old flag ripped into 2 pieces ?


Active member

moose eater

Well-known member
You have to be aware that you are strongly in denial.

But then again it makes sense because Trump is in denial as well.
I believe he left denial in the dust a continent or 2 ago. What we have here is a prime example of pure, plain-as-day, bordering on psychosis, delusions to the 9's.

They make drugs for such conditions. Not always effective or safe, but the risk might be worthit to remove such an absurd force from the 'psychic horizon', as it were.

Much like Donny 'The Grifter' tRrump, it did not evademe that Hempy views himself as the most productive, most effective employee where he works (from home).

How might he assess such a thing? How might he come to such a conclusion?

But those are side questions. The more impressive (eye-opening) thing was that Hempy's disproportionately-sized ego and his stating of his reverence for it, reads surprisingly similarly to the ways in which The Donald views himself, too.

It is little wonder that a person whose ego is nearly unchecked and unfiltered, to the extent of being truly diagnosably abnormal, as in 'personality disorder', would identify another with the same or similar condition as 'normal.'

Probably a VERY good reason why we should NEVER fuck around with cloning such beings. One or several within a given population are likely sufficient to ruin a Country.


Active member
I'm not sure why you quoted McClanahan there unless your intent was to remove the argument that some use where they say "well because he's president and has the authority to declassify documents he didn't do anything wrong because he declassified them before he took them" There are in fact specific protocols that must be followed so that a paper trail is establish whereby those who handle such things knows what needs to have their classification levels removed. In other words the idea that Trump could just say, "If I take these classified documents to the residential area of the White House they're automatically declassified" is just a bunch of BS that would only be accepted by someone with no clue as to how classification/declassification actually works. Not that any of that matter since none of the charges stemming from taking the documents in question are based on whether the documents are actually classified. In it's easiest to understand form, when Trump took those documents when he left the White House and was no longer president he was taking government property. He did not own them or have any legal claim to them. Nor did it really matter if they were related to nuclear weapons even though that does add another level of concern. Sometimes the classification isn't based on the information contained within the document but more because of where the information came from and having those documents available to the public might potentially put our intelligence operatives at risk or intelligence operatives of our allies or it might reveal sources, methods and capabilities we don't want our enemies to know of since such knowledge could allow them to come up with ways to defeat those sources of information. As for how many cover sheets the FBI has? Probably a lot but again the point of showing those cover sheets wasn't to say, "oh hey, here are the cover sheets, he's guilty" The point of showing those cover sheets were to demonstrate how clearly things are labelled to defeat the suggestion some made that stuff was just thrown into boxes and nobody knew what was in there. They did the same thing essentially when they were investigating Hillary's email server, some tried to suggest that maybe she would get so many in a day that she might miss that some were classified. They showed examples of what classified information in an email would look like and that the level of classification would be in big bold type specifically to make sure it didn't just somehow get overlooked.



Well-known member
Anybody at all? Anybody seen Joe Biden in the White House lately? Or, at all?
I have not paid any attention to where Biden is. Does not interest me. But if he has not been staying at the white house my first thought is nasty Chump probably left it with bed bugs or something worse. Like Russian, Chinese and Saudi listening devices.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Someone claiming to be Ashley Biden has recently taken to social media claiming that her father, Joepedo Biden molested her. These have been spread far and wide and have not yet been confirmed. But, much more interestingly, the media has been silent about them as far as I know. Why? Have they been de-bonked? If not, why not? And if not, when does it become news worthy?

moose eater

Well-known member
Someone claiming to be Ashley Biden has recently taken to social media claiming that her father, Joepedo Biden molested her. These have been spread far and wide and have not yet been confirmed. But, much more interestingly, the media has been silent about them as far as I know. Why? Have they been de-bonked? If not, why not? And if not, when does it become news worthy?
The news media you tend to seek out has all kinds of reporting on this. All of it as .... unverified as most of what you tend to post here (you and med4u, that is).

But there MAY be a very good and logical reason you're not including as to why the more credible sources haven't printed anything yet about it...

Are the Repugniks a bit frightened of current polling and what they have done to squander their mid-term 'win' (now apparently turning to serious losses)?

Why would you not cue right into that obvious likely or possible motivation for a smear story when it involved JB, but seem to think that well-founded, well-documented accounts of the Orange Terrorist's criminal antics are all BS, when the facts are plainly there before you?

THAT likely has a lot to do with others assertions re. your disingenuousness in fact-finding, cult-like adoration for the Cheeto Man, and more. Think on it for a bit.


Active member
Someone claiming to be Ashley Biden has recently taken to social media claiming that her father, Joepedo Biden molested her. These have been spread far and wide and have not yet been confirmed. But, much more interestingly, the media has been silent about them as far as I know. Why? Have they been de-bonked? If not, why not? And if not, when does it become news worthy?
Her diary was taken from a rehab house
And sold to project veritas they offered it to trumps team they declined and advise them to turn it over to FBI

National File Publisher: Case Against Florida Pair Proves Ashley Biden Diary Is Legitimate
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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
What fun would that be? I mean you started this thread knowing full well who would appear. It’s not really about ignoring anyone. Without argument and drama this thread is diminished. The thread needs battle lines drawn just to exist.

Basically…this is the divide that is being programmed into the population.

You didn’t vote for Biden. You voted against Trump. They didn’t vote for Trump in ‘16. They voted against Clinton.

No parallels there? It’s the exact same rhetoric. Nobody is wrong or right. We’re not enemies. We’re all fodder for the storylines.

Ok…it’s not personal. Peace.
I voted against both of them in '16.

Who's your god now?!

For the record, I'm being cheeky.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the Not so United States of America.

So what would the New Flag look like ?

The old flag ripped into 50 pieces ?

The old flag ripped into 2 pieces ?

It's pretty much that. Trump would never pledge his allegiance to our flag and mean it. When one side of a failed 2 party system would rather harm someone on the other side for losing there is no more country. The MAGA REP are 100% fascist. If they're that unhappy maybe the USA isn't the right country for them. We all get a vote to change things not violence, hate, or corruption. It's my way or the highway isn't an option in democracy. If they don't have the vote that's just how it is. No one gets to force their will onto another because they LOST!!.

I keep telling everyone to stop voting for DEM/REP. They are both the problem. It's a never ending shit show. GOV doesn't work the way some here think it does. Everything is slow to happen. When a new POTUS gets elected they get blamed for all the issues of the previous POTUS or issues that no POTUS controls. It always leads me back to the lack of education/intelligence.

Jericho Mile

I voted against both of them in '16.

Who's your god now?!

For the record, I'm being cheeky.
I actually don’t do the politics. I honestly do not. I’m socially liberal. Being progressive is better than being repressive. I dislike any sort of religious influences affecting my life. So religion in political policy making is a big negative. The religious zealots I see as dangerous. They will believe anything.

Owned firearms since I was a child…but I don’t have a hard on for them or worry about the government taking them. Served in the Corps (grunt) but dislike the way our military is used to promote and commit absolute terrorism. The US government is a terrorist/criminal organization. Military actions I am familiar with. If you thank me for serving I’ll laugh and tell you you’re repeating a propaganda slogan.

What else? Gay people are fine. There are gay people in my family. They should not be marginalized. People are people.

People of all colors and identifiers are fine

Abortion should be legal everywhere. This should not even be being brought up in the 21st century. Again religion is involved.

All drugs legalized too. All of them. Nobody should tell an adult what they can or can not ingest into their bodies.

Trump totally incited his fanatical followers to do what they did to the Capital. It was fucking wrong…and he is a huge coward for it. As an American I am embarrassed.

I don’t vote. Never joined a political party in my life. That people get excited about this nonsense I see as just being socially engineered.

The sun will come up tomorrow. America is a beautiful country. We are spoiled.

What if god was one of us? (Song)
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