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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Special Master approved. That doesn't make sense to me but it is what it is. GOV documents are not Trumps.. Makes no sense that a Master would give those top secret docs back to Trump.


ICMag Donor
It was a trump appointed judge that approved the master.

It will not work out well with half of the reds not wanting to be associated with MAGATs.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What's wrong with having a special master? Don't you want to make sure that these documents are under proper custodianship? For the good of our nation right? I mean, there could be nuclear yellow cake recipes! :biglaugh:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why would you think there not? Trump isn't special. They were not his to take.. Why arent you concerned some folders were empty? Where are those Top secret doc's?>.. It doesn't take a Master to tell what is a top secret doc and what is a tax return. Turds personnel files are not kept in folders stamped SCI secret/Top secret.

Federal agents search homes linked to a Russian oligarch who recently had his yacht seized... FBI agents took boxes from the home.​

I wonder if those missing doc will be found in those boxes. Even if they were you would make excuses..
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Well-known member
Special Master approved. That doesn't make sense to me but it is what it is. GOV documents are not Trumps.. Makes no sense that a Master would give those top secret docs back to Trump.
he WON'T get them back. if there are any papers in there that are not govt property (pictures of Melania & Trudeau for example) he'll get to keep those. or if there really is correspondence with a real lawyer (not Bannon or other possible co-defendants) concerning legal matters unrelated to his "presidency", he'll likely get those too. nothing else unless one of his kids or flunkies is appointed as the special master. not much his hand-picked judge can do for him now but to delay the inevitable for a few days...


Active member
Why would you think there not? Trump isn't special. They were not his to take.. Why arent you concerned some folders were empty? Where are those Top secret doc's?>.. It doesn't take a Master to tell what is a top secret doc and what is a tax return. Turds personnel files are not kept in folders stamped SCI secret/Top secret.

Federal agents search homes linked to a Russian oligarch who recently had his yacht seized... FBI agents took boxes from the home.​

I wonder if those missing doc will be found in those boxes. Even if they were you would make excuses..

Straw grasping absurdities 🤣
Are you really that brain dead not to recall
The order to sieze all Russian oligarch
I'm sure whoever Trump picks for the records master will sort it out in a very thorough and timely fashion 🤣
Word on the street judge cannon hinted at
Questionable Procedural indiscretions
In the handling of classified documents
By DOJ employees exposure to alleged
Classified documents without adequate
Also items siezed with no correlation to
Affidavit and warrent...
To include medical records,passports
Clothing items gifts, tax info ,accounting records, attorney client privileged records
And yep..executive priviledge records
She went as far as to say if any of these are used In future possible indictments may result In 4th amendment violations and could
Leave the the DOJ open for civil litigation
From Trump


Active member
It was a trump appointed judge that approved the master.

It will not work out well with half of the reds not wanting to be associated with MAGATs.

And Trump gets to submit his choice for the special master 🤣
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Why would you think there not? Trump isn't special. They were not his to take.. Why arent you concerned some folders were empty? Where are those Top secret doc's?>.. It doesn't take a Master to tell what is a top secret doc and what is a tax return. Turds personnel files are not kept in folders stamped SCI secret/Top secret.

Federal agents search homes linked to a Russian oligarch who recently had his yacht seized... FBI agents took boxes from the home.​

I wonder if those missing doc will be found in those boxes. Even if they were you would make excuses..
POTUS' probably keep folders for classifying documents around incase they need to throw something in one.

Brother Nature

Well-known member
I was having a conversation with a fellow American-kiwi earlier and he bought up an interesting point about why he, a staunch Anti-Trump voting Democrat, didn't think Trump would be indicted for any of this. His point was the international optics of a former US president being convicted of anything, especially espionage, treason, etc... From our viewpoint outside the US, most of the international community views the US empire as crumbling and a bit of a joke. They loudly agree to US 'partnerships', happily support the US effort in Ukraine, but quietly sign up to trade agreements with China. Most progressive countries are hedging their bets at the moment for what seems like the inevitable fall of an empire and seeing the US convict someone they elected to their highest position of power is a pretty bad look if you're trying to maintain the 'leader of the free world' image. Those outside the US don't really understand it's politics, they just see a country whose worst and most effective threats are coming from within. That's a weakness, weakness doesn't inspire those under it's charge to stay in line. I'd say those in the less ostentatious positions of power recognize this, or they wouldn't be in those positions and they won't let America look weak. But, the ego is a powerful thing which makes it easy to manipulate and I could be wrong.

comfy markoth

Well-known member
Good post.

I agree with the optics of imprisoning or even indicting a former president is kid of taboo, and makes the country look weak, so even if a president 'should' be dealt with harshly it's not really likely to happen.

There are different punishments for people of different standings in society, as much as it sucks, it just is how it is.

Even if it's proven beyond any doubt that 'someone' has done diabolical things, there's a pretty good chance that they get let off the hook because it would cause massive civil unrest to do otherwise.... so 'they' just decide to keep the peace the best way possible.

Us humans are pretty clever, but we're also just a mass of writhing idiots who act out in weird ways.


Well-known member
POTUS' probably keep folders for classifying documents around incase they need to throw something in one.

St. Phatty

Active member
It's pretty much that. Trump would never pledge his allegiance to our flag and mean it. When one side of a failed 2 party system would rather harm someone on the other side for losing there is no more country. The MAGA REP are 100% fascist.

The mainstream Dems, like Schumer and Wasserman-Schultz, are just as - if not more - Fascist - in the original definition of Fascism, the merger of national & corporate interests.

They just have different priority lists.

Jericho Mile

Corporations are fascist. The United States is a Corpocracy.

It’s like nobody wants to accept this. It’s better to close your eyes and vote red or blue…and pretend you are anything more than the help.

Your straw men names on your birth certificates are in ALL CAPS which indicates a legal binding contract.

We are born into this. Contracted for life. No freedom of choice.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I was having a conversation with a fellow American-kiwi earlier and he bought up an interesting point about why he, a staunch Anti-Trump voting Democrat, didn't think Trump would be indicted for any of this. His point was the international optics of a former US president being convicted of anything, especially espionage, treason, etc... From our viewpoint outside the US, most of the international community views the US empire as crumbling and a bit of a joke. They loudly agree to US 'partnerships', happily support the US effort in Ukraine, but quietly sign up to trade agreements with China. Most progressive countries are hedging their bets at the moment for what seems like the inevitable fall of an empire and seeing the US convict someone they elected to their highest position of power is a pretty bad look if you're trying to maintain the 'leader of the free world' image. Those outside the US don't really understand it's politics, they just see a country whose worst and most effective threats are coming from within. That's a weakness, weakness doesn't inspire those under it's charge to stay in line. I'd say those in the less ostentatious positions of power recognize this, or they wouldn't be in those positions and they won't let America look weak. But, the ego is a powerful thing which makes it easy to manipulate and I could be wrong.
They don't care very much about optics. They blew off Kennedy's head in broad daylight and have also killed many, many, others in broad daylight. Optics certainly would not stop them. That is why they have the media to spin whatever they want however they want. And people will consume the information without much thought. Happens all the time.
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