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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It would seem I struck a nerve.... But the judgement is based on what you post here, including the video referenced earlier.

Caveman? No, I think of myself more as a broad-based ecclectic individual who knows there's a time for olive branches, a time for dialogue, and a time to confront bullshit when I see it. "To every season, turn, turn, turn." You know, Hempy, like that set of 'rules' often indirectly pointed to by you (dogmatic moralism), there's a time for every-fucking-thing under the Sun... including violence. The issue is one of discernment. What is required, what is helpful, and so on. But there are some persons in this world too ignorant to benefit from dialogue or more conventional learning styles. For them, an ass-whipping sometimes suffices. Not like it's going to make them much less humane in their perpetration of nonsense, is it?

If it consoles you any, rest assured that I once lectured a somewhat mentally ill neo-nazi (aren't they all?) between Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington, as he stared at my .44 mag S&W 29-2, 4" that was traveling in a shoulder holster on the dash about 1987. I got his story, then told him mine. When we reached the exit I'd specifically chosen for his well-being, I informed him that I would just as soon see he and his kind pushed into the Pacific Ocean with a dozer, or set adrift in the Berring Sea during Winter storms, in a dinghy with no oars, no motor, and a slow leak, but I wanted him to remember that a well-armed person who HATED what he stood for (in the hitch-hikers deranged ignorance, in his defense), safely delivered him a bit closer to his destination (Seattle), and even let him off in a safe place where the HP and local pigs wouldn't hassle him as much, and he might fare better at getting a ride, instead of tucking his arse into a culvert with a couple large exit wounds in his head, which is more aptly what his kind deserve, in my opinion..

I'm nearly certain that most of this is lost on you, Hempy. You see the world in black and white, with a -whole- lot of delusional conspiracy shit thrown in for colorful effect. But chew on the thoughts anyway, if you will. And find a fucking hobby that doesn't involve conspiracy theories so steeped in obvious BS. People will think better of you.. if that matters to you..
Hempy would like to encourage you to be a better person.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
…you identify in the 3rd person. Nobody wants to know you. Presenting yourself as a goofy harmless conspiracy nut…but in reality you are a piece of shit…spending years advocating violence and bigotry. It’s not amusing. It’s not healthy. You could just shut up…at any time…but you won’t…because you are spreading your disease. Misery.

On a fucking pot forum of all places
You again! When have I ever advocated for violence or bigotry? You seem upset that I have something useful to say, whereas you, yourself, do not. In fact, Hempy can't recall a single useful or constructive comment that you've made here, yet. What are you even doing lurking around the Speaker's Corner, besides obsessing about Hempy... Get a life!

And, remember something, Hempy would like to just return to normal work and have his job returned to normal. But, Hempy has to work from home because of COVID insanity and politics. So, you bet your ass Hempy is going to spend his time sharing info

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The Trump-humpers are taking the loss of t-Rump as a Casus Belli for Civil War.

For example,

90% Trump-humpers in South Carolina.

It's a gun website with its own web forums.

Very useful for Sociology students.
It's not going to happen the USA has a population of roughly 330 Million of that 330 Million roughly 75 Million are republican and of that 75 Million roughly half (35-40 Million are loyal MAGA) Now on Jan. 6th when Trump had made the best case for his people to come and use violence to help keep him in power he could only manage to draw into action about .5% (at best most generous estimates) of his most loyal followers. This also while he was in a position to help soften the resistance those followers would run into.

Now we're supposed to believe that because Trump got caught committing some of the most serious crimes that he could commit basically framing himself as a traitor, that if we hold him accountable by the law, that the entire Republican party is going to go to war? Or even the entire MAGA loyalists? That was the call after the raid, you know how many showed up at Mar-A-Lago the next day to protest? Five. You know how many actually took up arms and tried to attack an FBI office? One. I invite anyone wanting to start a civil war to go ahead and try, please try, but I hope they realize this time they won't be met by a handful of cops trying to hold them back with bicycle racks and batons. This time it will be shoot on sight and shoot to kill. So no, there isn't going to be any civil war. No matter how good a job they do at photoshopping trumps head over Mel Gibson's. Good old private bone spurs isn't going to be picking up a flag and leading a charge into war.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
That's not what happened, lol.
Found it! It wasn't Salty Cracker who reported on it (my bad). It was this story that has all of the twitter video links. Watch them before they get deleted from the internet!



Well-known member
Hempy needs to check into a mental health facility
Stempy needs to move to Russia, if he is not already a citizen there & working at one of the computer groups involved in our political problems. he's not sick, he's doing this shit deliberately. nobody could possibly say the things he says & actually believe they are all true. nobody...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Basically, the FakeNews that @moose eater consumes, is leading to what is called 'stochastic terrorism.' It could lead unintelligent sick people like mouse eater to murder totally innocent people.

You can now see that you were totally wrong and completely mislead by the FakeNews. But, I have a feeling that mouse eater wont care (because mouse eater is not well).


Well-known member
The Trump-humpers are taking the loss of t-Rump as a Casus Belli for Civil War.

For example,

90% Trump-humpers in South Carolina.

It's a gun website with its own web forums.

Very useful for Sociology students.
not a Chump-humper, but...i've been buying my pistol ammo from them for quite a while. they were the last place that i found .38 spl ammo for sale at when the shortage hit...they must have seen this coming and stocked up a shitload, lol. folks that ABHOR Chumply also own guns & practice with them too. i've hated that useless criminal piece of shit since before most of you were even born...:good:

Jericho Mile

You again! When have I ever advocated for violence or bigotry? You seem upset that I have something useful to say, whereas you, yourself, do not. In fact, Hempy can't recall a single useful or constructive comment that you've made here, yet. What are you even doing lurking around the Speaker's Corner, besides obsessing about Hempy... Get a life!

And, remember something, Hempy would like to just return to normal work and have his job returned to normal. But, Hempy has to work from home because of COVID insanity and politics. So, you bet your ass Hempy is going to spend his time sharing info
I don’t believe I’ve ever gotten through a paragraph of your rhetoric or your responses. I fuck with you…because you are a wormy propagandist for a wormy cause. No matter how you choose to see yourself. That’s the bottom line.


Run along now, squid. Tend your closet. Turbo post some ridiculously retarded shit…beat meat goose step

Jericho Mile

Right on Cue (whoah…Q…must mean something)

Do better

* the company is using the Covid vaccination as an excuse to get rid of you. They are more than happy you are “working” from home. Reality. Nobody enjoys HR nightmares. Unhinged/delusional people can be unsafe in a work environment. More than one way to skin a cat.
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