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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
Hmmm... Still no takers on my bet? None of the MAGA faithful want to take my money?
they gave it all to their false idol so he wouldn't pay his lawyers with it. do any of those fools realize he is rich because he never pays his bills? i'm sure some of them blew it on a Lindell pillow... :biggrin:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

moose eater

Well-known member
I heard about this from watching Salty Cracker. I do see that the video is now gone. So, that does make me wonder if he pulled it. I have an idea, why don't you share something that supports your claim. I have a very hard time believing that anti-pedo protesters were armed first. They were on the side farthest from the establishment. So, I don't know how that would happen under the scenario you describe. But, like I said, I only had one source on this because the media isn't saying much about the whole thing, which makes me think Salty was correct.
Hempy, the interwebs have a fairly well-stocked reporting of the events in Texas the other day.

The mere fact that you scrounge out obscure sources to listen to fabricated pabalum, then it's taken down?

The pieces I read, again, involved interviewing the shop owner, whose son participated in the events. He had assured the townspeople that no lewdness or illegal content would be presented in the show.

But Hempy, the fact that you correlate non-conformist performing arts with pedophilia (persons with pedophilia being a segment of the population I once worked with in MH) tells me a lot about your ignorance where such subjects are concerned.

You might try researching (FROM CREDIBLE MEDICAL & CRIMINAL PSYCH SOURCES!!!) any -significant- statistical correlations you can find between the drag queen crowd, the LGBTQ+ crowd, and pedophilia. THEN.... research heterosexual involvement with pedophilia. The results might wipe away your obvious years of misguided bias. Just sayin'....

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hempy, the interwebs have a fairly well-stocked reporting of the events in Texas the other day.

The mere fact that you scrounge out obscure sources to listen to fabricated pabalum, then it's taken down?

The pieces I read, again, involved interviewing the shop owner, whose son participated in the events. He had assured the townspeople that no lewdness or illegal content would be presented in the show.

But Hempy, the fact that you correlate non-conformist performing arts with pedophilia (persons with pedophilia being a segment of the population I once worked with in MH) tells me a lot about your ignorance where such subjects are concerned.

You might try researching (FROM CREDIBLE MEDICAL & CRIMINAL PSYCH SOURCES!!!) any -significant- statistical correlations you can find between the drag queen crowd, the LGBTQ+ crowd, and pedophilia. THEN.... research heterosexual involvement with pedophilia. The results might wipe away your obvious years of misguided bias. Just sayin'....
The 'shop owner who's son participated in the event' is a very biased and untrustworthy source. Salty provided video eveidence. So, show us! Where are the anti-pedo protesters with guns and how could they have been there first if Antifa has a wall around the establishment telling them to "go back across the street?"

St. Phatty

Active member
You might try researching (FROM CREDIBLE MEDICAL & CRIMINAL PSYCH SOURCES!!!) any -significant- statistical correlations you can find between the drag queen crowd, the LGBTQ+ crowd, and pedophilia. THEN.... research heterosexual involvement with pedophilia. The results might wipe away your obvious years of misguided bias. Just sayin'....

Not sure what the statistics are, hetero vs. homo.

The LGB demographic got attention for providing shelter for NAMBLA, a genuine pedophile group that met at some library in the Castro in San Francisco in the early 90's.

It doesn't mean that there is a statistical connection.

Just that the LGB demographic provided "cover" and a place to meet.

And it appears they actually have a website.

What about those of us who photograph animals (and plants) - and feed our cats every day. Do we get a Pride Parade ?

How did we get from Trump to that particular tangent ...

Maybe Biden can sniff Trump's hair ... after Trump uses his special Polonium laced hair spray.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
The Salty Cracker video also showed inappropriate behavior with a child in front of the establishment. This is my guess as to why the video was taken down.


Well-known member
Not sure what the statistics are, hetero vs. homo.

The LGB demographic got attention for providing shelter for NAMBLA, a genuine pedophile group that met at some library in the Castro in San Francisco in the early 90's.

It doesn't mean that there is a statistical connection.

Just that the LGB demographic provided "cover" and a place to meet.

And it appears they actually have a website.

What about those of us who photograph animals (and plants) - and feed our cats every day. Do we get a Pride Parade ?

How did we get from Trump to that particular tangent ...

Maybe Biden can sniff Trump's hair ... after Trump uses his special Polonium laced hair spray.
anyone can have a parade. just get a permit & go for it. does that bother you for some reason? are you so sensitive that you want "the others" to go back into their closet so you won't notice them, or what? The Chump MUST have something "special" on his hair, the way he wears it wrapped around his head from all points of the compass to cover the baldness. i wish he WAS spraying his head with radioactive isotopes...he would have been dead years ago. maybe that explains his rapidly deteriorating mental problems? you might be on to something...

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
anyone can have a parade. just get a permit & go for it. does that bother you for some reason? are you so sensitive that you want "the others" to go back into their closet so you won't notice them, or what? The Chump MUST have something "special" on his hair, the way he wears it wrapped around his head from all points of the compass to cover the baldness. i wish he WAS spraying his head with radioactive isotopes...he would have been dead years ago. maybe that explains his rapidly deteriorating mental problems? you might be on to something...
Not so fast

moose eater

Well-known member
Not so fast

You truly have a great deal of difficulty defining the difference between the oppressed, versus the oppressor, don't you, Hempy?

And the 'source' was the shop owner, not his son.

Do your folks lie for you, Hempy? Mine didn't for me, and I don't make a habit of lying for my kids. Maybe your family's fucked up?
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You truly have a great deal of difficulty defining the differene between the oppressed, versus the oppressor, don't you, Hempy?

And the 'source' was the shop owner, not his son.

Do your folks lie for you, Hempy? Mine didn't for me, and I don't make a habit of lying for my kids. Maybe your family's fucked up?
The 'shop owner' is the problem. Why don't you just post your source already? So we can see for ourselves..

moose eater

Well-known member
The 'shop owner' is the problem. Why don't you just post your source already? So we can see for ourselves..
Already responded and told you that there's a fair amount of reporting on this that doesn't require digging into obscure paranoid conspiracy rags that support MAGA and have been found repeatedly to spew horseshit. I kinow you have a computer, Hempy. You turbo-post bizaare shit with it all the time. Do a Google search, DuckDuckGo, or what ever search engine you wish.

And yes, Hempy, your correlating pedophilia with drag queens and LGBTQ+ folks is a blatant statement of your ignorance and blind biases where those folks are concerned. but thanks for tipping your cards in such a way as to better define who you are and who you're not as a human being.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I was replying to armedoldhippy saying 'anyone can have a parade.'

Just illustrating the hate and intolerance of the rainbow pride people.

moose eater

Well-known member
I was replying to armedoldhippy saying 'anyone can have a parade.'

Just illustrating the hate and intolerance of the rainbow pride people.
This may come as a surprise to you, Hempy, but when people have been fucked over for generations, suppressed, tormented, ridiculed, beaten up, murdered for their identities, had special laws made to inhibit them in their private lives, etc., etc. by persons such as YOU, -SOMETIMES- they get a bit 'hot under the collar.' We're not all Ghandi.

And don't back-pedal now. The fact that you are unable to see the underlying reverberations in this that have resulted from fucking YEARS of mistreatment of these people tells me that there's now a 20% greater chance that you're a bot.

I'm not a member of said 'Rainbow crowd', though I liked the Rainbow Gatherings of the Tribes from a distance <people liked to gossip half-truths and bullshit about them, too, btw>. But if I were a member of the 'Rainbow crowd', and I encountered half of the biggotry and ignorance there is out there being expressed toward such persons, I'd have had a serious urge to deliver some instant karma that focused on actions moreso than words. There's a time to torch diplomacy. (I said that).

My older son, now in the throws of reconciliation with me, has a number of 'Rainbow crowd' people in his sphere, though like myself, he is heterosexual.

Some limp biscuit biggot with too much mouth and too little ass, <likely with very small hands, too>, too ignorant to identify his own biases and shortcomings where intelligence and humanity were concerned (like others we know) had been popping off about my son's transgendered co-worker. I was extremely proud of my older boy back then when he told the referenced biggot that if the bullshit continued, my son was "going to identify as a problem." He very rarely has expressed that sort of line-in-the-sand, "You're about to fuck up badly." Not his style as a rule, but we all have our limts, ya' know....

And Hempy, my older son is not hateful in the least. That son is likely the softest-souled, most calm and fair individual I know. He just seriously dislikes bullies, biggots and assholes. And on that note, if he beats some insecure, bullying, misguided homophobe's ass into a pulp, hopefully helping that numbskull to be a bit more kind to others in the future, then, I'll buy him a fucking six pack and maybe an oz of pot..... and a pizza to boot. Of course, I can just give him the oz. of pot. But the message is way more clear if I buy him one.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
This may come as a surprise to you, Hempy, but when people have been fucked over for generations, suppressed, tormented, ridiculed, beaten up, murdered for their identities, had special laws made to inhibit them in their private lives, etc., etc. by persons such as YOU, -SOMETIMES- they get a bit 'hot under the collar.' We're not all Ghandi.

And don't back-pedal now. The fact that you are unable to see the underlying reverberations in this that have resulted from fucking YEARS of mistreatment of these people tells me that there's now a 20% greater chance that you're a bot.

I'm not a member of said 'Rainbow crowd', though I liked the Rainbow Gatherings of the Tribes from a distance <people liked to gossip half-truths and bullshit about them, too, btw>. But if I were a member of the 'Rainbow crowd', and I encountered half of the biggotry and ignorance there is out there being expressed toward such persons, I'd have had a serious urge to deliver some instant karma that focused on actions moreso than words. There's a time to torch diplomacy. (I said that).

My older son, now in the throws of reconciliation with me, has a number of 'Rainbow crowd' people in his sphere, though like myself, he is heterosexual.

Some limp biscuit biggot with too much mouth and too little ass, <likely with very small hands, too>, too ignorant to identify his own biases and shortcomings where intelligence and humanity were concerned (like others we know) had been popping off about my son's transgendered co-worker. I was extremely proud of my older boy back then when he told the referenced biggot that if the bullshit continued, my son was "going to identify as a problem." He very rarely has expressed that sort of line-in-the-sand, "You're about to fuck up badly." Not his style as a rule, but we all have our limts, ya' know....

And Hempy, my older son is not hateful in the least. That son is likely the softest-souled, most calm and fair individual I know. He just seriously dislikes bullies, biggots and assholes. And on that note, if he beats some insecure, bullying, misguided homophobes ass into a pulp, hopefully helping that numbskull to be a bit more kind to others in the future, then, I'll buy him a fucking six pack and maybe an oz of pot..... and a pizza to boot. Of course, I can just give him the oz. of pot. But the message is way more clear if I buy him one.
You are a caveman.

You don't know Hempy.

And, everything you seem to think you know seems to be wrong and stupid.

moose eater

Well-known member
You are a caveman.

You don't know Hempy.

And, everything you seem to think you know seems to be wrong and stupid.
It would seem I struck a nerve.... But the judgement is based on what you post here, including the video referenced earlier.

Caveman? No, I think of myself more as a broad-based ecclectic individual who knows there's a time for olive branches, a time for dialogue, and a time to confront bullshit when I see it. "To every season, turn, turn, turn." You know, Hempy, like that set of 'rules' often indirectly pointed to by you (dogmatic moralism), there's a time for every-fucking-thing under the Sun... including violence. The issue is one of discernment. What is required, what is helpful, and so on. But there are some persons in this world too ignorant to benefit from dialogue or more conventional learning styles. For them, an ass-whipping sometimes suffices. Not like it's going to make them much less humane in their perpetration of nonsense, is it?

If it consoles you any, rest assured that I once lectured a somewhat mentally ill neo-nazi (aren't they all?) between Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington, as he stared at my .44 mag S&W 29-2, 4" that was traveling in a shoulder holster on the dash about 1987. I got his story, then told him mine. When we reached the exit I'd specifically chosen for his well-being, I informed him that I would just as soon see he and his kind pushed into the Pacific Ocean with a dozer, or set adrift in the Berring Sea during Winter storms, in a dinghy with no oars, no motor, and a slow leak, but I wanted him to remember that a well-armed person who HATED what he stood for (in the hitch-hikers deranged ignorance, in his defense), safely delivered him a bit closer to his destination (Seattle), and even let him off in a safe place where the HP and local pigs wouldn't hassle him as much, and he might fare better at getting a ride, instead of tucking his arse into a culvert with a couple large exit wounds in his head, which is more aptly what his kind deserve, in my opinion..

I'm nearly certain that most of this is lost on you, Hempy. You see the world in black and white, with a -whole- lot of delusional conspiracy shit thrown in for colorful effect. But chew on the thoughts anyway, if you will. And find a fucking hobby that doesn't involve conspiracy theories so steeped in obvious BS. People will think better of you.. if that matters to you..
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Jericho Mile

You are a caveman.

You don't know Hempy.

And, everything you seem to think you know seems to be wrong and stupid.
…you identify in the 3rd person. Nobody wants to know you. Presenting yourself as a goofy harmless conspiracy nut…but in reality you are a piece of shit…spending years advocating violence and bigotry. It’s not amusing. It’s not healthy. You could just shut up…at any time…but you won’t…because you are spreading your disease. Misery.

On a fucking pot forum of all places
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ICMag Donor
Trump groupies still at it.

Meanwhile, back in reality land (and swing states) it's not looking good.

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