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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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St. Phatty

Active member
Be honest

at least half of us want to see Trump behind bars.

Partially because we don't like him, partially because he is one shady dude.

Can you imagine having Trump as your Pot Dealer ?

I thought the plot piece in Michael Connelly's novel "Lincoln Lawyer", about LA bikers sprinkling their Cannabis with Meth, was Bullshit.

BUT it is the kind of thing I might expect from T-Rump.

At the least I'd expect him to Kif the buds.

moose eater

Well-known member
most of those damn cowards are NOT going to be shooting at LEO/military. they're gonna do what chickenshits ALWAYS do- they'll beat up suspected gays, do drive-by shootings at homes with pride flags, maybe toss Molotov cocktails through the windows of womens health clinics, etc. maybe the Klan would lend MAGA their noted expertise on domestic terror. they are bound to have an ideological successor to good ol' "dynamite Bob", the brave fellow that dynamited the church and killed 4 little girls...
There was an effort to thwart a drag queen show in Texas today or yesterday. Rednecks/MAGA crowd showed up armed only to be greeted by armed security there to protect the show attendees and performers.

Seems these rednecks are pretty tough when the opposition is unarmed. Not so much when the opposition is equally strapped.

Having known folks who seemingly stroked their firearms as though they were a sex toy or something, the whole news story was... intriguing in some ways.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
There was an effort to thwart a drag queen show in Texas today or yesterday. Rednecks/MAGA crowd showed up armed only to be greeted by armed security there to protect the show attendees and performers.

Seems these rednecks are pretty tough when the opposition is unarmed. Not so much when the opposition is equally strapped.

Having known folks who seemingly stroked their firearms as though they were a sex toy or something, the whole news story was... intriguing in some ways.
That's not what happened, lol.

moose eater

Well-known member
Yeah. Antifa showed up armed and were trying to tell peaceful protesters what to do. Luckily the peaceful protesters were not frightened and did not let these armed thugs intimidate them at their pedo festival.
In other words, I see you're still taking in filtered MAGA rubbish & FOX propaganda, eh?

Hempy, if you ever want to be taken seriously by someone other than med4u or your alter-ego, 3 berries, you really ought to consider delving into better research and news-snooping. There's a reason why 90% of the folks who have bothered to post in your turbo-posted thread ridicule your often ridiculous assertions, and the 3 who sometimes stroke your nonsense (tj, 3b, and m4u).... are..... a BIT unhinged from any solid grasp on what the rest of us might call .... reality... where socio-political issues, earth science issues, and more topics are concerned.
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comfy markoth

Well-known member

Jericho Mile

Yeah. Antifa showed up armed and were trying to tell peaceful protesters what to do. Luckily the peaceful protesters were not frightened and did not let these armed thugs intimidate them at their pedo festival.
….just like they were starting forest fires while chanting for civil war…and waving confederate battle flags

I think your ridiculous narratives have run their course. It’s 2 yrs later. You’re still a minority. You’re still unhappy. Hate remains. Getting older.
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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
In other words, I see you're still taking in filtered MAGA rubbish & FOX propaganda, eh?

Hempy, if you ever want to be taken seriously by someone other than med4u or your alter-ego, 3 berries, you really ought to consider delving into better research and news-snooping. There's a reason why 90% of the folks who have bothered to post in your turbo-posted thread ridicule your often ridiculous assertions, and the 3 who sometimes stroke your nonsense (tj, 3b, and m4u).... are..... a BIT unhinged from any solid grasp on what the rest of us might call .... reality... where socio-political issues, earth science issues, and more topics are concerned.
I heard about this from watching Salty Cracker. I do see that the video is now gone. So, that does make me wonder if he pulled it. I have an idea, why don't you share something that supports your claim. I have a very hard time believing that anti-pedo protesters were armed first. They were on the side farthest from the establishment. So, I don't know how that would happen under the scenario you describe. But, like I said, I only had one source on this because the media isn't saying much about the whole thing, which makes me think Salty was correct.


Well-known member
St Phatty - "can you imagine having Trump as your pot dealer? "

sure, if i ran an Italian pizza place & was running low on oregano...i'd have him on speed dial then. :tiphat:
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