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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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moose eater

Well-known member
Yeah, but what about -your- tactics, Hempy? I primarily see you groping for sources so obscure and lacking in credibility that claiming to take in sources from (as many varied outlets as possible)... simply hasn't happened in your demonstration of 'research.'

What HAS been demonstrated is your ability to sniff out every hair-brained conspiracy and disinformation rag that's working (under the table?) for the RNC's/GOP's most extreme bunch of nit-wits I've ever read a headline or (lie) from.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
But, then don't call yourself tolerant. It's one thing to not tolerate certain people. But, then you lose the cred to call yourself tolerant. Simple. Right? It's like if a person says they aren't racist except in the case against (insert any racial group) because "they clearly deserve it!" lol. You are no longer against racism, in the case of such an example.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
He was simply admitting to your similar level of ignorance, but he was wise enough to identify his deficit. Others here seem to be blind, but claim full-sightedness.

A wise person knows that he does not or may not know. A fool continues pretending he does.

Though I did appreciate that one of the more striking, staggering, earth-shattering headlines claiming Trump's innocense (likely in all things, no doubt) came from a source referenced as, 'The Cat Box'.

Having had cats decades ago, I can only imagine the quality of items to come out of The Cat Box.

Seemed rather fitting.
Catbox is not a source. It is a file sharing apparatus.

moose eater

Well-known member
Ignorance and treading on the rights of any minority group in a Constitutional Republic should not be tolerated. Ever.
You liked this post, Hempy, yet you support a 'man' who mocks developmentally disabled persons at a public gathering? And you speak about double-standards? as though they matter to you? A 'man' who justifies illegitimate use of force by the authorities and private persons against minority groups/individuals?

Christalmighty! The obtuseness is strong in this one.


Well-known member

Imagine the irony. Spending years on a cannabis website that has been helping outlaws grow their own smoke as well as discuss other topics openly. And still supporting a man that wants the death penalty for drug dealers.

moose eater

Well-known member
By the way, Hempy, the documents that were seized at DJT's place were reportedly subpoenaed last Spring, and he obviously failed to comply.

So there's more than just his declassifying the documents here to cover his ass.

The docs weren't HIS to begin with. They belong to the People and National Archives. That makes his taking them without proper protocol a matter of 'theft'.

Then there's DJT's ignoring the subpoena. He doesn't have that authority. Never did.

Fair-minded? Respectful of the laws as the Chief Administrator of the USA? Where?


moose eater

Well-known member
tRump was a success only because of his blustering hyperbole, and the crowd that supports him was -so- elated to finally have a person in the Whitehouse who acts like a 14-year-old kid; they could relate to him when he mocks DD persons. It was humor they were accustomed to and accepting of. It was a mirror of behavior that exemplified the level of development many of his followers function at.

Jericho Mile

Remember your trying to explain common sense shit to those that never understood how that works.. They will never agree with anything you post.
….when a fanatic does not have a real answer…when both their shoulders are pinned to the mat…their shut down response : but but but that’s what I believe

Best surrender you’ll get out of one

Jericho Mile

tRump was a success only because of his blustering hyperbole, and the crowd that supports him was -so- elated to finally have a person in the Whitehouse who acts like a 14-year-old kid; they could relate to him when he mocks DD persons. It was humor they were accustomed to and accepting of. It was a mirror of behavior that exemplified the level of development many of his followers function at.

He dumbed it down so far…man…holy shit. How gas chambers get fired up….people start getting hurt…dumb dumb dumb

We live in a pretty cool country. These maniacs need to chill
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I see a major political party doing it's most to tear the country apart on purpose. There in it balls deep. They are prepared to lose it all regardless of any Crimes Trump does. $$ will always "Trump" common sense. We are gonna see who loses their shit for Trump and ends up locked up. Fools 1 and all.

St. Phatty

Active member
He has an endless supply of gullible people to follow him and wind up as collateral damage discards.

I think he is sweating it as the walls close in.

Is he running for office because he's convinced himself that being pResident will give him impunity for his crimes ?

Kind of a Panic-stricken run for pResident.

He PRIDES himself on pissing off the Democrats.

As long as he can write off the prosecution about the records - without going to prison - Trump wins, sort of, in his unique Richie Rich way.

What are the total numbers on how much money his supporters are sending him ?

It really is a CULT. Trump may even have the skills to lead a Red state America, not in a way that we admire, but then, without our admiration, but possibly even effectively.

It's sort of like eating sh-t to admit that.

As long as Trump can sleep in some fancy hotel room in a Trump property, and not a jail cell, he has won in his unique way.

Don't forget he counts time different than us. He is not a man in the Spring of his Life.

he could choke or Croak ANY DAY and it will surprise no one.


Active member
But, then don't call yourself tolerant. It's one thing to not tolerate certain people. But, then you lose the cred to call yourself tolerant. Simple. Right? It's like if a person says they aren't racist except in the case against (insert any racial group) they clearly deserve it! lol. You are no longer against racism, in the case of such an example.

MAGA doesn't tolerate the GOP "RINOs". Quit crying wolf. Must suck to be a victim of life daily by the "Deep State".
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