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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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ICMag Donor


Well-known member
in other words every single modern president
you have to be willing to get your hands dirty/bloody to be an effective president. there is no way around it. i can't think of a single one since i've been alive that has not ended up in some nasty shit...they waded in, or they were pushed in, take your pick. the shit smells the same. :shucks: we are dealing now with the aftermath of one that reveled in wallowing in shit, counting on his loyalists to ignore the stench...


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
merely keeping him out of an office he is not qualified for is NOT enough. he needs to be tried in a court of LAW, not public opinion. his deliberate theft & mis-handling of govt documents should keep him out of office all by themselves. that does not address the crimes he has committed however... the nation as a whole needs to see & understand that NO ONE is out of reach of the law, nobody. win, lose, draw, guilty or not, he needs to face a judge. this is the only thing that can stop this kind of bullshit from happening again...
I completely agree but at the same time I recognize he's not going to be around much longer and so as long as he can't do anymore damage then he's already done by becoming President again I would be willing to settle for that. I also think that just blocking him from political office does serve as a deterrent to those who might try to follow in his footsteps. After all to get to that point he still needs to face a judge and be convicted of a crime that carries that consequence as a potential penalty. That being said I have no problem seeing him in an orange jumpsuit if for no other reason then to see how well it coordinates with his skin and hair.


See the world through a puff of smoke
You left out all the times Russia has shot down other countries' planes. If you think this leads to WWWIII put the damn pipe down.
Does Flight MH17 ring any bells lol. Russia does the same shit Trump does. Blame everyone else, We/I never do crooked shit..

investigators say three Russians – Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky and Oleg Pulatov – and a Ukrainian, Leonid Kharchenko, were “fully responsible' for shooting down the Malaysia Airlines plane
That's the narrative of the MSM that the Russians shot down the MH17.Strange enough it was the only airliner which flew in that area at that time.Why would they shoot down an airliner.

You can say what you want about Trump, but as president he didn't need any help of his wife to put his blazer on.:LOL:

Shooting down a jet from the RUAF by a NATO ally could be seen as an act of war and there were tensions between Putin & Obummer at that time.

Jericho Mile

When the FBI says not for sure, you bet it happend and she knew it.Why destroying devices if you have nothing to hide for the public?Doesn't make sense to me.
Don't agree with anything what Trump says, but under Obummer administration, we almost had WWIII, that changed under Trump, but with senile Biden it's going to the same direction, even worse than with Obummer.

You agree with a lot of what Trump says. Own up.

You’re a huge victim of hyperbole…along with the rest of you Nationalistic cretins. WW111? Yeah ok

Shit would be funny…if not so fucking sad

Where you from again?


See the world through a puff of smoke
You agree with a lot of what Trump says. Own up.

You’re a huge victim of hyperbole…along with the rest of you Nationalistic cretins. WW111? Yeah ok

Shit would be funny…if not so fucking sad

Where you from again?
Nope don't agree with anything he says, but it was quite on the war front, unless you like it to put the world on fire.
Over here in Europe the lefties would say extreme right instead of nationalistic, but meanwhile they act like an extremist.Never thought that they had the urge to put the fire high instead of finding diplomatic solutions.In the 80s it was just the other way around.

You’re a huge victim of hyperbole…along with the rest of you Nationalistic cretins. WW111? Yeah ok
In the 1930s people were sleeping too till it was to late.Both of my parents survived WWII as kids, so know enough.

St. Phatty

Active member
Is it possible for there to be a Re-mix of Trump's 400+ "same answer" version of taking the Fifth ?

I guess that would involve allowing cameras in the courtroom with Mr. Trump.

Jericho Mile

Nope don't agree with anything he says, but it was quite on the war front, unless you like it to put the world on fire.
Over here in Europe the lefties would say extreme right instead of nationalistic, but meanwhile they act like an extremist.Never thought that they had the urge to put the fire high instead of finding diplomatic solutions.In the 80s it was just the other way around.

In the 1930s people were sleeping too till it was to late.Both of my parents survived WWII as kids, so know enough.

It’s never quiet on the war front. Ever.

There is no Left and no Right….just people who believe there is..but that’s what’s disturbing

You sure do a lot of promoting for the Trump crowd. Being that you are living in Europe….it seems out of place.

My Swiss wife’s German grandmother was pro Hitler…until the day she passed. No apologies ever. I know what it looks like.

See it on the faces of every hick redneck…every bonehead skinhead…every religious zealot…all those anal retentive…guilt ridden shit heels

….then there’s the cyber cowards who promote it from behind anonymous accounts…for shits and grins
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Well-known member
It was intentional. One day, maybe you'll understand the value of a false-flag. Especially, when a populace refuses to acknowledge them.
I'm not claiming to know the truth about much of what goes on. I find it strange how often you think you do. Especially when the people you support never tell the truth about anything we can prove to be true or false.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I'm not claiming to know the truth about much of what goes on. I find it strange how often you think you do. Especially when the people you support never tell the truth about anything we can prove to be true or false.
If you don't "know the truth about much of what goes on" (as you claim), how can you claim to be able to prove anything to be true or false or that the people I support never tell the truth? Seems like you need to review your logic.

Jericho Mile

The value of a counterargument is something you should really be concentrating on. :smoker:

(Denial is not a counterargument, Mr. Mile)

I learned…in my youth…there is no arguing with fanatics of any sort. They never lose arguments….in their pickled minds.

You’re a fanatic

The paradox of tolerance says that I must become intolerant of your fanaticism.

Where’s Berry today Hempy?
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