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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Well-known member
He has an endless supply of gullible people to follow him and wind up as collateral damage discards.

I think he is sweating it as the walls close in.
LOL! the rats that have not yet abandoned ship are dropping dimes on him. i fucking LOVE it... probably his wife or kids, hoping he'll sign shit over to them trying to hide it from the govt. NY may seek the "death penalty" on his businesses & buildings there. state law allows the state AG to "dissolve businesses that operate in a persistently illegal or fraudulent manner." this is what Tristan Snell did in his actions against Chump University a while back, lol.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Rumor around the innerwebs it was related to Israel's Nuclear weapons. Which would explain why the Saudi's were so interested in Jared...

The more I think about this, the more uncomfortable I get. Saudis all over Mar a Lago. Saudis paying Trump to host their golf tournament. Saudis handing Jared $2 billion. Classified nuclear secrets under Trumps control at Mar a Lago... "Nobody has seen treason like this. The best treason. This traitor that had never cried before in his life, he came up to me, with tears in his eyes. Sir, he said, sir, this is the best treason I have ever seen."

And let's go ahead and get ahead of this. No, Trump cannot declassify documents relating to nuclear weapons without a sign off from the Dept. of Energy who is in charge of said classified documents.
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Well-known member
What a Dumbass. He did himself in. Lock Him Up!!!!


ICMag Donor
Is he running for office because he's convinced himself that being pResident will give him impunity for his crimes ?

Kind of a Panic-stricken run for pResident.

He PRIDES himself on pissing off the Democrats.

As long as he can write off the prosecution about the records - without going to prison - Trump wins, sort of, in his unique Richie Rich way.

What are the total numbers on how much money his supporters are sending him ?

It really is a CULT. Trump may even have the skills to lead a Red state America, not in a way that we admire, but then, without our admiration, but possibly even effectively.

It's sort of like eating sh-t to admit that.

As long as Trump can sleep in some fancy hotel room in a Trump property, and not a jail cell, he has won in his unique way.

Don't forget he counts time different than us. He is not a man in the Spring of his Life.

he could choke or Croak ANY DAY and it will surprise no one.
The running for office is a license to steal with impunity and a get out of jail free card for all his ass kissers.

He made a life of screwing people out of money he owed. When he got in politics it was like his schtick got even easier with dictators and idiots throwing money at him.


Well-known member
looking ahead, what will a post Trump America look like?
will he be revered by his followers or fade away?
fade away is my vote, only his living 'personality' sustains the dream

St. Phatty

Active member
looking ahead, what will a post Trump America look like?
will he be revered by his followers or fade away?
fade away is my vote, only his living 'personality' sustains the dream

Maybe he'll be re-incarnated and be cast as the Second Coming of Jesus.

That would REALLY fuck with people's minds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
...And let's go ahead and get ahead of this. No, Trump cannot declassify documents relating to nuclear weapons without a sign off from the Dept. of Energy who is in charge of said classified documents.
Even more then that Trump can't just declassify any classified document after he has left office. He would have had to declassify what he took, before he moved out and if he had there would be a paper trail that documents such declassification. The way people are suggesting the "he may have declassified the documents he took" is just pure bullshit that shows they have no better understanding of how things work when it comes to declassification then Trump does.

Frankly I believe he did take documents relating to nuclear weapons and other top national security issues. Say what you will about Trump he was pretty good at trying to find new and creative ways to cash in on whatever he did and those types of top secret documents could command a nice sum of the black market or conversely buy him out of whatever shit he allowed foreign leaders to get to hold over him. The idea that these might just be incriminating documents doesn't make much sense because if one were just trying to hide incriminating evidence it would be a totally bonehead move to just sit on them and risk having them found by authorities at a future date. The idea that these might also be personal mementos like the alleged Kim Jung Un "Love Letter" also doesn't track because Trump didn't do enough things like that to look back fondly on to fill one box let alone 15 + 12.
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Well-known member
It will be interesting to see if we ever hear anything about the nuclear documents. Was he planning on selling something? Was he hiding something? Working for someone? It's fun just to think he managed to find one more way to be a complete fuck up.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
looking ahead, what will a post Trump America look like?
will he be revered by his followers or fade away?
fade away is my vote, only his living 'personality' sustains the dream
It would be nice if it could be that simple but when you look at how the way Trump and all his cheerleaders are trying to frame the FBI raid as some outrageous crime that justifies a call to arms to assassinate Garland or to start a civil war makes it seem unlikely. Already there is one idiot who rightfully got himself killed by trying to attack an FBI office in Ohio arm with just an AR-15 and a nail gun. A man who alledgedly also showed up at the January 6th, insurrection according to his on social media posts on Trump's "Truth Central". While that fool did deserve what he got there should be accountability for Trump and all those in the Media who echoed Trump's mischaracterization of the FBI Raid, they're as much responsible for that person's death as his own actions were.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It will be interesting to see if we ever hear anything about the nuclear documents. Was he planning on selling something? Was he hiding something? Working for someone? It's fun just to think he managed to find one more way to be a complete fuck up.
I imagine we will eventually but of course you know Trump and all his supporters will just say the FBI planted it.


Well-known member
there are two events not obviously connected that i now wonder about, if you also add in his "bromance" with the little fat fuck in North Korea. to wit...his "friendship" with Un, and the capture of a woman in Mar A Lago that was reputedly a Chinese citizen who was taking pictures (ergo had a camera) . had any of those documents been moved to Florida prior to this? Korea is joined at the hip to China, and anything that Un had would have been transferred to China immediately. Chump gave Russia information they should not have had, who here thinks he would not do the same favor to Korea ? we all know how desperate he is to feel/look important to others/be a member of the club. what an opportunity to show off! can't pass THAT up....:shucks:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Briebart (yes, them) is reporting that Trump is under investigation per search warrant for;

18 USC 2071 - Concealment, removal or mutilation
18 USC 793 - Gathering, transmitting, or losing defence information
18 USC 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations.

It's also being reported that several of the documents were Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI).


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Trumps nuts.. In no way does declassifying doc mean he can take them home. How stupid can he be?.. He does it all to himself.

St. Phatty

Active member
"Our Father Trump, in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Trump Ville. Give us this day our daily Trump-credits, and forgive us our Trump debts, as we forgive those who Trespass before Mar A Lago. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Biden-ness".

Trump-humpers' version of the Lord's Prayer.
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