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Criminal indictments coming for Trump.

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Active member
Because if you recall, this was part of the subject matter in the early days of The Great Awakening thread. Remember when Trump took the 2nd presidential seal with him?

What do you think he was doing, lol?

A lot of water has passed under the bridge to digest what you posted at that time. Think most reasonable people know the answer at this point.

It's the reason I asked why post stupid shit like that?


No Jive Productions
i still think he's putin's bitch!

the russians have him heavily compromised. he's spent a lot of time in russia and has a weakness for underage girls. that's why jeffrey epstein is dead. dead men don't talk much!

also, i think he owes them a lot of money. i remember Donny jr bragging about not needing US banks anymore because they were getting all their money from russia.

i wonder how much nuclear secrets are worth? probably enough to wipe out a large debt.


ICMag Donor
If this is all they've got for now then they have to charge him. Let's not forget that this MF tried to pull a coup and overthrow our government with muscle provided by the nations worst.

One more thing, If Shithead actually thought he won then why did he decide to help himself to a few parting gifts on the way out? He grabbed them because this was his ticket to a nice cozy retirement in Russia when the gallows started going up for the treason charges. Let's see him try to bullshit his way out of this.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
the espionage act! this is gonna be good!

"but what about hillary's emails?"
While Hillary's emails seem to be in the same category they weren't. First of all none of what was found in her emails were considered to be anywhere near as sensitive. More importantly she didn't "take" classified info that was already secured. At worst she put information that might later be classified at the highest levels at risk by having them on a non government controlled server. However given how many government servers that should be safe have been hacked I'm not so sure her having her emails on a different server in a location hackers wouldn't necessarily think to look would necessarily make them less safe. It would all come down to how good the person she got to set up the server was at securing it. If she was trying to hide things from our own government as many conspiracy theorists believe then her server actually might have been more safe then the Federally approved servers for State Department use.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Trumps nuts.. In no way does declassifying doc mean he can take them home. How stupid can he be?.. He does it all to himself.
Apparently he's stupid enough to believe he can just wave his hand over documents and chant "I now declassify thee" and bingo they're declassified and he's free to do with as he pleases. Unfortunately for him it doesn't work like that. He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up spending the rest of his life in prison. Not that he shouldn't, if any of us were found in possession of this class of TS/SCI documents we'd already be rotting in a prison cell.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What if Trump is still Commander In Chief? What if Mar a Lago is the 2nd Whitehouse (while COG is in effect)?
What if the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real? Fact is Trump isn't still Commander In Chief, Mar-A-Lago isn't the 2nd White House. All this stuff was transferred to Mar-A-Lago when Trump moved out of the White House at which point your What if's were no longer in effect. Even if your What if's might have been true when the documents were transferred there it still wouldn't protect it from being a crime to still be there after he was out of office. The bottomline is that if Trump did not have any nefarious intent for having those documents then he should have handed everything over when he complied with the subpoena that got the first 15 boxes returned. Had he done so then he could have credibly claimed he had no idea this highly classified stuff was in there or who was responsible for it being there. By virtue of the fact he withheld it, he clearly understood just how damning it was and demonstrated he had questionable intent to use it in the future for criminal/traitorous intent.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
While Hillary's emails seem to be in the same category they weren't. First of all none of what was found in her emails were considered to be anywhere near as sensitive. More importantly she didn't "take" classified info that was already secured. At worst she put information that might later be classified at the highest levels at risk by having them on a non government controlled server. However given how many government servers that should be safe have been hacked I'm not so sure her having her emails on a different server in a location hackers wouldn't necessarily think to look would necessarily make them less safe. It would all come down to how good the person she got to set up the server was at securing it. If she was trying to hide things from our own government as many conspiracy theorists believe then her server actually might have been more safe then the Federally approved servers for State Department use.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Apparently he's stupid enough to believe he can just wave his hand over documents and chant "I now declassify thee" and bingo they're declassified and he's free to do with as he pleases. Unfortunately for him it doesn't work like that. He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up spending the rest of his life in prison. Not that he shouldn't, if any of us were found in possession of this class of TS/SCI documents we'd already be rotting in a prison cell.
That's quaint. Realistically if you or I were found in possesion of such classified documents we'd be never seen or heard from again as we spend the rest of our days in the basement of a CIA black bag site being tortured until we told them who else had seen this info.

One thing I'm noticing a lot of folks aren't quite up to date on is not one of the statutes that Trump's search warrant were based on mention that the documents need to be classified. Makes not one bit of difference what so ever if he declassified them or not. Not that he had the power to wave his hand over the documents and utter the phrase "I declassify thee!" It does not work like that.


"I declassified the documents before we accidently took them and we couldn't find them when we looked but really the radical left FBI planted it and Obama did worse, send me $45 please." Donald Trump, probably soon
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Well-known member
a violation of the Espionage Act is not something to sneeze at. ask Julius & Ethel Rosenberg. they paid the price in 1953 for THINKING about sending secrets to Russia. The Chump very well may have been planning to do the same...whatever it takes to pull his ass out of the fire is what he will do. count on it! as long as he has had this material, it could very well be too late. is this why Putrid seems to think he is invincible? does he have the keys to the kingdom?


Well-known member
But 4D chess!!! or something.
it's a trap! and Merrick Garland LEAPED into it...and dragged the entire Deep State along with him...and that's not really Hillary or Pelosi, they've already been taken to Epsteins island & are in the stocks in the dungeon waiting for The Chump & Stempy to "finish them off" LIVE for your "entertainment" on The Truth Network...you heard it here FIRST! :bigeye:
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