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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BG - Glad you like the ultra simple style :yes:
Quality smoke at minimal cost...it's what nature intended...kinda :crazy: :biglaugh:
Count me in...I'll come up with some type of plan...I kinda wanted to try bonsai anyhow. I just need a neat little setup for it :chin: I'll come up with something original :yes:

HG - Building an ample stash is vital. Should be ok for awhile after my next 2 harvests :chin:
I've seen the Y fittings before, and I can actually fit one more bulb in existing power strip, or just use a longer one. I just like being a minimalist...almost like Bonsai growing...but not quite as extreme. How many 65W veg areas have you seen grow successfully? :chin:
Thanks eh...They always work out :wink:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea TML simple is the way 2 go ...its fun haveing a big room but it also brings more work with it...
your setup its doing its job quite good imo..you got the plants 2 show it for ;)


Occasional User
Hey TML. Happy Tuesday to ya. Glad your in for the Bonsai grow. Sweet. I have no doubt you'll do the great white north proud my friend.

Waitin on the next photo update.
Peace Bro


What's up Buddy! The plants look great. Mites on another Hempstar! :dueling: the battle continues...
I really can't wait to see what freeze turns out like. The name just sounds :yoinks:

I'll try to make it back sooner next time. This girl and I are having a great time, and by the time I get home I'm too fucked up to go on the computer haha :joint: And not to mention my eyes have been glued to the tv watching the playoff race! So let's hope the Leafs aren't left with :moon:

Smoke another blueberry joint for me :kos:


Traktor driver
TML, I have 2 6w fluoros in my veg "cab" :moon: :pointlaug

Thinking about getting CFLs from Maxgrow and one of these babys for veg once I've got some spare money. :sasmokin:



Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Sup guys

Thanks for keeping the place warm for me guys...been pretty busy this past week.
Went from Spring to Winter mighty quick again :wallbash:

Core - Thanks so much my friend :friends:
I've always imagined the fun and abundance a major grow would be. But, I'm sure it would just become alot of tedious work after the initial excitement is gone :confused:
I try to keep her simple as possible...just for the quality clean smoke :joint:

BonsaiGrower - :laughing: It's friday now :biglaugh: Sorry..I'm late :yoinks:
Lookin forward to tryin some Bonsai out...I still need a plan though :chin:
I got a picture of the seedlings with me here today...I'm hoping that can hold you over till tommorrow when I can get some flower pics in :smile:

Insomniac - :wave: Hey there
The nicer weather crept in...and so did the mite attack. Since the re-wintering I've been winning the battle and fighting with safers soap and finger/leaf wipes. Keeping their damage at a minimum. Hope to catch some ladybugs soon :smile:
I'll have an update of Freeze tommorrow...She's gonna be the bitch to watch this round :sasmokin:
Glad you are enjoying your time with your new lady friend :petting: We all need some lovin.
Man....the Leafs got me so stressed lately :hotbounce I'm like a maniac, screaming at the TV, throwing stuff....this one's coming right down to the wire :yoinks: Go Leafs!!!

Alex - Bested by the best! :respect:
12W is quite the growing efficiency achievment Alex :smile:
Screw Al Gore :yoinks: Lessons in energy management should be taught by Alex-F :wink:
mmmm....real grow spectrum CFL's with a hood reflecter :cool:
Maybe you'll be lucky enough to win the lottery? :ying:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Cheezy Bastard + Pacific Shark Seedlings

Cheezy Bastard + Pacific Shark Seedlings

Cheezy Bastard + Pacific Shark Seedlings

^ Pacific Sharks are in the back and Cheezy Bastards are up front.
This pic was taken about 3 days ago :biglaugh: so...they are a little more advanced now. I coulda went and took more pics now, but...heh.
As you can see the PS are a little more mature...The Cheezy B's got stunted by the intake fan there (My apologies to Core for stunting his fine creation) They are doing well now though :yes:
The one PS is taking off real quick and showing really strong growth.
The intake fan has since been disabled and only the outtake fan is running.


Noticed some nanners on my Grape plant now :confused:
There's always a chance when growing from bagseeds.
So...looks like I have 2 crossdressers in the flower room now..I just hafta keep a close eye is all.
Core has also notified me there is some genetic unstabilities in the CB genetics :badday:
I will however continue to grow them out...because I'm not scared of no stinkin nanners!

Should be back tommorrow with some flower room updates :wave:


Pass That S**t!
Damn TML, i cant believe your methods of madness are so simple. :yoinks: I mean the harvests you get every 2 months or so says otherwise. I guess experience is the secret ingredient that makes youre plants look so damn awesome. :chin:

Hmm, those two new strains look pretty sweet :yummy:, what are the breeders description for them?
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe going at it again....you know what i told you about the CB....the recceive hermie trait from the UK cheese is in the cross...some will have it and some may not....i saved 1 girl and she's still without bananas :confused: and i put her on the window balkony....so i'm stressing the hell outta her coz of the streetlights.....gonne see what commes of it....
Nway new start new show...still tagged in bro!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Busy Busy! :wallbash:

I havn't had time to update or even lurk the last few days :badday:

pontiac - Simple and lazy...that's my way :smile: Thanks for the comps :wink:
Still not that experienced yet though...I'm sure another couple years before I have a good base of knowledge.
I posted the breeders desc. for Willy Jack's Pacific Shark back in my old thread and I dug it up for you.

Willy Jack's site has been down for almost a year now it seems and they offer very little information. I know nothing of their Jade Mikado besides it was parented from Federations Mikado. Where the Jade comes in :confused:

Heres the info Federation offers on Mikado:
indica. The Mikado is a quick maturing, large-yielding strain that's predominantly Indica, but with a long jagged single leaf with pattern. Under the 18 hours light, the stems and leaves are coated with crystal. The female plants show hairs making sexing a breeze. Liked for its long-lasting, playful high, Mikado can be enjoyed 45 days after flowering is initiated. Perfect for a sea of green.

The Great White Shark is from Greenhouse seeds and is parented from Brazilian Super Skunk X South Indian White Widow

the desription:
Like the silent achiever of the sea, it shadows the shadow of the uncharted depths. It is almighty yet smooth, mystical yet adventurous, and misunderstood by the masses of people who are only frightened by their lack of knowledge. It's not a criminal, maybe an outlaw at times but not without reason. The Great White Shark commands respect and carries with it the power to prey... only a few still do. So when your grow a Shark, grow with respect and the knowledge that you too have the power to prey.


The Cheezy Bastard are by Core. Big Buddha Cheese X Purple Bastard
For a better description...we'll hafta ask him :chin:
He has discontinued these seeds though because some show hermed traits.
I'm not afraid to try'em still :sasmokin:

Core - Thanks again for the info and your honesty :yes: You are a man who cares about the quality of his product and I'm one to respect that.
I can't wait to hear how it smokes.
Taste is a big feature for me and Purple Cheese sounds right up my alley! :yummy:
Always glad to have you around the growroom buddy :friends:

Insomniac - FUCK THE ISLANDERS! :mad: :bilaugh:
Yeah. I think there was politics involved there. Border crossing issues, the resting of Brodeur :chin: and Americanization (sorry US friends) of our sport.
But...ultimately, you can't count on another team. Leafs shoulda played harder in the earlier-mid season :confused:
Ottawa is forefront on who I'd like to see win now, but Calgary or Vancouver would be just fine too :smile:

Took some photos today...stick around and check'em out


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 20 for Grape and Freeze + Day 28 for Hempstar

Day 20 for Grape and Freeze + Day 28 for Hempstar

let's get to the update :lurk:


^ Found some nanners on a lower stem. Seemed to be relagated to just one branch...so I ripped it off :yoinks:
Progressing slowly...but putting on a nice frost. Should be a nice stick of bud.



^^ Gonna be my best girl of the round :yes: She's impressing me so far.




^^^ My little football of bud :biglaugh: Still having some mite issues on her...but she's looking like she'll come to an earlier than expected finish :chin:
Havn't had anymore nanners since I've pulled that one...at least that I've noticed.




Hope you all enjoyed the update :lurk:


Occasional User
Sure did enjoy buddy!! :wave:

I'm with ya on the freeze...impressive. This is gonna be a nice round man. :yummy:

and remember if you have the will and the way you won't get the mite ....oh that was bad....here'''I'll kick my own ass for that :bat:

Peace man
BG :lurk:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hia TML

verry nice update buddy...and i'm gladd you understand :D
as for the CB's heritage....BBC f2 x purple bastard (Black russian x double purple doja)
i took a verry lanky girl with awsomely tight internodes and crossed her with a male i pickt out of 6....
for this i also tryed 2 make a selection...i lookt at vigor, male flowers and also the space between the nodes woz a facor...and leavestructure..no pic though

this is a clone of the mother

so after i cut'm at 4weeks i put them upsidedown withot a cure 2 dry and yesterday i took a nug and smoked it...the thc production woz insane!!
its so pitty i had 2 cut'm
ohw and high woz average but verry energetic...coz of the early cut i guess

i'l make a pic for you of that dry bd ...i hope it shows how i see it :yoinks:...;)

here's the pics from 1 dryed CB bud i just took...click'm 2 enlarge..you'l see some awsome trichs...

my heart breaks when i show this :pointlaug
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Snow Grower ~OGA~

BG - :laughing: K...yur cut off for a few hours :biglaugh: At least untill the "mite" jokes stop :noway: J/k buddy :biglaugh:
Glad you like man. She's doing decent for early...hope it turns out nice :smile:
Don't be afraid to bring a sample of that amazing LUI over with you when it's ready :yummy: That looks truly amazing bro :friends:

Core - You are a hard working man for sure!
Sounds like you knew what you wanted during parental selection and made it happen :yes:
Your flowers don't look bad for only 30 days mature. Very good trich production indeed :yoinks: imagine what another 20-30 days coulda done :chin:
Can't really judge buzz from a grow that inmature. It'll always be a playfull, energetic buzz. But...how does she taste? :chin: :yummy:
There's plenty of crosses and plenty of time for you my friend :friends: This was a valiant effort...and hermed, or not hermed I'm going to make the most impressive show out of your creation that I am able to :wink:
CB could be a good hash weed it looks like eh :chin: resin production like that :kos:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML16, those are bulking up nicely, and the frost is settling in. Damn pests eh, I'm dreading the upcoming humidity, but then again it's been snowing here on and off since Easter so maybe we just skipped spring and summer all together.

Keep up the good work man....



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey there BR

Thanks man :smile:
You know with Spring comes the wet season :confused:
I do have a dehumidifier now, so I use when needed in spring and fall. Pulls the RH back down to 50% or so in a few short hours :yes:
I've been battling with mites for at least 8 months now :mad: I'll bomb the room after this grow, and then I have a few weeks vacation...so hopefully that can take care of the situation.
Ladybugs should be applicable then, and they can patrol with the aide of some preventatives :yes:
I'm going to build a new batch of soil also.

I kept telling everyone winter wasn't over :biglaugh:
I hear we get another week of the wet and cold stuff and then we're off to a late spring start :ying:

Glad to have ya by :wave: Thanks

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Yeah they said we're getting another 10 to 15 tomorrow,,, woo hoo ... you know it's going to change just like that, before you know it, we'll be sweating to death bitching about the temps hahaha

L8R man...



BIO-NEEM!!!!! I swear by the stuff. It is the only thing that worked for me. It killed the live mites and eggs with one application. I applied every 3 days for 3 weeks to make sure they were gone.

Nice harvest bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BR - I don't usually like Summer too much, but I think I'm looking forward this year :smile:
Funniest thing I heard the other day....people talking about how global warming has failed us this year :crazy:
You're right though....there's never enough time between seasons.
Thanks for the visits bud :friends:

Garlic - Will be something I'll hatfa look into. Goin into the big city soon, so I should be able to find everything I need there :yes:
Thanks for the advice bro :smile:

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