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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro
Well that is not the triumphant return I thought you would have had, sucks about those issues bro. I can only sympathize with you on the ISP one, as I work for a ISP, so that would not happen to me. But personal issues I know all about. Keep your chin up bro, as bad as things get at home, you know you will always have some real good friends here.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Finally...an update!

Finally...an update!

StonedGrunt55 - Thaks bro :smile:
It's great to be back!

I have a belated update here :lurk:
These pics are 5 days old
I'll get you some fresh ones tommorrow

Lotta people been asking to see the TW x StrawD...so here she is

Trainwreck X Starwberry Diesel day 43 flower

^ Man does this plant smell sooo fuelly and dieselly :yummy: Can't wait to taste this. It has a hint of blueberry to it too. The frost is outrageous on her also...I might have gotten lucky with this pheno, there might be a re-veg in order here, could I have already found a satisfactory replacement for my blueberry?
Main (tallest) cola fell over yesterday...needed to be tied :headbange




Purple Bastards

Purple Bastard-2 is a little more progressed

^ Day 35...5 days ago. Ran outta battery juice as I was taking these budshots, so...they're not perfect. Going to be plenty of opportunities to get some macros on these babies though



Purple Bastard-1

^ I was supposed to tip her, as per Cores advice. Things happened and I have pretty much been neglecting the grow nearly as much as the site. One hobby kind of goes hand in hand with the other I find :chin:
I've been keeping up on watering/feeding of course...but just that. The basics :nono:
She is equal in height with the other PB :yes: She will make one helluva nice bush. She's starting to fill in nicely.
This shot was from Day 19...she's showing great progression now.


In other news....

- Both Afgoo X StrawD plants were males :wallbash:
I think it was because i had them on a 24hr lighting schedule to keep up warmth :chin: but...that's just my hypothesis
Before I culled them both...I squeezed a few pollen sacks onto a young bud of the Purple Bastard-1 :chin: We'll see what happens.

- Just before I had left I had planted 4 seeds. 2 Mumbles and 2 ECSD X StrawD, unfortunately only 1 of each popped up through the soil...so I only have 2 seedlings right now :yoinks:

- Putting some other beans down now...gonna try 2 more Afgoo X StrawD and 2 more Mumbles :ying:

- Going to be seeing some changes around the Igloo soon...some not for the better :badday:
We'll get into details at another time though.

Look at that...a few short posts and we're almost caught up with what's going on in my garden.
Always good news and always bad news...but without one, you couldn'y have the other :ying:

Hope you all enjoyed the update...I'll be back with something more current soon :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Dr Dog looks like you snuck one in on me :muahaha:

Thanks for the support bro...I appreciate it.

I hope that wasn't you I was bitching at on the phone at tech support! :biglaugh:
It's pretty bad though when you know other peoples jobs better than they themselves know.
Anyways...don't get me fired up about ISP's again...I finally found a solution to that problem :wink:

Hope you enjoy the update bro :lurk: and my return :smile:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
LOL no worries dude, I work outside, and not many people bitch at me in person.
Just great to have you back
post on dude


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hell TML...i took a while but with the new gf and all...i'm shure you understand ey :smile:
shooks man...the plants look awsome...and don't you mind not tipping her, althought she will be a wild one now coz of the topping ....she will produce nway..not as dense and thick but they are natural good yielders....that TW more then the PB for shure...
if you need any help for the changes i'llbe around..just a PM away :wink:

Loved the update bro :wave:

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


Still Getting Sky-High
:headbange :canabis: :yes: YEAH my freind! those buds r frosty as the igloo its self lol :rasta: ,Well done bro all is looking great. I love that purpil bastard & that TW x SD , goodluck my grobro. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

Dr Dog - I think I'm nearly caught up on what's going on in all my friends threads and gardens finally.
Nice to be back in the mix. Thanks for the welcome :smile:

Core - I just think it's great you got a new G/F :ying: I know you'll always be around to take a stroll through my garden :smile:
I did take all the bottom stuff off and then neglected her for more than a week. She's still damn bushy, but at 61cm...she makes a possible good yielding bush :yes:
Thanks as always my friend :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - :smile: Many thanks for your fine compliments and many visits :friends:

I'm goin to go spend some time in the grow area now. Maybe I'll get some pics in? :lurk:

Thanks for the visits guys :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Heya sugabear :wave:
Sneaky poster you :biglaugh:
I appreciate the visit and the compliments :smile:
Chill in the Igloo anytime!


Hey TML :wave:

buds look like they are starting to plump up on ya! :headbange
I wonder why you had trouble with the seeds? Good to have you back in the 'gloo. :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
New Pics!

New Pics!


Insomniac - :wave:
Thanks! :smile: It's great to be back.
My seedling problems were caused by cold :badday:
I have the veg cab running at 24hrs lights on right now, just to keep temps up.
only 2 of the first 4 seeds made it above dirt. Then...I put another 4 seeds down...only 2 popped...then I put another 2 down and 3 popped :smile: You get all that? :biglaugh:
Great to hear from ya, and nice to see ya still chillin here in the Igloo :smile:


Here's something a little bit different from the norm:

The New Veg Lamp

^ Here it is set up in the veg box. 125W 6400K CFL. Great Blue spectrum on it...even alot more so than the 23W behind it on the right, which is a "Daylight" bulb.
I have another 125W just the same...I added it in the Flower room (I'll show you tommorrow :lurk: )
With the amendments made the veg box now stands at 190W and the flower room at a whopping 417W :yoinks: The flower area may be reduced to 375W though.
We'll see how much a difference it makes in this grow :lurk:
Should be an excellent mix of spectrum in both areas :yes:

The Young'uns

^ ECSD X StrawD on left, and Mumbles on the right.
Back in the top pic ^^ the other 5 party cups of beans that had just been popped.
There is:
2 Mumbles (makes 3 all together :woohoo: )
2 White Widow
1 Afgoo X StrawD (I had almost given up on, spent over 60 hours in paper towel)
I had put down the 2 Mumbles and 2 Afgoo X StrawD beans at first. Mumbles popped. When Afgoo X StrawD didn't, I put down 2 WW. They both popped...and then one of the Afgoo X StrawD's did :biglaugh: We'll see if it survives.

I'll show ya round the flower room some more tommorrow :headbange


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looks good bro,
my Mumbles came out with some crazy leaves too, but it somewhat repaired that problem all on its own. It still had some crazy leaves, but the plant was more interested in growing out buds and not leaves

I did not realize that you were running 2 of those big cfls. I have my veg light on 24/7 as well, to help with temps, I will need to drop that back once, we decorate the house, and have x mas lights on, gotta save a ton


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dog - :chin: I thought the crazy leaf thing was cuz I had it too close to the light young. Have it a little bit in ECSD X StrawD too. Could be partly genetic too though. I've had other plants that have done it too.
The CFL's came as a 2 pack. Killer deal for $20 + shipping :woohoo: Might as well see what it can add in flower.
I don't like running 24/7 for both power consumption reasons and I feel I get better ratios of females by using less light hours. Low temps can cause slow growth and nute lockout though :bashead: wish the was a happier medium.
Thanks for the visit bro :smile:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, nice to see you rocking some Mumbles. Mine did the same thing, could be the fact that the strain isn't stabilized yet. Mine did start to grow more uniformly later on. As far as the leaf ratio, mine are full of leaves. Could be something the plant does when in flower. I remember Dogs looked like a stick with bud on it lol, can't wait for his to be cured for a smoke report. I'll grab my seat for this grow, looking forward to seeing them flower out. Trainwreck X Starwberry Diesel looks sick man, how many days till she's done? Take care man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Mega Update Series - TW X StrawD

Mega Update Series - TW X StrawD


BR - Thanks bro!
After seeing what Dr Dog did with the Mumbles, she was easily a definite go :canabis:
Thinkin the TW X StrawD should be done in around 2 weeks time. I know what weed I'll have rolled for my new years eve party joint! :joint:
Great to have ya by :smile:

Ganja Smile - Thanks Much!
I agree, she has a strange growth pattern. The buds are very spread, but each one is very solid and nuggety and the weight is bending the plant around. She has to be tied now :yes:
Awesome berry/diesel aroma on her that drives me crazy :yummy:
Stop in anytime :wave:

Mega Update Series - TW X StrawD


^ Day 52 - 2 weeks left? All those little bazooka buds are getting hefty, she's falling all over the place. I let the chain from thr reflector hang and tie her up with candle wick. Seems to work well :yes:
Very potent odour on her...berry/diesel. Brush against her and you'd might as well change your clothes :yummy: Very sticky too.





The New Flower Room CFL

^ A look at how I added and utilized that new 125W CFL in the Flower room :wink:

The Mega Update Series will continue shortly with Purple Bastard :lurk:
Last edited:


:headbange Hey Buddy looks like all of your problems are behind you now.

Those buds look and sound awesome!!!!!!!

Nice job

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Black Ra1n said:
I remember Dogs looked like a stick with bud on it lol, can't wait for his to be cured for a smoke report.


Lmao Br bro
I thought it was the same thing as well, the leaves started nice at first nice and bushy, but then it just got crazy when th stretch went on, I think there were maybe 9 fans total.

T bro, you are the king of frosty buds man
Some nice tasty looking buds, you are growing up

I think I gotta get me some of those clamps


haha, kind of funny but.. every time I look at your close up pictures I always think the buds are HUGE. :nono: Must just be my brain deceiving me, however; you posted that over head grow room pic and it all came back to me..."And it's all coming back to me now." Haha I'm blazed off of my new lady friend kalimist.
I hope you're having as good of day as me, TML. I'm sure you've got some shark chilling with you though. :joint:
my new toy:


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