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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
That purple bastard is really bushy, looks very healthy as well, like it is about to get up and start jogging kind of healthy
Plants are looking super healthy, especially ones that show frost that early
Nice update bro
Be sure to check out mine a little later this morning, once the lights come on


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
nice update TML...:yes:

i like what i see ! nice growth on those baby's ...looks like that TW xSTD is massive...
and that PB is catching on nicely to...but remember i told you to tip the PB in flower...for the 1st one its to late i see ...you should try it on the second one...
and do side by side...you'll be impressed....ask MrGJ ..he said it woz a good tip....
ohw and they like pruning under 3th and 4th node.....to be good you have to lose the bottom branches and make mains ..Nway just venting here :wave:
like the update !


Active member
Heya TML :wave:
I was sorry to see the demise of the BB momma...But on the bright side you got some nice bushy bastards there!! :yes:


Damn, I'm impressed with the frost on the StrwDxTW.....You don't see frost like that with just a few pistils coming out usually.


Still Getting Sky-High

Woah TML, :headbange she's blasting out, Roaring like a lion :yes: :canabis: . Nice one bro! :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr Dog - :laughing: Jogging
Thanks for the fine compliments bro! :smile:
Just got back from your thread now...I'm just loving the Mumbles!

Core - :yoinks: TWxStrawD is indeed a monster :yoinks: didn't know she'd stretch like that. I'll accomadate her, and hope the 250W can penetrate her low enough to give a decent yield of some of that icky sticky she's throwing out already :canabis:
You have the most experience on growing PB out of anyone I've seen here on IC :respect: and your PB buds are always raved about. Your advice has steered me into growing these fine plants this far, so I plan to keep following your lead :yes:
I know what "Tipping" means. I have the general idea. Topping the flowers at around the 2 week area of flower. If you could give a better explanation on how to do it proper though it would be appreciated. I tried it with the Blueberry and I know I ****ed it up :bat:
I'm sure some others here have heard the term thrown around and would like the low down on fully understanding the process :smile:
I'll take some of the lower stuff off her slowly too...Thanks for all the advice :D

Anima - Thanks man!
Great we can always see a silver lining on the cloud :ying:

Stoned2Death - :wave:
I agree...the cold has been setting in quickly up here in the nord though, and I think the plants are starting to develop a tad slower because of that. They seem to always make it up with frost protection though :yummy:
I love growing into unknown territory of buds! :canabis:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks bro! :smile:
Just hoping for a decent stretch on her now :headbange She'll make one killer plant.

Thanks for all your fine replies gents :smile:

Hope you are all having a great weekend! :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, been a while since I popped in. Sorry to hear about the BB, it's thrown around here by a brother team who've been growing the same cut for years. I've only had it on a few occasions, but I could see why they love it so much. The newly flowering PB is a looker, nice and tight. How's the stretch on that strain? Seems the other one you have in flower stretched out. May be a chance to try that Bud Blood to see if it works or not. I've never used it myself, but Dog is, he would know more about it than me. Looking awesome bro, can't wait for them to finish up.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i'll try and explain a bit....i made a 'quick' drawing lmao...

Nways...you have to see this as 1 of 2,3 or 4 main stems....i just drew one...
when the plant is the right size in veg it has to put in flower ...and as branches strech out in early flower and nodes begin to spread out and multiply..its time to cut....its best done in the first 2 weeks of flower ..rather begin of the second week should do the trick....so it can stretch a bit after the cuttings !! it all depends on how much the plant branches out....

just start at the bottombranches....go just above the first node and cut the 1,2 or 3 other nodes that are above the first node on the branch...kinda like when you grow one cola style..but thats done in veg.....you understand?
and maybe you can use some cutting as clones while you at it...(tip)
now when you reach the top and node get fewer you have to stop cutting...
these will grow toight of its own and it will grow you a nice big healthy cola
...well hope this helps...you know where to find me if its not clear :smile:
laters :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BR - Thanks :smile:
At least i know that in this day and age, if I really want some Blueberry back, it's not but a click away. So long as I have $$ :biglaugh:
Getting a decent stretch on PB...she is cut into 4 mains though, which I'm sure takes up alot of growing energy.
I'm not much into the "products" available for growing. I guess you can call me a lazy, au natural, maybe even cheap grower. I only use those cheap ass $5 a jug fish ferts that lasts me a year :biglaugh: Not that I'm opposed to all that other stuff...just not my style is all.
Great to have ya by bro :wave:

Core - Thanks so much for your efforts and time :smile:
Artist you are not :pointlaug but, explanitive you are :respect:
I'm nearly 100% positive I fully understand now :yes: I'm sure some others that may have been interested in this understand now too.
I was thinking of saving some clones :chin: I really have nowhere warm enough right now, at least untill I start working on the new veg box. I still have some more PB beans for the future :wink:
*I guess the only questions I'd have left for you...is do you perform this process over the course of a few days, so that all the cutting doesn't stress the plant? and also, since I have already topped this plant to a 4 cola plant...will it still produce well with all the extra growth is still has to do?
Thanks again for all the help you've provided me with getting the maximum out of my PB experience :D



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
tml- thought i would pop in the igloo. sorry to hear bout the mommy.. the PBs look great so far. i like that frosty tip on the strwd x tw. mmmm
core isa great artist oh wait nevermind. haha he is handy though haha


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - Thanks bro! :smile:
Just hoping for a decent stretch on her now :headbange She'll make one killer plant.

:wave: No doubt my freind, :rasta: i'm not gonna miss this one hehehe :headbange . Goodluck & go easy on the pipe . :D


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
shure i'll answer that...
i do cut in one time...and it is good that you have 4 main cola's ..it will bring out the mains better and thicker...but when you perfom this ,all the extra growth will be gonne more or less...and you will clearly see 4 mains instead of a bush....but coz of the cutting, nugs will swell more then when you just let her gro...don't ask me why but it does...i do know when you cut above the first bode you are left with 2 budsites...and they will be thicker as just the 1 site...
hope you understand this....plz do ask MrGJ maybe he can explain it better now he knows....

all in all this is just like you would start growing 1 cola style in veg .but this in done in flower...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
TML16 said:

Core - Thanks so much for your efforts and time :smile:
Artist you are not :pointlaug but, explanitive you are :respect:


Actually I think it was a good job for paint, probably better than I could do
:muahaha: :joint: :muahaha: :joint:


Grower of fine herbs...
Whatup TML,

Man ive been away too long buddy, Your PB and TWSD are looking awesome buddy:bigeye: You might have an easier time with cloning than you think bud. I use rapid rooter peat pellets and a humidity dome with no heating pad, and it gets down into the low 50's in that room every night and i still get 100% rooting rates.... Although it does take about 10 days to get roots :confused: but whatev.. Sorry to hear about the Momma, i know she was a crazy one, but she will be missed :badday: Well all in all its nice to be back in the gloo' cant wait to see more pics. Peace buddy



Snow Grower ~OGA~

SirSmokalot - Thanks!
Glad you're enjoying the plants :smile:
I'm sure Core enjoys the props too :woohoo:
Great to have ya by!

StonedGrunt55 -
StonedGrunt55 said:
go easy on the pipe
NEVER! :smoke:
Glad to have ya with us in the Igloo buddy :friends:

Core - I really appreciate all your time and help with this bro :smile:
I'm sure that I completely understand now :yes: Mission is to direct all energies to my 4 main colas.
I have trimmed some of the lower stuff today. Will probably be "tipping" within the week, so i wanted her to have some recovery time.
I plan on taking a pic tommorrow, because I do have one more question for you :redface:
MGJ is out back chizeling frozen dog poop outta the ice...I'm sure he'll be in soon to add to the tipping conversation :listen2:
Thanks again! :wave:

Dr Dog - :laughing: I agree
I'm not very good with paint either :bat: can't expect much from a Microsoft product anyhow :no:
Always in good fun here at the Igloo :yes:

NorthernKronic - :chin: You just reminded me of my new humidty dome idea. I might have to try 1 cut...just to test out my new idea.
Temps are about 18C (65F) in veg box right now...I guess we'll see what happens :lurk:
Glad to have ya back bro...I hope you are enjoying your harvest :ying:


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Quick - give me a hit on that jernt - gotta get the smell of thawing dog poo outta my nose! :biglaugh: Left my shoes outside - figured you didn't want guano in yer livin room... :biglaugh:

I'm no expert on tipping - this run is only the second time I've tried it. Reading Core's description now, I don't think I actually did it as he describes - I tipped the buds on the main colas, not the other way around. Next time out after the holidays I'll have to try it again now that I understand better.

Even with my ass-backward interpretation, I think it's doing something good - the Casey Jones I have going now is beefing up quicker than last time, and the buds look fat right out to the bud tips.

Gonna add my compliments to the growing list - your PB and TWxSTD are looking mighty - no I didn't say mitey - dem's fightin words - mighty potent and might tasty :yummy::rasta:

Extend a gracious hello to your lady - have a great night buddy! :wave:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 -
NEVER! :smoke:
Glad to have ya with us in the Igloo buddy :friends:

:muahaha: lol i'm concerned for your health bro, in fact smoking is bad, so if u need any help in smokin those just give me a call :biglaugh: :bongsmi: .


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
np TML ..its my pleasure..
and i do think you understand it...all the energy to the 4 main cola's.....bottomnugs will be replaced with 2 budsites or more depending on stretch after the cut...as the supposed smaller branches with bubblenugs are cut...resulting in thicker growth and expect that the energy will be devided better truout the 4 main cola's in this case


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Fun With Foxtails!!!

Fun With Foxtails!!!


MGJ - :laughing: Glad about the shoes...you know how Dr. Dog feels about dirty floors :angrymod:

:pointlaug I did the same thiung as you when I first tried tipping. That was the way I had interpreted it too :bat: I did it with my last flowering Blueberry...things didn't work out so well.
Mitey eh? :biglaugh: I'm real glad I havn't had to deal with those little bastards in a while. I still have my eyes out for stragglers looking for a place to chill this winter

Thanks much for your continued support and kindness :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - :biglaugh:
Actually...to be honest, my consumption has been down lately. I've only been smoking about 8-10 grams a week the last few weeks :smoker: I find I can still live a pretty stoney life this way.
I quit smoking cigarettes about 3 weeks ago :woohoo: breaking a near 20 year habit :nono: So...basically my whole life has been changing.
I'd love for nothing more than to have a huge party with all my ICmag family and smoke fatties till the sun comes up

Core - Excellent!
Now that I know how to do it proper...I can give the method a fair chance :yes:
I'm sure anyone who read our discussion here now has a greater understanding, and I'm sure you'll see alot more growers taking a shot at it.
Think I'll hafta cut'em within next few days for sure

Thanks for the tips!

Fun With Foxtails!!!

Upload option was fuct :cuss: seems we've been experiencing some technical difficulties in that area lately :chin:

Here's some dry nugget shots of some Pacific Shark foxtails :lurk:


Ready for the Jar :yummy:


Even the little nuggies are nice and frosty :headbange


Sometimes i get stoned and do silly things :wave:

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