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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Sorry for keeping you gentlemen waiting...I see everyone is interested in seeing the TWx StrawD

NorthernKronic - Lotta nice pics going up now that upload is fixed :woohoo: Let's just hope it stays fixed this time.
Believe it or not...I've yet to even try WW :yoinks: All these years of hearing awesome things about her, and I've never even tried. Of course I've smoked/grown crosses of her. I could have bought some in A-Dam...but I remember opting for the Bubblegum at the time. I should have got both :biglaugh: Sounds like the WW brings you back some good memories :yes:
Thanks for the kind words and always being a part of my thread bro :friends:

Core - No nanners on PB :yes: I did actually find one calyx spitting out some nanners on TW x StrawD though while I was chopping at her.
PB-2 is buckling under her own weight though :woohoo: Even tied up I'm hoping she doesn't snap a branch.
I always love your style of love :bow: Thanks for thinkin of me bro!

MGJ - You are always such a jolly soul during the holiday season :smile:
Even after a full shift at work the house still smells like fresh berries doused in petrol and sprinkled with Allspice :yummy: I've got some of the little popcornies drying quickly on the "PC exhaust quick dryer 2000" :jump:
I was a tad disapointed when both of my last Afgoo X StrawD turned out male last time :badday: I sprinkled my young PB-1 with some of his dust, but..I don't think it took. Wasn't a very good effort on my part.
I remember yours got eaten by mice :mad: Then I had 1 dud. Are we not destined to puff the Afgoo X StrawD?
Glad you like the current selection.
Winter growing is a great for lack of bugs, nice colours, and sometimes an extra layer of frost :canabis: Sure takes more patience and timing though.
MGJ said:
I can see you now - your fingers stuck together with that strawberry jam jellied diesel smelling pixie dust - roll up a nice ball-o-finger rubbings and flame on! Enjoy my friend! :wave:
:laughing: Funny you say that, because that's exactly what I was doing! You must be a visionary!
I must say...That was the best ****ing finger hash...wait...some of the best hash period that I had ever had in my 20 years of smoking. I was comfortably baked :kos: Tasted like berry spice :yummy:
I appreciate your gift very much. It was a pleasure growing this plant, as I'm sure it will be the others. Hope you enjoy the photos, and eventually the smoke report :lurk:

Insomniac - I'm sorry to keep you waiting bro!
I have these pics from Day 64 here...then I got busy and didn't actually get to harvest till day 65.
I love outdoor grows. I would grow strictly outdoors if I could, I just don't have the property to do so myself...yet :cool:
I can understand the security issues though...isn't that rule #1 in growing?

Wait no longer! :lurk:

Someone say "Hey TML...STF up already and show us the damn TW x StrawD pics!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
TW x StrawD Day 64 - Day 65 Harvest

TW x StrawD Day 64 - Day 65 Harvest

Here is wait you've been waiting for :lurk:
I almost feel bad, because I was quick with the camera the other day. I was also impatient with the plant because it kept falling over :pointlaug
Got a few good shots though I guess


^ Another one that outgrew my black background. This shot was a pain in the ass to get..I had nothing to tie the plant to. You can see the second major cola just falling towards the camera.
I added the can of Canada Dry in there for Insomniac :biglaugh: Size comparison for ya. She is one of my bigger ones though.






I ended up with some nice colours. I could have started flushing a week earlier or so. Got a beautiful Holiday frost on them.
Very dense and heavy nuggets. Possibly some of the most solid bud I've grown :chin: wondering if the added wattage towards the end of flower was an aide in that.

Overall a wonderfull plant to grow. Never fussy. After growing some hard to deal with strains...she was a dream. And she produces very well. I'm hoping to break my single plant yield record of 60 grams with her :ying:

I don't have any harvest shots :spank: The better half and I are having a disagreement and she has hid my camera somewhere as punishment :pointlaug I have the camcorder, but it's still shots look like ass.

I did mention the finger/scissor hash I got from TW x StrawD was amazing. I was in a happy daze all afternoon yesterday. I hope that spice taste sticks with the buds too :yummy: Would make a great holiday strain :biglaugh:

Thanks for checking out my stuff guys! I'll have some PB pics when I get my damn camera back :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
gotta keep the other half in line, when it comes to your plants bro

MMMM MMMMM MMMMM that plant looks tasty, and big, I had no idea you were groing trees bro.

Awesome looking plant


Grower of fine herbs...
Hell yea that TWxStrawD turned out awesome for you TML:bigeye:

I love it when plants get so frosty they look like they are covered in velvet, SOOOO AWESOME!!!! That should be some really fine holiday smoke for you and yours TML. Sorry to hear about the disagreements with the OH that will happen from time to time. My old lady and I dont argue much, but when we do its over the stupidest shit. Hope you find that cam soon, she couldn't hide it that good, where the Christmas presents at? hahahaha Keep up the great work my friend, and grow safe ya hear. Peace.



Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr Dog - :laughing: I wish it was that easy.
Yeah...this plant was a little bit taller than most of my plants. Only ones I've had this tall before were Passion #1 and Pacific Shark.
Thanks bro...glad you like :smile:

NEO-ANGIN - Thanks my friend :smile:
Come back anytime, I have plenty more to show off :lurk:

NorthernKronic - :headbange I'm enjoying her too... She makes for an impressive show :lurk:
I've already found the camera :biglaugh: Gotta hate the disagreements, but love making up :petting:
I'm gonna have a Berry X-mas for sure now my friend!
Sitting by the fireplace with a fatty of TW x StrawD and a glass of egg nog and spiced rum :yummy: Sounds like the holidays to me.
Thanks for the visits :smile:


Lotta Holiday cheer goin around here lately :woohoo:

Hope everybody is having a jolly season :ying:

Been loving the new lighting setup I have going...it's nice to have such a powerfull source of light that I can get my plants nearly right up on...check it:


Plus...that's a tease, to get you in the mood for some Purple Bastard

coming up soon...:lurk:



Wow! What a teaser shot! :eek: Love the lighting composition left to right. Also like how PB has purple stems like your blueberry.
:dueling: I did that a lot with my last girl... Till I said :wave:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Purple Bastards

Purple Bastards


Insomniac - I think alot of my plants end up with purple on the stems because of the cold :confused: It's usually as the get older.
I'm married...so there is never getting rid of her :bat: Stuck for life buddy :smile:
Did you like the pop can addition? That was just for you :wink:
Hope you enjoy the rest of the PB shots :lurk:


Purple Bastards

Site seems slow lately :chin: Maybe this update will bring them in....

Purple Bastard - 1 - Day 46

^ I really like the way this one is taking shape...but she sure is taking her sweet old time. I figured she'd be a little more progressed for her age. I do have patience though. If she's anything like her sister, she'll pack on big time weight over the next 10 days :woohoo:





Purple Bastard - 2 - Day 57

^ She can't even hold herself up anymore, which is odd for her stature. You'd figure having been topped to 4 mains she is wide like a bush to hold the weight :confused: definately a high end yielder :yes:
She's still showing plenty of room for maturation. I'll let her go till suited. No purple really yet...but I've been suprised by a few plants towards its last days.




I'm starting to see and smell a few similarities between the Purple Bastard and Cheezy Bastard. Looking forward to these :cool:

I'm just loving having this extra lamp too! Check out the light penetration I'm getting in on these ladies:

Can get in so close with those CFLs

Hope you enjoyed the update :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Bro

Looking good, that PB is quite the plant, gonna be huge buds off of that 1

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Bro, the bastards are looking awesome lol. I can't wait to give them a try. How's everything else you have doing?

Take care....



Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Wow bro, thing r looking super around here :yes: ,

Looking healthy bro, green streight leaves,tight nodes, nice build-up & most of all those frosty buds look damn great :canabis: . Nice work dude! have fun :rasta: .


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr Dog - Thanks bro!
PB definately seems like a yielder strain. Buds get big :woohoo:

GMT - Nice to have ya around :smile:
Still got the 250W happening. If you look in that pic above ^ you can still see the 250W HPS at the top. Just added the 125W CFL to the mix which hangs right in at the plants tops. I've also always used that 42W for side lighting. Was just showing an example of the kind of light penetration I was getting to them bitches.
Glad you stopped by :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks much man!
I know you get a kick out of the names Purple and Cheezy Bastards :biglaugh:
Only other stuff I got going right now are all the seedling/veggling/vegging plants. All seedling/vegglings are doing great :yes: My Mumbles and ECSD x StrawD both seem to still want to grow weird leaves and a growing in crazy tight internodes, growing oh sooo slow. They'll probably be included in next update.
I'll need a couple weeks after the holidays before I start my next flowering girls anyhow.

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks my friend :smile:
Both PB and TW x StrawD were super easy to grow. It was nice having some non-picky strains for a change :yes:
Glad you enjoyed the update bro :lurk:

oh...TW x StrawD should be dried tommorrow...quick dried popcorn buds are fabulous :yummy: more on that later....


I'm Sorry....

I'm Sorry....

I can't believe I just found this thread...WOW. I wish I had 3 days to read it all...but pics say 1000 words each and I've read a few million...

My chair is nailed down...


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Alright TML? Cheers for stopping by the thread mate, thought I'd return the compliment. Truly stunning plants, I especially like that purple bastard 1 - it's a monster! I've just added a vertical cfl to my tent in combination with my hps, I hope I get results like yours :D


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Mystic420 - Thanks much :smile:
You don't hafta read it all...just look at the pictures :muahaha:
You're just in time though. This thread will be closing with this grow, which should coincide with the years end and just in time for a brand new 2008 thread :woohoo:
I appreciate the compliments and glad to know you'll be sticking around and hanging out with us :friends:

Sammet - Great to have ya by :wave:
I noticed we've kept crossing paths the past little while and I just happen to see your thread up...figured I'd pop in. Impressive :yes:
I've enjoyed the addition of the CFL. It adds colour variance, and you get the plants/buds right up close without burn. I've always used the lower side lighting. It adds a bit of weight to the lower popcorn buds.
I noticed you're doing some Cheese. I just did a cross of Purple Bastard and UK Cheese called Cheezy Bastard by Core a while back. It yielded well, and oh so yummy :yummy:
Thanks for the visit and props. Glad we found eachothers gardens :friends:


Grower of fine herbs...
Damn TML your PB is looking Sweet:bigeye:

Im starting to get excited for everyones 08' runs, I know i got a few new strains to try out and so do you. Heck most of the guys we know on here got new gear for next season:headbange

Keep up the great work bro! Have a happy and hazey holidaze!


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Wow, more oustanding photo work! :yes::canabis: Gorgeous frosty - puts me right into the Holiday Mood just from lookin!

I like what you're doing with the fill lights - good idea :yes:

Now where's the canna figgy pudding??? :rasta:

Happy Holidaze my friend! :wave:


Tree Grower
Your Purple B@stard's are looking mouth watering !!If she smoke's like mine your in for a real treat.Not all of them will purple up,as ive yet to see even a hint of purple on mine in 4 or 5 run's of her :wave: .

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TML16 again.
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Snow Grower ~OGA~

NorthernKronic - Thanks Dude!
I did notice alot of people readying their new genetics for the new year :woohoo: It's coming fast too! Every year gets better and better as it seems everyone keeps getting more experienced.
Holiday mode has been applied at my house :rasta:
We all know Santa is my neighbour...He's coming over for some TW x StrawD and a glass of spiced rum and egg nog later :yummy:
Hope you're feeling the Holidaze too :ying:

MGJ - You're too kind my friend :smile:
The density of the buds has improved a bit with the added lighting I think. Imagery is a little decieving, The HPS in that pic ^ is about 5" from the canopy...the 125W CFL is right under/at canopy height (you can see a leaf or two even touching bulb ballast :yoinks: ) The side light 42W is within cm's of the plants :yes:
Canna-figgy pudding and Strawberry Diesel fruitcake for all! :yummy:
Glad you're spreading the holiday cheer :jump: Merry Ho-Ho's!

Teresa - Thanks much! :smile:
I've heard nothing but great reviews on Purple Bastard. Garlic, Core, and Yourself are enough positive and trusted opinions for me :respect: Plus...I've never met a good, tastey bud that I didn't like :yummy:
I know Core has his selected "purple" pheno, but figured with our northern temps just maybe she'd purple from the weather :confused: It doesn't matter much, just makes for some good pics :biglaugh:
Thanks for the rep too...it's the thought that counts :wink:


I'm supposed to be getting ready for a dinner date with friends right now :friends: I'm sure if I get caught here, there will be hell to pay.

I'll be back later on tonight though (possibly a tad drunk) to post some shots of some dried TW X StrawD ready to hit the jars :lurk:


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