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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Grower of fine herbs...
Everything looks really good around here TML, the igloo seems to be in order:headbange

That trainwreck x straw D is looking nasty buddy i hope she ends up being a keeper pheno for you. Would be nice to get one soo soon. Ill be back by after the PB updates. Peace for now buddy.



Snow Grower ~OGA~

GCG - Nothin like bug free growing :woohoo:
Thanks bro! :friends:

Dr Dog - I'd love to see any of my Mumbles turn out like yours :canabis:
The clamps make placing lamps ANYWHERE in any angle, quickly and easily :yes: been mighty convenient thus far.
Thanks for the props bro :smile:

Insomniac - :muahaha: The tricks of imagery
Actually...for that "Overhead" grow room shot...I was standing on a stool :biglaugh:
Tw x StrawD is actually a 4' (120cm) plant :yoinks: plus, the bucket it's in is 1 1/2' tall...the plant is about eye level to me :headbange
:yummy: Yet to try the Kali Mist, but Mr Green Jeans just finshed up a batch that looked delicious :smoker:
I think it's time we break in that new glass of yours :smoke:
Glad to hear things are well for you :ying:

NorthernKronic - Thanks man!
I don't think I'll have room to re-veg the TW X StrawD :bashhead: Not with all the seedlings I got going on right now anyhow.
I do have some more seeds though :yes: This lady looks/grows/smells like a keeper, but ...I still have so much stuff to try :confused: We'll see what happens.
Glad to have ya hanging out :smile:

Gonna post up some PB pics in just a few :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Mega Update Series - Purple Bastard

Mega Update Series - Purple Bastard

Here we are with the continuation of the Mega Update Series. Thanks to all that have participated so far :joint:

up next...Purple Bastard

Purple Bastard - 1

^ Day 28 - Gotta love how easy it is to keep PB happy and green. This lady looks like she'll sit at around 24" (60cm) I bet she fills in quite nicely :canabis:


Purple Bastard - 2

^ Day 44 - Starting to get to that point I like :yummy: Not quite any pronounced aroma off her yet. This is discouraging because I've heard that was one of her great features. I was shaking her by the bottom stem and then inhaling around her...and still all I could smell was TW X StrawD from across the room.
She's starting to become very photogenic though, and adding some nice weight :yes: This is a good sign, because I'm sure she has about 3 weeks left in her.
Lot's o bud shots on her :lurk:






If you're into Bud porn...call me Heff :jerkit:

Enjoy :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Heff...:biglaugh:
i love ya Mega Update series...:yes:..but with me it woz the other way around...the smells that is...hope it still will come out later..these are F2's ey...but it looks like she has loads of trichs on her :smile:
but man they are looking F'ig Beautyfull !!


Still Getting Sky-High
Those buds r gonna be awesome with all that snow :headbange , i quite impressed with it... U'r doing a wonderful job my freind, well done :canabis: :yes: .


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Core - :biglaugh: Thanks Gro-bro
I was hoping you'd stop by :lurk: Wanted you to check out how the PB's were doing. They're fattening up nice now :yes:
Yeah...such a low odour plant :confused: Not that I'll complain about that. I was just expecting a big aroma of goodness. Like you say...maybe it will still show up a tad later.
Could be me too...I just quit smoking cigarettes after 20 or so years and some smells/tastes have changed a bit.
Your F2's sure are uniform and healthy Core :D This whole grow has been one of my easiest, problem free, and most enjoyable in a long while.
I have confidence now that I know I have quality controls approval :headbange Thanks man!

StonedGrunt55 - I do always seem to end up with some frosty buds :yummy: I'm sure it's a good mix of genetics and evironment. Us Canadians have a nice varied climate that Cannabis seems to enjoy. Even indoors.
Some people will agree with me, a slight bit of cool air = more trichs :chin:
I appreciate the compliments my friend, and I'm glad you enjoyed :lurk:


:jump: Nice PB bro!!!!! :headbange You're gonna love when the buds fill in and get fat!!!!!

Mine had a real sweet and sour afghani smell I love it!!!! Now is the time for patience it will come.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Garlic - :wave:
Thanks man! :friends:
I always love when buds fill in and get fat :woohoo:
I'll take a smell of her daily :yummy: :biglaugh:
Thanks for the visit!


Heading out of town for the weekend guys :headbange

I'll be back Monday :wave: ish :biglaugh:


TML, those are some real healthy girls right there...not to mention hella sticky!!:yoinks:

Awesome job man!:lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BeAn - Great to have ya back around :smile:
Thanks for the props!
Great vista shot there. I and I can see Jah atop the mountain :rasta:

Teresa - Heya T :wave:
Shoot...had I known a lady was coming over I would have cleaned the place up a bit :bashhead:
We don't grow trees here in the Igloo but we sure appreciate the compliments from the tree growers :smile:
I'm appreciating both Jaws and Somoz's work so far :respect:
Thanks for the encouragement! :smile: and GO LEAFS!!! :headbange


Had a great weekend there that past :woohoo:
Hit the woods. It was cold. We got buried in snow. Almost completely snowed in. We were saved by the plow dude. Came out of nowhere like an angel. Never goin in there without the snowmobile again. Figured it was too early in the season to get that crushed :biglaugh:
Actually made it back for Mon. Just been lurking and taking it easy last couple days though.

Just donned on me now I should probably update my thread :bat:
Of course...I didn't bring any pics with me though :pointlaug

TW x StrawD looks like she's just bout ready now :yummy:
Which means I'll leave her for about another week or so. I think today is day 60ish?

News Update
Ever watch the Jeffersons? Well...I'm movin on up :yoinks: I've sold the Igloo.
I gotta be out by years end.
Looks like we're moving to an Ice Hockey Arena :woohoo: Maple Leaf Garden :biglaugh:
So...after this grow there will be a slight pause in flowering production. Very slight. 2 weeks tops. Plus...none of the seedling/vegglings are ready yet. Been cold...they're growing slow.
We're getting ahead ourselves here though. PB-1 could still have up to 4 weeks left on her.

I'll stop blabbing and bring you some pics tommorrow :wave:


Maple Leaf Garden sounds crisp. Finally we can get all ripped up and play some hockey! :headbange
I haven't been working on my grow at all.. Our outdoor harvest was larger than expected (always a good thing). So I've just been smoking some bubble straight to the dome :rasta: And now the local ski resort is open and I will be there everyday. I hope to throw an indoor grow together soon. :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sold the igloo? Hmmm, new thread next year it would seem
I guess that there will be no need to worry about the heat situation in your snowmobile garage

Staying in your area ?


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Insomniac - :laughing: Now that's leisure time well spent. Think of the exercise benefits. Lace up them skates! :headbange
Can't complain about great outdoor harvests. I know if I had a great outdoor spot, I doubt I'd grow indoors at all. Maybe only to breed and prepare for outdoors.
Still wouldn't mind getting a peek at some indoor gardening you could put together :lurk:
Be safe on them slopes my friend :smile:

Dr Dog - If they can use the old Molson plant to grow...why can't I grow at MLG? :biglaugh:
I'll throw a PM your way :wink:


Upload Temporarily Disabled :mad:

I've been a member of this site for a few years now and had nothing but good things to say about it. Wasn't even that worried when the site went down for a few months there a long while back.
This site is all about the pictures it's members upload!
Even if you're so stoned you can no longer read...you can still enjoy the pics.

There are alot of members here who have grown Nirvana strains and supported The Seed Boutique. They are well advertised here.

I'm sure there is the possibility even some of my pictures have been used without my authorization (like I give a ****). But even still...I offer my pics for all that love cannabis to enjoy, and maybe help some others who don't can at least see her beauty as a creation of nature.

We can all see the lull in activity among the site. We all know why. It's just not as much fun without the pics.
This has been an ongoing problem for over a month.
This website is not a free service. There are adverstisements and profiteers.

We, the voluntary contributers should expect the experience we've come to expect when we visit and share our time.

I think the site admins should get a swift kick in the pants :asskick: FIX YOUR SHIT!

Sorry for the rant...needed to come out.

I myself havn't been around much lately. Been engorging myself in my favourite early winter hobby....sleeping! :smile: That and eating too much :biglaugh: Need that extra winter layer though eh

I think TW X StrawD is coming down on Sunday :woohoo: She's well done. Hopefully I can upload ya some pics before the weekend is over.
I'll definately save the harvest shots for your viewing pleasure either way :wink:

The PB's are doing great and PB-2 had to be tied up :yummy: Can't believe such a stocky structured plant can't hold it's own weight.
I hope I have the same problem with the other PB too :muahaha:

Pictures whenever possible :lurk:



Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there brother:wave:

I feel the same way about this site, just wish they could fix their problems in a timely fashion, people are paying to advertise here after all:rant:. but aside from that i need to see these TWxSTD and PB pics :bigeye:

Sounds like you and me are living the same life, its cold as hell outside so im inside the garden eating, puffing and napping hahhaha. Gotta love the life bro :muahaha:

Well i will be back when this site is back to normal. Peace bro.



Snow Grower ~OGA~



NK - :laughing: That's the main reason! We need our budporn fixes! :biglaugh:
Serious though...I read Gypsy's plea for patience. And he was very kind in his explanation. I know we're all stoners and we should understand that some of us may procastinate. We still have responsibilities in life though, others sometimes depend on our capability do get a job done.
Upload is fixed!!! :woohoo: Hopefully for good this time!
There will be lot's of stuff to check out around here soon my friend :lurk:


First off...going to give you a report on the current seedling harem


Those are White Widows (Quality Seeds F2's by Core :bow:) up front and Mumbles back left (Thanks BR! :bow: ) and Afgooey X StrawD back right (by Somoz via my good friend MGJ :friends: )
The one Afgoo X StrawD bean was a dud. The other Mumbles popped, but never quite made it up outta the soil :confused:
Not shown here are the already vegging Mumbles and ECSD X StrawD.
All these plants are growing rather slow due to cold. What can I do though?...I live in Canada :headbange

TW X StrawD is coming down today!...I think it's day 64. Just going to finish up my chores first so I can spend the rest of this Sunday in the afternoon with some tunes and my babies :canabis:
I hope to be back soon to show off the pics I take :lurk:


Grower of fine herbs...
Nice babes you got there TML, glad to see them again after this whole deal thats been going on for the past week. Its all good now that the upload feature is fixed, its almost like Christmas because i know that all of this new bud porn is about to be uploaded once people figure out the upload feature is fixed.

Im excited to see some real deal white widow being grown by you. It was one of the first heady strains I ever smoked hahah, back when i was like 15, got it from my best friends older sister who's boyfriend grew... ahhhh brings back memories of my mom finding pot plants in my room on the regular... what a dummy i was :bashhead:she was always cool about it though, as long as i stayed away from the cops and didnt get in trouble i was okay.. :rant:

Also i want to see those EcsdxStrawD that shit is gonna be the flame i can see it now. Keep up the great work bro, take your time with that TWxSTWD harvest.. its gonna be a nice one:joint: Peace.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya TML ...can i ask you if you found any nanners on them PB's as of yet...?
Nway looking good my friend.....in a few i will share some love with ya..If you want that is ;)

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
To everyone partying here at TML's Igloo of Smokey Goodness, Happy HannaKwanzaMas! :biglaugh: :friends:

Congratulations on your TW x STD harvest my friend! You certainly did a bang up job and I know you're gonna be happy for daze... :rasta:

Your youngins are looking choice :yes: Looking forward to your afgooey x std - I have to take a couple pics of them, they've been camera shy so far. Excellent selection coming up - top shelf stuff! :yes:

Plants have slowed down in my garden a bit too - the young one's developing roots I'm keeping on the cloner heat mat until they start stretching out. Sure is nice to not have to worry about thrips and gnats and mites - oh my!!! :biglaugh:

I can see you now - your fingers stuck together with that strawberry jam jellied diesel smelling pixie dust - roll up a nice ball-o-finger rubbings and flame on! Enjoy my friend! :wave:


Mr GreenJeans said:
strawberry jam jellied diesel smelling pixie dust

I'm salivating right now!!! I'm hoping I see harvest shots soon. I've got to show you my outdoor plot sometime. I try not to show too much of it for security reasons. :badday:

Anywho.. I'll be blazing some Afghan till you show me pictures! :joint:

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