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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Senior Member
ICMag Donor


TML...first...I didn't have the heart to enlarge that unmerciful image of the poor neglected plant...I almost cried...He He...next...very foxy..very nice...great images here..and I sent a big thank you to Core for his wonderful informative additions to this thread...more buds bro...DD.
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, the PS looks dank my friend. Looks like that stuff would make some killer bubble. Take care man.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? Looks tastey and sounds like a winner.. bbl peace..



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks Guys!! :smile:

Dr Dog - Crazy!? :crazy: Crazy like a fox! :biglaugh:

doobieduck :badday: It is a sad thing about the BB. As life moves on though, I'm learning how to cope.
Great job topping up Core with some respect for all the fine info he is passing around :yes:
I thank you for your visits, and glad you take pleasure in my bud shots...I'll have some more up hopefully tommorrow :lurk:

Anima - :woohoo: Thanks man! :headbange

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
I did save all the trim. Which probably wouldn't be considered much to you, but I slowly save it up and usually make canna treats :yummy: Maybe it's time to try my hand at some hash making soon? :chin:

StonedGrunt55 - :muahaha:
Spicey would be a semi-decent term for the Pacific Shark :yummy: It does have a tad bit of fruitiness to it, and some medicine like tastes to it as well.
I think I'm gonna get a chance to cure some up very well this time :canabis:
Smokeing them is my favourite part :smoker:
Thanks bro!

sackoweed - :wave:
I'm great man...Thanks! :smile:
Stop in anytime :lurk:

GMT - Thanks!
If you can't grow them too big...they might as well be frosty :headbange
It's great that you can make a guy feel good about his work in 1 simple line :D

Thanks for your great compliments guys...I think I owe you all a Flower room update, looks about that time eh?
I should be back tommorrow...hope everyone has a good weekend planned :ying:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - :muahaha:
Spicey would be a semi-decent term for the Pacific Shark :yummy: It does have a tad bit of fruitiness to it, and some medicine like tastes to it as well.
I think I'm gonna get a chance to cure some up very well this time :canabis:
Smokeing them is my favourite part :smoker:
Thanks bro!


:bashhead: lol sometimes i don't explain my self right, YES FRUITINESS but spicy i love to use it, Its like when smelling those spicy herbs from a mile away & opens ur apetite lol.... Pacific Shark is one those i'm WILLING to try soon :canabis: ...Oh yes smoking them is the best part lol :rasta: of course it is, worth waiting for hehehe....
take care bro... :wave:
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
GMT said:
your nugs are so sparkly the shots looks like a jewlery store catalogue.

Hiya TML :wave:
GMT sure has a way with words, eh? I have to agree - you have mastered da frosties :yes::rasta:

Hope the galleries are behaving so you can post your flower updates - it's been a bit flaky for me lately. Looking forward to peeping your new wards... :canabis:


Active member
lookin as good as ever my friend.
Me and my medical friend draw a LOT of inspiration from you bro.
Got the ladies under our own 250 for now :D
8 total from seed... gonna start flowering this week. Wish us luck!

ill post a pic when i get a chance if that is ok with you.



Hey buddy!!:wave: Man, it's been a while. I'm terribly sorry to hear about your blueberry momma. I'm down to the last few bowls of my Cindy. Didn't think it would've lasted this long, so I'm happy about that. A little goes a long way, ya know? I've decided I am going to grow Mikush next time, just for you, buddy. My only problem is waiting till spring. I think I'm gonna try and build a little grow box to tide me over in the "off season". Man, growing is so much fun!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey TML:wave:

Damn that PS looks great, hope its some trippy shit for ya dude. Cant wait to see more of whats going on in the garden. Peace bro.



My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
yo tml whats up in the igloo.? any updates lately or you just chillin in the ig lizzy. hope to see some shots soon. i keep thinkin bout that strwdxtrnwrk drools=)_______________


Registered Medical Patient
Hey TML...IM bAAACK!!!! good to see all my buds growin strong in my absence. Cant wait to get some new genes goin, thanks to BR!!! Ill be seein ya bro, eh!!Peace

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
hiya Fellas :wave:

I apologize for my un-announced absence. Nothing I could really do. I had a misunderstanding with my ISP.
On top of that I've been having some personal issues, some which may even affect the grow in the near future :badday:

I would however NEVER forget about my friends here at IC :friends:

StonedGrunt55 - 2 weeks late reply is better than no reply at all right? :biglaugh:
Smoke away brother!

scrappy - Much appreciated :smile: Thanks!

MGJ - Grrr :wallbash: I've tried all morning to upload some pics for my return...they too are a few days old, but I still wanna show you guys what's up in my garden. I'll try again in a bit.
I know you know I didn't go very far :wink:
Everything will be back to normal within this week....I hope.

BorisTheBlaze - Wow...that's a huge compliment :redface: Thanks!
I hope everything goes very well for you :ying:
The 250W is very under-rated. You can produce yourself a fine stash using less energy than it takes to cook.
Would love to see some pics! :lurk: Feel free to share'em with us...as long as the system will let you upload it :bat:

TT - Nice to hear from ya bro! :smile:
Glad that Cindy did you well!
You'll have a hard time keeping me away from your thread growing strains like Mikush :yummy:
Can't wait till spring!

NorthernKronic - Thanks bro!
Trippy is a good word for the shark. She definately packs a strong punch :joint:
I guess I made you wait to awhile to see back into the garden eh? :bashhead:

Dr Dog - I know...I owe ya big time bro.
I really wish I wouldn't had to deal with the bullshit i dealt with just to have an internet connection though.
Have to remind those big businesses sometimes that it's a paid service, not a privelege to be on the internet :nono:

SirSmokalot - :laughing: ig lizzy
Would love to show you some shots...I'll try uploading some more soon. I'm sure you won't be disapointed with the wait to see that TW x StrawD :canabis:

ZeusOGrefugee - Great to have ya back bro! I'll be by to check out the new digs and watch you grow that BR gear! :lurk:

Maj.PotHead - They can try...but they'll never keep me away! :muahaha:
Thanks for the concern.

GCG - All isn't well per se...but we're all still alive! :woohoo: And that's what counts :yes:
Things are good enough to show off some bud pics as soon as I can though.

Thanks for your patience with me gentlemen, and it does feel great to come back and see my friends have missed me :smile:
Hopefully we can get back to where we were with no further interuptions.


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Glad to have u back bro, shit happens to us all my freind but successes & good times come too... :rasta:
take care! :joint:

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