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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007



I like how you kept it all on the stem. It really shows what the plant structure looks like without leaves
Your igloo is getting full! Full of good people though :joint: You are gonna have to build a new room soon :bigeye:

So I'm baked to all hell right now and decided to show you my day in nothing but smilies.. haha

:dance: :smoker:
:friends: :friends: :friends:

high quality day! Great food, Great brew (homemade pumpkin pie lager), Some great buddies, and even better buds :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man - you have arrived - I know you will disagree - but look at the frost - on a run where you had unavoidable problems - look at the frost - WOW :rasta:

Your photography skillz have also reached a pinnacle - very very nice. When the trichomes look like little crystal soldiers standing at attention you know you've gotten a close in macro :yes:

Another wow - looked at them again - I think you have a knack for the Pacific Shark - diamonds are a girls best friend - and bud like that would've gotten you lucky regularly where I went to college.. :woohoo:

By no means suggesting current actions - your better half would take a contract out on me :bashhead: Mind's running wild - a good friend traded me an 1/8 of outdoor Romulan - haven't had this for a very long time - and it's hitting me like a virgin :D :rasta:

Be safe be happy :friends:


Pass That S**t!
Mr GreenJeans said:
I think you have a knack for the Pacific Shark - diamonds are a girls best friend - and bud like that would've gotten you lucky regularly where I went to college.. :woohoo:

If i had bud like that, i would be paying child support through my ass by now!


Active member
Dang dude!
Now theres a nug with some personality!

My hats off to ya, those look quite sweet!
Last edited:


Snow Grower ~OGA~


Thank You gentlemen for your generous replies :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks bro!
I'm starting to get used to her potent dry aroma. When I went camping a few months back, I mixed a few different weeds in same container...but seperate bags. PS always was the first thing that came to nose when opening container :yummy:

Dr Dog - Thanks man!
I agree...the foxtails are a cool aesthetic, but the little spiral buds are rock hard and solid bud.
Can't go wrong when looking for potency with this stuff

The rest of these seeds will definately be saved for when my breeding skills develop.

Black Ra1n - Thanks!
PB and TW x StrawD have got me geeked! :jump:
Just put down 2 Mumbles beans today :woohoo: I love bringing life to new plants!

Sleepy - No no :nono: YOU ROCK MAN! :headbange :biglaugh:
Thanks bro!

hidingtree - Thank You!
Glad you've been enjoying the thread :lurk:
Your blessings are appreciated and returned :ying:

Insomniac - Thanks much!
I just find it easier to hang when there is only one branch to hang :biglaugh: You're right though...it makes for a good pic example.
I agree...the Igloo has gained some size this year, I'm hoping I can make it till the holidays and possibly upgrade to someplace bigger...but equally as chillin :cool:
Sounds like you had one helluva happy Halloween! :woohoo: Thanks for spreading the joy :smile:

MGJ - Thanks my friend!
I'll accept your compliments...this time :redface:
Pacific Shark is a wonderfully potent creation. I wouldn't mind spending some time finding a suitable to taste pheno, dialing her in, and of course eventually breed.
:chin: I think it's about time I go to college :biglaugh:
OH! I am almost jealous :puppydoge Romulan is one of my personal favorites. Romulan reminds me of sitting on a snow covered mountain top amongst the fresh pine trees...breathing in the crisp piney, salty pacific air :kos: Enjoy that :smoker:

pontiac - :laughing:
I'll take that as a compliment :biglaugh:
Thanks bro! Great to see ya!

Anima - Thanks much!
I too liked that shot :smile: wish I had moved it to the right a tad more, but the lighting came out great.
I almost feel bad for killing off this pheno, she was very interesting to say the least.
Lot's of variety to try in the cannabis world though :canabis:

Thanks to everybody for their support...glad to have you all enjoying my plants with me :lurk:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor

thats what i call calyx build up :jawdrop::jawdrop:
thats the biggest i've see untill now
Nway congratz on the chop buddy....!!!!


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
TML congrats on your PoTM nomination...well deserved for a great grow and some very nice images, Dr. Duck


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - Thanks bro!
I'm starting to get used to her potent dry aroma. When I went camping a few months back, I mixed a few different weeds in same container...but seperate bags. PS always was the first thing that came to nose when opening container :yummy:


:joint: lol i'l dedicate this joint for u bro :rasta: .... :muahaha: the container of love, i imagine what a wonderful smell came out of that container :headbange .
take care! :wave:

Big D



That is of the charts! Im with core, those are definitely the biggest I've seen!
Whats the smoke report on those? Oh I wish I had some buds!
Rock on buddy!
Just chillin' with TML, Big D :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
The Bad news

The Bad news

Core - Makes me proud I could drop your jaw :smile:
Bout 3 1/2" (8-9cm) that foxtail
Was a very impressive pheno, and if this was a perfect world I'd have a grow room just to keep great moms...but I had to let her go. I do have about 8 more seeds to play with in the future for breeding :yes:
The foxtails aren't that great for yielding, but they sure do make some pretty buds.
Thanks bro!

doobieduck - Thank You!
Much appreciated my friend :smile: and also thanks to i_score for the nom!
Glad you liked :lurk: Thanks for visiting

stretchpup - Thanks man!
Bad hair day :laughing:
Glad to have ya by!

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks man!
I appreciate the joint dedication :smoker: I know I always have one lit while lurking :rasta:
At the time there was Pacific Shark, Cheezy Bastard, Hempstar (not mine), and some unknown bagweed in there.
Cheezy Bastard would win the taste vote though :yummy:
It was a tasty container of lust though :canabis:

Big D - Thanks for chillin! :cool:
I appreciate the compliments my friend :smile: I'm glad everyone is enjoying the Pacific Shark.
I did do a smoke report on the PS a few pages back...it went something like this:
Me on pg.47 said:
Pacific Shark Smoke Report
She has a fruity/sweet smell with a slight musky and sometimes medicine like taste. The sativa pheno is alot muskier, almost a tad peppery. Both have fruity undertones though, almost like a Skunk weed does.
The high is very potent and intense. It comes on very strong,racy, and trippy right of the hop. Not good to do first thing in the A.M. especially if you have something to do that day. The sativa pheno carries out this strong effect and is slightly a longer lasting buzz. The WW pheno pictured above ^ usually crashes and burns you out after awhile, usually making you tired or wanting to smoke more.
It's good weed in social situations because it can usually make a room come alive. Not exactly for rookie smokers though. I personally like it when I drink (which is not very often) because it seems to outpace the alcohol and keep consumption down.
I think appearance speaks for itself. Great bag appeal and even intrigue with the sativa. I try not to show many people the sativa buds before I roll them if I'm sharing, they are a unique looking bud and seem to spark questions from interested smokers.
Overall, I'm sure it's medicinal qualities are second to none and would highly recomend it as a pain killer.
If I had to rate it outta 10 it would score
Taste = 7/10
Scent = 7/10
Pontency = 8/10
Appeal = 9/10
Overall = 8/10
Hope that explains them well enough....wish I could let you all have a sample

The Bad News

We had an unexplained unfortunate accident here in the Igloo. I didn't wanna tell you guys till I was armed with the pic :puppydoge

*warning ---> please look away now if you have heart conditions, or are easily scared.

The story - I neglected visiting the veg area for about 48 hours...which right now is unusual for me since I'm still scanning for borg
I simply walked into find Blueberry momma looking like this :
^ I used the thumb pic so that you could click to enlarge at your own discretion

I havn't done anything out of the ordinary to her as of late, she hadn't even been getting nearly as many sprays either. Only thing I can think of was all the time she spent under the low wattage flouro. Once she was re-introduced to decent lumens...she gave out?
I'm not sure if she can be saved....by the looks of her, she is gone :badday:

I've let it settle on me...I've had a few days.
Initially I was really mad,
- because of all the work I had done to preserve this strain
- because I didn't already have some clones going like I should have
- I really was looking forward and getting so close to breeding with her
- Fate brought her and I together :ying:
- and worst of all...I fought the borg for months and sacrificed on her behalf :mad:

In the end...Fate might have had new plans for me :ying: and I've opened up some extra space for more variety.
I have to let her go...so...RIP my beautiful Blueberry mistress :bow:

On a positive note I'm germing some ECSD x StrawD by Somoz and some Mumbles by Black Ra1n

They should hit soil later today.

Here's a look at my Afgooey X StrawD vegglings...the one on the right would be considered a runt by any means.
I sadly neglected these for a few days, and unfortunately it was around the time they started needing me for food. They're recovering nicely though, and showing some better growth since...they should be looking great in a month! :lurk:

I still have more updating to do...gotta take a trip back into the flower room today...get you folks a look at some PB's stretching out and even some little TW x StrawD buds! :yoinks:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Wow, it just up and died, that is crazy. Looks like there may have been a serious case of nute lock out right before
I have a plant that I was going to throw out that is just hanging out in my grow room in the dark for the most part, that plant is still kicking, actually started showing my some pistils the other day, I guess you never know. RIP Blueberry mom, RIP!
I hope you have the same luck with the mumbles that I am. I think I may reveg her after this flower is done, to keep this kick ass plant going, so I should have some clones ready come summer time.
Anyways brother, keep your chin up, it just allows you to play with other stuff


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya TMLl ...I know such long foxtails are't good for the yield ..but you hafta agree that it looks damn nice ....mmmmmh nice idea for a contest on IC :chin:...grow the longest foxtail :muahaha:

sorry to hear you upset with her loss ...but to be honest ..you should of let her go a few ago....you always had mite problems with her....4 night ago i found a small outbreak on a 7 week old PB...I took her out and cut her a the bottem....thats how you get rid of pest ....you need to take the intire colony imho

Nway the afgooey x std looks fine ...did you had probs with her?
so i'll be looking out for that update....:wave:


:badday: :badday:
She was a good momma! :puppydoge I think the overall mite infestation from the beginning might have been what killed her in the end. It does blow that you don't have blueberry anymore. But it's nice you've got a bunch more strains to try :joint:

Have a good weekend :wave:


Just wanted to drop by and say that you're killing it with those foxtail pics. Keep up the awesome work in the igloo. Looking forward to seeing what else you put out next.


Hey TML....You only feel bad about losing a good cut until you pop your next new seed! :yes: I had to ditch my BB momma, Sk#1, Skum, and a pineapple that never did make it anywhere from the day I got it, but now I have no pests to speak of at the moment and 7 new seedlings of some fine genetics.

I bid her fairwell......Bye bye blueberry! :laughing:


Still Getting Sky-High
:puppydoge Sorry for your loss bro, :petting: poor blueberry mom, Lets dedicate one for her then :joint: . Goodluck on those vegging babes, they look cute... :wave:


Active member
hey eh , i was just talkin about the blue b the other day ... dang sorry to hear about it ... aw you'll win one o those POTM contests here you keep showin the picks like your pacific shark a eh? go get em with the new stuff . your igloo is sure still the coolest .... good to see ya .... ( ive had the same experience with some of our plants .... so don't feel bad .... although it's like losin an old friend ... i know )many blessings , hidingtree


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Dr Dog - She's always been purple stemmed and scary looking...ever since the first cut i got.
Wasn't a very resiliant plant at all anyways. Needed to be nutured all the time. She was not a lazy growers plant, and possibly why I lost her in the long run.
I agree with your Mumbles...that is one fat cola you're developing...you could have a great yielder on your hands. Might wanna hold on to that :yes:
Let's hope I find a similar pheno :ying:
Thanks for the support bro! :smile:

Core - I'd be up for that contest right now :muahaha: Not too often I have foxtailed buds like that. Purely genetic though. A tad odd too. Seems to intrigue alot of people.
Gotta admit though aesthetically, they are impressive :canabis:
I agree...I should have let Blueberry go when it was time. I carried it on out of a love for her smoke...I sacrificed for naught :bat: I've learned my lesson.
I had a small prob with Afgoo x StrawD I misjudged her first feeding time...you can see her under leaves went a little yellow. I'm picky about that in early stages before they're sexed because I believe in DP's feminine theory. I believe environment in early growth affects sexing.
Got a nice update I'm sure you'll enjoy. Thanks!

Insomniac - I agree...her leaves were stressed with bug sprays and even twice a day water misting (which I hadn't been doing for a few days :chin: )
I completely agree though...I feel free to try some new stuff :woohoo:
Hope you like the choices of Mumbles and ECSD x StrawD :smile:
Thanks bro! Hope you have a good one too!

krome - Your compliments are appreciated! :smile:
Glad to have ya by the Igloo...would be great to have ya stick around :headbange

Stoned2Death - I actually thought of your situation when all of it was going through my mind. You're a trooper :yes:
Growing all kinds of strains without bugs are better than growing one strain with :canabis:
Thanks for giving her a proper send off :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - It's amazing how the sight of new life can bring a smile even when talking about the death of an elder :smile:
Thanks for the dedication bro...she yielded me some grand medicine :smoker:

hidingtree - Thanks man!
Glad to know I have your backing in the POTM :biglaugh: It honestly just makes me happy that someone liked my pic enough to nominate it.
I agree...like losing an old friend. Always a bud I could rely on :badday:
I have noticed my TW x StrawD has a similar scent though, and it is exciting me already :woohoo:
Thanks for the kind words!

Stick around for another update! :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Flower Room Update

Flower Room Update

I should finally be caught up catching you guys up on whats going on in the grow with this update :woohoo:

Let's get it out there...TW x StrawD at day 25

^ She's just done stretching...finally...I hope :biglaugh: I'm looking to her to break yield records for me. Shouldn't be that tough at 60grams right? under a 250W? :ying: Awesome scent on this one...really diesel like. Alot of diesel like buds been going around lately. I've been caught off gaurd by some really nice tasting bagweed while smoking with friends :yummy:I've been liking it too :joint:


^^ I like it when they frost up early too :headbange


Let's move on to the the Purple Bastards :woohoo:

Purple Bastard-1 Day 3 Flower

^^^ This is her first shot in flower

I ran outta room vertically with her in the veg box with the seedlings and all in there...so you can see she just started branching out from anywhere :chin: I hope she can get a decent stretch on her...would make for one hell of a bushy/budded plant :canabis:

Purple Bastard-2 Day 17 Flower

I'm getting a somewhat decent stretch off her...hopefully a little more this week. She is starting to put out buds already though. Havn't got a whiff of her yet, but I'm sure by next weeks she'll have developed some trichs and tempting me with her bouqette :yummy:

Keeping up on the work though...all 4 of my seeds germed...time to go put them in soil :petting:

Hope you enjoyed the update :lurk:

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