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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 16 TWxStrawD + Day 8 Purple Bastard

Day 16 TWxStrawD + Day 8 Purple Bastard


Dr Dog - Thanks for all your help in PM :wink:

Wildfire - Thank You :smile:
Welcome to the thread and ICmag :headbange
Glad you like the thread, hope to see you around more! :wave:

Day 16 TWxStrawD + Day 8 Purple Bastard

Let's just throw up some pics :lurk:

TW x StrawD

^ She's doubled in size in the flower room :yoinks: Staying nice and healthy :yes: Very easy to take care of plant :canabis: Go baby go! :headbange


Purple Bastard


^ Day 8 for her, and she did well her first week. I knew she wouldn't stretch quite like the TW x StrawD did, but she did well for her first week and is off to a good start :yes:

Going to be taking 1 or both of the Pacific Sharks in next couple of days, it'll also be time to start drawing out some plans for my next step in building the veg box.
The other Purple Bastards will enter flower room in the next couple days and some Mumbles beans will be germinated :woohoo:

Stick around :lurk:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother...?? Hope all is swell with yer girlies.. Thought id stop by been a bit for me since i been here.. All looks to be well.. bbl when i have time to go thru, where i last visited.. peace...



What's going on in the igloo? :smoke:

I'm going to keep a close eye on this one. I am interested in the strawDxTW because I have some SDxTW to run in the future. From what I hear "trainwreck should be called derailed..." :laughing:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo T
Nice plants man, very hardy looking plants
I cannot wait to see how you like mumbles, I am getting new bud growth everyday from her, I am going to wait till the weekend to get new pics up as I want to really be able to see the difference

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, TxSD is looking mighty sweet my friend. You have some PB going too, nice!! Glad to hear you're popping some Mumbles, with you and Dog growing them I'm jealous, may have to get one in the room myself. Take care bro.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Another great update - love the lighting on this batch of shots! Your TW X STD is looking mahvahlous dahlink... Her leaves look a lot like the leaves on the Trainwreck cut I grew out. Nice size to her - how tall is she in this pic?

Always love the look of your Purple Bastard - are my eyes playing tricks or is she starting to purple up on you already? :yoinks: She looks like she is going to be a stocky / weighty girl :yummy:

I think you're fine with you're lighting plans. I could be wrong, but I think the socket is rated to handle 660W electrically, but with lights you can also be limited by heat, and thus the wattage recommendation. Especially considering you'll have ventilation in there, I think you'll be fine. Please ignore my supportive advice if you here a big KABOOM

BTW - tho u don't like to write 'em, I like your smoke report style :yes::rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for the great responses guys!

sackoweed - Thanks man :smile: It's nice to hear from you again.
You're always welcome in the Igloo, lurk all you like :lurk:

Stoned2Death - :woohoo: What's up!?
You'll be happy to know, no matter how the smoke turns out...TW x StrawD is a fun grow for sure :canabis:
I've heard good things about TW too :yummy: I remember MGJ's TW's too

Dr Dog - Thanks bro :smile:
I would already be growing some Mumbles, but you guys all talked me into starting the Afgoo x StrawD :biglaugh:
Clearing up some veg space though now with the other PB going in flower, gonna have room for some more seedlings...plus it will only be a few weeks now before I have a tad more veg space :headbange
I too like giving a lil time between pic updates...really shows the difference in growth...for instance here's the difference between my last 2 updates on TW x SD

Day 7 ----------Day16
I also usually only visit the flower room every second day, unless of course I have too...or there is problems.

Black Ra1n - :laughing: jealous! They're your seeds! :biglaugh: You'd better get some going :smile:
PB's are gonna be nice buddy...just you see :lurk:
Thanks eh!

StonedGrunt55 - PB is solid :yes: Been very easy and nice to me so far. Hope the rest of the flowering period goes as easily.
Thanks for the compliments my friend :smile:

Mr GreenJeans - Thanks much :smile:
Actually the lighting is me trying to battle the HPS :biglaugh: I have an incandescent overhead (mostly blocked by reflecter) a CFL from the right side and you can kind of see the HPS glow dominating the left side of the pics. My camera has pretty nice white balance, so the flash almost blends everything together, but kind of adds a purple like tinge too :confused:
That's probably where you see possible purple in PB...Though her deep dark green leaves almost give a purple gleam to'em sometimes.
I'm way to lazy to pull'em outta the flower room for pics, and I don't disturb after lights out...not even to take pics.
I just went and measured. I meant to last time I was in, but your question made me go take a look. She's exactly 35"(82cm) which almost exactly doubles her original 18" when i put her in :yoinks:
I have got some great advice from Dr. Dog about the lighting fixture. I also talked to my electrician at work too :yes: It seems all would be fine the way I have it, and it would actually work. I am however going to play it completely safe and go get some ceramic fixtures though. From what I'm told they're pretty much fire-proof and peace of mind is an excellent thing :ying:
I'm glad you like my smoke report style. I just try and tell it like it smokes :joint:
Thanks for the advic and props :smile:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
TML16 said:
I have got some great advice from Dr. Dog about the lighting fixture. I also talked to my electrician at work too :yes: It seems all would be fine the way I have it, and it would actually work. I am however going to play it completely safe and go get some ceramic fixtures though. From what I'm told they're pretty much fire-proof and peace of mind is an excellent thing :ying:
I'm glad you like my smoke report style. I just try and tell it like it smokes :joint:
Thanks for the advic and props :smile:
Awww shucks
anytime brother


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
how could i miss these update's :chin:..d
just plain beautyfull......but don't under estmate the PB's stretch...she could do 2X on ya ...atleast when she had vegtimes witch she had :smile:
and the TW x StrawD look fenomenal to...she's gonne make you happy i'm shure...
i'll be by later coz hafta catch up a little..:wave:


hey buddy :wave:

been a little busy of late, and being low on funds my grow was put on the back burner. :badday:
Kinda bummed about some people. I always looked at MJ as a way to bring friends together and have fun..chill out you know. But it seems like certain friends just don't see it like that and can get very greedy :spank:

its weed...not gold. Toke it up man, cause I know you are on the same level with me :rasta:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Dr D and your friend gave excellent advice - ceramic is tough fireproof stuff. I love it when peace of mind comes in single or double digit pricing :yes: :D

35" is my ideal height with the light up high. That'll make for a good yield.

Lighting secrets of star ganja growers - subtle mix of multi spectrum bulbs and proprietary white balance systems yield amazing purple colas and leaves for your viewing pleasure! Pretty neat!

Always a surprise in the igloo! Now where did I put my :smoweed: sign :laughing:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pacific Shark-B Harvest

Pacific Shark-B Harvest


Dr Dog - I appreciate the help :smile:

Core - Thanks GroBro!
I'd love for the PB's stretch like hell! PB-1 goes into flower today...so they're all at least a week apart of eachother....should have some good perpetuallity happening here :yes:
Havn't been getting a scent off PB yet, but the TW x StrawD almost smell like my Blueberry does :yoinks: :yummy: A nice dank and sweet diesel like smell :canabis:

rooted - Thanks much bro!
Yes! Mites seem to be a thing of ther past, but I'm not going to count them out completely yet...you know how them bastards can be

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and eyes open though :ying:

Insomniac - I know exactly what you're saying :mad:
Untill the criminal aspect is removed from our beloved plant, it will always be submersed in greed.
Organized crime and police enforcement agenices have fought hard to continue to make careers out of the largest money making black market product known to man, and they aren't going to let a few stoned idealists get in their way.
On earth it is policy that living things can simply learn from their mistakes...I guess humans didn't recieve that trait :confused:
Don't let it get to you bro :wink: Let's just light another

Mr GreenJeans - Thanks my friend :smile:
Good advice indeed :yes: I just havn't yet got a chance to go out and get anything.
Seems i don't quite have the height in the veg box to get plants up to a full 24" before I flower, but the 18"-20" mark seems to be working out well for me thus far. 35" is looking ideal right now.
:laughing: It's all done in the name of laziness brother
Light it up!!! :rasta:


Been very lazy with my grow this past weekend. Barely spent any time on it or here.
I think I wore myself out from the mite battles. I gotta get back into the groove though...my laziness has brought about bad news that we can talk about later :badday:
Cuz right now it it's time for good news :woohoo:

Pacific Shark-B Harvest


^ This whole round was rather small plants. Yield won't be great on this one either, but I'm thinking it should beat PS-C that was harvested weeks ago.
Looking just as delicious as ever though




Pacific Shark-B Harvest

I found it convenient last time to just leave all on same stem last time...so, I managed to pull it off again



I took PS-A at the same time...going to need another post for the pics!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pacific Shark-A Harvest

Pacific Shark-A Harvest

Pacific Shark-A Harvest

Back already!


^ I took them both together. This one has some pretty wild foxtails :yoinks: 40 grams between

the 2 of these plants would be nice. I know the quality is top notch :headbange









^ Figured I'd give you a look at how long that foxtail on top really made it :biglaugh:

I really gotta get fully caught back up :spank: Also, I gotta start gettin some work back into

my grow :bat:
Expect me to stop being a lazy slacker soon, winter is on the cusp...

Bad news update will come soon :cuss: ....

Thanks for coming out :lurk:
Last edited:


Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: congrats TML, frost is blasting out of her :canabis: , i bet she has a delicious taste :headbange yummy, lol... enjoy bro, the fruits of your labour :rasta: :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looks awesome man, nice an frosty, and my favorite color too
The foxtail is cool, but I personally like the spiral buds around the stalk
Great job bro

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bro, nice looking harvest. Camera work is awesome too. Liking the Shark, it just looks potent and tasty. Great job my friend, looking forward to the next batch.



Active member
hey eh? lookin like this is a popular place to be hey!! well can't be blamin any one right ? cus you're igloo is the coolest ..... haven't stopped by in a while ...eh.. smoke some of those blueberry bud leaves and bloww some smoke over this way will ya? sharks ... hmm 2 rows of teeth... youch !i missed alot since earlier in the wee bit colder months .... going ta see what i missed ... as always many blessings ., hidingtree

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