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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Grower of fine herbs...
Awesome dude simply awesome....caught me drooling sorry. hahha

Those PS's get so damn frosty, they look like they would produce a really trippy high... like you start smoking.. :joint: finish the joint.. go get some munchies, and by the time your back on the couch you feel :abduct: :abduct: haha such fun.. Cant wait to see you flower out those PB's :headbange brother. Cant wait to see it all go down. Peace bro.


Big D

I need to have a sample of each of your plants... I need to test um for steroids!

Peace, Big D


Hey bud:wave: man, I'm lovin' the foxtails. Looking great. But you already knew that. Dude, I just harvested my Cindy's. Yummy. Can't wait till they're ready.


Still Getting Sky-High
:rolleyes: I'm Just wondering What happens if u cut the foxtails, is there a chance the buds might grow dense? or will it slow the growth? :bashhead:


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
A plant takes a while to heal and redirect after cutting, so I'd imagine it would slow the growth.. it might also make denser buds, but it will definitely slow it.


Snow Grower ~OGA~


Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I was a little ill this weekend and didn't make it much farther than bed to couch all weekend :no:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks so much my friend :smile:
Hopefully there will never be a final phase in here, Just only final phases of each individual plants :canabis:
I'm going to agree with ixnay007 on the cutting. This sativa bitch already takes long enough too. The main foxtail has gotten so heavy on top that it buckled in weight on top of the bud :biglaugh: Looks funny.
Thanks for your visits...glad you're enjoying my thread :lurk:

Insomniac Thanks bro!
I give you all those updates...and then suddenly disapear for the whole weekend :bat: I'm going to try and keep up and give you some more update very soon!
One thing I'm sure Pacific Shark would be good for is pain. Sorry to hear about the back.
My medical offices have since been closed pending investigation :confused: but I can refer you to my good friend Dr. Dog...if you don't mind being treated in a Vet's office :pointlaug
Seriously though...take care of yourself and keep up on your medicine :yes:

NorthernKronic - Thanks man!
oooh...a drooler

The Pacific Shark definately grows frosty. I have a good environment for frost building too, especially at this time of year when it starts to get cold fast.
You've pretty much explained Pacific Shark to a T...expect you forgot the fall asleep in your undies watching a movie at the end :laughing:
Glad your sticking around for the whole show :lurk: just a warning though...it could last years and years :ying:

Big D - It's ok...I know why you need samples :smoker: We all need to get high

Glad ya stopped in and checked things out my friend. Thanks!

twistedtree - :woohoo: I'll be by to check out your harvest for sure. I'm happy for you :ying: I always get excited for people who get to try their own smoke for the first time. I remember how proud I was of myself my first time. I think the satisfaction was one of the best parts of that buzz :canabis:
Thanks Eh!

Dirt Magirt - Thanks my friend! :wave:

ixnay007 - Agreed. I've broken branches in flower before, which is similar. It definately slows down growth and then just piles on a bud where it can.
Plus...foxtails like these aren't all that common, so I might as well admire them while I have them :yes:


Have some dried out Pacific Shark shots here...



^ Ended up with 15grams and havn't even touched any yet. Looks like some killer smoke though, definately what I would consider out of the "white" variety :smoker:

TW X StrawD is growing outta control :yoinks: maybe she can set me a new yield record?
I'll be back with some pics of her and PB tommorrow, first I gotta go visit some of your threads :lurk:
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I love the way all of those crystals sparkle in the light!!!!!!!!

Now when do I get my taster?????j/k


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey T
Sorry to hear you were under the weather dude
I know how you feel, 11 days for me, ridiculous cold, starting to feel better today, HAve a hacking cough right now, thus being up so late
Nice looking buds bro,all shiny ans stuff, just the way I like em

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man - your gear is looking Crystal City! :yes: Hmmm, once again I take out the mukluks - feed the dogs - sand down the runners on the sled - and head on up to visit - the call of the Pacific Shark is overpowering! I must comply! :laughing:

Hope you're recovering ok - extra rest is my script for colds and flu - the Greenjeans excess sleep plan - I try to get 80 hours extra sleep by hook or crook - but then again I'm a lazy old goat. :pointlaug We need to convert a sauna to a vapor lock chamber - for just such maladies - load it up with Pacific Shark and steep your bod for an hour - now what was I talkin about :chin:...

To quote our gubernator - Ahh'll be bahhhk


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yup...expect a serious yield from the TW x STD.....she gave me about 65 grams dry stuff out of a 7 L pot...aprox 35 days untill sex and then i turnd her...so that means she's woz a good yielder in my setup :smile:...in my world .....bad yielders are about 20 - 30 grams per plant...
Nhow those nugs just look so deli :yummy:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pacific Shark Smoke Report

Pacific Shark Smoke Report


GCG - Thanks bro!
I'd love to smoke with everyone here on IC

BR - Always appreciated my friend :smile:

Dog - :badday: Hope you're feelin better dude. Mine wasn't quite that bad...I might have just ate something I shouldn't have possibly :confused:
Tis is the season though. Seems when the weather changes, the immune system has more holes than a Windows operating system :pointlaug
Thanks bro :smile:

MGJ - Sounds like you're a seasoned sledder :laughing:
80 hours of sleep :yoinks: I did sleep quite a bit, and it did help :yes:
:biglaugh: I've thought about the sauna thing before. Figured you could possibly choke though, and would take a helluva lotta weed. Something I still havn't done...YET! :muahaha:
Despite the fact Ahnold is doing a fine job, it's still hard for me to wrap my head around the thought Kindergarten Cop is the Gov. of Cali.
As bad of an actor he is...I've still always been entertained by all his movies :biglaugh:

ixnay007 - Glad you enjoy :smile: Thanks!


I take it everyone likes the dried nugget shots of Pacific Shark :yummy:
You've inspired me to do a quick write up on her.

Pacific Shark Smoke Report
She has a fruity/sweet smell with a slight musky and sometimes medicine like taste. The sativa pheno is alot muskier, almost a tad peppery. Both have fruity undertones though, almost like a Skunk weed does.
The high is very potent and intense. It comes on very strong,racy, and trippy right of the hop. Not good to do first thing in the A.M.
especially if you have something to do that day. The sativa pheno carries out this strong effect and is slightly a longer lasting buzz. The WW pheno pictured above ^ usually crashes and burns you out after awhile, usually making you tired or wanting to smoke more.
It's good weed in social situations because it can usually make a room come alive. Not exactly for rookie smokers though. I personally like it when I drink (which is not very often) because it seems to outpace the alcohol and keep consumption down.
I think appearance speaks for itself. Great bag appeal and even intrigue with the sativa. I try not to show many people the sativa buds before I roll them if I'm sharing, they are a unique looking bud and seem to spark questions from interested smokers.
Overall, I'm sure it's medicinal qualities are second to none and would highly recomend it as a pain killer.
If I had to rate it outta 10 it would score
Taste = 7/10
Scent = 7/10
Pontency = 8/10
Appeal = 9/10
Overall = 8/10 :yes:

I will grow this strain again...and plan on searching for a keeper mom somewhere down the line to either cross out or seed. I could see this strain coming in handy as I get older and achier :canabis:

Hope everyone enjoys :lurk: Feel free to ask any questions about anything I may have missed in the report.



WOW dude, the bud looks killer! :eek: :canabis:
MMMMM smoke reports my favorite. Sounds very nice, and I like that it has a racy high with pain killing properties. Right up my alley :joint:

Pop, pop, pop go some beans... wish me luck :ying:
Here is my medicine... m33 (friesland indica)

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Still Getting Sky-High
:rasta: That PS looked damn spicy :joint: :yes: looks full of happiness lol, no doubt she turned out good :bongsmi: . I like your thread bro :headbange keep it up & goodluck on the rest. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Veg Box coming to fruition

Veg Box coming to fruition


Core - How did I miss your post? :bat:
I wish I would have taken pics of her today...She's growing like mad :yoinks: I can see this being possibly my biggest yielder ever :yes:
Day 15 and she's blasting bud spots all over the place, yet still stretching quite a bit...I may have to start slowing her down with some supercropping.
I'll be proud to show her off tommorrow

60 grams is my record on a plant so far, I'd love to break that this round :ying:
Glad the buds could pass quality control :smile: Thanks!

Insomniac - Thanks my friend!
Glad you liked the report. I'm sure the PS would suit the needs of many medical issues

:woohoo: Did you start a thread? I'm looking forward to how your grow will go. That's a nice lookin nug ^ Grow that Indica out brother! :canabis:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks eh!
For what I got, she did turn out very well :yes:
Appreciate your visits man :smile:

Anima - I too like reading smoke reports. I hate writing them though :biglaugh: You have to be in the right mood to write it. I was reading all the kind compliments on the bud pics, and felt I could easily explain it then. It kind of just came to me.
Thanks for reading :smile:

*One thing I did however leave out though is the props due...
I forgot to mention Pacific Shark is by Willy Jack Seeds

Veg Box coming to fruition

I took the first step in building my new box today...that was figuring out the lighting.

I got a great deal on 2 X 125W 6400K CFL's :woohoo:

:1help: I do need some electrical advice here though.
If anyones noticed I use these things:

^ This socket says 660W-125V can I still use this with the 125W?
My question may sound stupid, but I know nothing about this shit and I figured I'd rather be safe and ask before I go plugging it in.
I also noticed on my ceiling fan fixture it also says 660W-125v but then has a sticker that says 60W max bulb.

So far I think I may use 1 in the veg box with the 2 X 42W and 1 23W for the seedling/clone area :chin:
Then use the other 125W in the flower area and add some powerfull lumens to my flower room and some blue spectrum too :canabis: What do you guys think?

Any help would be great on my questions concerning electrical safety.

Thanks! :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro
Nice bulb, I use one as well for vegging, but you will need a special base, a mogul, to fire that light up, I got one for 12 prewired. Maybe I should not have said fire there

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