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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BR - :biglaugh: I wouldn't usually get politcical in the Igloo, but because of the upcoming election we gotta throw a few shots at good the ol polititions every once in awhile :bat:
Looks like the polls are in...I'd guess Afgooey won? :chin:
Thanks eh :smile:

Dr Dog - :laughing: Truly no say whatsoever...just like real life :biglaugh:
J/k :nanana: I'm gonna throw down some Afgooey X StrawD
It appears you have about an extra 1'(30cm) lengthwise space in your vegging area or so. I notice you can fit 3 plants across. That would pretty much be even ideal for me. If I could fit an extra 2, I'd be happy.
Best of luck with the dude searching :ying: I'm sure I can too have a go next time I drop some beans and maybe aid in the cause.
Grr...I have a good idea of who left the door open, I think it was PN2P...I heard him sneak in in the middle of the nite to do some Blueberry bong hits


Insomniac - Toke away my friend
Just don't forget to pass it over here :smoker:
Afgooey X StrawD it is :yummy:


I figured if you guys wanna see Afgooey X StrawD...who am I to complain :confused:
I'm going to eventually grow them all out anyways :canabis:

The veg cab plan is a go :yes: I've now got authorization from the boss and I've started to plan it a little more in depthly. I'm sure it'll be at least another month or so untill it's a reality.

So..I'm going to lay down a few Afgooey X StrawD beans :woohoo:



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
ECSD X StrawD sounds like a wicked strain

hey bro grown them green kool kool your blueberry looks nice my blueberry kush is at 105 days flower today :muahaha: still maybe only 25% red hairs. her main tops are from wrist to elbow forearm sized :headbange and startn to get more dense :jump:. hopefully she's ready in few wks


Sounds like some nice strains comin' up in your show TML! :wave: Too bad about the TWxSD dude...very healthy stout little sucker he was!


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
That's right I left the door open..I came in..saw that blueberry plant..scared the hell out of me..so I ran scared..j/k..
then came back in and did bong hits and left the door open..sorry..hehe..

Sorry to hear your TWxSD was swingin sausage.."dude your chick's a dude" is never good when you were going for a chick..hehe..

Camera..A spring from a pen cut down at the tight end..slipped onto the contact clip..
bend the clip on the other side of the battery to push it toward the bent clip.. :confused:

Oh yeah the igloo toilet is frozen again..sorry I didn't realize that first.. :moon: :headbange


packn2puff said:
Oh yeah the igloo toilet is frozen again..sorry I didn't realize that first.. :moon: :headbange

Dude, I just slipped on frozen piss :spank: Your ass is grass...or at least it's going to be after we bong more of the blueberry :joint:

TML, The name Afgooey just makes my mouth water so I can't wait to see the beans popping. Had a crazy weekend with this dank and was baked for the whole day. Veg cab is a GO! Will love to see it filled with green :canabis:

Now get to work haha :whip:
Is it too early to say GO LEAFS GO? :headbange


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BR - :wave:
It'll definately be interesting. Got a lot of untried strains coming up :canabis:

Maj. - All of them sound good! :yummy: At least to us potheads.
mmmm...Blueberry Kush
Now that sounds like some killer smoke. 105 days though :yoinks: That sounds unheard of. I'll make sure I'll be by to check that out :lurk:
Thanks for coming by!

S2D - Thanks man :smile:
Yeah, I think that's the reason i was getting good vibes. He was so healthy his leaves almost looked plastic. The rest are no bunch of slackers though...I got blessed with some beautiful ladies this time around :ying:

PN2P - I knew I could count on you to take the blame :wink:
Wish I could put Blueberry out for Halloween and decorate her....now wouldn't that be an ideal world? :chin:
Always going for chicks right now with the limited space. Woulda been a good dude to keep around if I could have :confused:
I knew you'd have some ideas for the cam :yes: It seems to be working pretty good again just from me naturally bending it back and then using the battery itself to squish ot back into place. If I do have future problems with it though, a pen spring or like MGJ advised earlier, a piece of tin foil my help.
:laughing: Again!?
Nobody eat the yellow snow! :nono:
Thanks for the tips and laughs my friend :friends:

Insomniac - :biglaugh: I noticed after that Blueberry you weren't in a very ass kickin mood anymore :smoker: As a matter of fact, I'm not sure you've moved in days :yoinks:
Still waiting on Afgooey beans to pop :chin: They may be duds...or just taking their sweet time. I havn't checked them in about 12 hours or so though now...so I'm hoping they're popped when I check now.
Put aside a couple $$ last week, and will continue to do so till I can have the minimal funds in materials I'll need for the new cab. I'm sure lighting will be my priciest item any way I go.
Never too early to say GO LEAFS! :woohoo: dumped the first game but..hey...Sens are gonna be a kick ass team this year too.


I'll try and get some sort of update in today :lurk:

Little busy this week, been picking up some OT. A little veg cab funding? hehe...if the ol'lady don't stop stealing it all for X-mas gifts :bat:

Goin to check on Afgoo X StrawD seeds now...seems they're taking a long time to pop. If they havn't popped by now, I'll call them duds and put down some more.
These would be my first duds ever, but I was told of slight issues in this area with this strain.

Thanks for the visits gentlemen...always a pleasure to laugh with you all and discuss our lovely ladies :canabis:



Grower of fine herbs...
Good to hear that your veg cab is on the way. My lady also hooked it up with a veg cab this week. She bought me a new C-24 cab for my early birthday present, now im modding it up with the 250 watt and a stanley blower, this thing should get me rocking and rolling real nice in veg, take em right out of the cab and walk em to the closet then bang flower will be in session, damn things are changing every day. Keep up the great work bro, get that cab bumpin :muahaha:

Hope you dont mind me postin this up here. Now im not much of a construction man but man modding this thing is a riot :rasta: :jump: :jump: :joint: Hope all is well TML..

My vote goes to the ECSD x Straw D that sounds sickeningly awesome. Cant wait to see whats going on in the igloo.. and dammit someone needs to clean up that frozen piss i slipped on it too, good thing im so baked off this blue i didnt know till i was on the ground. hehehe.

-N.Kron :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Random Budshots

Random Budshots


NK - :woohoo: An early Happy B-Day to you. Nice to see your woman treating you well :yes: What a fine gift.
Best of lucks with the mods :ying: I'm glad you're enjoying it.
I'm looking forward to putting mine together too :lurk:
I never mind when others post pics in my thread. I encourage it. Spruces the place up a bit...spaces all this chatter.
Too late on the vote :pointlaug We've voted in Afgooey X StrawD and beans have been popped and have hit the dirt :canabis:
Damn :wallbash: Well..Dr. Dog is usually in charge of floors, I don't think he's gonna be too happy about this one :nono:
Thanks for the visit bro :smile:


Walked into the flower room with camera blazing...musta had it on wrong setting :pointlaug Oh well...salvaged some decent budshots...so the place can look a bit better with some pics :lurk:





Are you guys getting sick and tired of seeing the Pacific Sharkfoxtails yet? :chin:

TW X StrawD is hitting the floower room Saturday. I re-potted her yesterday and she's getting a few days under 24 hour low wattage flouros in the larger bucket to help her "root" into her new home. I gave her a nice big veg feeding to send her on her way into flower.

Afgoo X StrawD beans did pop :woohoo: They just took their time doing so. When i checked earlier today they had little tap root tails popping out. Not as long as I expected. They're keeping PB's company in the veg box now.

Blueberry Momma was also allowed back in. I gave her a clean bill of health
:yes: I stripped off dead leaves. She's still being treated, and kept under very close eye.

I'll show off TW X StrawD when she walks the red carpet to the flower room


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Guys come on,
There is a hole in the snow out back for that type of thing, it is not hard to find it is the yellow snow area JEEZZ!!!

Nice update man, very nice pics bro, lol must have been the wrong setting!!


Yo yo waddup waddup :joint:

I wanna take you home
I wont do you no harm, no
Youve got to be all mine, all mine
Ooh, foxy lady

I like seeing foxtails. It usually means a nice sativa high and I happen to be quite fond of that. Flowers are looking juicy :smoker:
:jump: I'm puffing on Rene. Some crazy smoke :bongsmi:
More on that after this weekend I'm sure :headbange:

Toke it up :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hia T....loooks like you have niice progresson all of ya baby's...and i'm shure you gone like that TW x STD...just don't listen 2 this old(er) fool ...lol.
and sorry i woz around but have't been much posting....i woz kinda trying 2 get laid and i took most of my free time :biglaugh:...but im shure you understand that ....
i'll be back later :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr Dog - I knew you'd be upset with the pee on the floor :biglaugh: You'll hafta take the day off on this one...I'll go grab the shovel :yes:
I have a "manual" and "auto" setting on my camera. I have my manual settings set specifically for budshots. I musta forgot to dial in manual when taking some budshots :bat:
Thanks for the visit and compliments man :smile:

Insomniac - :headbange Turn up the Jimi! :dance:
I'm still trying to get used to that potent sativa high :canabis: I'm more of an indica kinda guy. I am fond of how long the sativa buzz lasts, and even though I'm getting used to it...it still makes me a tad edgy.
Rene eh? :chin: Tell her I said high...hehehe :wave:
Thanks for the props! Hope you have a great and stoney weekend my friend :smile:

Core - I do think we have similar tastes in buds :smoker:
Some plants have their stronger traits in different areas. I think buzz and then taste are the most important qualities to me. Even if they aren't up to standards strength wise, I can always find multi-purpose for a mild bud :joint: Especially if they yield well.
We all get busy in life...it's usually a good sign that things are happening in life and we're living to our maximum potential :ying:
I understand fully :muahaha: Go git'er!


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Core said:
....i woz kinda trying 2 get laid and i took most of my free time :biglaugh:...but im shure you understand that ....
i'll be back later :wave:

Don't we all spend most of our time trying to get that!!!


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
Hello my friends :wave:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks...Your compliments are appreciated :smile:
I guess this is just like the whole male testosterone thing....I'm just concious about the size of my plants :pointlaug
I know I should never complain...I've been blessed with some ultra potent strains and a place in which to grow'em in :ying:
You'll get used to the cold in no time :cool: Just take a few more hits

Exactly! sometimes we pretend a perfect grow but evrything is in God's hands, i got pissed of about all those males i had but then i told myself ''Its better than worse''... Your buds r looking highly resinous with those trichs :rasta: , I know how u may feel about foxtails but the most important thing is that is a great weed & no doubt u will enjoy the smoke/buzz.
:muahaha: Already took some hits & got used to the cold hehehe but its nice chillin here lol.
goodluck bro! :wave:


Nice pics! That's what I'm talking aboot! I've always wanted to see some version of Afgooey. I'm kinda glad you didn't assassinate Mrs. Blueberry. I would've been sad to see her go.


Meet Rene! She's a lovely clone only strain that creeps up and :bashhead:

My weekend is a complete blurry mess of nothingness. It's fantastic :joint:

mmm and my battery is finally charged! :jump:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Thanks for all the replies gentlemen

Dr Dog - :laughing: No matter if your married, have a g/f, or single...it seems to be the one thing we all have in common.

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks man! :smile:
I don't mind the foxtails...they just seem to make repititious pictures
It makes for some killer smoke. A lil racy for my tastes, but I do fine with it as long as i stay away from it in the A.M. :joint:
Sorry to hear about the dudes :bat: 5 ladies will score you a nice round though :canabis:
Glad you're enjoying my sub-zero garden :lurk:

AnotherName - Thanks much friend :smile:
Glad Blueberry could impress...I'd love to spark a fatty up and pass it around to my friends here

I harvested that plant when my camera was down, so I don't have any harvest pics. I took those dried bud pics when I fixed the camera.
I'll hunt through my gallery and find you some BB pics of the past, do a little Blueberry show off post :yummy:

twistedtree - One order of Afgooey coming right up! :woohoo: Nice little seedlings they are. Having trouble arranging space in veg cab, but things are working out :yes:
Seen some "suspected" damage on BB momma, dunno if it was old or new...gonna keep a very close eye on her. She may have to be quarintined once again :nono:
Glad you're liking the show :lurk:

Insomniac - "Well, well...hellooooo Rene!" :petting:
I'm glad you introduced us :smile: Looks like a lady I could spend a weekend with too :canabis:
My weekend was also filled with Food, wine, and weed in great abundances :headbange and was even extended by the holiday :woohoo:
Great your feelin good brother! :ying:

check out the update... :lurk:

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