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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Core - Thanks grobro :canabis:
Afgooey = Afghani X Goo. Not sure on the genetic make up of Goo though :confused:
Glad you approve on the PB's..you know them well. They are so easy and fun to grow. The last couple of grows I had were slight challenges, and it's nice to get some not so picky plants back in the garden.
Yes. Both plants look to be similar phenos. They're slow growers, but I've had time finishing off these sativas. Looking forward to them hitting flower soon :woohoo:
Not really too much trouble with mites. I have the complete upper hand in the battle. I just have to not stray from my schedule.
Thanks for looking out :smile:

BorisTheBlaze - Thanks :smile:
The flower area isn't really actually a cab. It's a storage closet in my basement. To tell you the truth there is still storage stuff in there too :pointlaug
The dimensions are: 3.5M(11') Length X 1M(3') Width X 2M(7') Height
I have a register built in off the main duct, so it's cooled in summer and heated in the winter :yes: This also acts as a good air exchange

^ Here's a shot from back a bit you can see. The basement wall is concrete and yellow...I never got around to painting it white, but the yellow seems to reflect decently as well. I have white bristol board on the drywall side, which isn't drywalled on the growroom side. I plan on replacing that with panda film in the near future when I re-do the veg box. You can see the storage bins in the background...this is where my new veg box is going to go...then I also hope to add more panda film to act as a barrier across that area. I laid white peel and stick tile on the concrete floor to insulate it a bit and always raise my buckets...usually with little foot stools. There would be another foot or so behind me from where I took this shot from where the door is.
I do have alot more room in there for alot more wattage and plants. I choose not to, because I only want what I need.
It was pretty convenient having this little storage closet...and for a lazy guy like me...it meant minimal work and funding :woohoo:
Hope this aids in your search for a good grow, Thanks for your interest :smile:

Dr Dog - Thanks man :smile:
Yeah I stoked about the TW X StrawD + PB grow...this should be a great round.
Blueberry is a scary lookin lady :biglaugh: I really need to seed her and start out fresh...will be a winter project.
I have the 3 Pacific Sharks budding right now. Follow the Flower link in sig to see latest pics, or just simply go back a page or 2. You prolly seen'em...just stoned and don't remember :pointlaug :joint: I have the 2 sativa phenos and the WW lookin pheno goin. The WW pheno should be done within the week, and the sativas look to have another week on top of that. TW X StrawD is rounding up on week one flower in a few days :canabis:
I'll have some more flower pics up soon :lurk:

Black Ra1n - Thanks man :smile
I agree...I've heard nothing but positive feedback on PB. I've had a great experience with her in veg...I hope the flowering portion flows just as flawless :ying:

Stoned2Death - Thank You :smile:
Too bad about your harem :badday: Better to start fresh though with your new area :woohoo:
I don't usually have a problem with smoking some hermies. I don't really want to grow them intentionally...but good bud is good bud :smoker: Only way to find out about a seed is to grow'em out :canabis:
One bong hit coming right up!

Thanks for the visits gents :wave:

Big D

Damn TML, I no where to go when I need a place to hide :muahaha: that is impressive! Is that the afgooey? If you need help cutting that thing back, you let me know... I just purchased a new pair of snow shoes, so I m ready for the trek!

:bow: You are one bad ass Eskimo!

Peace, Big D
PS: What s up with the NHL, do you think its going to last the way they are going? I personally think they ought to go back to the original, what 8 teams.
I dont know!

A little somethin' for ya, sour bubble :wave:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - :laughing: The mind can come up with some trippy ideas on a good sativa joint :joint:
I think every plant no matter how sativa/indica dominant strain it is can have a opposite pheno. Think of humans...you've heard people say "this guy looks just like that guy" There's only so many molds to come from, but many variations you can apply to each.
If I've learned anything about growing cannabis, it's that the plants are just like any other living thing on this earth and can even adapt to suit it's environment. Hence, some people living in Igloos and some living in palaces :biglaugh:
I believe you'll find some extremely sativa phenos in the Afghan X SuperSkunk. SuperSkunk is almost a full sativa plant. My pacific Sharks are Jade Mikado X Great White Shark (white widow X superskunk) Mikado is almost a full blooded indica. Never seen any of her influence at all in these plants. Only place it came out a bit was taste. A tad musky :yummy:
Superskunk obviously played a large role in my sativa pheno with the pretty foxtails.
Holy rant! :rant: :biglaugh:
Thanks much my friend. You've been a great addition to the regulars here in the Igloo :smile:

:rasta: Tnkx for the tip my grobro, Plants r like any living thing. The Afghan and Super skunk is not a cross, Afghan pack by istelf & SS pack too.. I know about the Afghan is Indica But SS its Indica/Sativa , but i looked at some pics of SS they looked pretty nice. This week i saw a pic of Pacific G13 :jawdrop: those were some REALLY fat leaves :headbange ..U got some great strains/crosses there goin on... This igloo is getting more intrested than i thaught lol, i'm deffinatly gonna keep lurkin this :lurk: .


Snow Grower ~OGA~

BigD - :woohoo: Awesome to have ya back brother!
Unfortunatly that's not the Afgoo :wallbash: That's actually a pic from last grow I was just using to explain the growroom itself to Boris there.
The Afgoo are just the little tiny seedlings at the top of the page here. Would have to go back a page or so to see current flowering grow. Looks like I'll have to throw another flower update in soon :lurk:
Yeah...Gary Bettman has done for Hockey what Bush, Harper, and Calderon have done to North America :mad: Nothing short of ruining it. I'd love to go back to the original 6 :headbange
That SB looks deliciously frosty

Thanks much for the visit...great to have you back around :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks :smile:
:bat: ahh...sorry, my misread. I thought it was a cross between the two.
I know there are some indica genes built into SS, but anytime I've tasted her, she seems to lean heavily to the sativa side. It really got me off in Amsterdam...cuz I hadn't smoked for 4-5 days before I got there :joint:
G13 is a most impressive indica indeed :canabis: I've yet to get to taste it, but is on my curiosity list. Romulan and Mikado from Federation Seeds are a few more you should keep an eye on too :wink:
Lurk away my friend, it's great to be able to discuss cannabis with you :lurk:

rooted - :biglaugh: I have a really good feeling I know you :wink: Glad to know you're safe my friend :friends:
Things are goin good here man :smile: Thanks for poppin in and lettin me know you're back in the neighbourhood :yes: I'll be hangin with ya :friends:

Thanks gents :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey there TML:wave:

whatsup buddy? Things look like there going well around here, good to see the Afgooy x StrawD going well. Those PB's look really nice to me, super healthy growth, cant wait to see em get down and do their flowering thing :headbange: Your taking clones to mother off of that blueberry before you chop it right? just want to make sure, the mites love her for a reason hahaha its tasty. Great work keep it up brother. Peace



Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - Thanks :smile:
Romulan and Mikado from Federation Seeds are a few more you should keep an eye on too :wink:
Lurk away my friend, it's great to be able to discuss cannabis with you :lurk:
Thanks gents :wave:

There r so many great strains i never heard of & i'v been smokin for 17years or so :redface: , isn't Mikado a Japanese name? is it a Japanese strain?? :chin: & Romulan is another i never heard of, but i beleive they'r both serious stuff so don't worry bro :rasta: I WILL keep a stoned eye on them lol :joint: .& yes its so nice to share our lovely hobby's thaughts with eachother hehehehe, lets have a fatty for this one lol


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Maj.PotHead - Thanks Maj. :smile:
Always great to get a professional opinion :respect:

NorthernKronic - Thanks much man :smile:
I'll be poppin PB-2 in the flower room in just a few short days buddy :woohoo: I'm pretty stoked about this grow :canabis: You can always feel the good ones coming on.
I'm not gonna chop the BB momma I think. When I take some cuts...if and when they root...I just may flower her :chin: It of course depends on quite the few things.
I appreciate the compliments and support brother :smile:

StonedGrunt55 - I've said it before "so many strains...so little time" :wallbash:
I went out west a few years ago and got the pleasure of visiting a "store" in Vancouver where I got to purchase some Romulan, Mikado, and Hashplant from a nice selection of buds :yummy: All 3 hit the money in terms of buzz, taste, and bag appeal :smoker: Let's just say I had a fabulous week :headbange
Federation Seeds: Continuing many of the famous Canadian and US west coast strains. The end result of the products they offer, are second to none.
Romulan - Canadian bred and grown since the late 1960's on Vancouver Island. Romulan exemplifies The taste of the Pacific Northwest. Legendary for its taste and strength. Romulan is known for flooring even the most ardent and experienced smokers. Romulan is a squat growing indica with large dark green leaves, purple stock and leaf stem with frosty buds that are hard and dense.
Indoor flowering 8 weeks.

Mikado -Indoor / Outdoor
Predominantly Indica. The Mikado is a quick maturing, large-yielding strain. With a long jagged single leaf pattern. Under 18 hours of light, the stems and leaves are coated with resin. The female plants show hairs making sexing easy. Liked for its long-lasting high, Mikado can be harvested 45 days after flowering is started. Perfect for a sea of green.
Height 5 feet Yield 10 0z
Flowering time 45 days
* descriptions taken from hempdepot.ca

Ever since trying these strains they've been on my list of wanting to grow. Last year at X-mas time, Santa was kind enough to bring me Pacific Shark :bow: Now I have to do some more searching for that mikado pheno :canabis:
Romulan will be the next strain i actually go out and "purchase", which won't be for awhile since I have a lot of stuff to try. Plus...the price has always put me off.
I believe Jenna has some Romulan and Romulan crosses going on in her garden :yummy:
Yes...Mikado is also a Japanese plant. A very beatiful plant too...long tentale things with golden balls at the end...yes golden :yoinks:
My cross is from Willy Jack seeds. Although they are still producing lots of seeds and strains, they offer very minimal information and website has been down for sometime. Ever since the Heavens Stairway scandal :bat:
I just thought I'd share this information with you being an Indica lover and all :rasta:
Keep that fatty going round the room :joint:


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML:wave:
Ahh - he sighs kicking back in the recliner - your digs are looking real nice buddy! Lovin your expansion plans - more new and exciting projects to come! Your AfgooeyxSTD are looking sweet - and vigorous!

My vote is to flower the BB momma - I like flowering out my mother plants. Lot of mature root to take advantage of:yes::canabis:.

Gotta run - little one is calling - have a great weekend my friend!:friends:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
:wave:StonedGrunt55 - I've said it before "so many strains...so little time" :wallbash:
I went out west a few years ago and got the pleasure of visiting a "store" in Vancouver where I got to purchase some Romulan, Mikado, and Hashplant from a nice selection of buds :yummy: All 3 hit the money in terms of buzz, taste, and bag appeal :smoker: Let's just say I had a fabulous week :headbange
Federation Seeds: Continuing many of the famous Canadian and US west coast strains. The end result of the products they offer, are second to none.
Romulan - Canadian bred and grown since the late 1960's on Vancouver Island. Romulan exemplifies The taste of the Pacific Northwest. Legendary for its taste and strength. Romulan is known for flooring even the most ardent and experienced smokers. Romulan is a squat growing indica with large dark green leaves, purple stock and leaf stem with frosty buds that are hard and dense.
Indoor flowering 8 weeks.

Mikado -Indoor / Outdoor
Predominantly Indica. The Mikado is a quick maturing, large-yielding strain. With a long jagged single leaf pattern. Under 18 hours of light, the stems and leaves are coated with resin. The female plants show hairs making sexing easy. Liked for its long-lasting high, Mikado can be harvested 45 days after flowering is started. Perfect for a sea of green.
Height 5 feet Yield 10 0z
Flowering time 45 days
* descriptions taken from hempdepot.ca

Ever since trying these strains they've been on my list of wanting to grow. Last year at X-mas time, Santa was kind enough to bring me Pacific Shark :bow: Now I have to do some more searching for that mikado pheno :canabis:
Romulan will be the next strain i actually go out and "purchase", which won't be for awhile since I have a lot of stuff to try. Plus...the price has always put me off.
I believe Jenna has some Romulan and Romulan crosses going on in her garden :yummy:
Yes...Mikado is also a Japanese plant. A very beatiful plant too...long tentale things with golden balls at the end...yes golden :yoinks:
My cross is from Willy Jack seeds. Although they are still producing lots of seeds and strains, they offer very minimal information and website has been down for sometime. Ever since the Heavens Stairway scandal :bat:
I just thought I'd share this information with you being an Indica lover and all :rasta:
Keep that fatty going round the room :joint:


:headbange Tnkx for the info my grobro, Both strains r really f*ckin intresting, especially the Mikado :jawdrop: . I like the Japanese in all stuff... wemen,Culture,history,Geisha,Samurai,The magnificent Katana sword, & most of all their technology. Since they'r so perfectionists, i bet they got some elite strains aswel :rasta: . I believe from what u said the Romulan & Mikado r both killer stuff :joint: . As u may know, i'm experiecing something fishy goin on with my AIs :rolleyes: ,i might be wrong but i don't know... i would like to find a safe SERIOUS seedbank (what i mean by safe, is not recieving the packs with bud-pics on the envelope :yoinks: like some seedbanks do :angrymod: ) at least with WF i never had any problems like these, but if u know some good seedbank with some serious strains & crosses, i would appreceate if u give me a link or something :bashhead: . I'm on my 3rd but still i havn't grown any super strain :wallbash: but i'm willing to die to try some :muahaha: ....
take care man! time to roll :wave:


TML:wave: what's up, buddy? You had some really nice pics. One caught my eye in particular but I forgot which one it was :joint: In reference to your Mikado quest, have you ever tried Mikush? I had two of those growing with my Cindy's, but they both turned out to be male :badday: Anywho, their lineage is: Mikado x BC Kush. They're pretty cheap, too. I believe they are also from Federation seeds, too. You may have a good chance of getting a Mikado pheno in a batch of those, no? Oh, and I'm with you on the Romulan. I've always wanted to grow that ever since I heard of it. I'm not really a trekkie, but I know the reference. "So potent it'll dent your head like a Romulan" :biglaugh: We should totally do a side-by-side grow next year. They're still selling Romulan seeds, right?


looking sweet as always tml! that afgooey x straw d is definately something to look forward to. its got a sweet grape jam taste with a strong full-bodied high. great herb all around, imo. here's a nug from the one i ran outdoors this past summer:



Snow Grower ~OGA~

MGJ - Thanks :smile:
You know me with plans though :pointlaug Prolly take me a while to go through with'em.
Wish I could smoke that Afgoo X StrawD sample H&L left there ^ :yummy: But...we'll both get to do that soon enough. Thanks :wink:
I think I am going to flower out the Blueberry momma. She's got some size that could go in with this bunch. Taking some clones and then she's in play :woohoo:
Take care my friend!

StonedGrunt55 - I too am intrigued by Japenese culture. Though I havn't gotten around to studying enough about it yet. Wouldn't mind studying their dope first :smoker:
Yeah. A lot of these seedbanks have to learn to be more discreet with their shipping. I personally have never ordered seeds online, so I would have no experiences in that area. I have heard alot of complaints though.
I'm sure your AI's will turn out fine...they look great! :yummy:
I'm not sure I've ever had a "super" strain :yoinks: I think alot of people uptalk alot of smoke...just like any product. Good dank bud is good dank bud

AI sounds like a strain I'd love to taste
and I've heard good reviews too!
Not sure on your location in the world...Only advice would be to try and find a seedbank that's small and still cares about their product.
Was that a volunteer from you to become the Igloo's resident roller?
Hope you can roll wearing mittens! :biglaugh:

twistedtree - Thanks my friend!
That sounds absolutely devastating! You are one lucky man :ying:
I can't believe I never noticed that before in your sig either :bat: I gotta open my damn slanted, red eyes

Sounds like Federation has yet another hit! I love Mikado, and I love Kush...mix'em together and you can count me in :smoker:
Romulan :laughing: It's true though. Some of the heaviest/darkest smoke I've ever toked on. A taste like no other. Goddess of pineyness :bow:
I don't think Federation will ever stop selling those gem beans!
Great of ya to stop by my friend!

Dirt Magirt - Best of luck on your project there Dirt :ying:
Thanks for inviting my opinion :smile:

H&L - Such a gorgeous, frosty nug!
You got my heart thumpin with the Grape jam taste :yummy: Love that grapey flavour in buds.
Thanks so much for sharing that with us H&L :D I'm sure you've made alot of people drool here in the Igloo for a sample of that

I have a great update all ready to go for you guys :lurk: but...the damn site won't let me upload the pics. Obviously a problem our fair admins are probably working on now.
I'll throw them up though as soon as it lets me...I got some good shots

This about my 8th time trying to submit this post...the site is pissing me off!


Eugene Oregon
Hope all is doing well =D
A little sneak peak of my friend Squirrels Plant
White Widow x Skunk #1

When he sent me this i almost shat lmao.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i got some of those (10 seeds of Sbay) Romulans in the genebank...and i heard mixed things about them...alhough the most of it woz positive...don't know those Mikado's though...they sound both nice realy..
Nway i'll be watching for that update when the upload probs are fixed :wave:


Still Getting Sky-High
HerbGlaze said:
Hope all is doing well =D
A little sneak peak of my friend Squirrels Plant
White Widow x Skunk #1

When he sent me this i almost shat lmao.

:jawdrop: that looks awesome glaze, kinda went :eek: when i saw it :muahaha: .


Still Getting Sky-High
:bashhead: I think i'm getting paranoid about those AIs, when i shouldn't. I am happy with them... they look the healthiest plants i'v had in my 3 grows :canabis: They'r growing evryday & i'm keeping some clones from them too :rasta: . & If evrything goes smooth & well, FatherXmas is gonna get me some M39s :jump: , & most likely some crosses too :headbange . its gonna get busy lol....


Snow Grower ~OGA~

HerbGlaze - Thanks :smile:
That is one beauty bud and pic :yes: Your friend does some nice work :canabis:

Core - You lucky man! :headbange
I know you'll enjoy the Romulan. Any quality control inspector would :smoker:
Love to see you give that a whirl in your garden :lurk:
Looks like the upload feature is back and operational...you're in luck :ying:
I'm sure me and everybody else will be rushing to update today :biglaugh:

StonedGrunt55 - I'm happy with your plants too :biglaugh:
Some M39 eh? :chin: See...our tastes must be similar. I can't get "Mumbles" off my mind, which is a M39 cross by our very own Black Ra1n ever since I seen his M39 harvest pic, and heard some more great stuff about her.
I'm going to pop a few of those beans within the week :woohoo:
Thanks for the visit :smile:

Gonna prepare this update for you now :lurk:

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