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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Hi TML16, NICE to see those trichom covered buds :headbange , keep up the good work :yes: . I'll be :lurk: ing this thread.
goodluck! :rasta:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Strong work diagnosing your camera problem :yes: I hear ya on bent contacts - you could always wedge in a spacer of folded aluminum foil if you need to tighten up the contact a wee bit. Pictures look great dude - lots of crystal on those buds. Really - I can have my igloo built right over dere? Soupah doupah - I'll go get the ice saw!!!

We have similar issues - I need to keep plants on the shorter side to fit them in the cabinet - but a wee bit too short is so easy to do... I'm running out of veg room again and about to put a G13 and C99 in flower a bit earlier than I'd like... Hmm - maybe if I give them 10000ppm N they'll stretch enough??? <<<:pointlaug - jes jokin, but I know you know where I'm comin from...

Seed vs Clone - IMO clones are quicker and have the potential to free up veg space sooner... but they sure can be a bugger to root sometimes... If you remember I started with a veg area 1/3 the size I have now, and I'm still running out of space :biglaugh: Maybe we can find you some super stretchy phenos - you can root them and put them right to flower...

And let me say it right now - your disappointments look 3x better than the last commercial I bought - so I still say 2 :yes: for ya!

Your Blueberry treatment another 2 :yes: , good thinkin!
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Gorgeous budshots TML! :yes: I'm glad to hear you're getting the pests under control now...knowing the blueberry, I think you're on the right path. Just keep dousing the shit out of it as much as it can take it.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Core - I just promised myself I wouldn't do this anymore :nono: I'm always rushing into things. Gotta be more like the old bull on the hill.
You're definately right though. Another fine growing lesson learned.
Same plants and buds as last grow, just not as much of them :biglaugh:
Nice! :smile: I might need a hand when it comes time to construction. I'm not the handiest of guys with tools. I'm more of a ladies man....but now that I'm married I needed a new hobby :wink:
Thanks for the support bro!

StonedGrunt55 - :wave: Welcome to the Igloo!
I must admit I've seen you many times among the boards but have yet to make it to your thread. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all these beautiful gardens :canabis:
I almost feel ashamed right now for you to see my grow room like this for the first time :redface: Go back a bunch of pages and check out some of my better work :biglaugh:
Great to have you about man...pull up an ice block and chill :cool:

MGJ - :bat: Dunno how I bent it in the first place. Aluminum foil just may help my cause :chin: Thanks for the tip!
Similar issues indeed, only my height restriction is caused by lack of lumens. I try and keep them somewhat stout. Last grow was perfect at around 3ft :yes: Little taller for the sativa.
Stretchy phenos do help a bit, but even this run the sativa stretch didn't save me from a lack of proper veg time :wallbash:
Veg space seems more and more crucial growing as I get futher and further enveloped in the hobby. I really wanted to make it on minimal plant numbers, but it seems my idea of minimal is just to small a number.
I know I won't be disapointed with the quality...but spending that much time on flowering out such a small yield is what hurts.
Looking forward to next round though :woohoo: I can't wait to show off those TW X SD to you.
Thanks much for your confidence, It's greatly appreciated :smile:

S2D - Thanks man! :smile:
Blueberry momma is looking kind of raggy right now, but on top she has some nice untouched green growth that I'm not gonna let those buggers get to. Whatever it takes to kill those chumps :dueling:


I'm excited to show off the vegging plants to you guys and I'll get at it very soon :lurk:
They're looking perfectly beautiful and I'm putting all of my effort and love into them and my next grow :ying:
I'm especially excited about TW X SD #2....she looks to be something special :sasmokin:

Thanks for your visits and kind words gentlemen :wave:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:
StonedGrunt55 - :wave: Welcome to the Igloo!
I must admit I've seen you many times among the boards but have yet to make it to your thread. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all these beautiful gardens :canabis:
I almost feel ashamed right now for you to see my grow room like this for the first time :redface: Go back a bunch of pages and check out some of my better work :biglaugh:
Great to have you about man...pull up an ice block and chill :cool:

Hey! don't worry bro i had a bunch of f*ck-ups too in my grows & i'v seen some of ur previous pics already :rasta: Great work! & i don't see a reason why these should upset u coz they look good & covered with trichs :rasta: .
Its cold here dude lol, but i already sat down eating my frozen popcorn :lurk: & rolling :joint: .
goodluck! :wave:


You will not be forgotten
Looking really tasty and frosty as usual TML!!

Not sure i can add anything that hasnt been said, just wanted to stop by and say High and that im really enjoying your show. Puff puff

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Bro, how are you getting those foxtails? And does it stay in shape when dried?
nice and frosty, yum yum
Looks great man, nice pics, nice update!!


Construction time! :jump:
I love building stuff, so I hope you have fun with your vegging area. Those sativa phenos look tasty. Hopefully you can keep the pheno going and breed it out to make something banging. Foxtails are dope! :headbange

I know you keep a fairly laid back way of growing, have you thought of doing SOG for your flowering room? I don't remember if it's big enough. Maybe if you used smaller pots it could happen? :confused: It would be cool to see your room lined with...mmm say 8-10 smaller plants? Maybe the SOG would allow you to get into a better perpetual routine. I would guess you should get your cloning technique down first.
In your future grows what do you want to achieve? Higher yields? More Frequent Yields? Breeding Techniques? Ok i'm done

...and I can't wait to see TWxSD :joint: :joint: :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hello my friends :wave:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks...Your compliments are appreciated :smile:
I guess this is just like the whole male testosterone thing....I'm just concious about the size of my plants :pointlaug
I know I should never complain...I've been blessed with some ultra potent strains and a place in which to grow'em in :ying:
You'll get used to the cold in no time :cool: Just take a few more hits

DimeBag65 - Thanks so much DimeBag, always great to have you by :smile:
:friends: :headbange I always enjoy partying with you!

Dr Dog - :laughing: Wish it was under my control man, but it's purely genetic :canabis: They do stay in shape when dried...:biglaugh: when they're still wet (but cut from the plant) they actually flop around. Like a long wick on a candle.
Thanks much for the compliments :smile:
I'm sure you'll enjoy this strain when you smoke it one day :wink:

Insomniac - :pointlaug I think you're more excited than me about this new veg room idea! :biglaugh:
D'oh!!! :bat: Now you've gone and perplexed me :chin: A re-veg on the PS sativa pheno maybe in order. I do have more beans...but is there another sativa pheno of this calibre in there? :confused:
:wallbash: You've given me lot's to think about
SOG would never be of interest to me because of the plant numbers. Basically any new method I choose would also require more veg space, or at least higher veg wattage.

Insomniac said:
In your future grows what do you want to achieve? Higher yields? More Frequent Yields? Breeding Techniques? Ok i'm done
^ This a great question you've posed Insomniac :yes: I think every grow diary needs to be asked this question.
Higher Yields - If I could do what I done last grow...about 160Grams every 8 weeks, I'd be pleased. I know I'm capable of my goal.
Usually with different strains and phenos, most plants just naturally get harvested at seperate times which means harvests become staggered anyhow. Frequency is acceptable with 4 plants flowering.
Breeding Techniques - I would love to seed the Blueberry, possibly crossed with something else. Maybe making some Blueberry hybrids, or just recreating the line so I can start fresh with her from seed.

Thanks very much for your continued interest in my grow :smile: Always great to have you as a fixture here in the Igloo :friends:

Be prepared...I'm going to warm up the camera with breakfast (seriously, it's charging) :biglaugh: Going to see if we can get some Veg shots going
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Hello TML16. There's more smiles in this igloo I've ever seen! :laughing:

Might be from the beautifull buds, or the great host :friends:

Nice garden! :rasta:

Kepp them smiles coming. :jump:
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The Tri Guy
Waiting on the new pics TML, Sorry to hear yield will be down this time, get the next veg nie and big ready for xmas harvest. One thought on your cam contacts, the foil is a good idea, but if you do find you snap it off completely, I found a small paper clip folded in half forms a naturally springy fake contact, at least in tv remote controls :).


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Veg Update!

Veg Update!

Hi Guys :wave:

AnotherName - Thank You! :smile: Welcome to the Igloo!
We always try and keep her chalk full of smilies. Keeps the spirits high :joint:
Glad you are enjoying the garden and the entire site :lurk:

GMT - Been trying to get it right for a couple of years now :whip: I think I have the perfect solution now. More veg space! :canabis:
You always have such great ideas and solutions. Man I bet I can rig up and keep this camera going forever now :muahaha:
Thanks for spreading your vast knowledge base and great innovative ideas around :smile:


Proud to bring you this veg update :canabis:

Blueberry Momma

^ You can see the nice new green unaffected growth at the tops :yes: She'll be cleaned up a tad better once she puts on a tad more new growth before more cuttings are taken.

Purple Bastard-1

^^ The smallest of my plants. She got dropped on her head as a baby :bat:

Purple Bastard-2

^^^ Both PB's are very alike. This one is a tad bigger. All plants have been topped now, these will get it again too

Trainwreck X Strawberry Diesel-1

^^^^ She's the stretchiest of my plants and will be the first one into flower. There is one vacant space open in the flower room right now. She will get another couple weeks of veg first though.

Trainwreck X Strawberry Diesel-1

^^^^^ Shhh...She's my favourite right now :petting: Just something about her. She gives off good vibes :ying: I'm hoping she's piney :yummy: She looks piney :biglaugh:

Veg Box

Just a look into the veg box to see the space restrictions I'm working with. There is enough space for these 4 plants, but not anymore than that. I will concentrate on these though and continue to baby them for an outstanding show for you all, and a great harvest for me :headbange

Thanks for spending the time to check it out, hope you enjoy :lurk:


Still Getting Sky-High
AnotherName said:
Hello TML16. There's more smiles in this igloo I've ever seen! :laughing:

Might be from the beautifull buds, or the great host :friends:

Nice garden! :rasta:

Kepp them smiles coming. :jump:

I really loved reading your sig... very intresting :rasta:


The Tri Guy
liking the new additions TML, PB and the SD, although that blueberry looks very satish for my tastes.


Grower of fine herbs...
Lookin great TML,

Cant wait to see you get those babys going. Keep up the great work, ill be back soon.



Snow Grower ~OGA~

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks man! :smile:
I agree...I love the fat indica leaves. It's getting me excited already and the grow has barely begun :woohoo:

GMT - By the looks only has that BB have any sat qualities whatsoever :yoinks: She finishes up in 50 days, and comes packed with a bloody eyed indica couchlock and strong body buzz
Then you eat like a pig
and then fall asleep. Very odd and picky plant :canabis: Did I mention she's a mite magnet? :biglaugh: Taste like Blueberry gasoline though :yummy:
Freakish growth on it too :crazy:
Remember that nutter chick back in high school? The one that...like...stalked you and shit? Yeah...well...that's my Blueberry momma :muahaha:
Ok...I'll stop now :biglaugh: Thanks eh! :smile:

NorthernKronic - Thanks bro! :smile:
I'm giddy like a school girl for this upcoming grow! (.)(.) :woohoo:
I think the weather changing is resparking my interest in spending more time and efforts on my grow :canabis:


I like having days like today :D Nice and relaxed and still rewarding :smile:
Wish everyday could be as easy...ahhh
That...and I'm nice and toasty!

Hope you're having a good day too :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Wow man, things are looking awesome. Trainwreck is definitely catching my eye, though those purple bastards are sweet too. When you switching them over?


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML:wave:
Excellent update - plants are looking good. Both the PB and the TWxSD look spot on:yes::canabis:

Rant warning:rolleyes: - long compliment and suggestions ahead...

You have come to the same conclusions I have regarding yield. The genetic influence is fixed once we make a pheno selection, so nothing more can be done from that front. IMO the #1 yield increase is vegging - not veg time, but development of the plant. Anything that encourages more leaf mass above the soil will increase yield. Coming from the bonsai side of things where plants are considered well fed if they get ferted once a season :yoinks:, I tend to underfert vegging plants. I've made a spreadsheet schedule for fert checks, otherwise I just forget to do it. I'm a creature of habit... :rolleyes: If a plant is slow to veg I go by veg height more than veg time. I don't mention veg times in my thread because time alone doesn't work out for me. I have a couple plants 4 months old and still not 2 feet. I'm not flowering them until I figure out what the story is, or they get to 2 feet. Taking this approach demands extra veg space to hold the slow growers. You've come full circle and I give you 2 :yes: for deciding to increase your veg area.

Another variable is branching. Even though it leads to many small buds, I am a believer in heavily branched short plants. I have a hard vertical limit of 40", so for many sativa leaning plants the only hope for good yield is heavy branching. Luckily for me, 1-2 toppings at 1rst-2nd node branching on new branches is usually plenty to get pretty good branching going on.

One way I increased veg grow space is realizing that germing / cloning does not need much vertical space, so I have a couple little areas - would never fit even an early short vegging plant, but fine for early propagation. This freed up a good amount of veg space for larger plants. I bet you can find similar areas at your digs.

Last area - for me - is lights. My last run of vegging plants suffered some in growth rate and stretch because I forgot to replace a MH bulb at the right time. Hardware lessons learned. Now that the light is replaced the growth is very zippy - uh, doh:pointlaug

I have much :respect: for your diagnostic / practical approach to your garden. IMHO it is the most enjoyable way to go. 2008 is gonna be a hella snowstorm in Igloo Landia! Calling in a bet with Jimmy the G! :laughing:


Hey, my canadian brutha! :wave: I got those posters you wanted! I'll just hang them up.............................oh, here's a spot.

Man, that Trainwreck looks killer! Lovin' the PB's, also. I'm glad to see the blueberry getting healthier. I still think I might try that strain outdoors next year...what do you think? I concur with MGJ's two thumbs up on upgrading your veg area. So, are you gonna upgrade the veg light as well?