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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro your veg area looks quite similar to mine, I could probably get 6 plants in mine though. Those are some sweet looking plants

That blueberry looks like it would be Rob Zombies plant, but nice to see it coming back to life..zombie weed plant
Take care bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great replies guys :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile: I've been putting alot of love into this grow :canabis:
TW X SD-1 will hit the flower room in about 2 weeks. Just giving her time to fill in her new container I transplanted her in last week.
The rest will go in one by one as the other plants finish. Probably around 3-4 weeks.

Mr GreenJeans - Wow...that was quite the post. Thanks for spending the energy and time to get that in depth :respect:
It really wasn't untill I started flowering 4 at a time that I really started noticing I needed more veg space. Now I have 1 momma too :bat:
I completely agree...There is never an "assigned" time to vegging :nono: I've even noticed you've mentioned many times before you like to start at 2ft. That does sound like an ideal height to start from. Definately should be a goal I set my sights at as well. Like we've discovered...we have very similar height restrictions for different reasons.
With Core' suggestions, I plan on topping the hell outta the PB's. TW X SD-2 I want as a big bush too, but I think because she's stretchy, I'd like to do TW x SD-1 dual headed colas :yummy:
New Veg space is something thats become a need now, and I know once I add this addition I can have a permanent location for my whole grow in 1 room :yes:
I was planning a little clone/seedling area built into a corner of the new box :chin:
I havn't decided the lighting...but I'll discuss that a little more in my tentative planning listed below.
:biglaugh: Thanks so much for your tips, suggestions, and experiences. They always aid me in helping me take that practical approach :smile:

twistedtree - :laughing: The classic Truffle Shuffle. And my favourite Corey! :biglaugh: I bet he could possibly be one of us here on IC :chin:
Excellent spot for'em. Right in the screening room :headbange 1500W of Dolby surround and a 62" Plasma :rasta: Each individual lazy boy has a built in rolling table and vape-tech capabilities

You can't go wrong with BLueberry man. Packs a potent punch
I've heard the DP version takes a little longer to flower out.
Thanks for the compliments and your interest in my grow. I'll get to my plans below :smile:


Only thing on my mind last couple of days now is new veg space....new veg space...new veg space :bashhead:

I'm planning on building it right into the flower room, so I have some dimensions in mind. Remember though...these are just plans in my head and nothing here is for sure.
- 3 1/2' (105cm) length X 3 1/2' tall X 3' (90cm) width
- I wanna build a clone/seedling area in the top left corner. Big enough to fit 6 party cups anyways. 23Watt "cool" CFL will be used in there.
- I'm thinking 120mm PC fans should be able to vent that area ---> your suggestions there?
- Lighting is my biggest stump. I've thought of a few options:
~ Going 400W in flower room and use 250W to veg
~ Buying a few 100 or 125W CFL grow bulbs
~ Just adding more 42W CFL bulbs untill level is satisfactory
~ Buying a home security MH or HPS 75W-150W kit from hardware store.
~ Go for a 250W MH
There are pros and cons to all. Will take me research and a lotta thinking doobies to figure what I really want to do :joint:

By biggest issue was light leaks caused by exhaust in the new veg room.
I think I've figured a way though...if I use some tubing and slated vents I can still have a good air flow and block light.
Just for extra measures I plan on hanging some panda film and use velcro so I can easily access past it. This will also help reflectivity in the flower area :woohoo:

I have neither the time or the resources to do any of this soon. But once it starts getting cold out and all outdoor work has come to an end, I'm sure I'm find myself with a tad more time.
It should be cost effective though. I'm very excitement, but will hafta use some patience at least through one more grow :ying:

Your feedback is appreciated guys :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:laughing: Sorry I missed ya Dog!

I had left this window open while I went to get some stuff done, and just started typing away when i came back :biglaugh: I guess you snuck one in on me.

Yeah..I've seen your box...it does seem a good bit larger than mine. Through pics at least :smile:
We both got the old CT temp/humid reader :biglaugh:

Should be called Zombie weed :laughing: Can turn you into one if you smoke enough of it :smoker:

Thanks eh...have a great day :smile:


The Tri Guy
Wierd TML, never would have guessed at that from her appearance, but I like the sound of her now. Funny on the mite magnet thing, it was around the time I was running close relatives of the blue that they came to vissit me too. And how did you know about that crazy chick lol.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
hey tml-
the babies look good. that pb gets rave reviews ehh. bet you love it. well just wanted to say hi and looks good your way.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

GMT - Appearance and aesthetics and not Blueberries strong features :biglaugh:
She's any Indica lovers dream really :kos:
There must be something about that distinct odour that the bugs love about the blue strains :chin: You'd figure they'd be less attractive to bugs due to their tendencies to over resinate :canabis:
We all have one of those crazy chicks :laughing:
Thanks for hangin out :smile:

SirSmokalot - "I like big buds and I cannot lie!" :dance: :biglaugh: sorry...had to throw that in :bat:
Bienvenue! I'm sure you know your way around an Igloo :smile: Make yourself at home.
This is my first run with PB. I've heard no complaints yet :ying: I'm looking forward to it for sure :yes:
Thanks for the visit, stop in anytime :lurk:


Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks man! :smile:
I agree...I love the fat indica leaves. It's getting me excited already and the grow has barely begun :woohoo:

yes agreed 100%, :headbange Indica fat leaves r so beautiful lol... for that reason i'm growing AI

Nice to see u rockin on TML16, :wave:


Ahoy, there TML :wave: The screening room, eh? That's awesome. Got any Potcorn in there? How 'bout the movie selection? I would definitely not be surprised if "Mouth" was on here somewhere. :biglaugh: :biglaugh: As far as the Blueberry goes, I'm gonna go with Joey Weed's version. He uses DJ Shorts Blueberry for his seeds. I would love to go with DJ's, but holy crap, $150+ for those? I've got champagne taste on a beer budget. :pointlaug


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Hia TML...looks like you got nice plans on the vegroom ..good for you my friend :smile:
and i must say what is innit looks damn good 2....they bouth look similar at first i see...but that will change ...and you say the TW is ya favourit now....i predict that once the PB is in flower you will change your mind....i'm quite shure of that...i'm toking some of that TWx strawD right now ...and i do need 2b say i'm a little disapointed in her smoke....she is a good yielder though.....aaah yea i read you gonne top the PB...i would't go more as 4 mains...Nway...they looks verry healthy and thats what i like ...
bbl :wave:


Voluptuous Trichomes
Lookin great! Still hanging around bro...wanna follow that TW x Straw D...can't wait to see what ya think :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Howdy gents

Dr Dog - :laughing:

StonedGrunt55 - :yummy: Some Aurora Indica. You know I'm fond og anything that has Indica right in the title

Thanks for the visit :smile:

TT - Potcorn :chin: I'm gonna hafta throw some seeds in the popping machine and see if that works :biglaugh:
Tonight we're screening the first 2 seasons of Weeds :lurk:
I don't know much about my Blueberry as it was gifted by a stranger, but I've been told it looks just like DJ's. You'll be nothing but pleased :yes:
Thanks for the laughs :smile:

Core - Thanks man :smile:
Bummed to hear that quality control isn't impressed with the TW X StrawD smoke :no: I had high expectations for them.
I was only calling TWxSD-2 my favourite plant because of her stature. She gives off good vibes.
After all the raving reviews on PB I know I can expect an amazing product in the end :canabis: The TWxSD was still a bit of a mystery.
I'm gonna need a good yield next round, so at least it looks good in that area.
I'll heed your advice at the 4 mains :yes:
I'm glad you approve of the status of my ladies too. Nice to have a trusted opinion like yours on board :respect:

-VT- - Thanks! :smile:
They're growing beautifully so far. So easy to care for. I needed some easy to grow, nute loving strains right now.
From what I've seen, she's a good yielder too...another thing I could use right now :canabis:
Great that you're keeping tabs on them :ying:

Thanks for your visits guys :wave:


:wave: Hey bro I see you got your hands on some Purple Bastard seeds??? :headbange

I can assure you will like this cross. :jump: I have a little 1 left and it is pretty mite resistent.

It is a squat plant that grows some fat a$$ buds. They will turn purple but mostly on the inside when you break the bud open.

The smell of the pheno I have is pretty sour. The taste is sweet and the high is no slouch :headbange

I gave Forty grit some samples of the Purple bastard, AG-13 and MTF. he said the high was right there with the AG-13 :rasta: So it's a good cross IMO keep it around I think you'll like it?

Looking good bro


Snow Grower ~OGA~



GCG - Good to see you bro! :smile:
Another rave review on PB...Looks like I'm in for a gauranteed treat :woohoo:
Glad to hear it's bug resistant too. I could really use that trait in a strain right now :yes:
From all i heard I know I'll like it. And so far, it's been very easy and pleasing to work with :canabis:
Thanks for checkin in man :friends:


Got some bad news from the veg cab today :badday: Seems a case of mistaken identity on my part :bat: TWxSD-2 is a dude! :no:
Checked on'em today and he had big sacs hangin out :nono:
There goes my ratio and my ego out the window :wallbash: :biglaugh:


I can 100% assure the other 3 are ladies though :canabis:

They must have just caught on that they have extra root room now and put on an amazing growth spurt the last few days.
Looks like TW X SD will be ready to hit the flower room next week :headbange
PB's will be topped again to give them 4 mains, and they can bush out from there.

Looks like I have room for a couple party cups now in the veg area...dunno if I should maybe try and root some BB clones... or just start some new seeds?
What do you guys think?
seedbank sez we still have to try:
- ECSD X StrawD
- Afgooey X StrawD
- White Widow
- Purple Connection 3
- Mumbles
- Moroccan x Afghani
- AK48
Any suggestions will be considered, but I think I'd like to decide within next few days anyways.
Another thought was to take cuts of BB and flower Momma if I can have her cleaned up in time :chin:

I'll leave you all with some dried nugs of Blueberry

Although you missed the harvest due to cam issues, we'll still post some bud shots :wink: I only scored 11 grams of these precious little nuggets, but it's alot better than having none at all. I've only savoured 1 joint so far :joint: and I'm saving the rest for times in need to get blown out.

Last edited:


:nono: Dude don't kill the poor guy :fsu: put him outside let him drop pollen collect it and pollenate a few select buds :bashhead: it's the perfect time of year to put him outside :headbange

:rasta: Isay Afgooeyxstraw-d, white widow and AK-48


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Don't feel bad man, pollen is a good thing :) Like the seed list as well, you have a bunch of nice strains the first two sound rather tasty. Take care...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
sucks about the dude, I have the exact opposite problem I am hoping for a male or two so I will have enough room for everything.
Found some pellets today, also found a brick of coco I am adding to my soil mix, should be nice and light after it is all in there.
Anything named afgooey has my vote


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hey you guyyyys!!!

GCG - Too late...he's gone
as soon as I seen them balls he was in the fire bag.
Been complaining bout lack of room in veg space...definately don't have room for a dude.
Would love to stick him outside, but the boss won't have none of that :nono: I'm going to get into breeding once my new veg space is done. The old veg box might become the experiment cab :chin:
I'm taking all strain votes into consideration...I think :muahaha:
Thanks for the vote and for the visit!

BR - I do need to start a pollen collection eventually :confused: Too late though now. Once I get some more space. It'll be like a dream come true :kos:
Hey!...you only picked the first 2 because you have the rest :biglaugh: We got a biased opinion here :wink: j/k Thanks for the votes.
I'll talk to you soon :wave:

Dr Dog - The only thing that bums me out is that it was the plant I had good vibes about :pointlaug Maybe they were dude vibes? I gotta learn my vibes better :biglaugh:
Don't get me going again about running out of space :bat:
Great finds on all your needed supplies :yes: Days off rock eh? :headbange
Another Afgooey vote eh :chin:
Great of you to pop in bro :smile:


:yummy: Made a nice barter today. 1/8 of Godsend Kush to do a PC backup and format :woohoo:
Some amazingly piney dank that I must say is most impressive and would love to get a hold of some of that genetic line :canabis:
I can't see this making it through the weekend :biglaugh:

Been thinking about what beans to put down,I'm not sure I mentioned I only have room for 2 cups. I think my own vote is Mumbles :chin:
I think we'll try this as a democratic process...but in the end I just may have to use my veto power :biglaugh: <-- bet you never heard that one before eh?

Till tommorrow :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
LOL, I didn't want to sway the vote in any way. Seeing as the most of the bottom nominee's are from me hahaha. I'll have to admit I like your voting process, too bad we couldn't use if for the upcoming election. Of course then you would have to say you were going to do a bunch of things and then do nothing :) Have a good week-end man.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Consideration of votes?
What dat mean? you are saying we, the people, don't have a say???
We have the same space issues by the looks of it
I will be building a 5 x 7 room just for growing, with exhaust, and heat contols, just for that room. Hopefully I won;'t be selling before I get that opp, or before I get a few uses out of it
Will be interesting to see what people would say about a locked insulated room in the middle of my house
But I get no visitors that don't know what I am up to
The mumbles I have is a nice strain, very PPP dom. Nice fat leaves and a thick main stalk, back left corner of my group shot

I will be popping some seeds later in the fall, looking for a male so I can help BR stabilize this strain.
You left the igloo door open last night!!!
I will be sweeping all day grrrr
Take care bro :joint: