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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Happy Thanksgiving! TW x StrawD Flower Day 1!

Happy Thanksgiving! TW x StrawD Flower Day 1!

Mmmmmmmm....had a great weekend of eating, drinking, smoking, and more eating

So I'll start off by saying Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian brothers here

Hope you all gave'er for Thanksgiv'er :headbange

Back to the plants...
I stuck TW X StrawD in the flower room :woohoo: I wanted to take a pic on her last day of veg under the flouros, but it was a busy weekend of glutony :biglaugh:
So here she is day 1 flower

^ She's 18"(46cm) tall....which is a tad shorter than I wanted to start, but I figured she's a pretty stretchy girl, and already same height as my other plants. New growth on her is a tad light because she was under such low wattage last 5-6 days. I was trying to concentrate on her root development in new bucket rather than upwards growth though. She just got a nice Veg feeding dose and should be happy under her new HPS home.

I felt I ripped you guys off a bit on my last post of bud pics :biglaugh: So, heres a look at the other Pacific Shark buds as well:



^^ This is the WW looking pheno. I love the frost this plant produces :yummy: The buzz on this stuff is a bit strange though...what seems to be like a strong racy sativa buzz eventually burns you out into a sleepy indica stone. Took some getting used to. Nice and potent everytime, just not in the exact right ways for me :confused:

We'll get to the veg box soon too...I gotta show off the Afgoo babies and the nice progression of the Purple Bastards too! :lurk:

Thanks for stopping by! :wave:
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
TML16, happy gobble gobble day man. Don't know about you but I'm stuffed. I was outside checking on the outdoor ladies and there crossing near one of my plots was about 12 or 15 turkeys, I guess they figured it was safe to take a walk lol. Man those shark nugs have some crazy trichomes on them. I know what you mean about the sleep stone, I'm getting a little tired of it as well. I need something with an uplifting stone that won't make me lazy then knock me out. I can always take a few hits of the knock out 39 later before bed. That TxSD is looking nice man, nice healthy growth on her, can't wait to see her in flower.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
First things first - belated Happy Thanksgiving!!! Hope you had lots of good food to eat - I KNOW you had fine smoke to finish the meal:rasta: I always forget that T-Day in Canna-da is earlier than here in the US...:pointlaug


Man, your frost skillz have taken a major step up dude!:yes::rasta: As well as your macro skillz:yes: Those PSharks look LETHAL Cheers my friend - this is going to be a quality harvest for you!!! Hmmm - I think you have a good chance to achieve warp speed with those ladies!

Be safe be happy my friend:friends:



This shot is really inspirational. I feel like I need to grow right now. :canabis:
Rene is slapping me around again :spank: With all the frost in here, I'm going to have to grab my winter coat.
Is that SDxTW a purple pheno? Looks mighty strong and ready to explode! I forget if you topped this or what... I'll have to go back and look. :wave:

...Also have you thought about revegging one of the PS for a mom for the Sativa pheno? You didn't sound too hyped on the high. :joint:
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You really had me scared for a second, I also forgot you northerners celebrate thanksgiving early. I thought I missed a month for a second :bashhead:

Dude, your Pacific Shark looks absolutely devastating. I feel high just looking at the damn picture! Shit, where's your snow shovel? You might need it harvesting those beauties.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: My friends

BR - Glad you had a good T-day too :jump:
:laughing: Some smart Turkeys
I'm always fond of a good bedtime smoke. It's when I need to smoke most, and most desired joint of the day. You're right though...something uplifting for daytime is nice. Cheezy Bastard and Tangerine are both good for that type of smoke :yes:
Thanks for your complements bro...I'm glad you're liking the looks of the TW x StrawD :smile:

MGJ - Thanks my friend :smile:
Yeah...gets a lil colder earlier up here so we hafta move it up a month :biglaugh: Though you'd never know it by the weather this year :yoinks:
She is a frosty bugger ain't she? :yummy: Damn potent too. Just in the wrong ways for me. Can never find a suitable time to use it. Need mild mellow morning/daytime buzzes and knockout indica sleep time buzzes. I very rarely get a good opportunity for this "party" weed.
Always appreciated when you aid and compliment my grow :smile:

Insomniac - I too feel like you should grow :biglaugh: I hope things work out for you soon in that department :ying:
Rene sounds like a wild woman :whip:
Won't know if she has the purps till near the end of flower...but the temps will be dropping steady, so if she is going to purple, we should see a good show :lurk:
She was topped once, I got a bad angle there on the camera shot...there are 2 main shoots and some good secondary side growth.
I was thinking of re-vegging the PS sativa :chin: I think I decided against it though. Although it's potent and nice smoke (both phenos) are a little much for me. They are intense and trippy buzzes that you can't really hide. You have to be in an atmoshpere where evryone else is high to truly enjoy it.
I have more beans for later now that I know what it's capable of.
Thanks dude :smile:

TT - :muahaha: Must've been some good shit to take you out for a month!

:laughing: Wait a minute...does that work!? :chin: Now I'm going to be staring at frosty buds all day trying to catch a buzz :smoker:
Thanks man :smile: Glad you are enjoying :lurk:

Thanks to all for your kind compliments guys...I know when I get the good ones it means I'm doing something right :biglaugh:



Still Getting Sky-High
:wave: Tnks bro, they'r doin quite nicely but 1 of them looks a little droppy, i think overwatered it abit.Nothing serious tho..

:eek: I see your buds r getting super :headbange looks tasty & deliscous mmmh :yummy: . I love to see trichom-rich buds.... i guess evryone does lol. :rasta: .I notice that u too love smilys :muahaha: they'r kinda funny lol. Your buds r getting ice-frosty as your igloo bro hehehe.

Ganja Smile

Active member
TW X StrawD looks very nice and healthy ;D I fall in love ;P beatiful...
Nice pics and plants I want to hug them ;D

Dirt Magirt

TML16 said:

^^ This is the WW looking pheno. I love the frost this plant produces :yummy: The buzz on this stuff is a bit strange though...what seems to be like a strong racy sativa buzz eventually burns you out into a sleepy indica stone. Took some getting used to. Nice and potent everytime, just not in the exact right ways for me :confused:

Dude that is special! Do you think you needed to let that stuff go a little longer you know to take that raciness out of it. I noticed back it the day when I really didnt know when to harvest, exactly. Some of the stuff I smoked, it made me feel like I had taken a pill.
Anyway, you take beautiful pictures!

See ya around, ODB!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks my friend :smile:
I'll be by to check on those ladies of yours :lurk: Love me some indica...growing some sativa :biglaugh:
I like the smilies :yes: I find they have some humour and good sentence enders instead of periods :biglaugh:
You just gave me an idea :chin: If we all pitched in...we could build an Igloo of trichs :yummy: Then we'll rent a helicopter, light the igloo aflame, sit in the helicopter, and let the blades of the helicopter act as a suction vacuum right into our lungs. We'll of course have to attach ourselves to bungee cords.
^ Do you see what this sativa stuff does to me? :crazy:

Ganja Smile - Hug away! :biglaugh: Get some icky stickiness all over you.
I hope TW x StrawD continues to develop the way she is...looks like I'm in for a good, easy grow.
Thanks for your kindness and visit, please stop in anytime :smile:

Dirt Magirt - Welcome to ICmag :wave: Hope you are enjoying the site.
I let her go 62 days last time...and I kind of lost track this time. I'm pretty sure it's around that area now.
I usually not an early harvester, I like my trichs amber if possible and I like a couchlock effect. I'll let this one go another week or so just to see what kind of different effect I can achieve with her :canabis:
Glad you enjoy the pics :lurk: Thanks for your compliment :smile:
Come freeze your ass off with us anytime :biglaugh:

Gonna charge the batteries back up, and maybe we'll get a veg/seedling update :woohoo:
Thanks for all your visits...nice to see some fresh avatars around the Igloo too



Still Getting Sky-High
TML16 said:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks my friend :smile:
I'll be by to check on those ladies of yours :lurk: Love me some indica...growing some sativa :biglaugh:
I like the smilies :yes: I find they have some humour and good sentence enders instead of periods :biglaugh:
You just gave me an idea :chin: If we all pitched in...we could build an Igloo of trichs :yummy: Then we'll rent a helicopter, light the igloo aflame, sit in the helicopter, and let the blades of the helicopter act as a suction vacuum right into our lungs. We'll of course have to attach ourselves to bungee cords.
^ Do you see what this sativa stuff does to me? :crazy:

:wave: Tnkx man, well i like sativa too but this wasn't my idea that some staiva pheno could be in my AIs :wallbash: Thats the reason why i chose AIs, for some fat indica leaves & i'm quite :confused: about it.... but i hope that something similar won't happen with next 2 packs i got of Afghan & SuperSkunk :bashhead: . Oh yes i like smilys too :headbange :muahaha: make peeps know more of what the current mood & situation is lol.
U r a genius dude lol.. That a great idea about the trich igloo & the chopper blade vaacum LMFAO. :yes: :laughing: Oil extract will be drippin from ears eyes & noses lol :muahaha: Nice one. a toast to this one... where's the connon? :mad: aaah my bro took it.. i'm gonna :spank: him for this one hehehhe...
Nice work on the ladies bro & goodluck :rasta: .


TML16 said:

StonedGrunt55 - Thanks my friend :smile:
I'll be by to check on those ladies of yours :lurk: Love me some indica...growing some sativa :biglaugh:
I like the smilies :yes: I find they have some humour and good sentence enders instead of periods :biglaugh:
You just gave me an idea :chin: If we all pitched in...we could build an Igloo of trichs :yummy: Then we'll rent a helicopter, light the igloo aflame, sit in the helicopter, and let the blades of the helicopter act as a suction vacuum right into our lungs. We'll of course have to attach ourselves to bungee cords.
^ Do you see what this sativa stuff does to me? :crazy:

Holy shit Fear Factor on Trichs! :headbange :joint: :bashhead: :fsu: Count me in!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

StonedGrunt55 - :laughing: The mind can come up with some trippy ideas on a good sativa joint :joint:
I think every plant no matter how sativa/indica dominant strain it is can have a opposite pheno. Think of humans...you've heard people say "this guy looks just like that guy" There's only so many molds to come from, but many variations you can apply to each.
If I've learned anything about growing cannabis, it's that the plants are just like any other living thing on this earth and can even adapt to suit it's environment. Hence, some people living in Igloos and some living in palaces :biglaugh:
I believe you'll find some extremely sativa phenos in the Afghan X SuperSkunk. SuperSkunk is almost a full sativa plant. My pacific Sharks are Jade Mikado X Great White Shark (white widow X superskunk) Mikado is almost a full blooded indica. Never seen any of her influence at all in these plants. Only place it came out a bit was taste. A tad musky :yummy:
Superskunk obviously played a large role in my sativa pheno with the pretty foxtails.
Holy rant! :rant: :biglaugh:
Thanks much my friend. You've been a great addition to the regulars here in the Igloo :smile:

twistedtree - :laughing: Was I stoned?
:pointlaug :bat: :biglaugh:

Insomniac - Touche :biglaugh:
I was trying to make a play of words on the adage "nice to see some fresh faces out" but...if you wanna take my words in context and make it all literal and stuff :biglaugh: j/k I know you know what I know I was tryin to say :nanana:
I'm gonna have to retract my statement on the mite situation. Things are still looking in my favour, but I had to remove Blueberry from the veg cab again :badday:
I noticed some small damage areas on PB-1 :mad: I do have that completely under control though, and it was only what they could do within a few short hours :yes:
The life cycle of a mite is amazingly short and pointless, but yet those ****ers sure know how to make a grower pissed.
I'm just about to take a visit to the veg cab now...why don't you come along and I'll explain a bit more

Thanks guys for your compliments...it's great sharing laughs with you guys.

I'm gonna finish this doob :joint: check on a couple of threads and possibly post a few more bad jokes in your threads :lurk:
Then...I'm gonna go visit the veg cab and bring you all along :headbange
Then I'll roll another, cuz I'm off on a long weekend. Just a personal little time off...just the way the schedule fell :woohoo:

I'll be back in a bit :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Veg update

Veg update


Ok...a look into the current situation of the veg cab

First...I'd like to introduce you all to the Afgooey X StrawD twins:


^ Ain't they cute? :petting: Just givin'em some love :ying:

Next up is a chatty topic...the Blueberry Momma :


^^ She's on her own again :spank: out of the veg cab under 11watts. If she doesn't like it...she can stop being such a damn mite magnet

I have cleaned her up a bit since her last appearance here :canabis: and is mite free now, but still seems to attract them. I think she can rejoin the others once PB's are ready to flower an she'll be cut for cloning.
I didn't seem to find any new damage on her, but a tiny bit on PB-2 :mad: It's very controlled now. I think I'm safe...just still need time to leave no chances or opportunity.
Good news in that area is the weather has taken a big turn and winter is on it's way now.

I apologize if the plants have a shine to them...I misted them all with water just before I took the shots. They get that twice a day...mites hate the wetness. Also, they were sprayed with Safers "End All" yesterday, and it's canola oil based, so it leaves a slight film behind. The misting kind of doubles as a leaf washing.

On with the PB's :woohoo:

Purple Bastard - 1

^^^ I'm loving the way these have been turning out :canabis: Very easy to grow and never picky. They react decently to the topping and some good strong side shoots are having an opportunity to catch near the tops to give her a good bush effect. Going to be some good timing with these being ready to flower when the Pacific Sharks are done :yes:

Purple Bastard - 2

^^^^ She will be ready just in time to replace PS-C. One goes out, one comes in. Giving eachother the nod on the way by :wave: So about 5-6 days we'll see the beginning of the PB flowering show :woohoo:

Hope you all enjoyed the update...feel free to stay for some bongs hits and canna-treats



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya TML...:wave:

2 be honest i've been waiting for this update...though i saw you nice closeups few days ago ..but i did't wanne clutter the thread that time...:wink:
Nway..nice newlings you have there.....afgooey sounds nice..what the makeup of that?
AHAAAA the PB's...they look stunning i must say...i love there webbed leaves...they look kinda similar don't they??
i'm getting stoked in your place :muahaha:

well still having mite troubles... :badday: i'm got rid of'm....i woz lucky enough 2 recognise the damage verry early...and all tru reading :rasta:
i hafta say i used chems on the veggin plants...and i made shure it can be consumed afterwards...

hope you get'm my friend


Active member
hey tml glad everything is looking so good for you

just one request :D

my friend is just setting up his 250 watt cab and i wanted to see if you could plz put up a pic of your whole cabb so we can get an idea of what to strive for :D

peace bro

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey T
Looks good man, those look good and hardy, should produce some strong buds, at least lets hope a lot of them
You should decorate that blueberry for halloween dude.
You have none budding right now? I thought we all had plants in the early bud stage
Anyways take care brother, well chat soon


Looking good TML16! I ended up killing my BB, SK#1, Skum Widow Haze, and Pineapple mommas to get rid of the scale. I have a clean slate to work with. My blueberry clone was feminized I believe...but she threw nuts last time and gave me a couple seeds. I wonder if those will be female?? :chin:

Either way, I've got all those new genetics to run so I'm not worried. Scorched earth policy is now in effect!!! Now, where's my bong hit? :laughing:

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