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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

Maj. - No worries, I was outta town for a bit too. My action on the site has been a bit low lately...I'm just finally catching up on all my updating.
:laughing: Wifeys always gotta deal with our hobbies. I think they know what they're gettin themselves into when they marry us though.
Thanks for the luck! I really got those basteards on the run now! :dueling:

S2D - :wallbash: I was actually thinking about ditching the Blueberry, cuz I know without her...my mite problem would be much easier to conquer. If this barrage doesn't completely work on them...that'll be the only drastic step I'll have left to take :badday: We'll see what happens when winter comes.
At least i know others are out there that can feel my pain! :smile:

twistedtree - I agree. PN2P brings up a great point. I was shocked to see the "caterpillar" damage :yoinks: Wasn't sure myself a caterpiller could cause that much damage that quickly. Usually from what I've seen they leave holes in leaves, Not eat whole leaves :biglaugh:
Maybe putting up a small barrier around them...or raising them to where whatever other critters might not be able to get at them would be in your best interests :confused:
Best of luck :ying: Keep us updated

BeAn - It's goin decent round here man! Thanks for asking :smile: Stay for a canna-tea, some canna-cookies, and a fat joint :joint:
Glad to have you visit my friend :smoker:


Started the sexing of the vegglings today...don't want them getting rootbound on me, and I'm not going to bother wasting my time transplanting till I know who's what.
So we should know what I'm workin with in a week or so :woohoo:

Everything else is just cruising along. Blueberry is actually showing some improvement in the buds. So she can live her last week for fun.

I'll bring some pics tommorrow :lurk:

Till then :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

hazy - Thanks man :smile:
I had the 2 different phenos of PS and both are faboulous! Similar in smell, and slightly in taste. Both pack a powerfiul punch, the sativa being a tad trippier and didn't let you down quite as hard :joint:
Thanks much for the visit! :wave:

blAsia - Thanks man :smile: Welcome to ICmag and my thread :woohoo:
I'm a paper towel germer :petting: I put them between 2 desert plates to keep moisture in. I can usually pop beans with a 90%+ germ rate within 12-24 hours. In winter, I put the plates a on a low wattage lamp to generate a gentle warmth :yes:
The setup is on the first page...but that's a far way back...so I'll post it here for ya :wink:
Myself said:
The Grow

Flower Room - 3.5M(11') Length X 1M(3') Width X 2M(7') Height

Lighting - 250W HPS (with MH conversion bulb for veg) supplemented by a 42W "warm" CFL for lower growth side lighting.

Ventilation - 1 30cm(12") fan.
The room is big enough that with only 2-3 plants at a time very little ventilation is needed. There is also a heating/cooling vent supplied by the central heating/cooling system.

Medium - Organic
- Biomax shrimp compost: Chicken Manure, Cow Manure, Shrimp shell compost, D-Lime
- Vermiculite
- Bone Meal
- Earth Worm Castings
- Epsom Salts
- Lotsa, lotsa Perlite

Nutrition - Alaskan Fish Ferts 5-10-5, Epsom Salts

Containers - 27L(7G) rectangular, raised

Vegetation Cabinet - 60cm(2') Length X 60cm(2') Width X 90cm(3') Height

Lighting - 1 42W "warm" CFL + 1 23W "daylight" CFL

Ventilation - 2 80mm computer case fans. 1 intake, 1 output

Medium - Same as above without the Bone Meal

Nutrition - Muskie Fish Ferts 5-1-1, Epsom Salts

Containers - 16oz party cups, then onto whatever I have (usually 1-2G)

*As you can see this is a completely personal grow
Only that has changed is Biomax soil to Pro-mix Organic.
Thanks for your visit, compliments, and interest in my grow :smile:


:bat: I came back without pics :yoinks: (ducking)
Got a lil busy. I'm planning a decently leisure day today...with the exception of cleaning up dog poop.
Don't need you all running around the Igloo with malamute poop on your boots, Dr. Dog works hard at keeping these floors clean :pointlaug :wink:

I'll be around sometime later on :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey Hey Hey
I don't mind cleaning up after ya, but you should not laugh at me LOL

Looking forward to the update, I will have one up this eve as well


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Seeing as the blueberry's not gonna yeild a ton, why not try something a bit out of the ordinary, like making some blueberry flavored white chocolate kisses (just mix the blueberry in with the melted white chocolate..) or something which will let the BB come though well?


So, blueberry is a mite magnet, huh? Hmmm, but I'm sure the flavor/stone/aroma/etc outweighs the mites, yeah? However, if you've got it really bad, sorry to say, but she might have to get the boot!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Hi Guys

Sorry again for my absence. Been having just "one of those weeks" and it still seems nothing can go my way :bat:

Been having troubles with the camera now too :pointlaug Seems everytime I power it up...it powers down right away after :chin: I'm going to have to take a close look at it.

The grow has been taking sort of a back seat to life right now, just waiting for the winter now, maybe everything will come together then :yes:

Dr Dog - :laughing: You know I like to joke around :bat:
I'm gonna hafta get caught back up on everyones thread again :yoinks: I hate getting caught behind.
I'll get an update for you as soon as possible :wink:

ixnay007 - :yummy: That sounds good!
I have ben thinking about cooking with her :chin: I think I'm going to smoke anything big/good enough to smoke and the rest of it may go to cooking supplies.
Thanks for the ideas and visit eh :smile:

twistedtree - Blueberry in incredibly vulnerable to pests :nono: So sad too, cuz what a killer strain :canabis:
I definately want to get rid of BB sometime in the future to make my growing life easier, but it will not be done till she is crossed/seeded and I can ensure some sort of continuation of her.
Eventually we will have to part our ways though :badday:
Thanks for the interest :smile:

I'm not gonna make any promises this time about when I'll have an update :biglaugh:
Gotta figure out this camera first.

Going out of town just for the day today...although I'd love to sit here and visit all my friends threads.

I'll be back as soon as I can get some more "me" time.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
got a same problem with the cam...only lasts for about an hour if i use it for a fotosession....well not much session about it....and its just charged...it realy pisses me off coz i paid about 300 €uro's for it :badday:..
Nway i'll be here if you have some more 'me' time...have a nice day out my friend :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Sorry that your having a rough week TML, Ill puff a few extra times just for you :smoke: :rasta: Hope that camera thing works out for you, cant wait to see whats going on in the Igloo. Peace out buddy have a killer day!!



Hey TML16....time to one's self is a precious thing. Enjoy! Good luck with the cam too... :joint:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
I understand absences - sometimes life's demands have to be met - no worries mate. Sorry it was a tough week - enjoy your time away.

Sounds like you need a new battery for the camera. My cameras seem to need a new battery every year or two. If that's the problem, it's easy to fix.

Be safe, be happy, get some rest... :friends:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Gentlemen

Core - Thanks bro :smile:
I just can't seem to be able to stay away from work, or other things that I really don't want to be doing, but need to be done lately :bat: Yesterday...I had to take a 5 hour drive for a 5 minute appointment :yoinks:
Sorry to hear about your cam too :chin: Sounds like a battery problem? Always gotta use the good batteries for digi cams. They're much more pricey, but worth it in the long run.
My problem is a tad different. Mine only turns on for a moment and then shuts right back off. Not even enough time to take a pic.
Enough of this talk about the shitty deals in life though...read down at the bottom for some good news :woohoo:

NorthernKronic - Thanks man! :smile:
We all have tough weeks right? :confused: I shouldn't complain...I guess the only reason I am is because I sacrificed a little personal computer, tv, and hobby time.
I'll figure something out with the camera. I've had this one for 5-6 years or so now, so...if it's time for a new one...than so be it.
You'd better puff extra hard for me!...I got some big lungs :smoker:

S2D - Thanks eh! :smile:
You come stating the truth :bow:
We should always make time for ourselves.
I'll have a cam up and running soon!

MGJ - Welcome back my friend! :D
I'm a creature of habit and don't much like to stray from my daily schedule... unless it's by my own choice. I just want normality back! :redface:
I was smart enough to buy a camera that takes AA batteries :muahaha: I have good Ni-MH 2100 mAh rechargables that aren't having a problem in any other devices.
The good news is I'm pretty sure I have it eliminated down to a hardware problem...just gotta figure out which piece and take it from there.
Truth is though, I havn't really spent the appropriate time working on it just yet. I'm sure if i just set aside 20-30 minutes i could determine my problem...just havn't made pure effort to put that time out yet :pointlaug
Thanks for the visit...it's great to have you back. You always add some warmth to the Igloo :respect:


Here's a little news that definately made me happy today :dance:
The sexing results are in and....:woohoo: another 4 for 4 females!!! :headbange
I'm aware I have an uncanny ratio of popping females. Don't even know if i could grow a male if i tried anymore :confused:

All 4 ladies were transplanted and had their heads chopped off
getting ready for some multi cola action.

I was really thinking of harvesting Blueberry tonight or tommorrow :chin: Yield will be low, but I'm starting to run low on my last stash so it may help me out in the long run.
I think the hardest part of deciding wheter to harvest or not is the fact I won't be able to share pics with you all. Not that this BB plant is very impressive at all anyhow...you wouldn't be missing much.
I do have a movie camera that takes really shitty still shots, and only works under natural light, but if worst comes to worst :confused:

Gonna make an effort to try and get that fixed.

Thanks for the visits gentlemen :wave:


TML16 said:
All 4 ladies were transplanted and had their heads chopped off getting ready for some multi cola action.

I can't wait to see this :headbange

How's it going man? I'm staying in the clouds most of the day. Sorry I haven't been down to check in :bigeye: I hope you get your camera problem fixed. You sound like me, because I don't put the effort to find the charger for my camera haha :bashhead:

And why do we have this smiley :jerkit:
Food for thought.

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Man, I applaud your Sherlock Holmes approach to problem solving:yes: Strange that - the circuitry is so unibody these days, in a small device like a phone or camera usually it turns on or it don't.:badday: Good luck, hope it is something simple...

I hearya on change too - habits are comfortable - I'll change 'em, but I gotta have a good reason and a good substitute. 3 Cheers to your schedule returning to normal (tilt of a liter Molson )...:friends:

Thanks for the kind words my friend - always good to be back for me too! Loving what you've done with the Igloo - I gotta get me onena deese!:friends::wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Dude, i would not worry about supplying us with pics, you notice I have not had too much to update lately, well I find the vegging plants a bit on the boring side, but I have an update in the works.
I have had issues like that with my old digi, it just cleared up and started working properly again.
you take care brother we will chat soon

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, congrats on the 4 new females. Seems you have good luck in that department. Don't you love technology, always seems to not work when you would like it too. Hope you get it working soon, take care man, I too am looking forward to winter :)



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Dudes! :wave:

Insomniac - I'm glad I can deal some excitement even without the pics :smile:
Not much has been goin on here, so you're just in time to see some buds and good vegging plant pics once i finally get off my lazy ass and work on the camera :pointlaug Today I have car troubles though, and that trumps the camera in importance.
Ahhh...the old jerkit smiley eh :chin:
I think it has multi-purpose...ie: "Wow...your pics excited me! :jerkit: " or "Those little plants ain't no big deal...pffft :jerkit: "
I can think of a couple others too, but we don't wanna be gettin too down and dirty in the Igloo...at least not till PN2P makes it back :wink:

MGJ - I don't know nothing about how electronics work, but I'm usually pretty decent at trouble shooting them :yes: She's an old clunker, but...I'm still gonna try and save her.
mmm...nothing like a cold Molson Ex to start the day off right :friends: I'll cheers to that!
Nothing like having an Igloo deep in da tundra eh! Just think of it like the cottage. Relaxing ice fishing, cross country skiing, dog sledding, and wood stove fire sing alongs :dance:
We can build ya one right over dere --->

Dr Dog - You're right. I just like to show off the plants when I can :smile:
Vegging plants can be a tad boring, but if you show them only every once in awhile you always get to see a good difference in their progress.
Always nice when problems fix themselves :ying: Would be a nice thing to happen.
Thanks eh :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
Is it luck? or is DP right about higher humidity, moister soil, higher levels of N, shorter photoperiod, and no wind movement in seedlings to achieve a higher ratio of females? :chin: I must admit, since I've put it in practice...my ratio is amazing.
Winter always seems like a good idea in the fall eh? Untill mid February when you're cursing the cold and longing to feel the suns warmth again.
Still looking forward too though :smile:


Chopped Blueberry last night :woohoo:
Harvest doesn't look that promising, but nevertheless something. Looks as tasty and frosty as Blueberry always does :canabis:

I tried to take some photos with the video camera, but they were all so blurry and discoloured there was really no point in wasting the space in my gallery, or for you guys to stare at giant blurbs of nothingness :confused:

Gonna set aside some time for the cam tommorrow, hopefully I can at least figure out what I'll do about it by the end of the weekend :smile:

Thanks for the visits guys! :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Finally Some Pics!

Finally Some Pics!

I figured out my camera issue :yes:
Seems the node where one of the batteries touch was bent. It was still making slight contact though, hence my powering up to power right back down problem.
It was tricky business bending it back, as I felt it was ready to snap. I didn't over do it and got it back to a place where it just works well enough. I'm scared if I try any harder I could break it right off :pointlaug
Still getting the occasional power down if I'm too jumpy with it. I got through taking some pics anyays

Long overdue flower pics here:

Dunno what day it is....lost track, if I had to guess it's like late 40's to 50ish for PS A and B, and about 35-40 for C.

Pacific Shark-A

^ This was my supposed sativa pheno, and can definately say now that she is :biglaugh:
Still didn't get the stretch I expected out of her, or the others. Will have to live with a small harvest this time and spend more veg time on clones alike too from now on.
She has no lack in frost or beautiful foxtailed bud though :canabis:



Pacific Shark-B

^^ Turns out PS-B is a sativa clone too :bat: I should really mark my cuttings, but I'm sure you can all fill in the blank line of why I didn't _________.
Seems both sativa clones are a tad underfed, they're slightly more picky than the WW looking clone.
Another smaller than expected plant, but trich laden bud is in full effect :yummy:



Pacific Shark-C

^^^ This pheno has a shorter flowering time so it should be done around the same time as the other 2.
Got barely no stretch at all on this one. Just a compact basket of frosty buds.




I'm rather disappointed with myself this grow. I knew I shouldn't have rushed into it with my still rusty cloning experience.
I'm going to blame my veg area though. I'm trying to be a minimalist and I didn't cut myself enough space when doing the veg box. I can only fit 4 plants in there at a time. Barely. Right now I have Blueberry momma sittin on top of the box under a 11watt desklamp bulb.
Decisions have to be made soon!

Growing from seed is always one option.
I can already see a great grow coming up next round in my future. My vegging plants are already alot bigger than these plants started at, and still have almost a months worth of veg time.
This still leaves me with space issues though.

I'm thinking you may see a little construction going on this winter in the Igloo. A new veg box to be added directly into the flower room.
Maybe some high powered growing CFL's for lighting? :chin: Still havn't got that far yet.
This would also finally leave me some space in the old veg box for some possible breeding experiments as well :woohoo:

Another good point to this grow was that I've finally got the complete upper hand on the mite situation :dueling:
If you'll notice in my pics you'll see absolutely no mite damage in the flower room right now.
The vegging plants are mite free as well. BB momma, even segregated is still under carefull eye though and still treated on a daily basis. No more BB cuts will even be taken untill I'm sure she is completely free.
I paid the price with my flowering Blueberry plant, but it was worth it :smile:

I should stop talking your ears off now :redface:

Thanks for checkin in...Hope you enjoy :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaah man dont be disapointed...growing ...it can be hard sometimes...and uptop you need 2 make the right decisions...just chalk it up my friend...thats the bast thing we can do,learning out of it :smile:...
i have 2 admit that the dont look as appealing as last grow but then again they stll need 2 pack things on ey....
and it good 2 hear you winning the mite war...:yes:
ohw and i'll be around for the redisigning of the iglo ..i'm good at lending a hand for constuction works :wink: :biglaugh:...