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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Grower of fine herbs...

The blueberry looks crazy my friend, not even that bad, the budz look like they would have some crazy flavor. So i guess grow it out, smoke it and tell me how it is hahha. On an up note that pacific shark is some crazy sativa bud man, thats got to be some enlightening stuff to blaze after its flowered for 8o+ days ya know what i mean :muahaha: Keep up the good work dude, it wont be long until you got a forest of headies again. Peace out my friend.

-N.Kron :rasta:


:wave: Hey bro don't feel bad I lost half of my crop this year to mites. I think they are God's worst creation?

Well between the mites and my neglect do to too much work I lost 4 trees. :spank: Oh well I'll make up for it this winter :headbange

It's been a while so I thought I'd pop in and say hi :wave: I know how you are feeling about toooooo much work :bashhead:

Nice job


Snow Grower ~OGA~



NorthernKronic - I'm sure the BB will be as tasty and potent as ever, was just looking forward to indulging in a bit more of it :confused:
The Pacific Shark is very enlightening :kos: Almost scary for the first 20 minutes of the ride as it comes on intense...takes a bit of getting used to. Something you definately don't wanna get yourself into while rubbing sleep outta your eyes.
hehehe...yeah, I'm alreay looking forward to the next time I get to harvest :lurk:

garlic city gro - They are definately the worst enemy of the bud grower

I too am guilty of neglect lately, and I think that's what let the mites pile up into the army they did. I seem to have them under control again...only this time I'm not going to let up till I'm sure winter is in full effect and there is no chance of their return.
Sorry to hear about your loss of life :ying: I hope the winter brings you much reprise!
Glad you found time to stop in...always great to have ya around :smile:


Gonna keep this train rollin here and get myself back in the mix.

Here's a look at Vegglings


^ TWxSD-1 is the taller one...they are about 5th node right now, and soon to be sexed and then manipulated. TWxSD-1 is the only of the veggling plants that have been somewhat attacked by mites...very minimal damage and it should all be taken care of now :yes:
These ones a growing a tad faster than the PB's and just received their first feeding.

Purple Bastard

^^ Very cute fat indica leaves. Looks Textbook PB from what I've seen :woohoo:
Looking forward to making a bushy jungle of buds outta these little beauties!
All vegglings are doing great and staying healthy as you can see :yes:


Mite War!

The battle in the flower room is being won :dueling: The no-pest strip gave me the advantage to blast away with deadly soap mixes and make sure they're all dead for good.

The veg room has been a tad more difficult. DE and youth has kept them at bay off the Vegglings, but BB momma is still getting eaten alive.
I added a new product to the arsenal Safer's "End All" Miticide. Hopefully this will be the final straw.

Here's a look at the employed product line at the moment..If all these don't work, I should probably start getting scared that these mites mite be powerfull enough to one day eat me! :yoinks:

Hey! looks like I only gotta catch up on my smoke reports now while keeping everything updated :woohoo:

Thanks for your support guys!



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
dang ..you got buds again already...i'm running behind i think??
they look verry flowery already, lmao...you get my drift :biglaugh:
serious..i'm peeking a little back still got troubles with the stonerbrain you see :bashhead:
nway its looking realy good :yes:

aaahh and just in time for the seedlings i see ...great choises you made TML...realy ..you onne be gladd you pickt them.... this is what you can expect from the TW x StrawD....dont mind the yellow plz... :redface:

and indeed the PB's looks txtbook indeed...ahhh she has such a nice smell... :rasta:
nice update man....i gotto go now...need 2 catch a little up with you...:biglaugh:

EDIT..holy cow dude ..i'm shure you gonne win the war against the bugs ...but a tip...clean the room thouroughly (sorry fo the spelling lol) they tend 2 crawl everywhere...
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Core! :wave:

It has been awhile since I had updated you know :laughing: But...buds are back :woohoo: The Blueberry is almost at around day 38 already :yoinks:
Just trying to keep the perpetual going this time around....next time even better with more veg time for each plants. Even been considering a bigger veg area :chin:

:yoinks: Man thems are some mighty cola on that TW X SD...if i can get anything close to that I'll stand erect for weeks :biglaugh: Great job with that :yes:

Thanks for the tip! :smile:
I have cleaned both areas thoroughly and completely, and even went as far as to use insecticidal soap as the cleaning agent used to scrub down floors and walls :dueling:

I also used the vacuum and even sucked the atmosphere around the plants while giving them a shake in hopes some will jump and get trapped in the vacuuming air :biglaugh:
In the veg box, after a full cleaning the whole bottom of the box was sprinkled with DE to create a deadly environment :wink:

Glad you approve of the PB's health too! Let's me know I'm on track with them so far.

Thanks for the visit eh! :wave:


TML I'm going to loose a lot of nice cuts that I've had for a while now to try and get rid of the mites, but I think PN2P hit the nail on the head when he said it's where I live they thrive. I live around a lot of farms.

My AG-13 made it along with an AM-99, an MTF and a Purple bastard.

I think you are going to like the Purple bastard it's become one of my favorites? Just give it a nice long cure and the potency seems to get better.

Thanks for the kind words and good luck with the borgs. You've been fighting them as long as I have.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bud, those lil ones look awesome. Trainwreck cross should be nice for sure. Love the arsenal of pesticide LOL!! Mites must die!!!!!!!!!!!! PB's look like they have some nice genetics, you ever flower those before? Just wondering what I have to look forward to down the line.

Take care...



Active member
The borg have been engaged!
resistance is futile (for them) :muahaha:
Total annihilation is their only option.
Load the diatom dusting torpedoes! FIRE!
Charge the End-all-ian phazers, lock on target and wait for my command!
Wait for them to pull together and regroup!!...........
I hope you get em all, I feel your pain bro...
I just did the neem oil thing to all of my vegging plants just as a precaution. Ever gave that stuff a try?
sure is a shame they just can't get enough of that blueberry goodness...why couldn't they like a shittier strain, like amsterdam flame, or maybe only males, or some such nonsense..
Little bastards!

and yeah I'm a little jealous of your PB genes. :redface:
good luck my friend


Guess I should have found my way over to the igloo sooner.....I was watching the other thread, lol! Let me grab some :lurk: and kick it in here.... :joint:

Btw, that blueberry is wicked....I'm loving the one I just harvested totally. Slams me to the floor with potency. :yes: Did your treatment wipe out all the mites?

Oh....if at all possible, try to change and shower before entering your space. Don't give the suckers a chance to ride in on your clothing, etc. :headbange
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Grower of fine herbs...
There you go TML, go and get those spider mite bitch's!!!! You got this war in hand brother, eradicate the mite!!!



IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
I can see you going into the grow room sporting a bandoleer of chemical containers and weapons of mass destruction..
Next the headlamp and tweezers..seek out each one personally..then strike a crushing blow with the powerful jaws of the tweezers..
They'll stay away in the future by reputation alone..soon folklore and legend will follow your rep throughout Miteland..
No mite will dare enter your domain..for fear of the wrath that Old Iron Jaws might strike down upon them..Just a theory..hehe..

You got some cute little fatties there.. :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
TML16 said:
Hey Core! :wave:

It has been awhile since I had updated you know :laughing: But...buds are back :woohoo: The Blueberry is almost at around day 38 already :yoinks:
Just trying to keep the perpetual going this time around....next time even better with more veg time for each plants. Even been considering a bigger veg area :chin:

:yoinks: Man thems are some mighty cola on that TW X SD...if i can get anything close to that I'll stand erect for weeks :biglaugh: Great job with that :yes:

Thanks for the tip! :smile:
I have cleaned both areas thoroughly and completely, and even went as far as to use insecticidal soap as the cleaning agent used to scrub down floors and walls :dueling:

I also used the vacuum and even sucked the atmosphere around the plants while giving them a shake in hopes some will jump and get trapped in the vacuuming air :biglaugh:
In the veg box, after a full cleaning the whole bottom of the box was sprinkled with DE to create a deadly environment :wink:

Thanks for the visit eh! :wave:

well i for one understand ..its just that some things are just missed that includes ya thread...but i knew you woz taking some time off...only you said a weekend lmao...Nway you deserve it man..serious :joint:

wow 38 already...shoot man i'm realy running behind...but no matters i have plenty of time...and perpetual is the way 2 go my friend...dont want it any other way...aahh and a bigger vegroom...:chin: i guess that depends on how much plants you are able 2 run at once...

aah yea the TW x STD...she nearly done...just a little longer...only gave her about 35 a 40 day veg...she woz sexed at that same time...i'm shure you'll do a nice job on her...

yea buddy thats good..those little buggers need 2 be killed...hope you get'm all :wave:


packn2puff said:
I can see you going into the grow room sporting a bandoleer of chemical containers and weapons of mass destruction..
Next the headlamp and tweezers..seek out each one personally..then strike a crushing blow with the powerful jaws of the tweezers..
They'll stay away in the future by reputation alone..soon folklore and legend will follow your rep throughout Miteland..
No mite will dare enter your domain..for fear of the wrath that Old Iron Jaws might strike down upon them..Just a theory..hehe..

You got some cute little fatties there.. :wave:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Now that's funny right there, now!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi Guys :wave:

Wow...look at all the responses! :yoinks: Thanks Guys!

GCG - :badday: I too live in a rather agricultural area. You may have a point there to why it's hard to ditch those little bastards.
Glad you got to save alot of your babies though :ying:
I've heard nothing but positive reviews on Purple Bastard, and I'm very much looking forward to it :canabis: I'll heed your advice.
Yes...we are both hardened soldiers from the mite wars. We both deserve the break winter can offer.

BRa1n - Thanks eh :smile:
This will be a first for the PB for me. We know Cheezy Bastard was the daughter of PB, but I still don't exactly know what to expect from PB.
Always positive reviews on her :yes:
Not sure if I've seen anyone do her outdoors yet :chin: Maybe in say...a peg down style? :biglaugh:

Anima - :laughing: Great post! :smile:
I've yet to try Neem. I always found it expensive and heard it worked better as a preventative rather than an eliminator. By the time I noticed I really needed help, it was already eliminate mode

I will however pick up a bottle of it someday when I'm convinced the mites are gone. That way...they may never come back :muahaha:
sure is a shame they just can't get enough of that blueberry goodness...why couldn't they like a shittier strain
^ :laughing: I don't get it either..those little ****ers got a big hard-on for Blueberry though...it's twisted :crazy:
Thanks for the visit and laughs, always a pleasure to have ya by :smile:

Stoned2Death - :chin: hmmmm...my stoner senses say that you have been to this thread too before...I think :biglaugh: Either way, thanks for your participation in my threads :yes:
Your BB's looked amazing and you did one helluva job with them...congrats on your rewards :ying: I'm happy they're knocking you down like the BB does :kos:
I think I have the flower room completely under control, only I'm not about to let up or let my guard down yet :dueling:
The veg area is under my control, but they really, really like BB momma...I mean really :canabis: I have to watch her close.
Thanks for the tip...I think I mite put that one into practice :wink:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Insomniac - No no, it's true :headbange I have been thinkin about it lately.
The brain has been whirling with a few ideas that I really don't wanna throw out there untill I've completely decided what to do.
It could be something even as simple as just adding a few more watts :confused:
Glad you're likin the lil'uns :smile:

NorthernKronic - :woohoo: Thanks for the support brother! :smile:

PN2P - :laughing: I got a visual of that while I was reading it, only I was only wearing the bandoleer heeding Animas tip

So let it be heard throughout the kingdom of the mites! There's a new sherriff in town :headbange
Thanks...the babies enjoy the attention :smile:

Core - My buddy scored a few extra days off that allowed us to stay out the in the woods an extra few.
Alot of beers and buds got slayed :friends: :joint:
Not completely sure what I'll do about the veg area. The number of plants won't increase, I shouldn't need anymore to make it through if i do this proper.
I've just been noticing lately, the people with higher wattage veg areas seem to be able to veg alot faster. Which means I might need a bit more room too to board larger plants.
I plan on sexing the vegglings starting next week...we'll see who's who and take my next decision from there :yes:
Thanks for the well wishes :smile:

twistedtree - Packn is a funny guy. Believe it or not he's wealth of knowledge too!
I sure like his hypothesis! :yes:
Thanks for the visit! :smile:

Always a pleasure to have you all in the Igloo! Thanks for all your tips, support, and kindness!
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
dang bro srry havent been around your thread things are lookn good g/l on them dang mites.

as for veg lighting i'm now running 340w in mixed color cfl's and 40w in fluros over the clone erea. i have roughly half the master bedroom's bathroom lmao wifey isnt to happy but deals with it lol.


Hey TML16...I feel you totally on the pest's incessant love for blueberry...ugh! :joint:


Hey is really funny guy, and you're definitely right about the knowledge. In fact, he's kinda gotten me thinking that I might be dealing with something more sinister than caterpillars, and I agree with him. I know caterpillars started this war, but I think something else is trying to finish it.

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