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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Grower of fine herbs...
Whatup TML,

Always a good show around these parts, Just started back at university, classes got me down but the herb keeps me high :joint: Cant wait to see ya back budd, peace killah.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TML16 again.

I've been spreading reputation for a month now haha! Hope things are well. I'll be visiting a friend at his university this weekend so wish me luck (he's got a 3ft. percolating bong) haha :bongsmi:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great to come back to all these great responses! :wave:

I had a great vacation :woohoo: Did some major chillin in the woods. Got back the other day, but this is my first opportunity to post with cleaning all the camping gear and getting caught up on home life and all.

Dr Dog - I love that feeling you have when you return from camping. I'm not talking about the mosquito and black fly bites either :biglaugh: Just so relaxed for a few days...like nothing can phase me.
I didn't weigh the amount I took with me and smoked....but all of CB-2 and PS-1 are gone!
PS-2 was very friendly to me at 60grams dried :woohoo: That is my new personal record under the 250W :yes:
Thanks for being here bro

PN2P - :laughing: Last thing you wanna do is be stuck out in the middle of the northern Canadian woods without weed :nono: I made sure I didn't run out...was smoking my last joint on my last stretch of highway though.
Always as much fun as vacations are...it's always great to come back to what you know :smile:

bozga - Thanks eh! :smile: That smell has faded...it's funky now...but man is that some great dope :smoker:
Stop by anytime my friend

DimeBag65 - Thanks so much man :smile: Your compliments are encouraging.
She is a potent delight indeed....I think this weed could brighten anyones day, if they could handle the first 20 minutes or so of major tripiness

Glad you plan on sticking around, we enjoy your company here at the Igloo.

Insomniac - :laughing: I've been known to be a Pink Floyd freak...and am actually one of those guys who even enjoy the early works including Syd Barret.
Though my favourite albums would have to be Animals and Meddle. Umma Gumma is pretty awesome too if you get into the psychadellics...but those days are gone for me now :biglaugh:
I'll listen to anything but techno/dance and new country :no:
I was Blues, Funk, and Rock trained as a musician....so I like to keep my mind open to any music that can touch on that influence including jazz and old country.
Camping was great! thanks for asking!
3FT bong!

I don't think you need me to wish you luck....I think you're gonna need my help!
Thanks for the visits bro

Core - hehehe....it was a long weekend wasn't it? My initial plans were to stay a little less...but I got relaxed and had a bit of time. The Bonus part is....it's a another holiday weekend :woohoo:
Gonna celebrate this one from the comforts of my own property with a nice little bonfire, good wine/beer, bbq'd treats, and a jar of homegrown :yummy:
Thanks for checkin in on me

stretchpup - C'mon in and warm up my friend :smile:
You're company is more than welcome here at the Igloo and is in fact encouraged.
Thanks much for the props...glad to have ya by!

NorthernKronic - ahhhh...to be back at school again. hmmm....then again, I rather not :biglaugh:
Not that working life is more fun...but you know you're stuck doing it with no end in sight and make the best out of it :ying:
Thanks for lookin out bro!


Came back to disaster :badday: but...I seen it coming before I left. Blueberries leaves were all dried out from too much anti-bug sprays and what not.
She's lost alot of leaves and is not performing well at all...as a matter of fact I'd pull her if I had something ready to replace her with. Since I don't she'll be finished off and she might yield me some cooking materials, we'll see.

On the good side of news I yielded 60 grams on the PS-2 :headbange My largest yield yet on a single plant.

Seedlings are looking great :yes:

It's time to settle back into life and back into my grow.

Things I'll need to catch up on in the thread:
- Mite War update
- Flower rooms pics, including the new PS-C now on day 8 now
- Seedling update
- Cheezy Bastard and Pacific Shark smoke reports

Thanks for keeping the place neat and tidy while I was gone guys :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, glad you had a great time bro, but glad your back miss seeing what's going on in that igloo. Looking forward to an update..... take care bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yup, lets get some pics up.
Hey and B would not take his shoes off either, I was forever sweepin the floor


Hey TML :wave: so this is what it's like in an igloo? Neat. Wow, it's pretty crowded in here. Oh hey! There's some room over there! Sweet. That's my spot, I called it.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i noticed it woz a long weekend ey ....i'm shure it woz overdue :wink:
sorry 2 hear of the plant probs you have ...can't you just start new seeds and put it on 12/12 after a week or so.....just a thought grobro....if the other one is in bad shape it might take longer then a week 2 recover....:2cents:


Ello Ello :wave:

Glad you had fun camping. So you've been a musician? Cool deal man, I play the Bass Guitar. Sorry to here about the blueberry :badday:

Had a crazy night with that bong. We had a HUGE party 100+ people, cops broke it up around 12. Nobody got busted so it was a great night :headbange

I love me some smoke reports...so get writing brotha :joint:

Edit: I completely forgot to tell you about my Outside Organic Garden :bashhead: Growing some Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Onions, Potatoes.. several types of each. If I get my camera battery charged (cant find charger) I'll take some pics. :wave:
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IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
:listen2: He came down from Brokeback Mountain and never would be the same..hehe..j/k.. :spank:

TML16 said:
but all of CB-2 and PS-1 are gone!
Cheech that Chong King Kong..Did you have bud burritos for breakfast up there or what..

Sorry to hear about the scary blueberry going south.. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi Guys! :wave:

Man...lifes just been hectic :bat: I owe you guys big time for your patience with me.
I really want to get around to some good updating but have found myself pounded by work since my return.
Also...I really wanted to visit everyone elses thread as well...it's been awhile since I've got to visit all your great grows too.
I've got at a few this today...so I can gaurantee a picture update of the flower room for tommorrow.

Black Ra1n - Thanks man :smile:
I'll get you guys an update asap...there's also somemore threads I really want to get to and catch up on...it sucks being behind on what's goin on here at IC.

Dog - :laughing: Theres a reason we tell BR to keep his shoes on though...have you smelled the funk within them?
Update coming soon...I've still yet to even hit up your thread :bat: I'm sure I should bring my drool bucket though and be prepared for some great pics :yummy:

twistedtree - Great to have ya here!
Just pull up an ice block and chill! :cool: Frozen canna treats will be served and many joints will be passed :joint:
Welcome Eh!

Core - Definately overdue...I hadn't been away since my Europe trip :badday: But...after a hard weeks work, even the camping trip seems far now.
hmmm :chin: You always give me something good to think about. I have 4 seedlings that are starting their 5th nodes...one of them may be perfect age to replace the Blueberry.
I'll show you some pics of her tommorrow, and maybe get your .02 on her then.
Thanks for your insight :smile:

Insomniac - oooh..a fellow bassist :headbange I was born with a thumpin groove inside and the only way to really get it out is to put some big fat strings in front of it.
The smoke reports are a delicate procedure :biglaugh: and I'm still really not sure how to completely describe PS. The reports are something I don't want to rush...plus I'll need to have time to smoke a joint of each while I write them as well :joint:
Your garden sounds delicious :yummy: hone your skills for when you can get your "special" garden back in action. Looking forward to your pics!
:laughing: That PN2P can be quite the funny guy... I usually end up being the butt end of his jokes though :biglaugh:
Always havin fun in the Igloo!

PN2P - :laughing: You really don't know how funny that is :biglaugh: I didn't bring the wife with me...she said just having time away from me was enough of a vacation. So it was just me and a buddy of mine out there in the woods all alone :yoinks:
Smoked the hell outta some weed though :rasta: I really needed that escape.
No biggy bout the Blueberry....I'll grow another one :smile:
Thanks for the laughs my friend, I really need those lately :smile:

Thanks again for your patience guys...I'm going to make time for sure tommorrow to make sure I get back here to post up some updates and try to finish my catching up.

Thanks for all your great posts too :wave:


Grower of fine herbs...
Good to see the igloo is back and rocking again, not that your break did much to discourage us hahaha think you had like 20 more posts by the time you came back :friends: are good round these parts. Cant wait to see the update tomorrow im lookin forward to seein that trainwreck x strawD roll through your station... wooot woot all aboard the now departing from the igloo to ganja heaven woot woot hahahha. Keep it up bro, ill be around.. and this message is getting really annoying now. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TML16 again. bull shit.. peace


TML16 said:
twistedtree - Great to have ya here!
Just pull up an ice block and chill! :cool: Frozen canna treats will be served and many joints will be passed :joint:
Welcome Eh!

Now that's what I'm talking aboot!:D Say, I've been asking around, and you're next on my list: Any advice on caterpillars? I found a branch entirely eaten and some leaf on another branch. I killed one caterpillar who wasn't smart enough to leave the scene of the crime, but I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. I've got neem and safer soap, not too sure if they work on caterpillars though.:chin:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

NorthernKronic - You're right...this place has been rockin...it's great to have such great Grow-Friends here on IC :friends:
I've finally got some pics of the flower room to show off :lurk: I'll make sure I get to the vegging stuff tommorrow, so you can check out the TW X SD :wink:
I hear ya...I must see that message more than I actually get to give rep. I think I actually get excited when it finally allows me to give rep to the friends so deserving of it.
The gesture is just as much appreciated though :smile:

twistedtree - Glad we could make you feel at home :smile:
caterpillars eh? I'm going to assume you've got an outdoor grow going. Looks like I'll hafta stop by and check out your grow to make sure for sure.
I've never dealt with them myself...but I have seen many powders available. Your looking for something that will most likely shred their soft bodies. Diatomaceous Earth would probably be an ideal weapon or additive to help you fight that war.
I'd say insecticidal soap and neem oil could also be of help since they both leave a film or oils that probably discourage even caterpillars.
I'm thinkin insecticidal powders would be your best bet though.
Hopefully I could help in the slightest.
Nice to have ya around :smile:


Thank You all for your patience with me. I can now finally get you guys and my thread all caught up on what's going on in my grow.

Today we'll focus on the flower room:

Pacific Shark - A

^ K...I'm pretty damn sure she's a sativa clone, she's building up like it anyways.
I've kind of lost track of the days on this grow...I'll hafta go back and check within this thread for an exact date, but I think this is Day 27 here.
Seems I've been more concerned in defeating the mites than the grow itself :crazy:
As you'll be able to see through the pics here...I'm winning the battle on the mites in the flower room for sure :yes:


Pacific Shark - B


^^ I've learned my lesson not to try and prepare clippings of clones from 1 plant and have them ready for the next grow. I didn't give these enough veg time at all :bashhead:
This plant still looks like it could build into a stocky little supply though. She didn't stretch nearly as much as I planned, but she's nice and healthy and mite free as of right now, and I plan to keep her that way.
She's be the same age as PS-A, about day 27.
Can always expect a good frosting from PS too! :yummy:


Pacific Shark - C

^^^ She was last to go in flower room. I think she's about day 13 or so. She got the longest veg time, because she was last to root. Not getting any stretch at all out of that pheno though...looks like any future PS's will hafta be vegged extra long.
She's maturing a bit faster than the others though...I'm expecting some decent results from her.


^^^^ K...I almost feel ashamed to post this pic :redface: That's what a diary is all about though. Posting the good and the bad...it may help in the future looking back, and it may help show others where I went wrong.

She lost alot of leaf to drying out from insecticidal soap, and mite sprays. I was rough with her...I had to kill off those mites though.
All that's basically left on her are trich laden secondary leaves that are inhospitible to mites.
Some of you may remember a long while back I put that Tangerine out in -10C weather to try and kill mites :pointlaug

The buds are still half assed building...what is of them look really tasty and sticky.
Tryin to decide to just can her and use for cooking supply? or let her finish another 2 weeks and smoke what little amounts I get? :confused:



The flower room may not be too impressive these days, but it's my own fault for not allowing myself more veg time. I've learned another valuable grow lesson.
I will however have more of my own tasty buds to smoke regardless.
My next grow also has plenty of time to grow to an ideal size before being flowered.

Well...that's what's goin on in the flower room right now...we'll move on to the veg box tommorrow :woohoo:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro that Pacific hark is wild looking, very shinny, and we all know my favorite color is shinny!!
The bluberry look crazy, I would grow that out and see what comes of it, if the weed is good smoke it, who cares what it looks like. Just wrap it in a paper and no one can see it. :joint:

Anyways good to see what you have growin on right now, take care bro, well chat soon


Hey TML :wave: I vegged indoor for a lil' while, then stuck them outdoors to flower. I started out with 5, now only got 2. Had to cut the dicks, ya know? No new damage on them this morning, so I'm gonna spray neem on them this evening. I hope it discourages the caterpillars, too. Or else I'll have to pull out the "big guns":D Your plants look very nice. I like the White Shark. The blueberry may not be your best plant, but even your worst plant will produce some bomb ass buds that can't even be matched where I live, at least until I harvest mine :canabis:
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Hey TML :wave:

Have you ever made hash? Maybe you could do that with the blueberry for something new? Just a thought. Have a great weekend :joint:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr. Dog - Thanks bro :smile:
The PS's are turning out nice, just wish they would have stretched a tad more is alll. Being clones though...they should finish at least a few days earlier than their "from seed" mommas.
With the Blueberry...the weed is always good :yummy: My biggest problem with this plant is the lack there of weight.
:biglaugh: It feels good to be back on track and almost caught back up!

twistedtree - 2 plants in the outdoor sun can be enough to supply a man for awhile :yes: Glad things are going well for you! Best of luck with the bugs :ying:
I'm sure the Blueberry buds will be just as premium of smoke as the Blueberries of the past too. I'm mostly disapointed with the measley yield she'll pull :badday:
Thanks for the encouragement!

Insomniac - I've made hash, oil, and lotsa canna-treats in my day.
I'm not really that big on hash :yoinks: I know...I know... :bashhead:
I do like it and enjoy it, it's just not completely my thing. Oil is definately not my thing either.
Canna-treats on the other hand :yummy: mmmmm!
I like making canna-butter, and then your options are endless for baking. I find brownies are best.
The benefits of cooking with cannabis are of course that you're not smoking it for once, it's a nice change up on the buzz, and you'll find people that aren't willing to smoke buds with you may just be willing to go on a brownie journey with you :smile:
Whenever I deem myself to have enough trim and trich covered stems is usually when I make a batch...then freeze leftovers.
I've been thinking about culling BB and making a batch of Blueberry brownies
but I just may wait her out the few weeks.
Thanks for sharing your ideas! :smile:

I've got a bit of running around to do today...but somewhere in the midst of it, I'll be back with some Veg updates :lurk:

See Ya Soon! :wave:

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