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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
aaaah ...i did't miss anything ..just did't understand DE....srry bout that :bashhead:
say what bugs you have again ..I forgot.... :bashhead:

its all good but i'm on low energy now due to that nanner buissiness...and only blue mystic 2 smoke atm .....(thats sucks bigtime) .....then again i've had better days ...lmao

but girls are doing good ...just dont have as much fun updating this crop anymore... :badday: the rest ,...they are looking sweet though


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Zeus - Nice to see you too bro :smile:
Glad to hear from ya...will be nice to see you settled in soon :wink:
Stop in anytime man :wave:

Core - :smile: I figured you knew what was up...I guess I should have explained myself better in my previous post :bat: But now everyone knows :yes:
I got the damn Spider Mites. It's been a year now off and on. Tried no-pest strips, sticky traps, insecticidal soap, bug bomb, Safers Trounce, raised humdity + foliar water spraying, sticking the plants outside in sub-zero weather :biglaugh: and now even DE. Every method was successfull for a limited time...well besides the DE so far, but I need to further experiment.
Thing about spider mites...they don't do as much damage to your plants as one would expect. Most of the damage is aesthetic. Nevertheless something you don't want on your plants and in your grow area :nono:
Sorry you're not diggin the BM :badday: Just think of the poor unfortunate folk out there that have no weed to smoke because they are too scared to reclaim their human civil rights and grow some :canabis: :biglaugh:
I noticed you seemed a little uninterested in your grow as of late :nono: chin up bro...always better days ahead, probably some worse too...but that's besides the point.
You'll be back riding giant colas through your grow room in no time :woohoo:
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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
well i dont know if t is in any intrest but i managed 2 kill off springtails and thrips with just neem oil and pyrethrum...i realy dont know if this would work on mites but if i where you id ask around...pyrethrum is all biological

ohw and ...i had bugs come back just coz i did not clean the intire room....the thrips would be even behind a false wall taking shelter...damn buggers ...

mmmh ..its there loss TML...its there loss...coz of the damn cannabis laws :fsu:..
it will come back ...it woz't gone but i need 2 regroup the energy :wink:


The Tri Guy
Hi TML, so you have spider mites hey? Bad news, the only way I ever managed to get rid of them was to take cuts and put them into a coca cloner, to keep the humidity way above what the little buggers like, and take the rest of the larger plants and bin em. The clean up, then rinse off the roots of the clones and put em into new soil. That seemed to do the trick, but it's a bit drastic.


This may seem like a weird trick but it really works. Try soaking some cigarette buds in water for 24 hours (3 buds per liter), then spray it on the leaves, haven't had spidermites yet but it works like a charm for most pests i've encountered so far.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Good tip Matsuva, I've heard of that as well. Go figure cigarettes kill insects too lol who would of thunk it ;)

TML, you could always try that do it yourself mite spray, I'm thinking of mixing up a batch just to see what I can kill with it lol I have a bunch of earwigs on my deck and they're days are numbered!!!

Take care man.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
TML16 said:
You should hear the sweet vocal harmonies of BR, Dr Dog, and MGJ! :dance: They sound like Chronic, Buds, and Hash....

That is pretty good, I have been in and out of bands for years doing vocals

T bro, I am going to have to sit down and read the last 10 pages of your thread again, I am missing something here, so I will make a proper post tomorrow


Snow Grower ~OGA~
All out war

All out war

Hey Guys :wave:

matsuva - Thanks alot man :smile:
Glad you're enjoying the grow and strain selection :canabis:
Thanks for the tips! :smile:
I have been thinking of going the nicotine route. Black Ra1n posted a great recipe pages back in this thread, and I think it's about time i cook up a batch and add it to my weapon arsenal.
Only reason I havn't tried it before is the dangers it poses :yoinks: Can harm yourself and any small animals you have in your house.
Your posts are appreciated...hang out anytime :wave:

Core - I found neem to be quite expensive and heard it works better as a preventative rather than eliminater.
The safers "Trounce" I have is pyrethrum based. I also used a pyrethrum bomb before I left on vacation. It cleared them out for a bit...but they came back :bat:
I will be cleaning the room again thoroughly tommorrow and wiping the floors and walls with insecticidal soap.
I'm at complete war with these buggers now and I won't stop till they're dead

GMT - Your advice is always appreciated :smile:
Drastic indeed :bat: but...you're right, in the end it may come down to the final solution.
I really can't afford to stop growing my own though is the biggest problem. I'm going to try a full out barrage of every product I can get my hands on at once and constant.
If I can't ditch them by winter that will be the only solution left :badday:
Thanks eh :smile:

Black Ra1n - I'm going to go back and find that recipe you left me :yes: It's time to break out the big guns :yoinks:
Thanks alot bro :smile:

Dr Dog - I didn't know you were a musician too :dance: We'll hafta jam sometime :headbange
I can't see you missing much. You've been here the whole time. We're just discussing the many ways to kill mites and how those little buggers can evade death so well.
Death to the Borg!

War with the Mites! :dueling:

MGJ left me a good PM today with some great tips :yes:
I'm going to full out barrage these plants.

Today...I did the veg box.
I cleaned it all out and then wiped it all down using insecticidal soap. I then spread a thin layer and dusted the Diatomaceous Earth all across the bottom of the box getting the cracks and corners especially well.
I sprayed all plants down with Insecticidal soap, which the veg plants havn't got in a long time since I was strictly using "Trounce" for the veggers.
This should be a good change up and shock for their immune systems.

I'm going tommorrow to get some no-pest strips. One will be hung in the flower room, and 1 by the veg box.

I'm going to brew up some nicotine juice too and spray both the early flowering plants and the vegging plants. That will take a few days to brew up.

Tommorrow will be a complete clean-up of the flower room. I will wash all floors and walls down with insecticidal soap.

Between Safers "Trounce" (pyrethrum), Safers Insectcidal soap, Nicotine death spray, no-pest strips, a new prodect I've yet to buy and add :confused: Raised humidity, foliar water mistings, and Diatomaceous Earth all employed at the same time.
We'll see if it can finally wipe these buggers out :headbange

Thanks for all your visits, tips, and support :yes: Great source of info this IC can be

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Oh oh - might the mites have inflammed TMLs passions... Have the mites brought out the Hun in out good friend? I sense preparations for a siege - a siege on mites! :yes: :bashhead:

You've definitely got the right idea TML - the important thing is constancy - you gotta keep after the buggers. I have no doubt you will overcome....


Registered Medical Patient
DUDE...SORRY ABOUT THE MITES!!! I HAVEN'T BEEN AROUND ALOT LATELY, BUT IM HERE... Hope u get em taken care of bro...Peace

- Z



I love your all out war against the mites. I think the Nicotine Juice will do the trick. Happy Hunting! :joint:

edit: yeah, and um.. could we see those little buggers? :D
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Seedlings Debut

Seedlings Debut


MGJ - You're damn right :mad: No more lazy Mr.nice guy...I'm prepared for battle :dueling:
Thanks for having confidence in me, your support and help is greatly appreciated :D

Zeus - No biggie dude....I know you're in between things right now. Glad you still make time to stop by and see all your friends here at IC :friends:
I'm all over those bastards right now!

Thanks for your concern :smile:

Insomniac - I think the nicotine juice will be a deadly weapon too
I havn't made it up yet. Going to wait till I harvest PS-2 and get the big stuff out of the way. I'm sure I'll eliminate quite a few just by choppin her down.
I just visited the veg space and found no evidence of living mites :woohoo: I tried some up close pics on the leaves too. I don't think my camera is good enough to capture a mite anyways :confused: Sorry bud.
You can look them up on google...plenty of pics of mites.
Thanks for the visit bro :smile:

Seedlings Debut

Heres the first look at the seedlings...we got TW x StrawD's up front and we got the PB's in the back. The TW x StrawD on the right is a little runty and has a small birth mark.


I also have a pic of Pacific Shark-C here. It's the clone that is still in veg and the one I'm definately sure it was from PS-1 of last grow (the WW looking pheno) :yes:
It was the runtiest and latest rooting clone and thus decided it's longer veg time waiting for the sativa to finish. She's growing well now :canabis:


As you can see, she has some mite damage too, but they are easily controlled on her as long as BB momma is around. They like her better. They seem to leave seedlings alone too :confused:


All is quiet in the Veg cab. I can't find any adults scurrying about. So..phase 2 is about to begin. Kill them while they hatch!
I just used water to mist them a few times today...gonna go back and spread somemore DE in a few hours.

Flower room has been cleaned :yes: It's not getting quite the special attention till PS-2 is harvested...then the full out war is declared in there too.

Hope you all enjoyed the update :lurk:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
that is too bad about the mites bro, I see them all over the area on plants other than weed, and have heard some stories about it as well from other local growers, but they have yet to find my hidden garden.

My seedlings are pretty much the same as yours, they are just getting ready to show some new leaves, One died on me from the Mumbles strain, just fell over, by the time I noticed it, was too late




Keep rockin the 'gloo all'ya'all A-Team'ers !!!!! And WELCOME TO THE WEEKEND WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! :headbange


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Dr Dog - Thanks for the concern :smile:
Glad you don't hafta deal with those bastards :ying: May you be blessed with mite free growing always.
:badday: Sorry to hear bout the Mumbles seedling. As growers we learn to deal with these small casualties of the earth and her damn gravitational pull :biglaugh:
Glad ya stopped in :smile:

PhenoMenal - Dude...You are just a party animal! :headbange
I'm all in for hangin with a guy who's weekend starts a tad early :yes:
Crank up the stereo...if you'll notice...my amp dials go to 11 :yoinks: :headbange :dance:



PhenoMenal - Dude...You are just a party animal!
I'd rather be a party animal than a blouse like half the people at icmag who're too afraid to enter and rock on in the 'gloo!
I'm all in for hangin with a guy who's weekend starts a tad early
Well, early your time, im in Australia so ~12hrs ahead of you and your motley crew :)
Crank up the stereo...if you'll notice...my amp dials go to 11
shit hey? mine goes to 100 but thats ok you'll get a louder one soon mate :)



Grower of fine herbs...

Seedlings are looking good brother, i wish you luck in your campaign against spidermites, those buggers are a pain in the ass. But with persistance they can be beaten, im sure youve got what it takes soldier. Semper Fi... hahahah good luck dude, im puttin my change on the niccotine juice x no pest strips gettin the job done this time. Peace



Haha, what's up man :wave:

When I said those little buggers, I was thinking your seedlings. I could care less about seeing your mites haha. You can't smoke them...or can you :kos: