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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Grower of fine herbs...
Lookin great TML,

Your ladies are finishing up fast a beautiful. I hope that the bluberry turns out to be up to your standards. Man i wish i had some bluberry to smoke... oh well home grown isnt bad..... hahahhahahha hope your doing fantastic my friend.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Veg update

Veg update

Hey Fellas :wave:

Black Ra1n - Thanks man! :smile:
How could you not like blueberries? :confused: :yummy:
You might not like the taste of the weed then...actually has a Blueberry/fuely taste. I'm sure you'd like the buzz though :joint: It has a knockout punch.
I'll find a mate for her soon :smile:

Core - You should definately get your hands on some BB Core :canabis: It's a fast growing, dense budded, potent delight. Great aesthetics too.
I chopped a branch off CB2 today :woohoo: It's not quite ready yet...but I figured 5-7 grams would be good to let me smoke some of my own while I wait for the rest to dry when I harvest.
I did check the trichs and most are cloudy, but not nearly as ripe as I'd like them. PS1 had a few ripe trichs, but she looks like she could still stock up a tad more. It'll be at least another week for CB2 and we'll see about the rest after that.
Thanks for the visit eh :smile:

NorthernKronic - Thanks dude :smile:
I've grown the Blueberry out a few times now and it is impressivly potent. If I could just get it dialed in...I'm sure I could get some great yields off it too :yes:
Thanks for the well wishes :smile:

Veg Update
Heres a look at what will be running next round.


^This is the Blueberry Momma and her clone. They are getting ravaged by mites and I havn't been giving them the attention they needed till today. I raided them with Trounce today...so I should have killed off a wave of mites and I'll go back for any survivors or newborns in a few days. I'll spray with water everyday too to make it an uncomfortable environment.
The mites really seem to love the BB. Which causes a problem having these plants around :wallbash:


^^ Here's the Pacific Sharks...One of them is the Sativa pheno and the other 2 are the White Widow looking pheno. Even though sitting right next to the BB's the mites havn't full out attacked these plants :confused: funny how they like some strains better than others.
They're lookin alot better since the last time I've showed them barely surviving. They will be re-potted in next few days.

In other news....
- I chopped a 5-7 gram branch off CB2 today and figure I'll harvest her by the time it's dry...so at least I'll have some of my own smoke very soon :woohoo:

- I read a funny article in the news about a guy in BC who burned down his apartment complex while trying to dry out 18lbs of bud on his bbq :crazy:

_ I also read a news article that Canadians smoke the most pot per capita in the world :jump: Way to go boys! Keep up the great work

That's it for now...I know it's almost time for a flower room update too...so I'll be back soon :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Death to the mites, has anyone tried that home ingredient mite spray yet? I'm still curious to see if it works. Well man you have another great line up. I found this article online, hope you don't mind if I post it here bud.

Big pot users, Canadians renew legalization fight

Tue Jul 10, 5:57 PM ET

TORONTO (Reuters) - A U.N. report showing Canadians use more marijuana than people in any other industrialized country is more evidence that the drug should be legalized, activists said on Tuesday.

The 2007 World Drug Report found that 16.8 percent of Canadians between 15 and 64 used marijuana, otherwise known as cannabis or pot, at least once in the past year, four times more than the global average of 3.8 percent.

That compared to an average 10.7 percent in North America and 5.6 percent in Europe, said the report, issued by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in late June.

"This shows people are more open about it. They don't see anything wrong with it," said Robin Ellins, whose shop in downtown Toronto sells products as diverse as cannabis lollipops and T-shirts made of hemp, as well as a wide range of smoking accessories.

Ellins said he and other activists have been trying to push the government to legalize marijuana smoking for years. He said the report adds fresh momentum to their campaign.

"Smoking marijuana is safer than drinking coffee and less harmful than alcohol and tobacco," he said.

Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in the world with 160 million people using it at least once in 2005, the U.N. report said.

Papua New Guinea topped the marijuana list with 29.5 percent of the population using it, followed by Micronesia, Ghana, Zambia and Canada, according to the annual finding.

Canadian media report that the number of people arrested for smoking marijuana rose dramatically in several Canadian cities last year after the Conservatives took office and killed a bill to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Laws on possession of marijuana in Canada are generally more relaxed than those in the United States.

Can't wait to see those sharks and cheese pics man. Take care.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great find on the areticle BR! :yes:

I've yet to try the spray you've posted there a while back. If I have no success with trounce/safers soap...I'll move to the big guns for sure.

Thanks for the visit and props bro! :smile:


Registered Medical Patient
lookin great bro...Did someone say Global warming????Its 80 fuckin degrees here today!!!Gonna go find me some mushrooms to eat for dinner!!!MMMM, fresh Boletus edulis!!!!I love em..........Peace y'all

- Zeuuus

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML, I just read an article in our local paper here that had my blood boiling. It was an article from some guy at the local addiction office (government run of course) who ranted on the mind altering effects of marijuana, yet didn't mention one single medical benefit. I so want to write my own damn article :) in rebuttal. I may have to scan the article and post it, it was just that dumb. I'll post it in my journal, take care man.

Grow Green :)



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys :wave:

Zeus - Gotta hate global warming :bashhead: we keep this up and we'll be the not so white nord anymore.
mmmm....shrooms :yummy: It's been awhile since I've chewed on those. Used to eat alot more years ago.
Hope you had a fun trip :smile:
Thanks eh!

Black Ra1n - I read that article in your thread :biglaugh: heroin...marijuana...pfft, what's the difference? :biglaugh:
Funny how some people can be led like sheep into believing things that people made up long ago without any scientific proof. Then again some people vote for the conservatives still too :confused:
We need more people educating the general public and non-biased non-users. I'm sure your rebuttal could point out many more scientific truths than that tripe :yes:

Dr Dog - hmmm...I've been sitting here toking at this joint with my hand on my chin for sometime now :chin:
Still can't figure out who you are refering to "NPS" :confused:
I have seen the "guest" title on certain users here before. Still dunno what it means. You'd figure after a year and a half of posting here I'd have the site all figured out, but don't make me point out my laziness again :pointlaug


Sorry bout my lack in flower pics lately gents...been a little tied up. Hasn't turned out to be one of my better summers.
It is however about to start getting alot better. Looks like CB2 can be taken in 3-4 days :woohoo:

I also planned a nice little hiking excursion for the first week of August :yes: Which should be perfect timing coincided with the beginning of my new grow.

I'll try and get a pic update in soon...thanks for hangin round guys :lurk:
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Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man, way to go on the mite fight! jab jab hook, jab hook jab slammo! Maybe the BB gives off mite pheremones - or is that pher-e-moans.... (duck)

And congrats on a test sample of the CB, I'm sure that will bring a big smile to your lips!

This cycle has some time to go, and I'm already eyeing those vegging girls thinking how they will look under 12 hours of light... :laughing:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Fellas :wave:

Dog - ahhhhh...sorry, you're right. Havn't seen him in a bit. Hope all is well :ying:

MGJ - Wasn't looking to pick a mite fight....but they started it :pointlaug
I'm just glad I know those clones are going to make it now and are growing at a good rate :yes: I think I might finally have a small knack at cloning...my confidence in it is growing now anyhow :smile:
Will still be a bit before you get to see those clones flowered. I think I'm going to wait till PS2 (sativa pheno) is done...then give all plants a week of veg under the HPS in the big buckets. Seems to help them root welll in the big buckets and set me up better for a better yield.
Thanks for the visit bro :smile:


Smoking some Cheezy Bastard today :woohoo: :joint:
A very delicious smoke...even barely dried. A very sweet and citrus aroma and flavour :yummy: The wife sez it tastes like fresh cut roses.

The buzz was decent, but still a tad milder than I know it's potential could be. It was pretty uppity and I could tell it was just a slight lack of maturity.

I cut another branch today...to compare in a few days time. See how fast it progresses. The rest of the plant should come down on Sat. or Sun. I'm hoping. I dunno how long these little branches can last my habit :joint:

Still working at getting you guys those pics :biglaugh: I wanna definately get the other plants updated at least before I give CB2 the chop.

We'll see you lads soon :wave:


Pass That S**t!
Hey tml what i miss? I just woke up with a big bump on my head...and the last thing i remember was looking at them budshots a page back. I must've blacked out! :yoinks:

Seriously though, you grow some of the most tastiest looking pot on IC! :yes: Hats off to ya bro! :wave:

btw, you should do a "how to reveg" tutorial; i'll add it to the link-o-rama if you do. :yes:
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Pontiac - Thanks alot bro! :smile
Wow...you're making my ego throb a bit :biglaugh:
I do have some tasty gentics and I think my plants like my environment, it seems to build an excellent frost base :yummy:
A re-veg tutorial eh? :chin:
I believe there is one already here on IC...it's pretty much where I got my first idea to do one. I'll find you the link...I myself also posted a few examples in that thread and there were plenty more tids of info and great pics to go along!
Thanks for the visit bro...it's always a pleasure :friends:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey TML ...aaah ya first nug.....but frankly she will only perform when she's propperly dryed and cured...but you know that ey...still i found her 2 be a energetic smoke...not realy aswomly potent but reasonable .....she gave me Quality 'thinking time'.....if you understand what i'm saying....great daytime smoke and what a parfume mine had...overly citrus...and that for a offspring of the cheese :yoinks:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 55 Cheezy Bastard Pics and Harvest

Day 55 Cheezy Bastard Pics and Harvest

I couldn't wait no longer! :biglaugh:

Cheezy Bastard 2 is done to an acceptable standard now and was taken in the wee hours of day 55 :woohoo:

Lets get right to the pics! :lurk:


^ Cheezy Bastard-2 - This plant was never fed ANYTHING all grow :yoinks: and the leaves were still green at chop time :confused: Trichs weren't quite as ripe as I'd completely like...but I need some smoke! and she'd be what most growers consider ready. Harvest will be by best in awhile and one of my better ones to date. A very chunky cola'd bitch :canabis:


^^ When I moved her just a slight bit, the fattest cola buckled over from weight :headbange

I'll shut up now and let you check out some budshots :lurk:






^^^ I must admit...this pic impressed me :biglaugh: Such a lovely lady :canabis:

The Harvest
I feel I did well with this one :yes: These shots are minus 2 decent size branches also. I'm not gonna make any guesstimates on weight...but it was definately a hearty plant for the 250W



I'm stoked and smoking my own again! :jump: This summer is starting to look alot nicer!

Thanks for checking out my harvest :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe.......congratz on the chop...:bow:
i would of given her a week more but i can't see the trichs from here ey....Nway cogratz on the chop and how woz the nannerinfestation overall?


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Core - Snuck a post in on me eh? :biglaugh: I did the same thing your your thread too :nanana:
I'd of course never do a proper assesment untill the buds are properly cured, but I like getting a good feel for what to expect. That first bud was from day 46 or 47 too, not yet mature.
I agree though, it has a very daydreamy buzz to it. Will be great for when i have to go somewhere and I don't wanna pay attention :biglaugh:
I also agree another week could have been appropriate, but I'm starting to get hard up and the area has been a tad dry. It meets the minimum standards of readiness, and I have CB1 that will be left to age to perfection :yummy:
You can see in the pics nanners here and there...but over all I lived with it. I've found 2 seeds in the 6-7 grams I've dried out thus far. Both mature and figured if they already had herm in them they will be kept seperate from the other CB beans, but I just may hang on to them for possible future use. If I only hafta deal with 2 or so seeds every 5-10 grams...I'm not worried about a few nanners at all.
Thanks again...it was a very enjoyable grow and I still have way more to look forward to from her. Her thick fuzzy colas should keep me a happy man :smile:


Active member
Morning TML16.. staying cool or is it hellishly hot for you too? I've been hanging out in the frozen food section on the grocery store...the bagboy thinks I have a thing for him! :confused:

so.... does the cheese taste like cheese? smell like cheese? go good with macaroni?

Have a good weekend!


New member
TML 16

TML 16

Hi TML 16...
Thanks for showing your ladies.Very nice plants indeed.I would like to know,whether you know anything about Hempstar?
Rumors say its a Northern Lightx Haze?But I remember DP wrote somewhere it was a cross from NLxSkunkxHaze?
Any info would be much appreciated. :wave: