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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007



:wave: Hey TML I know what you are saying about being busy :bashhead: I've been very busy myself.

garden looks awesome as always bro :headbange You rock. :headbange



Registered Medical Patient
Hey bud, lookin great as usual... :jump: Ill be at the igloo soon, I can see it in the distance, and....wait...what's that smell???????Ganja, i thinks...Later dude, and keep up the good work...is that a 400 watter???Peace
- Z :rasta: :wave: :headbange


Snow Grower ~OGA~
I'm Baaaaccckkk!

I'm Baaaaccckkk!

:wave: Gentlemen

I apologize for not being around lately, I've been very busy, but that should all slow down to normal again :jump:
I miss rollin one up and sittin here talkin with my friends about our favourite hobby :canabis:

NorthernKronic - Thanks much dude :smile:
Been pickin away at those nanners and keeping them at bay.
:biglaugh: Sativas take some patience...I find it funny now everytime I go into my growroom because all the plants look so mature now, and yet that big sativa still looks like she's just starting out. She's gonna be a long wait.

packn2puff - Such a pleasure to have your knowledge base back :smile:
Only you could be creative enough to break out a soldering iron paper clip to ensure the death of the pollen when scalding your nanners. Genious :yes:
Thanks for the idea, the compliments, and stoppin by.

Core - Thanks bro :smile:
The CB's are frost Goddesses :yoinks: I'm lovin it! and very much looking forward to smoking them :joint:
CB2 is gonna be one of my better yields in a long time, probably the best outta this batch as well. That's the hermie :biglaugh: She has some amazing tight foxtails that are swamped in fuzz

By the looks of it...your creation will definately be a repeat grow in my room. Right after I try me some PB that is :muahaha:

NOFpuXnk - Thank you my Canadian brother! :smile:
Welcome to the thread man, I'm sure you'll find some other great Canadian growers hang out in here too.
Put your tongue to the ice walls and "stick" around, the Igloo will be filled with hanging harvest buds soon! :headbange

garlic city gro - Thanks man! :smile:
Sometimes it's nice to be busy, because it too has it's financial benefits as well as making time fly by...I think I just lost 2 weeks of my life :biglaugh: but...man...was it short.

ZeusOGrefugee - :laughing: Follow your nose! :smoker:
No 400watters here bro. Just a 250W HPS and a 42W CFL. I also have a MH conversion bulb for my HPS ballast.
Thanks for your visit and support

Black Ra1n - :bat: I stupidly didn't clone any of the CB's. Core had forewarned me about the possible hermies. I wasn't worried about it, but I had many new strains to try and just wanted to test grow CB. By the looks of it, I'll be growing it again :canabis: CB2 would have been the prize keeper had she not spouted nanners.
Thanks for stoppin in bro! :smile:


Wow! I think it's day 41 today :yoinks: I'd better get you guys some pics very soon
and I plan to do so.

I've gotta also ask for some advice/opinions on a dilema I have also...but first I must go and visit and catch up on a few of your threads :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Your opinion is needed

Your opinion is needed

I kind of have a small rant here. Just wanted to get some opinions/ideas/advice.

I have been re-infested by mites :wallbash:

Heres the catch though:
Cheezy Bastards have never been fed their whole flowering period. They are unaffected by the mite attack.

Pacific Shark-1 needed to be fed back on day 26 or so. A week or less later was when the attack started.
I also fed PS-2 around the same time and she too has since been being attacked.

In the veg cab....my BB momma leaves were lightening in colour and I gave her a shot of fish ferts...a few days later...mite infestation :chin:

I started to realize...it has been shortly after I feed my plants anytime i get mite infested and I started getting the problem around the same time I started using these fish ferts :chin:

So...I guess my question would be "Can spider mites be born outta fish ferts?" or maybe just more attracted to them?

My finally successful clones are being ravaged...and I've been so busy lately, everything has been being neglected.

I know how to...and will control and possibly eventually eliminate them once again. But...I'd really like to know what you guys think of my theory of the Fish Ferts either being the attraction or the cause of my spider mite problem...and if so the better organic alternative for feeding.

Thanks for reading guys...I'll be back with some pics soon :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I don't know Bro, I did a search of spider mites with fish fert and from what I was reading fish fert is supposed to drive away the spider mites and attract cats!! Not sure which one you would prefer... LOL
Sorry I can't be of more help, I have yet to see a bad insect in my crops.

Hey found some info
"We water our S. divinorum every 7 to 10 days with a fish emulsion mixture, according to directions on the bottle. We use Alaska® "fish fertilizer", which is 5-1-1. There are some drawbacks to using fish emulsion. As you would expect, fish emulsion stinks, and you should seriously consider this before watering indoor plants with it. Even for outdoor plants, the fishy odor is strong enough to call out to roaming cats, dogs, possums, or other animals. Therefore, if you feed your plants with fish emulsion be sure they are in a protected location where curious animals cannot get to them! Also, more than powdered fertilizers, fish emulsion seems to attract insect pests. All things considered, it is still our choice of fertilizer."

Control- Phytoseiulus persimilis - insects that devour spider mites with a vengeance. These carnivorous predators will not eat S. divinorum or other plants.

Here is what your saviour might look like

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya TML .....its been a while my friend...but i know how life can be....Nways....could't get a hold of you to say i added the CB for POTM...she woz looking good wit that blue light a bit.....well ....you never know ey.....:D

but about those thrips...i'm verry shure its only an attraction for the ferts....every kind of batpoop, wormcastings and/or compost will attract bugs....
another thing....i woz following nycd's thripinfestation....and he's using some kind of product for thrips....called spinosad or something.....maybe PM him 2 ask if it works??


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for your quick responses guys! :smile:

Dr Dog - :biglaugh: No cats allowed! :muahaha: I did unleash a few ladybugs that i found in there though...man those things are vicious!
You're a lucky man...keep that room clean and pest free :ying:
Edit: Thanks for your edited response and added info too. That's the exact same Veg fert I use. It's strong and long lasting...but I'm finding it's too attractive to the bugs :badday:

Core - :biglaugh: I too just noticed as I was cruisin the flower pix section. Thank you very much for the nom :smile: It's pretty easy to get a good pic when you have such a nice subject to photograph

I know I can control/kill them with the use of Safer's Trounce on the vegging plants (non-organic, slightly burns leaves) and Safer's Insecticidal soap on the flowering plants...I'll also let the humidity rise a tad in there and add an extra fan for cross winds.
Makes me think about getting out of the organic game for awhile and let the dust settle :chin: I've only tried one non-organic grow before.
It might also be time to break out the big guns and make that nicotine mix.

Thanks for your help guys :smile:
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Registered Medical Patient
Hey man, sorry to hear about the mites!!! :badday: I think they are attracted to the fish poop as well...I use fish poop in my veggie garden, and all my lettuces and cabbages are bein attacked!!! If u can get it, go with some Earth Juice...I use it and have never seen a bad buggie in my garden!!!All organic, and strong...use just a small dosage, even at the height of flowering!!!IMHO.Anyhow, hope u get rid of those fuckers...maybe turn down the heat in the igloo for a while and freeze those fuckers!!!! :jump: Peace bro.

- Z :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 41 Flower update extravaganza!!! Pacific Shark

Day 41 Flower update extravaganza!!! Pacific Shark


ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks for the tips bro :yes:
I'll check into the earth juice...as long as it's in a decent price range. I due to try something new anyhow.
I'd never use fish ferts outdoors...attract just about anything :biglaugh: I may just even do a non-organic grow and see if I can taste the chemical ferts in the buds :confused:
Funny you mention...back in my old thread I did a test on freezing mites. I put a affected plant outside in -10C for about 25 minutes. Mites were dead, but so was plant :pointlaug it turned out ok, because the freeze actually stressed buds into being potent even for being pre-mature.


I got some time with the ladies today and took some pics

Enjoy the day 41 update :lurk:

Pacific Shark

Having a lil problem with mites and a slight MG deficiency. She's my worst off plant, but she's not in that bad of shape. Yield won't be my best on her, but she looks tasty and potent. Looks to have 2 1/2 to 3 weeks left on her. She'll get a second and final feeding tommorrow. I'm very impressed by her frost :canabis:




This sativa diva is gonna keep me waiting. Starting to build a decent frost. I'm really waiting for those buds to fill in. I'm in for a good yield on a sativa if they can fill in over the next month or so of flowering this girl has left. Gonna hafta wait till she's done before I can put the new clones in...she's just so tall.
She started yellowing a little bit from lack of attention, but got a small feeding the other day and the greeness should return to her very soon.




Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 41 update Extravaganza!!! Cheezy Bastard

Day 41 update Extravaganza!!! Cheezy Bastard

Cheezy Bastard

A very frostilicious plant. Very sweet smelling. Yield won't be as nice as CB2, but will still be a decent one for sure :yes: She still hasn't been fed once and looks to have a few weeks left. I Can't wait till I'm smoking my own dank! :joint:




She's the hermie...and gonna be my top yielder. Been pickin nanners...hard to keep up. Havn't tried packn's method of soldering them out yet, but may be a tactic taken. She's still producing some amazing flowers, pools of frost, and tight foxtails. What a killer plant.



Hope you enjoyed the update :lurk:

Thanks for visiting! :wave:

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Registered Medical Patient
very nice buds TML...absolutely beautiful!!! The ps2 and the CB look friggin good enuf to smoke!!LOL...The EJ stuff is very cheap IMO, and like I said, u dont need alot, no matter what the bottle says!!!Peace

- Z


Looking great bro! :wave:

The hermie looks nice as hell :headbange I haven't been on here much but it looks like you are doing well.


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Zeus - ohhh man...I can barely wait
been awhile now since I've smoked my own dank. I know I just hafta hold out a couple of weeks now :headbange
We have a hydro shop in town now, so I think I'll go check out what they have to offer.
Thanks eh! :smile:

Insomniac - Hey...great to see you around brother! :wave: I'll be doing alot better in a few short weeks :biglaugh:
Was great of you to stop in man...Thanks for the props...be safe eh
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn TML, that cheese is amazing. It's a keeper for sure, can't wait to see them close to harvest they're going to be all white lol. Sharks are beefing up too!! Keep up the amazing work man.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i realy thought i had posted something :chin:...dont know what happend 2 my post...can't remember if i hit post repley...:badday:

say what smell has the PS and the CB at this stage....the CB woz't a big smeller in the romm...closup is a other thing though...is't she smelling citrus?
btw its getting warm in this iglo man :biglaugh:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
:wave: Dudes!

Black Ra1n - Thanks man :smile:
I saved enough beans of the Cheezy B so that I could go back later and find a good one to possibly mother for awhile. I really like the way the buds form, it looks to be a good yielding strain for me. The frost is most impressive of all, and she was an easy grow too :yes:

Dr Dog - Thanks bro :smile:
Got a resinous bunch here for sure...messing with some quality genetics I guess :joint:

Core :laughing: Stoner! :rasta:
Neither are actually that smelly at all.
The CB's have a really sweet and citrus like aroma when shakin up. Nothin that you'd expect from a strain that starts with Cheezy :biglaugh: Very pleasant smell, and never overpowering. I have to purposely induce a smell to get a proper whiff.
PS is also sweet smelling. No real smell at all from the sativa...but PS1 smells very sweet and candy like too :yummy: Both low smelling strains compliment eachother subtlety.
It is gettin warm in the Igloo isn't it? damn this global warming nonsense :bashhead:
Thanks for the visit...CB2 harvest doesn't seem to be that far off...looking very mature, gonna check the trichs tommorrow

Thanks for checkin in on the Igloo guys...I'll be back soon with more pics and a look into the world of my clones. Doing much better since you've last seen :yes: And GMT was right...only 1 more passed on :woohoo:
Gonna have a Blueberry and Pacific Shark round next time :lurk:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
MMMMM Blueberry, hate the fruit, love the strain lol. That shark is pretty impressive too, but you've definitely dialed in that cheese man stringy, stringy :)



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe thinking ahead...a guy 2 after my own lol.....never tryed a blueberry strain...growing or smoking for that matter ....looking forward 2 it...say hows the trichs on the PS and the CB....hope its not long anymre :wave:

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