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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
well thats better then my temps...its around 30°C on and 26 a 27°C off...can't get them down without some sort of mod...fan or inletupgrade....
i did notice they like it a little hotter then 25.....but that could be my imagination :chin:....

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You will not be forgotten

Now that is one tasty lookin strain you have yourself there TML16, you definitely are a snow grower :D definitely one frosty gal, and im looking forward to hearing your report on how she smokes/taste and general aroma after drying and curing.

Love the pictures and i will have to stop back by for your next round :joint:


That Shark is giving me the chills :smoke:
Looks amazing even with the mite problem. I wonder if the stress induced by the mites led to more frosty goodness. :chin: Seems like you are building up quite the nice stash! Cya later buddy :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
holy shit dude, nice harvest....i go away for a week and everyone has harvested their plants.!!!!Beautiful lookin harvest man...Ill take a toke off that CB, if ya dont mind....puff, puff....pffttt...whewwww...Yummy!!!LOL. Check in later for my harvest pics, as well. Peace bro

- Z


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Dam TML looks frosty like the sugar shack gets very sweet love the frosty weed makes for great keif hash


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys :wave:

Core - I believe they grow faster and more vigourous in warmer conditions. I also believe that trichromes are a built in protection for the plant and will produce more as it needs them due to temps and possibly even stress. So..I am a believer that cooler temps = frostier bud. Doesn't exactly mean the buds are going to be more potent though.
Doesn't seem you have a lack of frost problem though :biglaugh: Just got back from your thread...man thems some frosty Mental Floss :yoinks:
Thanks for poppin in to shoot the shit :smile:

DimeBag65 - Thanks man :smile: Welcome to the thread.
I've been looking forward to tasting this for awhile too :canabis: I've got a few popcorn buds I've dried out on the pc case that I plan on smoking tonight. Just a small taste test :muahaha:
I'll make sure I post a report once she's cured :yes:
Thanks for the props and poppin in...Glad to have you by anytime :smile:

Insomniac - Thanks bro :smile:
hehe...I believe MGJ and I had that discussion one time about the stress of mites inducing stress and causing the plant to produce more trichs :chin: The little bastards aren't worth the trouble though

Workin on a nice cured stash indeed :yummy:

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks eh :smile:
Seems we all started flowering round the same time. I've heard the term great minds think alike :biglaugh:
I just got make from your thread too :woohoo: Great harvest bro! I'm lovin the purps on the AK

You might wanna check in later here too...gonna take CB-1 tonight :canabis:

Maj.PotHead - Thanks :smile:
mmm...I remember your Sugar Shack :yummy:
I've been saving up some trim for a rainy day...maybe hash or cooking :chin: I make some killer brownies from canabutter!
Thanks for the visit!

NorthernKronic - Thank You my friend :smile:
You won't hafta wait very long...it's coming up tonight :woohoo:
Glad you're enjoying the show

teddybud - Thanks man :smile:
Always great to have some new visiters. Stop by anytime!

You guys have heard right....CB-1 harvest coming your way tonight :lurk:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Igloo On The Hill Restaurant

Igloo On The Hill Restaurant

Tonight's main course is a nicely baked Pacific Shark flank, smoked for several hours, then seared to perfection..
For desert a Cheesy Bastard big bodacious cannabutter basted caramelized cannabrownie..served a la mode with a dollop of Blueberry ice canna-cream..
then topped with a kief sprinkle flambe' ...ummmmm...kief sprinkle flambe'..aaaahlaahhha..

Been out having fun in the sun...Vegas and what not..Think it's about time to go down to lair and fire up some HID's.. :wave:


PN2P, pass some of that kief sprinkle flambe' this way! TML you said tonight and well it's almost 3...did you get caught up in the trimming? :rasta:

I hope I see this post soon or else :spank: I'm sparking up the bowl when I see some camera magic.
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Yo! :wave:

packn2puff - :laughing: :biglaugh: :yummy: mmmm....that actually sounds very appetizing.
Vegas :yoinks: I'd ask you what you did there...but I've heard the motto :headbange
:woohoo: Lookin forward to your return to growing and showing it off :lurk:
Thanks for poppin in old timer :friends:

Insomniac - :laughing: Actually...that's exactly what happened. I had pulled a muscle in my back the other day...so I had over medicated and fell asleep :pointlaug
My apologies :friends:
but...without further ado... :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 65 Cheezy Bastard-1 Harvest

Day 65 Cheezy Bastard-1 Harvest

Day 65 Cheezy Bastard-1 Harvest


^ At day 65 this plant was much more "well done" than the other CB. I didn't find one single nanner on this girl the whole grow :chin: She ended up filling out nice and her yield looks promising. Nice dense buds, and a killer frost. Great bud to leaf ratio :yes: Even the popcorn buds on this plant are decently solid :headbange








The Harvest
The weight felt good on these buds when I was hanging them. I love it when the jars get filled :canabis:


Another one bites the dust! :headbange

I've now put the other 2 Pacific Shark clones in the flower room :canabis: Blueberry is already on day 9 :yoinks:

I'll get back in there and get some pics soon...then it'll be time to germinate some seeds :lurk:


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Well at least we know you'll make it through the weekend before running out again..hehe..
a fine haul dare ya hoser.. a fine haul indeed eh..haulin bedder den Gretzky on a breakaway eh
I think GMT told me a long time ago..chop weight divided by 3 = approx dry weight..
anyway about a 3:1 ratio I think..don't quote my old memory though..Try it for fun.. I rarely weigh my haul, just the kola's for fun usually :confused:

Now go pull dat hair off the bud in pic 5 before you doke it eh...oh yeah beauty pics dare eh..holy smokes, dat's whad id's all aboot! :wave:

ps..excuse my use of the Canadian language, I'm a little rasty.. :rasta:
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, that a nice looking harvest. Buds have awesome resin, looks like a killer strain, can't wait to grow a few myself :) ... Great grow, congrats!!


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Had a Pulitzer Prize Winning reply all written out - gobbled by the close the wrong window monster :badday: Shudda had a <ctrl>-C in there somewhere...

Strong work on #1 Cheeyeeyeeyeezee Bahhahhhahhahhahhstahd - seeing that much frost gives me the stutters :jump: You sure did right by her - and she'll do right by you I'm positive... :joint::canabis:

And the production line keeps on running - congrats, another fine set of little ones ready to morph into big frosties...


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
omfg ..you dropping the degrees in the iglooooooo again....Brrrrrrrr,its so cold here from the frost ......:biglaugh:....65 dayz would be a correct date for chop i believe...she should be milky by now....:yummy:..

well i 2 had 1 plant that did't hermie....:chin:...found nothing on her...still ditched the project though....i dont have enough XP 2 breed that hermie trait out....well atleast not yet...

Nway congratz on the Chop Bro !!!


Long time no visit igloo..

Long time no visit igloo..

:wave: Wasup peeps, hope your all cool n chillin in da Igloo..:D

Yeah man, im feelin this shit...that Cheeyeeyeeyeezee Bahhahhhahhahhahhstahd<PMSL@MGJ> looks fantastic!!..and its great she didnt turn either. :joint:

(Nice job Core by the way, i also understand why you dropped the project even with a few good results..i did the same with the FLxLS cross, dont wanna grow hermies even if they're real tasty...:spank:)

Keep up the good stuff TML, you rule.. :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks Gentlemen :wave:

Anima - Thanks much :smile: Greatly appreciated...this I'm sure I'll enjoy!

packn2puff - :laughing: LMAO...I don't think I could do a better Can. accent myself :biglaugh:
haulin bedder den Gretzky on a breakaway eh? :redface: Why...I think that's the nicest compliment anyones ever given me. All hail the Great One! :bow:
Nice little technique for finding weight. Another great piece of knowledge compliments of our friend MGJ :friends:
I only weighed, because someone on here asked me how much it was once. Now I just get curious myself. I guess to make sure I'm keeping up with standards.
:biglaugh: If you're gonna complain aboot the dog fur...den you can be in charge of keeping da Malamutes and Huskies oot of da Igloo eh
Thanks for stoppin in man and your compliments...always fun when you're around :D

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
You're right...this bud has it all. Great eye appeal, nice frost, sweet scent, delicious aroma and a hearty yield :yes: A good grow indeed.
You'll be satisfied for sure.

MGJ - :pointlaug I believe this is where an appropriate D'OH! comes into play :pointlaug
It happens to all of us...and yes, I've been ctrl + c for awhile now with every single one of my posts here on IC :biglaugh:
I thank you for your efforts :yes: I'm sure it was a beauty reply.
Perpetual harvest was the plan. It'll be nice to keep up with my smoking needs.
Your compliments are always appreciated.

Insomniac - Thank You :smile:
I plan to enjoy it to it's fullest extent :yummy:

Core - :laughing: Frosty buds she produces indeed!
She was completely milky...I don't think I would have gotten much amber off her no matter how long I left her. They were here and there...but I've learned some strains never really go full out amber in the trichs.
She showed all signs of maturity and ripeness though, I have a feeling I'll get a true Cheezy Bastard experience with her :yummy:
I'm sure it'll be a project you may want to come back to in the future. You have a great eye for matching up strains and parental selection :respect:
I thank you once again for the opportunity to try your creation.

BeAn - Thanks mate :smile:
Core did do a fantastic job with this :bow:
Glad to see you!


Was hours from home the other day driving on some desolate Canadian highways when I passed by a big sign that read "Diatomaceous Earth" :woohoo: I slammed on the brakes and picked up some Bio-Dust DE :headbange
Looks like we mite be able to save the BB momma and clear out any sort of mite/pest nature can throw at me.
:muahaha: I feel like Superman now!

I'm going to apply it now!