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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
WOW - I'm near speechless! Your camera work has gotten superb bro - those are some beautiful shots. Really nice bud formation - today the CB shot has my eye - really nice - but then they all look great! :canabis:

I stand by my prediction - you are in for a great haul in not too many weeks!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
damn, sweeet looking pics bro. I love the puffy heads on those girls.( you will never hear me say that in any other context)
Keep us up to date, I will be making an update soon, hopefully a few more macro shots


Registered Medical Patient
:yoinks:...WOW dude, those girls look GrEaT!!!! I love the growth structure of the PS, looks like a good candidate for SCROG!!! I would def trim some of those huge long fans with the long petioles...I dont think thatll hurt them much...anyhow, glad to be here and keep on keepin on!!! I gotta come check out that igloo of yours someday!!! Later.

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

sackoweed - Life is good here my friend :smile: Thanks!
I hear ya :laughing: I'm not into the big mommas either.
Glad to have ya around. You fit in while with the great company we have here in the Igloo :D

GMT - :biglaugh: Nice THO's there GMT! :yoinks: we'll throw an extra log in the woodstove.
Mom always taught me not to hang around with no fools :spank: That would explain the fine company we keep here in the Igloo. Yourself included of course!
Thanks for dropping in GMT.

Core - Yeah...site was a tad buggy yesterday :crazy:
:ying: Feel the trichs :biglaugh: I hear ya bro. I'm a stoney kinda guy. I like my trichs fully matured
I'll definately wait for their goodness.
I'm not up to well on my terminology, but you know the little pockets the pistils shoot out of at each node? Those things are gettin really swelled and frosty. These plants look like they're just gonna be oozing with frost when they're done :yummy:
CB2 is developing these huge pom-pom style buds at the top of the 2 main colas...gonna get fat me thinks :headbange
If these plants are nearly as good as they look or smell they'll be going another round soon.
These are some beauties you've set me up with :respect: Thanks again!

MGJ - :wink: Thanks my friend!
I'm usually pretty patient, but I'm very excited about this grow. I think this one will actually finally be enough to last me till my next harvest :woohoo:
You must make more predictions in my favour :biglaugh: They seem to have a positive effect.
Thanks for stopping in bud!

Dr Dog - Cola Afro is the politically correct term :bat: geesh...puffy heads :laughing:
I'll make sure I swing by your thread to check out how handy you're getting with that new cam.
Thanks bro :smile:

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks man :smile:
You guys keep tryin to talk me into a scrog...but, I'm still too lazy :biglaugh:
I've always been a pretty natural style grower, never much of a leaf trimmer. Maybe I'll take some of the lower stuff...that might take effort though.
Igloos doors are always open...well, there are no doors, but that's beside the point. I'm always here. Just strap on your snow shoes, head due north into the blizzard, cross the tundra, and I'm the 3rd Igloo on the left. You'll see MGJ out front sleepin with the sled dogs :wink:
There's a cold beer and a hot joint waitin for ya when you get here!

Thanks for the visits gentlemen! :wave:
Last edited:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn man, those have come a long way. The shark looks awesome and I do see what you mean about the WW, she's a beaut. The CB has a ton of bud on it, it's going to be a nice yielder. Great job man, they look awesome.



TML16...great pics and plants....calyxes was the word you were looking for...BL


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hi :wave:

BR - Thanks eh! :smile:

Budluver - Welcome to the thread :wave:
Thanks for your compliments :smile: and the information :yes:


Well...it's day 29 of flower....been sooooo busy :wallbash:

Havn't had time to update...I'll try and get it in ASAP :lurk:

A little bad news :badday:
Found some nanners on CB2

I plucked them off by hand and am on the hunt for more.
Can't say I wasn't warned. Plus...I ain't scared of no stinkin nanners :bandit:

Gotta keep on the run....I'll try and update when I can guys...you know how life can get :wave:


The Tri Guy
Now I see the logic behind the chilled air in the igloo, its to make all that frost on the plants!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:yoinks:...:badday:...mine came much later :chin:....about week 6 or 7...if i remember correct.....but man she's looking frosty :yummy:


Traktor driver
Hello my friend :wave:

Looking good in here, I feel the chill with all this frost :D Sorry to hear about the nanas, keep an eye on 'em, plucking them off has always worked fine for me. :yes:


Registered Medical Patient
Hey TML...how've u been, eh!?? My snow shoes are on, and Im headin North for some PS!!! If u dont mind, Ill sleep with MGJ and the doggies!!!LOL...can I bring my dog? Thanks for the J and the beer, Ill b there soon...Ill be the guy with the big brown dog, and the HUGE spliff in his mouth!!! LOL, Ive always wanted to chill in an igloo!!Peace man, and the plants look greeeeat! Sorry bout the nanners, but it happens to us all...Laters

- Z


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Happy Canada Day Weekend!!!

Happy Canada Day Weekend!!!


I apologize for my bit of absence. Things have been pretty hectic here and will be for the next week or 2 as well :wallbash: My Canada Day plans were crushed, but will spend the weekend at home reaxing and making the best out of the holiday :smile:

GMT - :biglaugh: I've been utilizing these ideal temps to my advantage for sure.
Thanks for stopping in with your fine compliments.

Core - CB1 is still stable, no nanners there. It's relagated to CB2. We'll see what happens with them in the next few months.
Frost on these plants is incredible :yoinks: I bet I'm looking forward to some dynamite smoke

Thanks bro :wink:

Black Ra1n - I too am impressed by Cheezy Bastards frost :yummy:
CFore forewarned me about the possibility of nanners. In my past experience, that's never affected potency

Thanks for stoppin in eh! Happy Canada Day

Mr GreenJeans - :yummy: Gotta give props where they are due.
Core has spun us up a fine creation :canabis:
You'll really enjoy these next pics then....

Alex-F - "hey mister tally man tally me bananas" :biglaugh:
I've been plucking them off, and yes, you're right....that always seems to be a successfull way to keep them at bay :yes:
Thanks for the visit and fine compliments

Zeus - :biglaugh: All dogs are welcome. I love dogs!
Thanks for the compliments eh...a very Happy Canada Day to you brother

Dr Dog - Right back at'cha bro

Check out the pics update guys! :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 33 Flower

Day 33 Flower

I didn't get too thorough with taking pics of the whole plants, but I got an overall garden shot and a frosty bud pic of each of my ladies to display for you here today


^ Everythings coming pretty well in the overall garden. The Cheezy B's are on the right in this pic and the PS's are on the left.
PS1 called for some food finally and her leaves yellowed off a bit, she's making a recovery now that she's been fed. PS1 also got a little feeding for the first time this grow, and seems to be the healthiest of the group which is good, because by the looks of her, she will be a 70 day + flowering sativa.
CB's still have never been fed anything their whole flower period :confused:


^^ Cheezy Bastard-1 - This shot came out a tad discoloured, but I really liked it for some reason. I think it shows off how truly frosty of a plant CB is :yummy: No nanners on this sweet lady.


^^^ Cheezy Bastard-2 - She is putting out tighter, more foxtailed like buds. They seem to be grouping, especially where I pinched to slow down node stretch. You can see her "cola-afros" in the group shot. Amazing frost on her, but this is the plant with some herm issues.


^^^^ Pacific Shark-1 - PS1 is no lacky in the frost department either. Has some long stretchy trichs. This plant may be my lowest yielder of the batch, but she looks like a potent frost goddess :canabis:


^^^^^ Pacific Shark-2 - I don't think I've grown out a plant quite this sativa before. I know she's going to take me awhile to finish and she's finally just starting to frost up. I'm quite sure she'll be blanketed in trichs by the time her day is up. Definately my best ever structured plant. If she can pack it on ot the end, I'm in for an amazing yield with her.

Well...thanks for taking the time to check out my garden :lurk: Hope you enjoyed.
Here's one last pic I just couldn't throw in the recycle bin of PS1 and her stretchy trichs

Happy Canada Day Eh!


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey TML,

Dude ur kickin ass in here bro. Just pick pick and pick some more and try not to miss any of those nanners, im sure youll take care of it hehe. The CB's look tasty and that PS should be some nice sativa in the end. Im dealing with trying to finsih a sativa early right now and its not going how i want, hope they will be ok... Well your grow is awsome dude keep it up.


IC Official Assistant to the Insistent
Holy cross-dressers Budman....I've used a heated paperclip or soldering iron to burn off the little weenies..I figure that will kill off any pollen as well..
plucking ones ready to open..you can become the pollinator..late flower not a big problem..mid flower nanners can pollinate and make little underdeveloped seeds that makes the weed taste woody..
The shark looks to have some bite..l8r
packn out :wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hey TML :wave:
they are looking so nice...they have grown quite alot...looks you gonne pull a decent yield....ohw man those trich seem endless on both of'm...but the CB looks like she just came out of a snowstorm right into your iglo :biglaugh:
Green thumbs !!


purple stems MMM

beautiful shots guy from the great white nort

ill have to give you some K+ as soon as the website lets me dole out more