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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great replies :wave:

Jenna - Thanks for stoppin in :wave:
:laughing: It's not been too bad around here lately. We only had 1 hot spell that lasted a few days so far. Been quite an enjoyable summer..weatherwise...just wish I'd more time to enjoy it.
The Cheeze tastes absolutely nothing like cheese :biglaugh: actually it's very sweet and citrus like, maybe a tad floral. Very tasty smoke...can't wait to try Purple Bastard next :yummy:

Dr Dog - Thanks man :smile:
Dog fur :pointlaug

Gonz - Hey..thanks man! :smile:
Nice to see a new avatar on the thread :yes: Welcome to ICmag too :wave:
I've grown the DP version of Hempstar...which they label on their site as NL#5 X Haze :yummy: I have read of other versions though, but I'm not exactly sure who the original creation came from.
If you'd like to see how my last DP Hempstar grow turned out just click http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=34547&page=1&highlight=250W+Funk
I only had 1 single bean to start with. It was a beautifull lady and that 2nd grow you see there was her reveg. She's gone now RIP :badday:

Pontiac - Gotta give credit for where credit is due :smile: medicaluser420 gets it this time around for his "How To Reveg" thread that can be found here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=26290&highlight=reveg
You can see my reveg of Hempstar time lapsed throughout that thread too! :yes:


The Tri Guy
Hey TML, I subscribe to a few threads, and drop in on them all once in a while a post great pics or something, but the standard of pics on this site is constantly improving, and they are some really great pics. Its hard to get trichs to show in numbers when the pics are resized to 600x800, but there are some nicely done shots there.


What's up buddy? :joint:

Sorry I haven't been my normal posting self. The summer was off to a good start, but now I find myself at a depressing point in my life. I don't really know why, but I feel like it's a turning point or something :confused:

The CB looks very yummy! Where's the detailed smoke report I'm use to? :smoke: Your pictures make me want to start another grow, but unfortunately I can't for a while :badday: The hermie seeds got me thinking... if you grow out one of them and get more seeds I know a certain someone that would gladly get rid of them for you haha :rasta:

I feel bad for not sticking around, so I'm burning a big ol' blunt of purple kush just for you! Hope you don't mind...but it'd be better if you were enjoying this with me.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
congrats on the chop bro now my move is over ppl be wraping up grows, how the mite problem ??? are they still1. ive found smc from local hydro shop or the hotshot nopest strip to work great on mites. hang the pest strip at plants tops my 1st run of the sugar shack in my cab the plants where bad w/mites, 1 spray of SMC and then the pest strip 3 wks later no mites and havent had them since. i've used the pest strip on soil gnats with killn sucess hang at soil level 2-3 wks max all dead.when done i place it inside a large ziploc baggie and put away, mites and soil gnats can reall place a dampner on things.


Grower of fine herbs...
Hey TML,

Great Harvest dude, Its so nice to be smoking your own after youve been waiting for so long, just make sure you dont smoke it all to quick cause the longer you wait the better it gets my friend. Take care the grows looking great. Peace dude.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Thanks for the visits and replies :smile:
Sorry I havn't got back to these replies in a few days...just been one of them weeks.

GMT - I thank you :smile:
I'm not much in to photography nor am a huge quality freak when it comes time to video/pics....But I too can appreciate anything that looks good. I agree 800 X 600 isn't exactly the best res for photo viewing, but there are some incredible bud pics here on IC.
Glad you enjoyed...hope I can impress you with the upcoming harvest shots too :lurk:

Black Ra1n - Thanks bro :smile:
CB wasn't very big in the odour department. She is rather subtle. I got real lucky with this summer grow for the odours. Pacific Shark isn't big on smell either.
CB does taste like she smells though :yummy: A very pleasant taste indeed. I agree with Core that she's citrus like and I say a tad sweet too, but we're being a little vague still. I ponder an exact word to describe or compare to everytime I smoke it :joint:

Insomniac - Girl trouble eh? :biglaugh:
I always try and combat negative emotions with good laughter...and usually a fat joint :joint:
Feel free to PM me anytime if you'd like to talk. Sometimes I can be a profound grand stoner.
You'll see a good smoke report on the CB after I've cured some up and also taken CB1 and gave her some time and smoked on both :yes: That'll give her a good fair assesment. Then we can put Core back to work on tweaking her :muahaha:
We might be able to work something out getting you suited up with a few things :wink:
I'd love to get together and burn one some day. You know where to find me.
Thanks for the props and poppin in...I'll be hangin out as always.

Maj.PotHead - Thanks for the tips :wave:
Glad your move is all through and went well :yes: Must be nice to be back settled in.
Still having a mite problem here, but it's minimalized now. I can keep them at bay it seems, but just not eliminate as long as I continue to grow Blueberry.
I have tried the no-pest strip and it worked great on the fungus gnats and the first batch of mites.
When I was re-infested, I bought another no-pest strip and they became immune to it. I had now bred some sort of super mite :yoinks:
I've been using Safer's Trounce on the vegging plants and Safer's insecticidal soap in the flower room for early flowering plants. The Trounce works great, but...can't spray it often enough to completely kill the breeding cycle off. It's a little harsh on the plants. It does keep the mites to a minimum though.
I'm starting to think getting rid of blueberry this winter may be my only chance of completely eliminating buggers.

NorthernKronic - Thanks eh!
It is great to be smoking my own again :canabis:
I plan to fill my jar with CB and smoke whatever is left over that doesn't fit in the jar :biglaugh: I'll be harvesting PS1 in a few days...so I'll have some quick dried popcorn buds to smoke too :yummy:
A few days after that it'll be CB1's turn to get the chop...I've also just added Blueberry into the mix now and it only takes 45-50 days. Theres still at least 14 days left on PS2 :yoinks:
Looks like I finally might be able to pull off complete self-sufficiancy.


I've added Blueberry to the flower room now. I was gonna wait till it was all done, but I figured with almost 14-20 days left on PS2 still, that's almost half of BB's flowering time :yoinks:
She's been in for 3 days now.

Hopefully I get some good relaxing time to myself this weekend. I'll be jarring CB tommorrow, harvesting PS1 on Saturday...and it looks like CB1 might get the chop on Tues. :chin:

There'll be pictures of course

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Ahhh - just what I like to see - a plant at a time - lovingly chopped trimmed and stuffed in a jar - staggered harvests is a wonderful thing! :wave: Howya doin TML? :joint: More Purple Kush I bet! :headbange

I think you might be right on the blueberry - she does sound like a mite magnet. We'll have to keep an eye out for a good blue strain for you...

Hmmmm - I'm getting a vision - you're wearing a conductor's hat - I see a diesel train running down the track - destination TMLandia - :laughing:

Enjoy the fruit of your labors my friend :joint: !

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey bud, I can't wait to get that CB going. Think I may have to wait till later on though, hoping to move this fall so I can get my indoor grow back on. Love to try it outdoors and see how big of a peg I could get from it. Are you just doing the B-Berry next grow or are you mixing something else in?

Take care man.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
if you like 2 try something else PM me TML....:wink:....


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
If the blueberry can wait a little while before ending up in your grow room try hitting it with trounce, then putting them in a cool/cold, high humidity area (bathrooms are good) until the next spray, then repeating..

The cool temps and high humidity will keep them breeding very slowly, so the trounce can work its deadly magic on the weakened survivors. I'd imagine the blueberries can stand a week or two of suboptimal conditions (dunno how often you spray)..


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Mr GreenJeans - Thanks eh! :smile:
I'm alive and that's always a good thing :yes: Thanks for asking.
The staggering of the harvests is definately going to help my situation. I'm glad I had some time variance on this grow :yes:
The Blueberry will be the hardest decision I've yet had to make in my growing career. This plant is one of the most consistantly potent and tasty buds I've smoked. Plus it can finish in 45-50 days with a full couch lock effect :yoinks: I think I finally have a knack for cloning her too, which has been reported as one of the harder strains to clone.
What makes the decision hardest is that most of the mite damage is purely aesthetic and I can always keep it controlled, just not eliminated.
Anima..a fellow grower on here ended up making the final decision to ditch his BB due to mites also.
I thank you very much for what's coming my way :wink: Very kind of you. I thought I had plans of what was going to be grown along side Purple Bastard for the next grow...but you've got me playing eeny-meeny-miney-mo now :biglaugh:
Great to have ya round the thread :smile:

Black Ra1n - I'd love to see what you can do with the CB outdoors :woohoo: I'm sure Core wouldn't mind seeing how she preforms outdoors either.
I can tell you one thing about CB already....it's definately worth the grow :yes: Good yields, low odour, and great taste/scent.
I do find it similar to Tangerine :chin: only tighter buds.
This upcoming grow is going to be 1 Blueberry and 3 Pacific Shark clones. 2 WW looking clones and 1 sativa dom clone. I put BB in first cuz she finishes earliest.
I had recieved the PS beans from Santa Clause and was in love with Mikado from the first time I tasted her in BC. So...santa knew I wanted something with Mikado in it. I figured I'd better grow a few phenos out at a time and make sure I give them a fair shake.
Thanks for droppin in eh...gonna harvest PS1 tommorrow :woohoo:

Core - You're a fine and kind gentleman indeed :respect:

ixnay007 - Hey there :wave:
It's been awhile. I remember you posted some good pics of your old Passion #1 grow up for me a long while back :yes:
It's already too late :badday: I've kinda already fuct myself :pointlaug
I had mite issues in the flower room also already...I'm sure they rode in on me or that the dogs carry them also. I've already put that Blueberry clone into flower 4 days ago now...so from here on in, or at least for the rest of this grow it'll be more of a battle for control :dueling:
I do appreciate the tips however and wished I did have more space or somewhere else to segregate plants. Unfortunately, I'm relagated to the small grow areas I have and I have to keep up production if I wanna smoke :confused:
Thanks for the visit and suggestions...they all aid in my battle to rid myself of the borg.

Gonna be a pic fest weekend! Stop by for a visit :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~


Well...here's a dry nug shot look at Cheezy Bastard


She came in at 37 Grams :headbange in which I'm satisfied.
Lighting one up for whoever wants a hit :joint:

PS1 harvest coming up tonight!
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Looks nice! - pass that! :D

Is that the one grown without ferts? pretty decent result then I must say!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I'll take a toke off that bad boy :). Looking forward to the PS harvest bro. I'm on my way to start staking the upward growth on those pegs.

Have a great week-end man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~

maxe - Nice to see new faces of experienced growers round here :yes:
I didn't add anything to the grow of that plant. But...can't say it was completely without food because I use plenty of EWC and bone meal in my soil mix. I'm assuming the soil was hot enough to carry her through the grow.
TML passes a fat virtual joint to maxe :rasta:
Thanks for stoppin in....best of luck with your PB, I'll be keepin an eye on it :lurk:

Black Ra1n - TML passes a fat virtual joint to BR :joint:
Sounds like your timing is perfect :yes: Those ladies of yours should be starting to flower soon. I can't wait to see your pics this week :lurk:
And look...here's those PS1 harvest pics you asked for :woohoo:


Day 62 Pacific Shark-1


^ This was my smallest plant of the bunch (started off as the biggest) but...it was in the smaller pot. All my flowering plants usually get a 10G bucket and she was only in a 5G. I like them to have lotsa space.
She was the most mite afflicted out of this batch. Had some mite problems on her for sure :wallbash:
Trichs finished to a beautiful amber.
Pacific Shark = Jade Mikado X Great White Shark[WW X SS] and I believe this plant to be a WW looking pheno from what I've seen of other WW grows. Maybe I should grow out some WW and find out? :biglaugh:
2 clones from this plant will be the next 2 plants to enter my flower room.
Back to the pics...







The Harvest


^It will probably also be my smallest yield of the bunch...but...this could be the frostiest plant I've ever grown :headbange I think I'll be satisfied with what I get outta this one.


Cheezy Bastard-1 Harvest coming up in just 2-3 days :woohoo: stay tuned :lurk:
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The Tri Guy
yeah they look very sticky, pitty you had an attack of the mites. After doing a run wiithout feeding, what are your plans for the next run. Will you be adding extra food, or not next time?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea suddenly is frosty inhere...never had it that cold in the iglooooooo hehehe
nice going TML...


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys! :wave:

Mr GreenJeans - Thanks eh! :smile:
I'm hoping it's lethal
I guess that's the idea of mixing 2 killer potent strains though.
Glad you enjoyed the photos...as always it's a pleasure to have you visit :D

GMT - Hey Thanks! :smile:
The mites seem to be a constant problem now :wallbash: Oh well...I'm not gonna let them make me stop growin.
This plant did get fed twice throughout this run. Very minimal. It's not that I'm trying to grow without feeding...from now on I'm just letting the plants make their own call about when and how much they need :yes:
Gonna play it by ear next run too. Blueberry will most likely not take much food.

Core - :laughing: I guess I shoulda known I'd get frost growing in an Igloo :yoinks:
Seems all my plants were nice and frosty this round. I think it has to do with the fact the weather has been nice this summer and that duct I extended to carry warm/cool air better into the flower room. My flower room hasn't reached over 25C yet this summer :woohoo: It's usally 20C in there for lights off.
Also has to do with some pimp genetics I'm sure :pimp3: :headbange
Glad you like :lurk:

Still more harvest action coming up in just a few more short days :woohoo: