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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man I have some bad news :( that bub clone took a shit for the worse. I think the soil went toxic, too many additives for the clones to handle.... ah well I'll pop those beans and get some more clones soon enough ..... Take care man.



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great Replies! :wave:

Stoend - Welcome to ICmag :wave:
Thanks for stopping in. Feel free to pull up a block of ice and chillax

I appreciate your compliments and glad you're liking the show :lurk:
Hopefully you are enjoying IC so far and hope to see you round the boards often.

Black Ra1n - It seems cloning is a difficult part of the game. Though I'm sure the ppl who have it down would argue.
I've tried many methods and have mediocre success. Probably around 50% :confused:
I've had your same problem occur to me as well...like they enter some type of stasis. I had a BB clone take me almost 60 days to root. It did finally root though :chin:
Too bad about your bub clone :badday: oh well...pop them beans and be blessed with a beautifull momma :ying:
Glad you're enjoying the show!

Dr Dog - I'm thinking I'm gonna head out and and grab some of those jiffy pellets now :chin: Take a quick couple cuttings of PS even though they are at day 8 of flower.
All my plants did root into their flowering buckets well :yes: my vacation really gave them time to root in. Was why I transplanted right before I left.
Thanks for the tips with the jiffy pellets and the compliments on the grow :smile:

Core - I guess this would have been a good opportunity for a scrog eh? :chin: Does sound like I'd hafta get materials and do work...so that's not likely to happen :biglaugh:
I tried 3 different methods this time around - A plastic cup filled with water and covered by black duct tape to stop the light. Just pop cuttings in and let them sit. Usually 7-14 days for roots. I've had most of my success with this method.
- Dipping in rooting gel and popping them directly in wet soil. I've only had 1 or 2 clones ever make it with this method.
- Gel rooting cubes.
Thanks for your tips :yes: Do you use rockwool, jiffy cubes, or just soil?
Thanks for the props bro :smile: I noticed you can barely see the CB's in this weeks update :bat: I'll showcase them better very soon.

BeAn - Thanks man :D
Dunno if I have anything like that available to me round here. I'm gonna head out for a drive now and see what I can find to help up my success ratio :yes:
Thanks for the tips and visit!

Kev555 - Welcome to the Igloo :cool:
Passion #1 is quite the variant plant grown indoors or out. It's a very hard to grow and low yielding plant indoors.
Potency is top notch, especially outdoors version. Outdoors it's one of my favourites and whenever given the opportunity to do so, that's my outdoor strain.
Taste is very piney/spicey and it smells like rotting pumpkins, which may not sound appetizing, but I can assure you it grows on you and you can yearn for it :yummy:
Indoors it can be potent as well.
I must admit though I am suspicious of being dealt some shady genetics. The beans I bought were supposed to be feminized and I got a few pure males and a few herms as well. The 3 pure females that I have grown out so far were decent to me though. I've saved a few beans for future outdoor adventures :smile:

Thanks for the visits gentlmen :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Rotting pumpkins, yum LOL
I guess that is like Doritos, they do not taste anything like they smell


Registered Medical Patient
Hey TML, lookin amazing!!!:woohoo:...Im havin woes kinda with my clones too, so dont feel so bad...Im usin jiffy pellets too, and they are OK, but not great, but we;ll see, they are just a test run anyways...good luck, and Ill be around..Peace bro

- Z


Occasional User
Hey Buddy.....worked my ass off lately and I needed to chill in the igloo for a minute to cool off. How's life? I know you are a busy man these days too so I trust all is well. Your plants look great man. I'm looking forward to this run.

Can't stay long but thanks for the cool off. Place is lookin great. Hopefully near the end of the summer we'll catch up for real.

Take care bro


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehehe i guess your not a DIY guy ?....it only would take some small pvc tubes,duckttape and some chickenwire...but i can relate lol

ohw and hoz the cloning comming?...i myself use soil TML....
ohw and dont oyu mind about the CB display...i got the time so i'll check her out later ...i do love the Shark pics though :yes:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Man - look at the branch structure on your pants - OMFW! Let me put on my KarnaK turban - I hold the envelope to my head - the answer is sheyutloada - open the envelope, the question is:

"How much yield will TML get from those ladies?" :biglaugh:

Really dude - remember this shot?

I bet at least 1-2 of these plants will end up 30% bushier than that. :yummy:

Definitely gonna be one for the books.... :yes:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
1000th post

1000th post

Not really a big deal...but it's my 1000th post here on IC...been here for over a year and a half and just about coming up on 2 years growing.
Just one of those landmark opportunties I get to thank all my friends here :friends:
You guys are always a great help both in the facets of growing and personal life issues. I thank you all for being so great and supportive.

I apologize for my few days of absence...my internet was down :yoinks: man...it's almost like goin without weed :biglaugh: Life seems a little more boring....I'm sure this is not a good thing :biglaugh:

Dr Dog - :biglaugh: I know it doesn't sound good....but...man...I love that taste and smell now :yummy:
Ever try Oka cheese? same as Doritos...smells bad...tastes good :yummy:
Thanks for stoppin in man

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks eh :smile:
Never ended up getting the jiffy pellets. Ran into other things that day and still trying my water cloniing. I'm starting to think "where" you take the cutting from and how hard the stem is becomes more of a factor in the success of cloning rather than method :chin: maybe just my observation :confused:
I'll keep trying though :smile:

BonsaiGrower - You know you can come chillax any time you like bro :cool:
Life is grand for me at the moment :smile: Thanks for asking. I'm still basking in the amazement that I spent some time in Europe :yoinks: I'd never wanna live anywhere but our home and native land, but I'd love to visit Europe as often as financially possible.
I have a feeling I'll be catching up with you and a few other IC members this summer...after all, what do us Canadians do best in summertime? Camping! :headbange Maybe an ICmag party deep in Algonquin? :biglaugh:
Thanks for stoppin in eh

Core - I'll rebuild your PC, rewire your stereo and surround system, and get you great sounds over PA amplification...but I can't build shit if my life depended on it :biglaugh: Handy man I'm not. Minimalist I am.
Soil cloner eh? :chin: I'm going to hafta try it a few more times. I do have cloning gel. I havn't tried it in awhile...maybe more experience will bring better results :yes:
I tried to get all 4 plants in the shot, and like I said...I rotate them daily, gonna try and show'em off individually next update...just don't know if I'll hafta take'em outta the flower room just to get a pic though :yoinks: You can actually see the CB's in the back there...just hard to distinguish what branch belongs to who.

Mr GreenJeans - Man...that kind of compliment must mean I'm doing well :D
I was gonna say...I don't really know what prompted me to grow 4 big plants out this time...but I remember now. It was running outta my own stash before the next harvest was ready that sucked :wallbash:
I might have overdid it though :biglaugh: It's only day 12 and it's getting rather Jungly in there :yoinks: I really hope the 250W can handle this and produce me a crop to remember.
If any one of my plants turns out to be as lush and scrumptious as that C-13, I'll be in heaven.
I knew this would be the "test" to see how far the 250W can take me.
Thanks for the visit and compliments.

Thanks for the visits guys! I be back with an update soon..it's green and full under the HPS glow right now!



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother?? Just droppin by to peep them updates.. Also congrats on the 1000th
post.. It does have some meaning to it. So enjoy and hope to see yer 2000th with all good grows along with that.. bbl peace..



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey :wave:

sackoweed - Many thanks :smile:
Glad you're enjoying my garden. Thanks for taking the time to peep it out :yes:
You're right...hobby growing wouldn't be half as much fun without ICmag and my friends here :D

Black Ra1n - :wave:
Glad ya stopped in :smile: I'll have some pics up for you asap
I'll do my best to get around to it in a few hours.


Not sure if I made mention of the fact I've changed my soil mix :chin:
Seems to be having a positive impact on this grow so far :yes:
I'm using Pro-Mix Ultimate Organic mix mixed with the usual goodies EWC, bone meal, vermiculite, perlite, and epsom salts.
I might have mixed the EWC and bone meal a little heavy, because I havn't even had to feed those plants once since initiating flower :yoinks:

Between new soil, a brand new bulb, some more experience, and great genetics...this grow should put me back on the right track :yes:

We'll see you soon with an update :lurk:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 13 Flower

Day 13 Flower

As promised I'm back with some pics to update. Man...it was hard gettin shots of those big girls inside the flower cab.

Cheezy Bastard


This one wasn't topped as many times as the others...so it should be 2-4 "main" colas. Seems to be my fastest maturing this far.

Pacific Shark


This girl is my monster :yoinks: Sooo many branches and budspots, also my tallest.

They all seem to somehow be gettin too much N :chin: Which is odd, cuz I havn't fed them in over 3 weeks.
They are healthy and growing/maturing at an uncanny rate though :yes:
I'm very happy with the way my grow is going thus far :ying:

Here's a canopy shot to let you see the jungle I've created :smile:


Hope you enjoyed the update :lurk:
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Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Damn TML, those ladies are growing like crazy. They look nice and healthy. There's some impressive bud development on those PS's for only being 13days, looks like it's going to be a nice strain, can't wait to see them all fat and glossy. Cheese looks great too, nice branch structure, awesome job man.


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
2 :yes: on this update bro - man they look sweet! They all look very full, that CB2 is going to grow 4 nice phat colas. Or one or two more. I have dibs on a bowl of the cheezy B in the Vapor Cannon when it's ready! :canabis::joint: Beam me up Scotty :abduct:


oh ya count me in....lets see some buddha....im a good lurker i'll wait patiently

:lurk: i'm pullin up a sleeper couch

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
wow a jungle. Looking good in here. All those budsites, you are going to get a nice haul


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:bow::bow:...Looking great bro....but take a few miutes 2 prune them my friend ....she's a sloush :biglaugh:..it will be a little bonus that lightpenetration...

aaaah you know what T....put a shark and a CB next 2 eachother so you dont have to take'm out :D

+ for you my friend !!

ohw yea TML ..they can be picky on nutes better give'm a smaller dose next time ..you'll see the diffrence on the leaves..they wont be as bend ad you see now....
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Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:

Black Ra1n - Your visits and compliments are always appreciated bro :smile:
Trying to get some PS clones rooted :wallbash: I'm sure a few have your name on them when I do :smile:

Mr GreenJeans - Thank you my friend :friends:
We'll have that vape-cannon of yours so loaded with Cheezy B! :yoinks: You're right...I'm kinda looking at CB2 to have the fattest colas :chin:
It's great having you round the thread buddy :smile:

User Name - Here's your cot...you can stay as long as you like :smoker:
It's great to have you back on the boards buddy, and I'm excited you are growing again :woohoo: Lookin forward to that killer bud porn you produce :wink:

Dr Dog - I love predictions like yours! :joint:
I sure hope you are right.
Thanks for your kind words :smile:

Core - Mucho Gracias :bandit:
Do you really think I should trim at the bottom of the CB's? especially this far into flower?
I did notice the CB's are verrry picky with nutes :chin: I havn't even given them any yet...and they are showing way too much N :biglaugh: I must be using way too much EWC in my soil mix....never thought it could add that much N :confused:
They won't be getting fed at all untill they ask for it :yes:
Thanks again for your kind gift...looks like I'm in for a frosty treat :rasta:

Thanks for all your kind compliments and visits...I'm very glad you all are enjoying my garden :lurk:

See ya soon :wave:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother? Hope all is well.. Man the updates are nice and bushy.. The cherry bastard sounds delishus did you make them i dont remember seeing if you said so.. Whats in it? Your right on track my brother.. bbl peep some more.. :wink:..peace..


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Thanks TML, don't worry I'm working on some stuff for yah. Thinking we may need a northern Canadian IC mag cup ourselves after the outdoor is finished hahaha