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Come Chill In The Igloo - 2007


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
:woohoo: gladd 2 have ya back bro...pitty our path did't cross...there had 2 be a glitch somewhere :chin:
made some time free for you....pitty it went wrong :badday:....

but i'm happy you had a great time...and smoked some dutch herb :D i'd loved 2 offerd you some PB of mine...

:jawdrop: ohw man those girls look awsome TML...:yes:
but be shure that she's gonne be a indulgend trichbomb...now that you put her on 12/12 shes gonne stretch quite a bit...ohw and if you get lucky you will get verry sweet citrus smelling bud when cured :yoinks: :pointlaug yea i swear :yummy: pitty i coul't run them untill they finished :badday:

Welcome home bro!!

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man welcome back, glad you had a good trip. Your plants are looking awesome man. I was checking out that super skunk at the nirvana site for next year, so you recommend it? I'll check back later..... take care.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro
Welcome home, I wish I could convince my better half to go to A Dam but hey I will just live through you. I have been getting quite a few trics of the leaves of my vegging plants with the blubonic. But I will be updating soon, so I won't repeat myself in here. Plants are looking strong and ready to go



TML! Long time no see buddy :wave:
A'dam sounds like a blast, and I can't wait to make it there myself. Your plants look great. I am really excited to see this round of flowering :yummy: I've been so busy with stuff lately I haven't thought about getting another grow going. Dank bud has been flowing my way and it's been super cheap, so maybe that's why? :confused:

Sens in the cup :woohoo: My AHL is going to the cup too :woohoo:
Just wondering if you are going to continue with the 250w and the same genetics or if you might switch either one up. You grow some great looking nug and it seems like you want to grow bigger :chin:

I'll be back for the next update man :lurk:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
glad you enjoyed your trip bro was in A Dam in 1981 and you couldnt be more right if a person could afford to go this place is a must holland as much to offer. the plants look great :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Gentlemen :wave:
Thanks for your replies and warm welcome back!

User Name - Great to see you back round these parts too!
I'm gonna hafta check in and see if you got a new grow goin :chin:

Core - Hey There :wave:
Yeah...I was so excited when I got your phone message. The wife thought it'd be fun to have someone around who knew their way around too.
My bad for not preparing the power converters properly :bat:
Some PB would have definately been nice :yummy: I spent quite the buck on testing out different buds :biglaugh:
Glad you like the ladies...hope the CB's are up to your approval :wink: I'm expecting a nice frost show now.
Citrus sounds nice :yummy: Getting a good dose of that now with Freeze, but I'll take more :smile:
I'm sure our paths will cross one day :wave:

Black Ra1n - Hi :wave: Thanks
When I first walked into the cafe in A-Dam I hadn't smoked anything in 5 days, which is long for me. My tolerance was real low.
I looked at the menu and knew I didn't want something that would tire me out since I just got off a plane. Super Skunk was moderately priced and I knew I wanted to try it because my Pacific Sharks are Mikado X (Super Skunk X White Widow) as you can see above PS2 has some nice sativa influence and just may be a Super Skunk leaning pheno.
I opted for it and it was exactly what I was looking for. Nice foxtailed buds with a citrus aroma. High was very trippy, and since my tolerance was low I got very stoned off the first joint :biglaugh: even a little paranoia.
The wife really liked it, was her favourite of the trip. I prefered the Bubblegum indica stone...but I definately got off on the Super Skunk.
If you like a heavy packing sativa...would be a great choice for you.

Dr Dog - Hey man :wave: Thanks eh
Only live once man....I highly recommend it as a sight to see :yes:
It was a tad expensive though, but worth it in life experience.
Gotta love pre-flower trichs :woohoo: Let's you know you got a good one. I'll be by yours and all my friends threads very soon...just getting settled back in and caught up on a few weeks work.

Insomniac - Suuuup :wave:
Sens are gonna win the cup :woohoo: man...it's a pain in the ass trying to find NHL scores in Europe :biglaugh: I did wear my Leafs hat all the time over there though.
I had one Moroccan guy ask me if I knew the score of the football match...so I asked him if he knew the score of the hockey game...neither of us got very far :biglaugh:
When I found out I had four ladies from those 4 seeds I decided I would grow a round for yield and start a good stash instead of barely making it from harvest to harvest. Plus I had a couple weeks for vacation time which meant extra veg. This will probably be my biggest grow, and plan on returning to normal TML sized plants and numbers after this.
For the next grow I plan on having some Pacific Shark and BB clones going...though neither have rooted yet :chin:

Maj.PotHead - Hey There :wave:
Sounds like you've had a magical time there too :yes: Definately a place anyone can go...slow down and have a fun time. Helps being a toker too, cuz Rembrandt paintings are cool...but they're even cooler in person stoned outta your gourd :smoker:
The wife let me go check out all the girlies too!

Thanks for stoppin in eh!

Gonna get some clones rooted here and I'll try and come back with some Blueberry momma + clone pics.
Good vibes about this grow...should be one of my more interesting grows, maxing out the 250W.

Thanks for the visits guys! :wave:


Registered Medical Patient
:wave: Hey TML, good to have u back, buddy!! Glad the trip was a hoot, but soory to hear about the shitty buds, I hear the buds in the 'Dam can be hit or miss unless u go to the right coffeeshop!??Anyhow, glad u had a good time, and the babies look great. Check out my threads for some cool haps!!! Ill see ya around man. Peace

:wave: Zeus :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
Welcome back buddy! Happy to hear you had a fab time at the 'Dam. Your lady sounds Trés Cool!:yes:

Your girlies are looking mahvelous - and I think you'll be very happy they're starting out a bit bigger - more goodness to frost up for you:canabis::joint:

Have to say again your photo snapping skills are awesome - whatever you're doing with your camera, keep doing it! Great color and detail on these shots...

L8r :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Men :wave:

ZeusOGrefugee - Thanks man...it's great to be back :smile:
I was impressed with the Super Skunk and Bubblegum. Maybe I was expecting some "super" buds or something :biglaugh: You always hear about A-Dam pot and such. But really...how stoned can one really get off the weed :canabis: I think I've reached the limits many times :biglaugh:
I'm making the rounds to as many threads as I can before I'm too stoned

Thanks for stoppin in :wave:

MGJ - Thanks man :smile:
We had an amazing time! Such a relaxed atmosphere. I'm finding it hard to fall back into the hustle and bustle.
You know women...a few drinks and a European vacation, you'd be suprised with what they'll let you get away with for a bit :biglaugh:
I will be testing the limits of the 250W this time around :yes: See what she can give me overall.
Thanks for the props. Glad to have ya round the thread as always :D

Things are going smooth...still getting caught up on my friends threads, and then I'll find somethin good to post up in here :smile:



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
TML16 said:
Core - Hey There :wave:
Yeah...I was so excited when I got your phone message. The wife thought it'd be fun to have someone around who knew their way around too.
My bad for not preparing the power converters properly :bat:
Some PB would have definately been nice :yummy: I spent quite the buck on testing out different buds :biglaugh:
Glad you like the ladies...hope the CB's are up to your approval :wink: I'm expecting a nice frost show now.
Citrus sounds nice :yummy: Getting a good dose of that now with Freeze, but I'll take more :smile:
I'm sure our paths will cross one day :wave:

i know for shure it wouldda been fun... :badday: but i only know the way in belgium lol...i'm just bummed it didt happen....no turning back the clock ey...yea maybe 1 day :wink:

you would of loved it TML i'm shure of that...i reccomend you pop'm next run ..i hear ya on buying weed...1 of the reasons i started growun myself...

and yea the ladies are looking marvelous :yes:....i'm shure you gonne like her..:lurk:


Active member
great thread!!

great thread!!

wow, TML! :yoinks:

glad to hear you got back safe!

your pictures are fabulous...

have a great summer!! :sasmokin:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey Guys! :wave:

Sorry there hasn't been many updates yet. Been a decently busy week settling back in. I'll get to a picture update tommorrow for sure.

I had my first clone show roots yesterday :woohoo: It's a Blueberry :yummy: Now I hope the PS roots and we'll have the start of a new grow :yes:

Tommorrow is day 7 and the plants are getting HUGE! :yoinks: I'll bring you guys some pictures for sure.

Is it just me or has the site been acting weird lately? I could have sworn I posted a reply to both Core and Sleepy here the other day :confused:
Maybe I'm the one that's nuts :crazy:

Core - :bat: Yeah I keep dwelling on it too :wallbash: Was the one part of my vacation that didn't go as planned.
Gotta try and stay positive though eh. We still got long lives ahead of us and plenty more chances for our paths to cross :ying:
Purple Bastard is definately the next bean I will drop :yes: After seeing the plants that Yourself, Garlic, and Jaws have grown with it and also heard such positive reviews...I'd hafta be nuts not to line it up next.
The Cheezy Bastards are exploding! alll my plants are. I've never seen my grow area so "jungled" :biglaugh: Come back tommorrow and check them out. I'm really enjoying this grow...and I'm already through the first week :yoinks:

Sleepy - Thanks alot brother! :smile:
Your compliments are appreciated. A fine grower like yourself.
I'm glad I could entertain your eyes :lurk:
Cool new avatar there. I just got mesmerized by it for a few seconds :biglaugh:

Thanks for your visits guys! :smile:
Update coming tommorrow for sure!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Day 7 Flower update...

Day 7 Flower update...


Well here we go on day 7 of flower :canabis:
All plants are filling out to be monsters :yoinks:
This should be my most interesting grow yet :chin:

I was a little lazy and didn't individually shoot them. So here's just some canopy shots for day 7...you can still get the idea :smile:


Those are the 2 Pacific Sharks up front and the Cheezy Bastard's in the back. My plants get rotated on a daily basis and I move them counter-clockwise.
CB's seem to be maturing a tad quicker...all plants are getting a good stretch.


This shot just shows the structures of the plants and gives an idea of many nice budspots there is to be.

After seeing my grow room so full and lush it makes me wonder why I havn't tried maxxing out the 250W before :bat:
We'll get each plant for an individual update next time around.
I also wouldn't mind showing off the BB momma and some clones this week.

Maybe I shouldn't open my mouth...but it seems my Mite problem has been taken care of since my vacation :yes: :woohoo:
I am struggling with cloning again though. I've had 2 PS clones die on me now. I still have another 2 and another BB clone waiting for roots too. Only 1 BB clone has yet successfully rooted :confused:
Tried a few different methods here...water cloning seems to be the only way I have any success at all.
I think I might try those jiffy pellets next :chin:

Well..I'm done blabbing for the day, hope you all enjoyed the update :lurk:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey TML16, plants are growing nicely. Good to hear about the mites :) I'm having problems with my clones too, the rooting has stopped in my bubble cloner and the ones that have roots and are in soil don't seem to be doing anything, it's like all growth has stopped. I can't wait to see this run finish up....

Take care...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I like the JIffy's the only issue I have with them is that hole seems a bit large and you have to work them a bit to get the stem covered. But I have had descent success with them I have 6 up there now that I cloned, I expect to start seeing some roots show soon.
Your plants looks kind of like the one I was working into a wreath shape, lots of major bud sites, extremely well rooted, Expecting a large haul from that one.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmh wow almost full clozet :D.....maybe you should think about a scrog inthere :chin:...? looks like its gonne become a jungle inthere for shure....
and are you struggeling with cloninng...?are you using rootpowder?..maybe next time you can try cutting the main stem in the middle about 1 cm after you scrape the sides...and then powder that with rootgel/powder...sides and middle...works like a charm....ohw and first 2 or 3 days you should give'm 24/24...ime clones will drop first night lights off...and mostley they should be upwards the next day..

ohw yea and before i forget ...NICE LADY'S !!!!!!!:D


Yeah dude, looking good...i cant wait till full bloom.. :lurk:

Have you tried Root Riot cubes, they rock...i just keep um moist for 100% success... :joint:

Jah bless..:rasta:

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