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CBD Savior or Devil?

CBD Savior or Devil?

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Tom Hill

Well-known member
if u have another theory i'd love to hear it but it better be about how things makes a human feel and not about some bump on a rat..

Tom Hill

Well-known member
....and btw there is ditch weed everywhere around the planet there is absolutely zero reason to pollute thousands of years of the cannabis drug strain genealogy with this shit.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
it is only money grubbing chumps that would have anybody think differently about any of that..


Active member
So people that are trying to heal themselves are now 'chumps' according to you?

You people need to get off your high horses. You do it for yourselves, not the love of cannabis…or parental breeding stock would still be released to the people. The genealogy that people have been working on for thousands of years.

YOU are a part of the problem.

Hoarding true breeding Landrace varietals. So then we can all grow depleted poly-hybrids, then do what…take those subpar genetics are re-introduce those into the wild? Because..That seems to be most of what's available, thanks to the 'large players'.

As long as cbd seeds are labeled accordingly, and not taken to geographic 'hotspots' to pollute..I really don't see the problem.

Which, btw, seems to be exactly what the Dutch did..amIright?!
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Tom Hill

Well-known member
nope,, what i was trying to say is cbd is literally everywhere and there is currently yes believe it or not a huge group of folk who would have you believe not only that it is the savior (big fat lie) but it is some kind of thing they worked so hard to bring you out of the goodness of their heart (the biggest fucking lie in history) and yes,, that to me is the very definition of chump.... I can imagine how it might make folks feel to have that info laid on them but again,, it's the truth,, so sorry..


Active member

Doesn't cannabis naturally grow at a 1:1 THC/CBD ratio…when left on it's own?

Therefore, It hasn't been bred in, it has been bred out.

CBD seems to be…

A Return To Right.

Tom Hill

Well-known member
95% of the worlds cannabis varieties for the last 80 years are high cbd,, its literally everywhere folks.. and it needs to be squashed and treated as such it needs to be recognized as the devil like humans in their right mind have been doing for thousands of years.. - your doctor is lying to you and any breeder who says he worked so hard to bring hemp to you needs to be laughed at.


you old cats are highlarious , tom may be right that cbd is the new snake oil but you guys seem to not have been growing high quality cbd lines from what I gather and i'll just leave it at that.

the funny thing is that cbd is the more medicinal compound and thc is the recreational one


Active member
It's hard to believe that a respected weed breeder can be such a racist. My white dope is good and your black dope is inferior and bad. Give me a break, dude.


you old cats are highlarious , tom may be right that cbd is the new snake oil but you guys seem to not have been growing high quality cbd lines from what I gather and i'll just leave it at that.

I will say I had them 20 years ago and they could be grown outdoors in the UK where we needed them grown, and they were very low in THC they were legal to grow without a license from the Home Office.
When did you have your first CBD variety? What %THC, %CBD could you grow it outdoors in the UK? I had higher CBD hybrids and WLD varieties but they were not as low in THC, so I did not want to use them. We grow it by the Hectare

the funny thing is that cbd is the more medicinal compound and thc is the recreational one

I find it funny that you feel this way, more people use THC as a medicine then CBD, maybe you mean that you think CBD is more medicinal then THC? You do not speak for the majority of patients, they do not need your opinions, they know what they think, the majority of patients I speak to say that a THC/CBD ratio works best, not that CBD is the more medicinal compound. You say that.
I hear that Aids patients preferred THC varieties to CBD for appetite stimulation and for anti-nausea , and many more patients groups agree, they like THC.
I am happy when any Cannabinoid is useful for any patients in anyway, I don't understand why you seem convinced it is important that CBD is more medicinal? You should be happy that THC varieties fueled the worldwide Cannabis resurgence, otherwise you would of never heard of CBD, and THC would not have been discovered even though people around the world were using THC varieties as medicine in many cultures. And there were no high CBD varieties anywhere.


Well-known member
The "CBD" widely sold is hemp extracted and some of it under conditions You cant call proper, environmentally etc.

It lacks alot / all terpenes found in Chemo 1 var plants, so its working modest at its very best, there is no re/modulators .. just hemp derived CBD and VERY costly in order to obtain dosages "needed".


Active member
my 2p...

Ive smoked CBD Dominant strains which have no recreational value. Ive smoked others that were thc dom, but still had cbd present. Thats not to say that some CBD presence does not alter the recreational experience in a positive way - I'd say that still comes down to terpenes etc. Whilst one may not buzz of their nut, they may actually enjoy a more subdued experience from a recreational standpoint.

It does seem kind of odd to suggest that breeding cbd back into cannabis is any less natural than breeding it out in the first place.

As an example a slight CBD presence can make for much better social weed. Who was it that said the band stopped playing coz they were too stoned - im sure that was a quote from you Sam


It's hard to believe that a respected weed breeder can be such a racist. My white dope is good and your black dope is inferior and bad. Give me a break, dude.

WTF? I enjoy watching Tom go off and sometimes I don't. :biggrin: Where is this racist shit you speak of though? I didn't see him mention black and white?


Is there a point where a little CBD could help to make the high last longer and yet not affect high? Like some of the highbrids :) we see with 29 and 30%? Surely a little cbd might help there? What is the highest THC level you have tested Skunk #1 at Sam? Is Skunk your highest THC plant?

Got any others apart from RKS hidden that we should know about????? :)


Well-known member
In any point, CBD will not help with the HIGH as in the word means.

If talking about a more body / slammed / couch lock / watered down THC effect, CBD should help You obtain that at the correct ratio as You talk about.

In order to not confuse people when We are talking about such, We could imply the NLD / WLD , so for instance if one says NLD high .. atleast I will assume its a soaring high as opposed to if one says WLD high, then I think about alot more pronounced body effect / high.


In any point, CBD will not help with the HIGH as in the word means.

If talking about a more body / slammed / couch lock / watered down THC effect, CBD should help You obtain that at the correct ratio as You talk about.

In order to not confuse people when We are talking about such, We could imply the NLD / WLD , so for instance if one says NLD high .. atleast I will assume its a soaring high as opposed to if one says WLD high, then I think about alot more pronounced body effect / high.

So are you saying that WLD is the CBD devils spawn? LOL....


Well-known member
So are you saying that WLD is the CBD devils spawn? LOL....
No, sorry if my English makes it translates to it.

Just meant that in order not to confuse people and to try and answer ozza , that "high" is a broad spectrum and needs to be defined when we talk about it. Because Yours high is not what others might seek or relates to as a high and such with different people.

SamS im all on Your side on this one, loving the info in here !

/edit (a little more toughts)

CBD will also disrupt the high of WLD varietes, but to a degree (on average) that would be harder to reconize due to the more body and "relaxed" type of high as opposed to NLD where its all about the head. And yes there is also some WLDs with native CBD but sure it might be working against the strain and the only reason being present, is the hashish farmers way "not selecting" ?


Active member
WTF? I enjoy watching Tom go off and sometimes I don't. :biggrin: Where is this racist shit you speak of though? I didn't see him mention black and white?

White = THC (The good guy). Black = CBD (The bad guy) Racist = reference to the Cannabis race.

The comment was in regard to Mr. Hill's ranting.


Active member
Oldchuck I think your color blind...all across the country the one who is really treated like a "dark skinned feller", especially where this sort of racism used to rule the land, is THC and you can see it in the "CBD" only laws or in comments how thc is REcreational and CBD is the medical aspect, even while the Marijuana policy project states 98% of patients Require THC in the dosage, and Currently only 2% "require" CBD in the dosage
