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CBD Savior or Devil?

CBD Savior or Devil?

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Adding cbd to the gene pool doesn't concern me at all. I am much more concerned with cannabis genetics being sold to big pharma.


senior member
Adding cbd to the gene pool doesn't concern me at all. I am much more concerned with cannabis genetics being sold to big pharma.

Me too brotha, me too. I'm sure Monsanto has some surprises in store for us mere mortals sometime soon. And the "selling" has already taken place. Patents coming as well. With monsato's old corporate lawyer on the supreme court, watch your ass, and save your seeds.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
more worried about how people can continue to fuck it up for each other
less worried about what naturally happens to the gene pool thru that time period...
like someone stated on page1, people used to think devilishly of polyhybrids, like sam said, the mixing of indica (Wide Leave Drug varieties) and Sativa (Narrow Leaf Drug varieties) was even frowned upon some at a time....
such is progress, and no it's not always a good thing, but in the case of cannabis and humans, the restrictions on our relationship as species is self-imposed.


Active member

no points really to attack or defend about increasing awareness.

the internet is a place for certain types of personalities. there are probably a few folks out there who don't know or care what the internet or seed packets say about weed and are selecting whatever plants get them high. keeping it real instead of referential.


theres a soil test the did in Morocco where they grow and produce 00 hashish.. very high quality.. So they found that the more the farmer grows the same strain, in the same soil, using the same plant management practices,--> the more the THC and CBD would want to equalize.

there are over 6o different cannabinoids that make up the 100% any cannabinoid over 0.5% is considered to be high or large amounts compared to the rest...

a strain can be high in several different cannabinoids..

the good thing about plant breeding is the parent stock that the strain or variety is bred from is absolutely crucial for the strain to continue and must be preserved..
they have to keep all the old strains to be able make new strains..


Originally Posted by Sam_Skunkman
It took hundreds if not thousands of years for local farmers to remove all the CBD from Cannabis they grew/bred. This was done the old way trying each plant and by only saving the seeds of the best for future growing. It worked remarkably well many NLD types have little to no other Cannabinoids beside THC.

Drug cannabis is just a part of the overall cannabis gene pool and i'd love to see the figures on CBD content of hash from 100 or a thousand years ago and see how you came to this hypothesis.
Chunkypigs in blue

Reread my post, I was saying dry sift hash, it is made from WLD varieties and of course their are no analysis from 1000 or even 100 years ago as THC was only discovered in 1964.

In the last decade everyone has jumped on the CBD bandwagon and thousands of folks are making hybrids with THC/CBD, they are in fact undoing the work that took a long time.

in the last decade we have seen grower accessible lab testing go from zero labs to probably
50 today scattered across the recreational and medical states.
where before maybe the numbers of tests run have gone from a few hundred per year to hundreds per day now.
I suspect you have too little data about the past because testing was practically non existent and unavailable to American seed makers and growers.
the same strains people use medicinally are often the most popular recreational strains, they are clone-only and don't show signs of increasing CBD content.

I have data on hundreds if not thousands of WLD and NLD varieties grown by me in my greenhouse and analyzed in my Lab via GC or HPLC, I had both more then a decade before any of the labs you refer to even existed. Reread my posts I am referring to newly bred varieties after the CBD surge, of course the older clones are unchanged and do not have more CBD then they did when selected pre-CBD surge.

I have nothing against CBD for medical use but I do not want it in my recreational Cannabis. CBD delays onset of THC, reduces peak experiences, and makes the reduced effects last longer.
I think the whole CBD fad (like most non-medical CBD use) will end up screwing the Cannabis recreational drug genepool.
This is all ready happening in Labs, there used to be little CBD found in recreational varieties, now it is common to find .5-5% CBD in a lot of the newer recreational varieties, in a few years it will only get worse.

you are using anecdotal numbers posted on sites like this not the easily checked numbers from labs in these different states.


these 5 ( and there are more) post all their results online for anyone to sift through.
no evidence of CBD numbers approaching 0.4 consistently just a few outliers, let alone .5 to 5%!!!
Are you smoking OGKB Bro??? where do you get these numbers???

Check only the newest bred varieties and get back to me I am friends with many of the top labs in the USA, I helped them when they first got started as I had a decade of Lab experience under my belt. My lab was legally licensed to work with Cannabis and Cannabinoids, so we could order analytical standards from Sigma, the NIDA, the UN.
And we found and solved many analytical problems facing Cannabis analysis.

Originally Posted by GanjaRebelSeeds
Not sure why the other thread was closed.
Here's the lab results from my GSC. Grown 100% organic,outdoors.
23.6% THC,3.5% CBD= 27.1% Cannabinoids.
these anecdotes never come with test results and even if somebody pops a cookie seed and gets a rare high CBD expression so what?
most folks who have smoked it think cookies are one of the best drug and medical varieties to appear since Chem?
where is your evidence of the gene pool getting ruined? we keep finding stronger and stronger strains,
in spite of folks experimenting with CBD for medical reasons.

Like the invasion of WLD varieties into the NLD genepool in Calif after WLD introductions, CBD will creep into the THC drug gene pool. If you can't see it maybe you do not want to?

CBD should be kept out of recreational varieties, and it is not happeneing, the exact opposite is happening. CBD varieties should not be used for breeding to make seeds to be sold or given to non medical users, they will be used to make hybrids that enter the recreational market and genepool.
Next I expect some unthinking folks to take CBD rich varieties to the traditional Ganja areas, that will pollute the NLD genepool in any area they do this in.
I am happy to hear others views on the subject.

I would say that we are presently a long way from being able to say definitively that recreational or drug cannabis is always better if it has less CBD.
you are a big proponent of Terpenes matter more than amount of THC and I assert that it is the same with CBD.
we may not even know the names of compounds that are responsible for the high we feel when we smoke.
I think the current state of cannabis is better than ever in the states in spite of all the experimentation being done.
the testing results of labs in the USA today deny the figures you are throwing around in the opening post.
the boots on the ground sharing of the people I talk to indicate that our most popular/fad strain GG#4 is neither polluted by CBD or any weaker than the stuff grow from your gear.
I appreciate your experience and involvement in the scene by I don't thing humans are going to fundamentally change their drug selection behavior regarding cannabis as a result of a small number of people finding CBD medically or recreationally beneficial.
from my observations growers choose what to grow based chiefly on economic factors.
not cannabiniod profiles and i suspect that was exactly the same one thousand years ago.

I can say that I and many of my friends do not want any CBD in their Cannabis or resin, I never said no one likes it, for whatever reason, I said I do not like it at all. And most people I know that added pure CBD to their favorite Cannabis or resin also think it made it longer for the effects to onset, as well as reduced peak experiences, and a long lasting effect. They did not like it better. Many many people say they like CBD because pure THC varieties make them uncomfortable to high...


Has difficulty in breeding out the CBD gene that's been bred in been documented? CBD will be bred out the same way it always has been when hash wasn't the product - the seeds planted are those from the strongest females. Plants with equal amounts are obviously inferior, with a flattened high.

I am not sure, I am speaking from experience breeding for Cannabinoids for decades, I think it is. But it is easier to have a THC only genepool to use then to have to try and make one.


Bodhi is a breeder who is doing a pretty good job breeding separate thc and cbd lines

"Ancient OG" tested 27% THC and 0.02% CBD, "ACDC x Good Medicine" tested 16% THC and 8% CBD

anyway i think now breeding is much more sophisticated than it was hundreds of years ago so i imagine the CBD can be bred out of hybrids just as quickly as it was bred in.

I have not grown any Bhodi seeds do they have a GC or HPLC in house lab to test every male and female they grow before breeding with it? You need one to do good Cannabinoid breeding also grow many plants.
I would like to see the results and who did the test for 27% THC, but finding a high THC with little CBD did not used to be so hard.

I can assure you it is harder to bred out CBD then put it in.


I have not grown any Bhodi seeds do they have a GC or HPLC in house lab to test every male and female they grow before breeding with it? You need one to do good Cannabinoid breeding also grow many plants.
Sam does any breeder have that?

FWIW bodhi works with SC Labs when breeding his cbd-rich lines.

I would like to see the results and who did the test for 27% THC, but finding a high THC with little CBD did not used to be so hard.
heres a link to my Ancient OG test (27.88% THC, 0.03% cbd):


I can assure you it is harder to bred out CBD then put it in.
Maybe, maybe not. But surely a breeder who is equipped with, as you put it, " a GC or HPLC in house lab to test every male and female they grow before breeding with it", should be able to breed in or out whatever traits they so desire without too much difficulty.


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please explain mathematically how adding cbd ruins the genepool?

Try them and you will agree or not, I do not want or like them at all.

I get the old heads don't think it gets you high or its not valuable but truthfully i think your opinions matter less and less on the subject and you need to try some of the high cbd gear that is floating around the med states to make a better judgement

I have access to anything I want, I was in the USA Calif recently and tried a bunch, they suck in my view, first of all the have a much more pronounced ceiling effect I do not want at all, if I smoke one before I smoke my own resin then I can't get as high and the high is altered negatively in my view..

on the opposite how does selecting thc cultivars from mixed landrace stocks prove to be better? like was done in the past
They just save the seeds of the plants they like when they smoke them.
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Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
Many many people say they like CBD because pure THC varieties make them uncomfortable to high...

i like that way of saying it, a good ( much older ) friend of mine could NOT smoke glue with me, but he LOVED the canna-tsu... more a mellow buzz,
i think my translation is that CBD rich cannabis is good for "user friendly" recreational cannabis experience, where as the high THC (no CBD) is generally going to be STRONGER, LONGER, and kick in QUICKER, all traits that may "freak out" beginning or occasional recreational cannabis users - which there are SURE TO BE MANY MANY as cannabis legalisation spreads slowly across the world (i know it's a long ways off, call me optimistic).

point is; if there are sure to be many many new users, and many many cannabis users like CBD varieties because the CBD mellows intense efffects of HIGH THC cannabis (lots more of that going around nowadays) CBD weed certainly has a place for entry level users...
just has to be labeled and treated as such, not to be intermixed / bred with THC rich lines ("hash plants"). perhaps a good option for fem seeds (i hate to say it!)

that "beginner weed" upvote for CBD, plus the MEDICAL benefits of it... certainly not a devil imo.


In my experience as a sufferer of chronic pain CBD has been a godsend.

I am glad it helps you.

In order to get my bone, nerve, and bowel pain to a comfortable level I have to absolutely fuck myself up on OGs/Chem Etc.
All the high CBD strains I've grown or bought always aid the THC in lessening pain and bringing the head high to where it's not head spinning.

I want to spin, I like it, I have never been to high like you talk about.

I find I can either smoke or ingest the CBD mixed with the high THC, or after I've had my fill of THC and have the same desired effect.

That is good for you.

I haven't had one high CBD strain that wasn't pleasurable to smoke.
And more often than not they get me as physically stoned as all the clone onlys, they just don't make my head spin for hours.

I want to spin for hours, I like it, and I have never had a CBD variety I liked for many reasons, #1 is it reduces peak experiences of the THC. #2 it has much more ceiling effects. That alone is enough for me to not like them.
I mean if you smoke 100 mg of pure CBD first thing in the morning you can't get high from even smoking my 99.9% resin head hash, maybe that will show you why I do not want anything close to that?
8-12 hours of not being able to get high on Cannabis, not for me.

I had the pleasure of going to the Oly,Wa hempfest where dabs were free, as well as hits from a CBD pen a few tents down.
The experience of too many dabs followed by a hit from the CBD pen blew me away. My head high came to a nice, socializing level, I regained full motor skills and I was even more stoned to the bone.

What you call stoned to the bone is not what I call stoned to the bone, I want THC and the right terpenes, no CBD, I do not like it and it does not get me more stoned it brings me down. I had a group of friends that recently tried 100MG pure CBD and then could not get high for the day the next day they did the opposite they smoke a bunch of high THC resin then smoked 100mg CBD they all said they almost got straight it took away their THC high almost all of it. They were bummed....

Just my opinion as a rec smoker that fell into chronic illness.
I think it's indispensable, and one of the reasons marijuana is becoming more socially acceptable.

Yes, but you are a rec smoker that does not really enjoy highest THC only products, I do.

You can have your CBD and also keep it out of the general high THC drug genepool, then we are both happy?

Or do you think that CBD should be added to every Cannabis variety out there?

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Sam does any breeder have that?

I do, for the last 25 years.

FWIW bodhi works with SC Labs when breeding his cbd-rich lines.

heres a link to my Ancient OG test (27.88% THC, 0.03% cbd):


Maybe, maybe not. But surely a breeder who is equipped with, as you put it, " a GC or HPLC in house lab to test every male and female they grow before breeding with it", should be able to breed in or out whatever traits they so desire without too much difficulty.

I say you are wrong, it is a lot of extra work.


I say you are wrong, it is a lot of extra work.

work isnt always difficult. IF somebody is really concerned then they will do what's necessary.

Anyway it's a non-issue. i just posted proof that there are low-cbd strains being offered currently


work isnt always difficult. IF somebody is really concerned then they will do what's necessary.

Anyway it's a non-issue. i just posted proof that there are low-cbd strains being offered currently

I did not claim that all new varieties will have CBD in them.
And I talked to the folks at SC labs when I was in SC last year they said they do see a rise in CBD levels in "newly bred varieties", same with SteephillHalent and others I talked to. It is not a non-issue, any more then WLD varieties being taken to California first then, Mexico, Jamaica and Morocco where they contaminate the local landrace genepool is a non-issue. Both of these issues matter, they would be much easier to prevent then cure after the fact. Like with intersex Cannabis.


there are published results of cop bust tests from the 60ts that clearly show CBD has always been there, in large amounts, in both hashish and hash oil. all of which was imported back then from traditional cannabis consuming cultures..


there are published results of cop bust tests from the 60ts that clearly show CBD has always been there, in large amounts, in both hashish and hash oil. all of which was imported back then from traditional cannabis consuming cultures..

I agree, I have read the UN and DEA/BND potency and analysis reports and WLD varieties like grown in Afghanistan and the surrounding areas do have CBD found in them or in the hashish or Hash oil made from them. The tests were from the late 60's as THC was only discovered in 1964.


so when you created your "pure" cbd strain was it 100% cbd or only 96-98% pure? Also was it a fiber strain that only produced 1.5% total cannabioids or a real plant that produces 15% + total? I got a feeling you smoked some rope and think it sucks either that or you got some different brain chemistry then the rest of the world.


so when you created your "pure" cbd strain was it 100% cbd or only 96-98% pure? Also was it a fiber strain that only produced 1.5% total cannabioids or a real plant that produces 15% + total? I got a feeling you smoked some rope and think it sucks either that or you got some different brain chemistry then the rest of the world.

Almost zero THC.
Manicured buds were over 10% CBD.
Yes I have smoked rope, yes I thought it sucked.
Yes I thought our CBD variety sucked when I tried it.
Medical users may have a different set of needs for CBD.
I think my brain is the same as most, what can I say?
Maybe ask RCC or my wife?